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81608   zzyzzx   2017 Mar 9, 11:50am  


Hiring Rapefugees Is Hurting Starbucks’ Brand, Analysts Say

Starbucks' (sbux, -1.35%) decision to hire 10,000 rapefugees at locations worldwide is hurting the coffee giant's brand and could impact earnings, analysts say.

Credit Suisse issued a hold rating on Starbucks, noting "significant volatility in recent weeks," CNBC reports. According to YouGov BrandIndex, consumer perception levels for the company have fallen by two-thirds since late January.

While perception of the world's largest coffee chain is still positive overall, it is significantly lower than it was prior to CEO Howard Schultz's pledge to hire rapefugees in response to President Trump's executive order barring refugees from certain countries.

In response to Starbucks' rapefugee hiring plan, consumers who supported President Trump launched a boycott of the chain.

81609   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 9, 12:05pm  

zzyzzx says

In response to Starbucks' refugee hiring plan, consumers who supported President Trump launched a boycott of the chain.

Yup! These people seem to think Trump got elected because Putin hacked the election. Trump really doesn't have the majority electorial vote.

81610   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 9, 12:05pm  

This is why the world believes what the Washington Posts reports more than what Trump reports. Will there be some angry bird tweets, or has Trump moved onto bigger problems?

81611   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Mar 9, 12:08pm  

rando says

That part could easily be stopped. Britain has taken a step in that direction by leaving the EU.

People are moving from Africa to Europe and England by boat all the time (when not just walking). They will come by the millions and you can't stop them unless you are willing to shoot people, women and children, indiscriminately, by the thousands. And watch them being killed or starve on the other side, maybe by the million.
The moral core of the west dictates we can't resist, and so we won't.

81612   CBOEtrader   2017 Mar 9, 12:12pm  

"Total viewing audience" is not the same thing as "inauguration crowd". They are talking apples and oranges. Washpost either doesnt care, or they are too retarded to understand basic words.

The inauguration crowd estimate discrepancy is at most 1 million people. 1.5 million is the top end of Trumps comment "It looked like a million, 1.5 million people." 500 thousand seems to be the top end estimate of the washpost types. Ive heard estimates as low as 200k.

Regardless, 1 million people is less than 2% of the estimated total viewing audience.

Team Trump's claim is that the total viewing audience was the largest ever at over 60 million. They provided facts to support this claim.

Estimating total viewing audience to be larger than BO's still seems dubious to me. However, to keep posting these pictures as evidence that trump lied is total fake news. It is totally and completely ignoring what was stated and instead creating a fake narrative.

Thanks for sharing MSM fake news. Just another data point.

81613   Tenpoundbass   2017 Mar 9, 12:19pm  

The same experts that just admitted they lied, did not present accurate facts, nor did they weigh in with this information when it was an issue. Now for them to drag how they were dishonest, does not show Us how dishonest Trump is. Not in any stretch of the imagination.

81614   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 9, 12:48pm  

CBOEtrader says

However, to keep posting these pictures as evidence that trump lied is total fake news. It is totally and completely ignoring what was stated and instead creating a fake narrative.

The facts are that these pictures went out and the news correctly reported that Trump's in person crowd size was much smaller than Barack Obama's.

Here's what Trump did:
Had Spicer to a press conference and state that photographs were intentionally framed in a way to make Trump's crowd look small. He referred to this crowd as enormous. He said it was the first time that floor coverings were used on the mall, and that was false. He said that no one had crowd size numbers, because the NPS doesn't issue those. That's not true. Other people can make and report crowd estimates. He also stated that it was the biggest audience to ever witness an inauguration period. Both in person and around the globe. That was false. The audience in person was not the largest. He then said that all of these attempts to lessen the enthusiasm are shameful and wrong.
Had Priebus go on the Sunday shows to claim: "The point is the attacks and the attempt to de-legitimize this president in one day, and we're not going to sit around and take it."

IMO, the only thing that was shameful and wrong about that whole event was Spicer's press conference, which was riddled with lies. It was shameful, because he was attacking the press for reporting the truth, as these new photographs show. The 'narrative' that I see is that Trump was upset about his image and threw a hugely public temper tantrum as his first act as president.

Trump's estimate of 1 to 1.5 million people in person was ridiculous. It was worded as 'it looked like...,' so it wasn't necessarily a lie. But it was either a lie, or shows that he is personally willing to go with his gut about things he knows nothing about. I'm going with the latter.

81615   curious2   2017 Mar 9, 1:52pm  

Tim Aurora says

it would be illegal.

According to what law?

81616   curious2   2017 Mar 9, 1:59pm  

Tim Aurora says

Trump's bill did not stand the "religion" criteria and was struck down by justice department.


You have apparently relied on fake news instead of reading the actual court decisions. The Department of Justice (aka DoJ or "justice department") defended the Executive Order. Opponents chose courts that granted temporary restraining orders delaying enforcement. Rather than await years of litigation, the President issued a new Executive Order, which will most likely take effect next week.

81617   Patrick   2017 Mar 9, 2:03pm  

Thanks for the clarification @curious2 !

81618   curious2   2017 Mar 9, 3:21pm  

Tim Aurora says

You did not wait till I corrected my statement from DOJ to Judge.

I will wait until you correct your statement from "illegal" to "legal."

81619   CBOEtrader   2017 Mar 9, 4:07pm  

NuttBoxer says

CBOEtrader says

According to Clif, this is evidence of a massive technology shift which will eat up the world's silver supply. He forecasts that silver will be at parity with gold in 5 years.

I can tell you from that alone the guy is a fortune teller, not a market analyst. Silver will outperform gold in terms of gain per oz, but not in terms of actual value. And timeline is closer to 3 years max. This is from someone who has been analyzing metals values for a living for over 30 years.

What're your thoughts on the technology to wildly increase silver demand theory?

81620   RWSGFY   2017 Mar 9, 4:48pm  

Tim Aurora says

For all said and done Canada does it, based on competency. However, it cannot be based on race or religion directly otherwise it would be illegal.

Age is also a factor in their points system. Which means if you are over 35 or so (IIRC) you have practically no chance to be admitted all you competence notwithstanding.

81621   CBOEtrader   2017 Mar 9, 6:32pm  

Time to compare trading accounts :) whip em out fellas... I kid I kid

81622   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Mar 9, 8:33pm  

gold is 100% speculation.

81623   anotheraccount   2017 Mar 9, 9:06pm  

1200 is a good level to buy. Maybe it gets down to 11-251150 if 10 years go to 3%. I don't think the world can handle US rates above 3%, not when oil can't stay above 50.

81624   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Mar 9, 9:19pm  

go there if you want some free suicide bombings to go with your morning coffee.

81625   Rew   2017 Mar 9, 10:27pm  

Legal refugees, that Starbucks wants to help ... yeah, that sounds like something someone should oppose. (eye roll)

And really you hurt the 8,000+ vets (and counting) Starbucks already hired, but do what you feel is right.

I think it is xenophobic dip-shittery. To each their own.

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

go there if you want some free suicide bombings to go with your morning coffee.

Wake me when one happens.

81626   Rew   2017 Mar 9, 10:31pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Yup! These people seem to think Trump got elected because Putin hacked the election. Trump really doesn't have the majority electorial vote.

Oh for crying out loud! LOL

Trump won the electoral college ... much to his, the world, the nations, and his campaigns surprise. There is enough smoke in Russian ties, and enough undisclosed information from Trump, to warrant an independent investigation.

That's all.

You know, Obama's justice department interrogated the hell out of Hillary for far less. Obama DID that.

The rest is just deliciously embarrassing, like this little gem ...


... which really hurts you, doesn't it?

Call it fake news. Come on ... let me hear it ... (holds hand up to ear)

81627   Rew   2017 Mar 9, 10:50pm  

zzyzzx says

In response to Starbucks' rapefugee hiring plan, consumers who supported President Trump launched a boycott of the chain.

And just like my new news subscriptions, my donations to PP and the ACLU, I've upped my Starbucks activity even more.

Tell me what you hate Trumpthuglicans. I'll happily go support it.

81628   Done   2017 Mar 9, 11:23pm  

PS logistically you could sell USD/MXN buy USD/CAD if you are looking to speculate.
Both should follow natural correlation patterns. More ramble.

81629   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 12:10am  

Ironman says


Starbucks is already over 8,000 vets in recent hiring push they made. They have way more than that company wide.

81630   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:19am  

Training for a surprised expression? (Guess)

81631   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:23am  

Half the US and Australia no more. :(

Florida is projected to be underwater anyway. Har-har.

81632   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:24am  

Wrinkle smile line junk? Lol

81633   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:24am  

Cheek muscles!

(Facial muscle toning)

81634   FortWayne   2017 Mar 10, 8:28am  

Fake news

81635   FortWayne   2017 Mar 10, 8:32am  

As a shareholder I'm ticked off they got into politics.

81636   Entitlemented   2017 Mar 10, 8:35am  

$2.50 for a cup of 0.05 c coffee. Isnt this anti progressive price gouging?

Your all democrats if you support this!

81637   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 10, 8:37am  

I thought if they had anime and robot costplay, this was plastic blow up doll costplay.

81638   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:39am  

Wogster, how does Chile dodge that so well?

- coastal effect
- are they relatively dry heat as well? (Larger capacity for wet bulb cooling?)

I'm thinking this is how California manages to squeak by. There have been a few darn right sticky tropical days in San Jose the past couple years though.

81639   anonymous   2017 Mar 10, 8:41am  

Are California and Chile both mostly higher elevations?
Because mountains

81640   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 10, 8:46am  

Rew says

Starbucks is already over 8,000 vets in recent hiring push they made. They have way more than that company wide.

When companies says this, they usually don't seek to actively hire vets. They hire normally and a portion will be veterans. When HR tallies those with a military record arriving at 10,000, they declare "We hired the Vets we promised".

(I suspect this may be the case with refugees)
Entitlemented says

$2.50 for a cup of 0.05 c coffee. Isnt this anti progressive price gouging?

And they don't even put the cream or sugar in it for you. It's like paying $2.50 for self-serve gasoline when the place across the street has full-service for $1.35/gallon.

Dunkies kicks Starbucks' ass.

81641   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:48am  

FortWayne, I agree.

I'm pretty pissed about Citizens United in general as well, but if Trump manages to allow religious institutions the same direct donations power, well ... Companies may be the only counterbalance of opposition there.

81642   RWSGFY   2017 Mar 10, 8:49am  

Rew says

Half the US and Australia no more. :(

We've got AC, bitchez!

81643   Dan8267   2017 Mar 10, 8:58am  

FortWayne says

Fake news

FortWayne Unabridged Dictionary

Fake news (n) - Real news that discredits my political agenda. For example, climate data independently confirmed by hundreds of organizations around the world is fake news if that data demonstrates that man-made climate change is going to kill people because public acceptance of that fact would cause a lack of support for my selfish political interests. See also facts.

Fact (n) - Something to be avoided at all times when discussing politics because facts cannot be controlled. Instead, convince the audience to accept a delusion over facts. Delusions can be shaped to support whatever political agenda you have. Facts are stubbornly resistant to change and have a liberal bias.

Liberal (adj) - Communism, socialism, progressiveness, Nazism, witchcraft. Some dictionaries list these terms as having different definitions, but I don't understand the difference, so I'll just lump them all together. All I know is that I hate liberals, and I blame them for every problem I create.

Jesus Christ (proper noun) - Founding father of the United States of America; author of the Constitution; card-carrying NRA member. He hates fags and is very much in favor of torturing those who deserve it. Also, he's in favor of capital punishment having first hand experience in that.

Donald Trump (proper noun) - Second coming of Jesus Christ, just with smaller hands. Smaller hands makes it easier to grab pussy.

81644   Rew   2017 Mar 10, 8:59am  

Our power grid, in life threatening heat, is going to fail due to load.

We really DON'T have AC we can count on.

81645   Dan8267   2017 Mar 10, 8:59am  

Rew says

We really DON'T have AC we can count on.

Americans will sit in their cars idling with the AC turned on while eating McDonald's.

81646   RWSGFY   2017 Mar 10, 9:03am  

Rew says

Our power grid, in life threatening heat, is going to fail due to load.

We really DON'T have AC we can count on.

Fuck grid. We have roofs and money for solar panels, bitchez!

81647   Strategist   2017 Mar 10, 9:15am  

Ironman says

Ironman says

That new Twitter hashtag was born after Starbucks Chief Executive Howard Schultz said he would hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years in the 75 countries where Starbucks operates.

I wonder how the women in Saudi feel about that?

Wont have an impact on Saudi Arabia. They don't allow refugees into their country.

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