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Too damn late, if only we had let India run wild in the 70s, there would be no Pakistan. Only the City-State of Karachi, the Tribal Frontier Federation, Balochistan, etc.
Now they have the goddamned bomb, and likely have a deal to share it with Saudis on demand since they financed AQ Khan's program.
Too damn late, if only we had let India run wild in the 70s, there would be no Pakistan. Only the City-State of Karachi, the Tribal Frontier Federation, Balochistan, etc.
Now they have the goddamned bomb, and likely have a deal to share it with Saudis on demand since they financed AQ Khan's program.
I read Pakistan has guaranteed Saudi Arabia's survival. Obviously they will use nukes if they have to. Pakistan has hundreds of nukes spread out in their country.
BTW, if @Rashomon wants to dismiss Pakistan's largest English language newspaper as "fake news," please note the other links in this post go to Human Rights Watch and HIllary Clinton.
Rashomon probably supports anti blasphemy laws
Remember, Rashomon NEVER spoke out against Mohammad having sex with a child, despite several attempts on our part to get him to speak out against the practice. He actually defended the practice by stating it was common in those days.
Only a Muslim would do that. Am I right, Rashid?
Founded by the principal founder of Pakistan, Dawn remains the largest English language newspaper in Pakistan:
"[T]he minister and the ambassadors...resolved that legal options would be exercised and courts in the countries from where the objectionable material were originating would be moved.
There was unanimity among those attending the meeting that the Ummah stood united in protecting the sanctity and dignity of its religion and of Prophet Muhammad ([piss] be upon him).
Muslim countries should join hands to impress upon the international community that it should get rid of major irritants like Islamophobia.
Chaudhry Nisar was of the view that the international community should recognise that wilful distortion of any religion was like carrying out a terrorist attack.
The countries whose ambassadors or other diplomats attended the meeting included Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Maldives, Qatar, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Jordon, Kuwait, Malaysia, Palestine, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates."
Several of these governments would not even exist without American "aid". Now, they want to prosecute "Islamophobia", aka blasphemy against Islam. As is common in "Islamic thinking", they liken blasphemy to terrorism, thus justifying lethal retaliation against blasphemy. KSA law already calls atheists terrorists, because atheists deny the fundamentals of Islam. Nixon's cold war deals with KSA and Pakistan, and bipartisan support for the Pakistani ISI and Afghani Mujahideen, created a monster that's been coming back to bite us ever since.
BTW, if @Rashomon wants to dismiss Pakistan's largest English language newspaper as "fake news," please note the other links in this post go to Human Rights Watch and HIllary Clinton.