Did he really just say that? The Trump/Spicer project just went Godwin on us

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2017 Apr 11, 12:46pm   2,920 views  18 comments

by FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Spicer said that Hitler didn't even stoop to using chemical weapons.
How does he keep embarrassment from turning his face bright red while the hamster in his head tries to justify what he just said?


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1   Rew   2017 Apr 11, 12:53pm  

He was allowed to clarify later. Some limited battlefield use, but Spicey-time is mostly correct. Hitler didn't want to go there. He remembered WWI. He knew it would be returned in kind.

In a way, that was the MAD of its day.

Yes, the holocaust, and other atrocities. No, to indiscriminate battlefield use.

2   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 11, 1:23pm  

The biggest objection here is that he is implying that Assad is worse than Hitler, because even Hitler didn't stoop that low. That's terrible, and like most other invocations of Hitler, it is a distraction and makes the user look like an idiot.

His first statement that they didn't use them was flat out wrong, because he used chemical weapons in the gas chambers.

His clarification included this gem "He was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,"

This is funny, because he was qualifying his statement by saying 'on his own people' and in 'the same way' as Assad is doing. Well, is he pointing out that the Jews living in Germany were not is own people, or that Hitler was using the gas more efficiently than Assad is doing?

The first point of clarification: Jews being not his own people could also apply to Assad killing people of other religions if that's how you define your own people. But of course, 'his own people' is generally used to refer to countrymen, and Hitler killed German Jews.

The second point of clarification is the qualification 'in the same way.' Well, Hitler brought the targets into a confined space to kill Jews and gays more efficiently. Don't want to waste any gas or accidentally kill a real human, right? At one point, Hitler didn't even want to pay for cyanide gas, so he started using bus exhaust, which still qualifies as a chemical weapon, IMO.

This one was a flat out fail on Spicer's part.

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 11, 1:28pm  

Updated Establishment Narrative:
"Trump, whom Putin put in power, is going on hard on Putin Ally Assad, because Assad used chemicals for no good reason"

4   Blurtman   2017 Apr 11, 1:34pm  

YesYNot says

"He was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,"

That is an absurd statement. Many of the Jews gassed were his own people, i.e., citizens of Germany. In Spicer's world, Assad could claim the Sunnis aren't his own people as well. Spicer - dumbass.

5   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 11, 6:13pm  

Pre April: "Trump is LITERALLY Hitler" "How the rise of Trump is like the rise of Hitler"
April: "How DARE anybody use a Hitler Analogy! That's not a joke, be Serious!"

6   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 11, 6:26pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Trump is LITERALLY Hitler

No one said that. It certainly didn't come out of the president or press secretary's mouth.

Lots of people discussed whether there were similarities between Trump's ruse and Hitler's rise. No one compared Trump's actions to Hitler's actions during WW2. Spicer was comparing Assads actions were so bad, not even Hitler did it during WW2.

7   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 11, 6:26pm  

I see he apologized. He must have thought better about dragging this one out until he was fired.

8   FortWayne   2017 Apr 11, 6:27pm  

Faux liberal outrage again there...

9   Rew   2017 Apr 12, 7:47am  

Totally careless in speech and underprepared, as normal, but what followed was an amazing over abundance of attention. This was far less egregious than what Spicer has done prior.

Spicer shows in the below, while he still cannot be very direct, he at least understands general tact and culpability.


10   Blurtman   2017 Apr 12, 7:55am  

Spicer is basically saying that using poison gas against an enemy during a brutal war is worse than rounding up citizens, placing them in concentration camps, and gassing them. You decide.

11   Rew   2017 Apr 12, 8:20am  

No. He was trying to say Hitler didn't use gas against opposing military forces.

It's a weird and not needed comparison to make for the purposes of justifying the tomahawk strike.

Spicer forgot that nuance isn't his, or the Trump administration's, strength. Besides which the reason Hitter didn't go chemical was because he would receive it back in kind. Assad would make the same decision as well, if he was facing chemical weapons pointed the other direction.

12   Blurtman   2017 Apr 12, 8:26am  

Rew says

No. He was trying to say Hitler didn't use gas against opposing military forces.

Yes, but Hitler did gas German citizens and others in camps, which is obvious even to grade school children. You can't claim Assad is worse, based solely upon use against opposing forces. It is just an absurd comparison.

13   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 12, 8:31am  

WTF is wrong with this idiot. He's still arguing and excusing himself although admitting a mistake. Why can't he simply make a heart-felt apology and let people forgive him for it.

Here's how you do it:
What Hitler did was reprehensible (evil if you are religious) and incomparable. Nobody should be comparing Assad's actions to Hitler's actions during WWII, and they should certainly not imply that Assad has been worse than Hitler. I made a terrible mistake by doing exactly that, and what I said was offensive to many Jewish people. I recognize my mistake and apologize to everyone who I offended. On top of that, I distracted everybody from the how terrible Assad's actions were, so this has been counterproductive. The point that I was trying to make was that the use of chemical weapons by Assad was reprehensible. It is hard to find historical comparisons to describe how bad it was, because it is very rare to see this kind of depraved activity. It is very important for myself as well as the media to get back to that message, because peoples lives depend on it. I don't care about my reputation, but I would hate for my mistake to harm others.

This apology gets to the point and I believe would be accepted immediately. It took me about 5 minutes to write. Spicer is not an idiot and could figure this out if he wanted to. I'm wondering if he doesn't want to make such an apology, because he doesn't want to seem like his is cowing to Jews. It's bad enough that the alt-right hero Bannon was just teabagged by a young Jew. If Spicer is also shown to be cucked by the Jews, what will the base think?

14   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 12, 8:38am  

Rew says

Besides which the reason Hitter didn't go chemical was because he would receive it back in kind. Assad would make the same decision as well, if he was facing chemical weapons pointed the other direction.

Exactly. Hitler did his evil gassing in private as a way to efficiently kill people. Hitler's restraint in this particular area was strategic, not because his moral compass told him not to go there. If you accept that, then Spicer's comment made no sense. Assad was doing it in public as a way to terrorize people, and he thought he can get away with it.

I think that Spicer's comment was off the cuff. It was too stupid for someone to have thought about it ahead of time.

15   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 12, 8:55am  


Zyklon B was a fruit drink!

Where's the best place to buy in bulk?

16   Blurtman   2017 Apr 12, 8:55am  

Best to stay away from the Hitler third rail. And while Jews were targeted disproportionately in Hilter's death camps, victims also included other ethnicities, the disabled, gays, etc. Pelosi's disgusting attempt to use this gaffe as an anti-Jewish attack is an illustration of her toxic mind and why she is a liability to her party and this country.

17   junkmail   2017 Apr 12, 10:35am  

I guess we're entering the generation who doesn't remember the war. Perhaps that's why we're running headlong into another?

Mby Hollywood can help with another 100 or so movies about the holocaust. After they've come out of their comic strip phase.

See? One 'black' Oscar without a WW2/Camp/Nazi contender and all shit breaks loose.

Mby we can have a comic strip style Hollywood blockbuster with a Rabbi superhero where the jews win WW2 this time.

Oh that's right WW2 wasn't about the jews at all. Ok I'll settle for just one WW2 movie where the truth is told.

Where Russia breaks the back of the wehrmacht at Stalingrad and that's when the second world war was won in europe.

18   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 12, 10:36am  

GODS can say what they want!

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