Trump blows away the previous record bigly. He is least popular president after 100 days by miles.

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2017 Apr 24, 8:06am   8,572 views  41 comments

by FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

according to Post-ABC poll:
Trump is the only president in history to have a net negative approval rating. 42% approve and 53% dissaprove, giving him a -11 net approval rating. The next two worst are Gerald ford with +14% and Bill Clinton with +20. Obama had +43, making Trump look like a hated toxic leper relatively. JFK killed it with +72%.



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1   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 24, 8:07am  

He's polling near 100% with Patriots. You idiots voted a Muslim Kenyan into office twice.
You're opinion doesn't count in this man's Army.

2   anonymous   2017 Apr 24, 8:08am  

100 days came and went quickly, and with nothing to show for it. So much for getting shit done right away. Lmao at the suckers that bought into this hucksters load of crap.

3   anonymous   2017 Apr 24, 8:11am  

Tenpoundbass says

He's polling near 100% with Patriots. You idiots voted a Muslim Kenyan into office twice.

You're opinion doesn't count in this man's Army.

By Patriots, you mean anti-American useful idiots.

Repeal and Replace Heritage Foundation Care lmao you guys actually believed that steaming pile of dung of a lie.



4   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 24, 8:16am  

Look all's I know is nobody is going to jail for flying the American flag today. Not today, and that's nice...
Nobody will be told in an American city to go home because they love America. The American Dark Ages is over, the Moor is gone.

5   anonymous   2017 Apr 24, 8:17am  

Tenpoundbass says

Look all's I know is nobody is going to jail for flying the American flag today. Not today, and that's nice...

Nobody will be told in an American city to go home because they love America. The American Dark Ages is over, the Moor is gone.

That's false

7   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 24, 8:40am  

lol. The only person who was trying to manipulate the audience was the guy saying one thing after his press conference in Mexico and something entirely different later in the day at his Rally. The paper switched headlines, because Trump changed his position. Yes, it all happened in one day in what was the most dramatic political flip flop ever witnessed.

Colleen Schwartz, the Vice President of Communications at The Wall Street Journal, confirmed that these editions were printed at different times, not in different markets. The edition on the left was published after Trump met with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto early in the day (and referenced the seemingly cooperative tone of their discussion), and the edition on the right was published after Trump delivered a speech on immigration later in the day (and referenced Trump’s reasserting his stance that he would force Mexico to pay for the building of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border):

8   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 24, 9:23am  

Ironman says

Gee, I wonder what it would have been if they didn't OVERSAMPLE Dems again...

Does your head hurt from beating it against the same wall over and over again?

9   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 24, 9:48am  

Whatever happens ,maybe all the Ds &R s will continue to vote D & R.
That's why America is in such great shape.
Polluted Earth,Air,Water.
Out sourcing manufacturing & jobs.
A couple of dollars of debt.
This can't happen against the will of 126,000,000 Ds & Rs
& the 140,000,000 non-voters love it.

The only proper response is : "It's not my fault."

10   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 24, 9:53am  

Tenpoundbass says

Look all's I know is nobody is going to jail for flying the American flag today.

When you finish waving you flag can I burn it.
Still love that Freedom of Speech?

Does all the COMMUNIST CHINA crap you buy come with a sticker of the American flag?

11   anonymous   2017 Apr 24, 2:17pm  

YesYNot says

Trump blows away the previous record bigly. He is least popular president after 100 days by miles.   share

This means he's being successful. If you let the majority of people in this country have their way, we'd all have free stuff and turn white men into slaves.

12   Peter P   2017 Apr 24, 2:42pm  

According to a new Washington Post poll, Trump would still win 43-40 against Clinton.

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 2:44pm  

YesYNot says

according to Post-ABC poll:

It also put forward data that shows Trump would win the popular vote as well as the Electoral College if the election was held today, based on the next set of numbers.

85% of Clintonista Reactionaries would vote Hillary again. 92% of Trump Supporters would. Most Hillary non-supporters said they'd vote Green or Libertarian instead.

14   Rew   2017 Apr 24, 2:58pm  

Tenpoundbass says

He's polling near 100% with Patriots.

No no. Most of the Patriots didn't even go see him.

15   Rew   2017 Apr 24, 3:02pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

It also put forward data that shows Trump would win the popular vote as well as the Electoral College if the election was held today

I'd trade a President who is only good at winning campaigns, for one who can lead and improve the country, in a heart-beat.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 3:08pm  

Rew says

No no. Most of the Patriots didn't even go see him.

You missed the Patriot's correction:

Did you miss the Failing NYT retraction?

This is the problem with Oligarch Media. The original claim is seen and shared many many times; the retraction is seen and shared by far fewer, so even Well-Informed people never learn about it.

17   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 24, 3:09pm  

Peter P says

According to a new Washington Post poll, Trump would still win 43-40 against Clinton.

That's true. There's a thread about it. It's also true that he's historically unpopular. He blows away all other records for people disapproving of his performance. That's what this thread is about. Eventually people might understand that he's not running against Clinton anymore. He's the president and will be judged by his accomplishments.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 3:13pm  

YesYNot says

That's true. There's a thread about it. It's also true that he's historically unpopular. He blows away all other records for people disapproving of his performance. That's what this thread is about. Eventually people might understand that he's not running against Clinton anymore. He's the president and will be judged by his accomplishments.

Does he get his Honeymoon now? If he's the President now...

19   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 24, 5:52pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Does he get his Honeymoon now?

What's this honeymoon you speak of? Is it in the Constitution? Why didn't Trump get one? Seems to me, he takes a honeymoon every other weekend at Mar a Lago at the taxpayer's expense and get's to charge the government extra to house the SS and feed them spoiled meat and rancid clams.

Why did the unfair oligarch media report on all of this? Why didn't they just report on how fantastic he looks after a day on the links, how great his properties are, how beautiful his daughter is, and how strong he is?

20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 24, 6:08pm  

Ironman says

89% of the media against him

Good point. That's another huge record Trump has set. No other president managed to turn so many of the press against himself. It's really pretty miraculous that he has failed so hard at managing the press, especially when it is so partisan these days. Nearly half of the press was looking for a way to support him.

21   FortWayne   2017 Apr 24, 7:11pm  

I don't give a damn about polls, nor trust it. He's doing fine

22   Strategist   2017 Apr 24, 7:19pm  

FortWayne says

I don't give a damn about polls, nor trust it. He's doing fine

I think Trump is doing an awesome job.
He is going after ISIS.
Kicked Assad in the butt for using chemical weapons.
Appropriately dealing with N Korea.
Induced confidence in our economy.
Something Obama could not do in 8 years. What more do you want in less than a hundred days?

23   Y   2017 Apr 24, 7:27pm  

Libbies measure success by meaningless popularity votes, Correctomundos measure success by SCOTUS appointments.

YesYNot says

Trump blows away the previous record bigly. He is least popular president after 100 days by miles.

24   Y   2017 Apr 24, 7:30pm  

See above.
Rew says

I'd trade a President who is only good at winning campaigns, for one who can lead and improve the country, in a heart-beat.

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 7:32pm  

YesYNot says

Good point. That's another huge record Trump has set. No other president managed to turn so many of the press against himself. It's really pretty miraculous that he has failed so hard at managing the press, especially when it is so partisan these days. Nearly half of the press was looking for a way to support him.

Who owns the Press, YesYNot?

The People's Co-op of the SFBA?
The Brotherhood Association of Retired Fishermen?

26   Strategist   2017 Apr 24, 7:41pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Nearly half of the press was looking for a way to support him.

Shame on you, YesYNot. The press did everything they could to prevent him from becoming President, and they are doing everything they can to undermine him.
I expected some honesty from you.

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 7:42pm  

YesYNot says

What's this honeymoon you speak of? Is it in the Constitution? Why didn't Trump get one?

It's a longstanding tradition that preserves the peaceful transition of power in a Republic.

It shows that far from being a dispassionate observer, the Media is very much biased and prone to butthurt.

Imagine being in the Deep State's shoes right now. The Dem-Rep BS distraction game is breaking down, it's now issues of substance, like cheap labor being subsidized by mass immigration, nationalism vs. rule of unaccountable supranational organizations, etc. They can't control the narrative!

World News and different Opinions outside the Elite-consensus Overton Window are now available to anybody with two cents to rub together.

28   SuperBuyer   2017 Apr 24, 7:48pm  

BlueSardine says

Libbies measure success by meaningless popularity votes, Correctomundos measure success by SCOTUS appointments.

Trump FAILED to get his nominee appointed using the time-honored method, and Mitch had to give him a bailout that will fuck conservatives in the ass down the road.

Thanks for pointing that out ;)

29   Rew   2017 Apr 24, 8:11pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

You missed the Patriot's correction.

The Patriot's (team) added "context" to the photo, yes. The individual Patriots, not in attendance, did not. Many not attending, despite staff on lawn or elsewhere. :)

BlueSardine says

Libbies measure success by meaningless popularity votes

Never seen president more concerned about ratings than the current one.

30   Rew   2017 Apr 24, 8:13pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

It's a longstanding tradition that preserves the peaceful transition of power in a Republic.

That's not some unwritten tradition, like revealing your taxes. That's the fact that typically incoming presidents are at their popularity height. Trump can hardly sink lower and remain. Gross.

31   SuperBuyer   2017 Apr 24, 8:17pm  

Ironman says

When was the last time a NEW President had 89% of the media against him??

32   Peter P   2017 Apr 24, 8:20pm  

I don't know...

Every Trump supporter I know still supports him.

Even those who "held the noses" in November now say that Trump is a pleasant surprise.

Remember, polls are there to influence, not to inform.

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 9:13pm  

SuperBuyer says

Trump FAILED to get his nominee appointed using the time-honored method, and Mitch had to give him a bailout that will fuck conservatives in the ass down the road.

Did he get his appointee appointed? Yes or No.

Not a dig on you, (actually on JoeyJoeJoe) but I've noticed some people don't understand winning, which is getting what you set out to get.

Also, who started all the crap about Senate Rules and Court Nominees?

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 24, 9:16pm  

Rew says

That's not some unwritten tradition, like revealing your taxes. That's the fact that typically incoming presidents are at their popularity height. Trump can hardly sink lower and remain. Gross.

That is not the case. Dubya, despite all the hanging chads, got a Honeymoon. Even Nixon got a honeymoon.

Honeymoons have been an unwritten tradition, and the Media tossed that norm out the door.

35   UsualOven   2017 Apr 24, 11:39pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

That is not the case. Dubya, despite all the hanging chads, got a Honeymoon. Even Nixon got a honeymoon.

Honeymoons have been an unwritten tradition, and the Media tossed that norm out the door.

A honeymoon for Trump, ha ha that is rich. For there to be a honeymoon you need a marriage or at least some sort of relationship. Trump pretty much eviscerated all his opponents, Dem and Republican. and now you expect them to play nice, roll over and suck his tiny, withered, 70 year old cock. Because "tradition"? Trump is not traditionalist that's why he won and therefore he should expect none of the customary political posturing. These politicians are all giant egotists, what's in it for them? He shit all over, lyin Ted, little Marco and the rest of them for 18 months and is still doing so on the Dem side (Schummer, the clown). The "honeymoon" would have to come from fear and at his level of support about 40% nobody, except his mouth piece Spicer, much fears him.

37   BayArea   2017 Apr 25, 4:59am  

after what happened with polling leading up to and on Election Day, people still have the audacity to bring up polls today?

RIP polling industry. Dead since Nov 8th, 2016.

38   joeyjojojunior   2017 Apr 25, 5:01am  

"Not a dig on you, (actually on JoeyJoeJoe) but I've noticed some people don't understand winning"

And some people can't see what is going on right in front of their face. Or, more likely, they see it but can't admit it to themselves. That's why they continue to bring up candidates that lost 6 months ago ad nauseum. As if showing that their team is only the 2nd worst team in the league is somehow comforting.

39   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 25, 5:16am  

Strategist says

Shame on you, YesYNot. The press did everything they could to prevent him from becoming President, and they are doing everything they can to undermine him.

The press, people, and politicians are all divided into mostly two camps (hard right and left) at the moment. The center is losing. The press is going for audience. The people reflect the press. Politicians make calculations about getting votes. It's a positive feedback loop creating more and more partisanship. Within this market, it takes a lot for someone to come up against both sides of the press. An argument could be made if Trump was anti-corporation that the 'corporate' media was out to get him. But Trump on balance is pro-corporation. That argument doesn't hold water.

Relationships are in fact a two way street. Good managers know how to 'win friends and influence people'. Trump used to have a good relationship with the press. It was probably strained during the birther affair. It failed during the campaign. Most of this was that Trump intentionally picked a fight with them, because he calculated that it would help him. People have a low opinion of the press, and his fight with them (a creation on his part) made him look like David fighting Goliath. Another part of this was that Trump speaks at a low grade level, hasn't expressed any consistent political philosophies (like Reagan did). He's toned down his attacks, probably because he realizes it is not working for him now.

People have come around on Trump to the extent that it is in their best interest. Fox news isn't that hard on Trump. Lots of those guys love Trump despite himself. OTOH, it is in the self-interest of more liberal leaning organizations to be hard on Trump. Their constituents think he's an idiot, a cheat, and a compulsive liar. There is a tremendous audience of people who hate Trump. His approval ratings prove it. Audiences for Colbert and SNL are through the roof. Rachel Maddow is beating Fox and CNN in the ratings. It's all about the ratings. Trump is so unpopular with the left that the audience for anti-Trump rhetoric is tremendous.

40   Y   2017 Apr 25, 6:07am  

in a nutshell.
The media's influential demise initiated with DSL speeds of over 2mb/sec.
Later on, Fiber optics showed up to finish them off...

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

They can't control the narrative!

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