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Washingon Liberals got a lot of fucking balls, it seems every Terrorist that goes off the handle and kills innocent Ameircans, Putin says he reached out to Obama's inteligence to warn them that person traveled to known terrorist training locations.
I can't wait to read Comey's detailed Diary especially the part about what he really thought about Bill Cliton and Lorretta Lunch meeting on the tarmac.
Nice try. Trump shared intelligence about terrorism with Russia who has their own Muslim terrorist problem.
The intelligence agencies leaked it to the press-including the source- in their coup attempt to destabilize the US.
According to the article, Israel is our Intel on the ground in the mideast. Iran et al are sworn enemies of Israel, but allies of Russia. Should Russia tell its allies, which are Israel's enemies? The real shocker is that Israel was warned not to share everything with trump until they can be sure he won't share it with Russia and their friends.