by MAGA ➕follow (1) 💰tip ignore
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Fleetwood Mac in their modern configuration. Tango in the Night
Glad you brought this one up. I myself am more partial to 'Mirage', their earlier and just as obscure album, but 'Tango in the Night' has a sort of Yuppie Safari Rock sound that I like in the way one likes mayonnaise on a Saltine cracker with Tobasco sauce. "Family Man" still gets me ready for a coke bump on the coffee table. "Little Lies" and "Everywhere" were almost huge at the time and I still think outshine some of the younger, more relevant music released at that time.
Not this evening, but ZZ TOP all day long.
"Have mercy
A haw, haw, haw, haw, a haw"
I am retired and 65 yrs old.
How you like our old codgers club? lol
@anonymous, Nobody But Me: what a great tune to blast out at a popular college area beer bar like after midnight when the audience is as loud as the band.
Trumps new theme song "Nobody But Me" Matters
Maybe I had to mature to fully get this tune.
Some of us are in our second childhood.
You blood test came back,positive!
"philosophy is useless theology is worse"
@HEY YOU RE Joan Osborne: What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted, that's another thing I never really focused on before, but what a nice big band show, song, damn good live recording too
One might say the brothers had the funk.
Are you "happy when you try to fake it."
Could turn you into a redneck?
Have a double,smoke a doobie, & kick some shit. YEE! HAW!
Should have taken John Mellencamp's advice.
"Forget all about that macho shit & learn to play guitar."
Todd is a musical genius. He throws off different musical styles seemingly without effort. Something about Philly and music, I guess.
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