Jail Escapee Aided by Tools Flown in by Drone

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2017 Jul 7, 2:44pm   2,683 views  11 comments

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The way things are going in this country, some of us may need this guy to start teaching seminars.

The Warden sez:

Advanced technology and highly motivated prisoners can be a dangerous combination.

"You have nothing to do but sit on the edge of your bunk and figure out ways to get past the system," Tamez said. "You can't get complacent with them. These guys aren't stupid."

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1   justme   2017 Jul 7, 3:17pm  

Cue the cartoon of a drone flying (delivering) a cake with a file in it. Alcatraz PRIME!

2   Eric Holder   2017 Jul 7, 5:01pm  

It means that prison yards will be covered with chainlink ceilings pretty soon.

3   curious2   2017 Jul 7, 6:29pm  


Industrial drones these days are strong enough to deliver real ordnance. If I had people inside this is what I'd want to drop for them some night, maybe every night for a month.

This is another reason not to import jihadis. Prisons are full of Muslims, including converts. In France, Muslims comprise 70% of prisoners, compared to 10% outside. In Britain, Muslims are 3x more likely than non-Muslims to be in prison. In America, Muslims are 10x more likely than non-Muslims to be in federal prison. Importing and 'celebrating' Islam creates a growing risk of disaster.

4   Booger   2017 Jul 7, 7:07pm  

The real money is in using drones to deliver drugs to prisoners. Prisoners fucking love drugs!

5   anonymous   2017 Jul 8, 6:35am  

Booger says

The real money is in using drones to deliver drugs to prisoners. Prisoners fucking love drugs!

Why bother with all that when you can just use the existing system of having the employees fill the demand.

Kinda like with the wall, where some people have this insane notion that it will stem the flow of drugs lmao

6   Booger   2017 Jul 8, 7:58am  

errc says

Why bother with all that when you can just use the existing system of having the employees fill the demand.

You cut out the middle man with the drone.

7   Ernie   2017 Jul 8, 8:38am  

Booger says

The real money is in using drones to deliver drugs to prisoners. Prisoners fucking love drugs!

Just give them drugs for FREE. Win-win - prisoners love drugs, and if they overdose, HUUUUGE savings for the taxpayer as drugs production costs are very low!

8   anonymous   2017 Jul 8, 5:44pm  


It could work in reverse, too, with the Muslim prisoners. They could fly drones out with bombs to do their work while they are in jail. The Mafia and the druglords do this all the time (run theirown operations, I mean)

In fact, wasn't there a Yakuza bosses-summit hit (or at least attack) some years ago using a drone with explosives?

@Eric Holder

Hey, someone has to go repair the roof. Didn't you see "Shawshank Redemption"? Or what about bribed guards or prisoner-romanced guards (remember the NY escape last year) recovering stuff from the drones?
(there are no ends of ways to smuggle stuff, observe the Brazilian jails) :)

9   curious2   2017 Jul 8, 6:09pm  

Herb says

It could work in reverse, too, with the Muslim prisoners.

In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, the more common operation seems to be rescuing prisoners. The vast majority of the Muslim population are outside prison, and have more readily available resources, so mainly they tend to rescue their 'warrior brothers' to resume to jihading.

I suspect the same will start happening in France, especially as the Muslim population crosses 20%. Vigilante sharia patrols can then kill blasphemers and infidels with impunity: some believers can provide alibis, others within the police can thwart investigation, or others can hang juries. A team of 20, including two guards, could probably enable more than 100 to escape prison.

In that scenario, non-Muslims begin to flee. I suspect that might explain the bimodal distribution of Islam: most countries that have allowed themselves to become more than 20% Muslim are already more than 90% Muslim.

10   anonymous   2017 Jul 8, 6:10pm  

true, but we're just having fun today and being silly. It's the WEEKEND, for Allah's sake!

11   curious2   2017 Jul 8, 6:14pm  

Herb says

we're just having fun today

Poe's Law strikes again.

Have a nice weekend :)

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