Didn't Clinton Solve the Korean Nuke Problem 20+ years ago?

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2017 Aug 8, 5:08pm   7,401 views  45 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Strategist   2017 Aug 8, 5:41pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

I'm sure Clinton feels like an idiot now. And Bush, and Obama.
The only President standing up to the ugly North Korean king is Trump. I'm glad we have Trump as the President.

2   Y   2017 Aug 8, 6:21pm  

Like husband like wife.
Good thing trump won.

3   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 8:03pm  

nothing lasts forever.

their leaders have changed in NK, funny enough still same family though.

4   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 8, 8:05pm  

In response to the original post. Ah, no.

5   RWSGFY   2017 Aug 8, 10:01pm  

Agreements with Russia, China and their proxies are not worth the paper they're written on.

6   lostand confused   2017 Aug 9, 5:04am  

I am glad to have Trump as President-can you imagine having Obozo-he will probably call them junior varsity and give them 100 billion in exchange for a letter of understanding or some such and his followers here will say he just played 8th dimensional chess .

8   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 11:46am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Didn't Clinton Solve the Korean Nuke Problem 20+ years ago?

Actually, yes, but then George W. Bush fucked it all up by invading Iraq. The result is that Russia was allowed to deteriorate back into dystonia, North Korea was allowed to embrace craziness and nukes, China was able to oppress all opposition, and ISIS was allowed to rise to power.

Bill Clinton fucked up on a bunch of things, but not this. This is purely Bush's fault. Trump, unfortunately, isn't helping at all.

9   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 12:09pm  

Doesn't it scare anyone that a paranoid man-child with a bad haircut and a cult following has nuclear weapons? And now a second one does?

10   Y   2017 Aug 9, 12:12pm  

Your attempt at humor is scarier...
Dan8267 says

Doesn't it scare anyone that a paranoid man-child with a bad haircut and a cult following has nuclear weapons? And now a second one does?

11   RWSGFY   2017 Aug 9, 12:42pm  

Dan8267 says

Actually, yes, but then George W. Bush fucked it all up by invading Iraq. The result is that Russia was allowed to deteriorate back into dystonia, North Korea was allowed to embrace craziness and nukes, China was able to oppress all opposition


Russian Parliament in 1993:

This is the moment they stepped back on the road to being usual self.

China's main square in 1989:

This is the moment the oppression of opposition started and never let up since then.

And NK was given a path to nukes by weak-ass "Agreed Framework" signed in 1994. They admitted the existence of highly enriched uranium program in 2002 and withdrawn from the NNPT in January of 2003.

So, where is Iraq in all this? Nowhere: by the time Iraq war happened all three countries (well, two countries and their proxy quasi-state) were well under way on the road to where they are now. If anything, Iraq war partially happened because Saddam was emboldened by Moscow's support.

12   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 1:25pm  

SpecialSnowflake says

Russian Parliament in 1993:

Putin has murdered many people to rise to power. Russia is a far greater threat to the United States today than in 1993 or 1998.

13   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 1:27pm  

SpecialSnowflake says

China's main square in 1989:

Yes, and China has continued to violate human rights even more so over the past 20 years.

I never said the problems started with Bush, but he certainly exasperated them by destroying America's political capital and influence while diverting America's attention to unwinnable wars. That's a failure.

14   Strategist   2017 Aug 9, 3:53pm  

Relax guys. China, Russia or North Korea, none of them will start a nuclear war because of MAD
Even the fat crazy kid has a priority of regime survival. At the last minute that brat will negotiate in the hopes of carrying on with nuclear development
Our real enemies are the Islamic countries who look forward to death.

15   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 5:19pm  

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Christian freaks in the Republican Party who would gladly hasten judgement day and the return of Jesus.

16   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 10, 4:33am  

Dan8267 says

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Christian freaks in the Republican Party who would gladly hasten judgement day and the return of Jesus.

You are lying. Name them. Who has stated their desire to bring on judgement day?

17   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 10, 4:36am  

Strategist says

Relax guys. China, Russia or North Korea, none of them will start a nuclear war because of MAD

Even the fat crazy kid has a priority of regime survival. At the last minute that brat will negotiate in the hopes of carrying on with nuclear development

Our real enemies are the Islamic countries who look forward to death.

Excellent point. Putin, Kimfuck, heck even the Chinese are not interested in war. They are interested in power. They are also cognisent that USA is losing power. They are content to watch Rome crumble and cave to the Islamists and SJW's. America's biggest problems are not conventional weapons. America's biggest problems are bad ideas.

18   Y   2017 Aug 10, 5:00am  

SSF used the russian parliament in 1993 to demonstrate WHEN Russkies started to change their ways for the worse.
At this point, 24 years later, of course russia is a greater threat as that 1993 incident was allowed to grow and fester under clinton.
Therefore, your statement below, stating the obvious and not addressing the subject of the timeline when russia turned away from western democratic values, has no significance whatsoever .
Dan8267 says

SpecialSnowflake says

Russian Parliament in 1993:

Russia is a far greater threat to the United States today than in 1993 or 1998.

19   Y   2017 Aug 10, 5:01am  

Funny. Your historical knowledge is severely lacking. Bush II won his war.
Obama just gave back the spoils...

Dan8267 says

I never said the problems started with Bush, but he certainly exasperated them by destroying America's political capital and influence while diverting America's attention to unwinnable wars.

20   Y   2017 Aug 10, 5:07am  

The crazy kidfuck thinks that owning nuclear icbms will now give him free license to take back SK without US interference.
He looks at MAD as his free pass to do so, the US not risking nuclear explosions over it's soil to prop up SK.
The only solution is to threaten to nuclear arm SK.
If this doesn't move china to act, nothing will.

Strategist says

Relax guys. China, Russia or North Korea, none of them will start a nuclear war because of MAD

21   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 8:29am  

BlueSardine says

Bush II won his war.

Ah, the revisionist history of conservatives. No wonder you never learn from history. You are psychologically incapable of accepting what it is. Your self-delusion does not allow that.

22   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 8:56am  

PeopleUnited says

Dan8267 says

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Christian freaks in the Republican Party who would gladly hasten judgement day and the return of Jesus.

You are lying. Name them. Who has stated their desire to bring on judgement day?

Unlike you, I never lie. There is no point in my worldview. It's not enough that the audience reaches the same conclusion that I do. They must reach that conclusion for the exact same reasons that I do. Reasons are more important than conclusions. You are incapable of understanding this.

Christian-right views are swaying politicians and threatening the environment

Many Christian fundamentalists feel that concern for the future of our planet is irrelevant, because it has no future. They believe we are living in the End Time, when the son of God will return, the righteous will enter heaven, and sinners will be condemned to eternal hellfire. They may also believe, along with millions of other Christian fundamentalists, that environmental destruction is not only to be disregarded but actually welcomed — even hastened — as a sign of the coming Apocalypse.

We are not talking about a handful of fringe lawmakers who hold or are beholden to these beliefs. The 231 legislators (all but five of them Republicans) who received an average 80 percent approval rating or higher from the leading religious-right organizations make up more than 40 percent of the U.S. Congress. (The only Democrat to score 100 percent with the Christian Coalition was Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia, who earlier this year quoted from the Book of Amos on the Senate floor: “The days will come, sayeth the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land. Not a famine of bread or of thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord!”) These politicians include some of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government, as well as key environmental decision makers: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Senate Republican Conference Chair Rick Santorum (R-Penn.), Senate Republican Policy Chair Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, and quite possibly President Bush. (Earlier this month, a cover story by Ron Suskind in The New York Times Magazine described how Bush’s faith-based governance has led to, among other things, a disastrous “crusade” in the Middle East and has laid the groundwork for “a battle between modernists and fundamentalists, pragmatists and true believers, reason and religion.”)

And those politicians are just the powerful tip of the iceberg. A 2002 Time/CNN poll found that 59 percent of Americans believe that the prophecies found in the Book of Revelation are going to come true. Nearly one-quarter think the Bible predicted the 9/11 attacks.

Like it or not, faith in the Apocalypse is a powerful driving force in modern American politics. In the 2000 election, the Christian right cast at least 15 million votes, or about 30 percent of those that propelled Bush into the presidency. And there’s no doubt that arch-conservative Christians will be just as crucial in the coming election: GOP political strategist Karl Rove hopes to mobilize 20 million fundamentalist voters to help sweep Bush back into office on Nov. 2 and to maintain a Republican majority in Congress, says Joan Bokaer, director of Theocracy Watch, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy at Cornell University.

Because of its power as a voting bloc, the Christian right has the ear, if not the souls, of much of the nation’s leadership. Some of those leaders are End-Time believers themselves. Others are not. Either way, their votes are heavily swayed by an electoral base that accepts the Bible as literal truth and eagerly awaits the looming Apocalypse. And that, in turn, is sobering news for those who hope for the protection of the earth, not its destruction.

On the Road to Armageddon, How evangelicals became Israel's best friend

Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return.

Millions of Americans believe that the Bible predicts the future and that we are living in the last days. Their beliefs are rooted in dispensationalism, a particular way of understanding the Bible's prophetic passages, especially those in Daniel and Ezekiel in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. In the last part of the 20th century, dispensationalist evangelicals become Israel's best friends-an alliance that has made a serious geopolitical difference.

The evidence shows that in the last 35 years dispensationalists have decided that faithfulness to God demands that they actively support the plan. Such support has taken many forms, from lobbying the U.S. government to guarantee its pro-Israel policies remain strong, to helping Jews in the former Soviet Union immigrate to the Land of Promise, to traveling to the Holy Land in large numbers and marching in the streets of Jerusalem to show solidarity, to contributing financially and in other ways to Israeli settlements in the so-called occupied territories, to promoting the views considered extreme and dangerous by most Israelis, to using scientific expertise to engineer a perfect red heifer to speed the building of the Temple so Jesus can return.

It seems clear that dispensationalism is on a roll, that its followers feel they are riding the wave of history into the shore of God's final plan. Why should they climb back into the stands when being on the field of play is so much more fun and apparently so beneficial to the game's outcome? As a Bridges for Peace advertisement read, "Don't just read about prophecy when you can be part of it."

Donald Trump And The Return Of Jesus

Having been called the actual Satan during my political life, it is not surprising to learn that millions of voters are at this moment supporting Donald Trump because of the coming apocalypse.

The reasoning goes like this. Obama is Satan and he ushered in all the policies Satan wanted, gay marriage, continuing abortion and lack of support for Israel. Those who believe the end is near think they have been charged by Jesus to fight sin until he returns.

God has begun preparations for the end they believe. The first step is to elect Donald Trump President so he can punish those making God angry.

[stupid comment limit]

23   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 8:56am  

Ted Cruz Today, the Rapture Tomorrow

For this rapture to happen, Christian Zionists believe, Israel must be in full control of the Holy Land—including the occupation and military rule of Palestinians in the West Bank.

[S]en. Ted Cruz, is a warrior for their main issues, including opposition to gay marriage and abortion, repeal of the Iran deal—and unquestioning support of Israel and its complete dominion over the Holy Land, Palestinians be damned.

Most of the presidential campaigns’ fealty to Israel, including those of Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton, is due largely to billionaire donors with long-standing ties to Israeli politics. But for Cruz, as virulently pro-Israel as any candidate, Christian Zionism is the key. This is not the cult belief of a few thousand fringe followers. Christian Zionism, which holds that Israel must maintain full control of the Holy Land to facilitate the second coming of Jesus, is a fundamental tenet of the core religious right. Fully 59 percent of white evangelicals, and an astonishing 41 percent of all Americans—tens of millions of voters—believe Jesus Christ will return to earth by 2050. A lot of them believe that can happen only with a strong Israel in place.

The bottom line is that a lot of Republican senators and representatives are brainwashed by Christianity and believe in the rapture and return of Jesus and think that the Jews controlling Israel is the key to bringing about that return and the end of the world.

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 10, 10:28am  

SpecialSnowflake says

China's main square in 1989:

So you support bans and high tariffs on Chinese Exports?

I mean it would be really stupid to subsidize the growth of China's Industry and especially High Tech Manufacturing by outsourcing appliances, electronics, cars, etc. there, am I right?

25   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 10, 7:24pm  

Dan8267 says

Ted Cruz Today, the Rapture Tomorrow

For this rapture to happen, Christian Zionists believe, Israel must be in full control of the Holy Land—including the occupation and military rule of Palestinians in the West Bank.

[S]en. Ted Cruz, is a warrior for their main issues, including opposition to gay marriage and abortion, repeal of the Iran deal—and unquestioning support of Israel and its complete dominion over the Holy Land, Palestinians be damned.

Most of the presidential campaigns’ fealty to Israel, including those of Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton, is due largely to billionaire donors with long-standing ties to Israeli politics. But for Cruz, as virulently pro-Israel as any candidate, Christian Zionism is the key. This is not the cult belief of a few thousand fringe followers. Christian Zionism, which holds that Israel must maintain full control of the Holy Land to...

Dan8267 says

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Christian freaks in the Republican Party who would gladly hasten judgement day and the return of Jesus.

And yet for all your vain liberal hit piece article quoting, there is not one so called Christian or Republican who has gone on the record to say that they want to hasten judgement day through public policy or politics. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Your propaganda is exposed as bullshit. If you want to prove your point you would first need to show that Jesus told his followers they could influence when judgment day happens. Let's just say you will fail. As usual.

26   Strategist   2017 Aug 10, 7:39pm  

PeopleUnited says

America's biggest problems are not conventional weapons. America's biggest problems are bad ideas.

And weak Presidents like Obama and Carter. They were both nice guys, but they make lousy Presidents when it comes to foreign policy. We need strong Presidents like Reagan and Trump.
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going" Thank you Reagan, thank you Trump.

27   Dan8267   2017 Aug 11, 7:47am  

PeopleUnited says

And yet for all your vain liberal hit piece article quoting, there is not one so called Christian or Republican who has gone on the record to say that they want to hasten judgement day through public policy or politics.

So the only proof of bad intentions to you would be an explicit statement of that intent by the perp. So unless O.J Simpsons says "I intend to murder my wife", you must acquit.

Murderers and rapists tend not to declare themselves as murderers and rapists. Thank god juries don't work like you.

There is far more than enough evidence in actions to demonstrate every point I've made. But then again, someone who thinks climate change and Noah's Ark is real is a hoax doesn't really give a damn about evidence.

29   zzyzzx   2017 Aug 15, 8:40am  

It's all FDR's fault. He was the moron who thought that it would be a great idea to hand over half of Korea to Stalin after WW2.

31   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 15, 10:00am  

How many Republicans/Trump voters are sucking their Republican big govt. teat?
I know several in my community that are on food stamps & public assistance programs.
Pisses them off when they are called socialist.
Why do they hate the truth?
Why does Trump allow tax dollars to be wasted on lazy slime.
Republicans get a job! Trump has created millions of 6 figure employment opportunities.
To protect America,Trump needs to eliminate programs that fritter away money on the useless Republicans.
Destroying Republican socialism is a mighty task even for God Trump.

32   RWSGFY   2017 Aug 15, 10:12am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

SpecialSnowflake says

China's main square in 1989:

So you support bans and high tariffs on Chinese Exports?

Absofuckinglutely. Just like with Russia the rationale that "they're assholes because they're hungry and they will become our true friends once fed and clothed" turned out to be false. Once fed and clothed they turned to building up their armies and spec ops apparatus and stirring up shit all over the world. So they need to be beaten back into their late 80s economic state and democratized properly this time. Like Japan, Germany and Italy before them.

33   Goran_K   2017 Aug 15, 10:37am  

I'm only here for zzyzzx and his memes.

34   Entitlemented   2017 Aug 15, 10:43am  

Heres a summary.

Democrats think you can trust communists and socialists.

Republicans dont think your can trust communists and socialists.

Democratics are more comfortable with turning the US socialist.

And this is why Trump won - you cant trust a socialist or a dictator or all the people that come from a dictatorship or socialist governance.

35   anonymous   2017 Aug 15, 11:14am  

Entitlemented says

Heres a summary.

Democrats think you can trust communists and socialists.

Republicans dont think your can trust communists and socialists.

Democratics are more comfortable with turning the US socialist.

And this is why Trump won - you cant trust a socialist or a dictator or all the people that come from a dictatorship or socialist governance.

You seem to be missing one more comment here, after "Democrats are more comfortable with turning the US socialist ".

The one where you explain what Republicans are more comfortable with.

I think I know why, and the reactions from people early in the Trump years, contrasted with the reactions from the same people during the Obama years, are very telling.

The answer is, you, much like every other person constantly speaking out against the Left, Liberals etc., while giving free reign and unquestioned support to any and all Republicans, that you don't know why. You're simply doing what you've been programmed to do.

Feel free to clear up anywhere I'm wrong here

36   Peter P   2017 Aug 15, 11:35am  

zzyzzx says

It's all FDR's fault. He was the moron who thought that it would be a great idea to hand over half of Korea to Stalin after WW2.

Wasn't FDR a Soviet agent? He surely implemented planks of the Communist Manifesto.

37   Entitlemented   2017 Aug 15, 2:13pm  

Republicans like all honest people, will treat people as if they are honest up until the point that they do something unethical.

Republicans like freedom and the pursuit of liberty.

38   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 15, 3:01pm  

Any Republican that benefits from tax dollars is a SOCIALIST,unless all benefit,which makes them communist.

39   Entitlemented   2017 Aug 15, 3:57pm  

Just like Hussein sanctions only go so far, dictators must be given more oversight. The US did not keep oversight, and Obama null oversight, he actually may have been so liberal as to encourage bad behavior.

Obamas hope and change - creating the environment for WWIII!

40   Entitlemented   2017 Aug 15, 5:46pm  

SpecialSnowflake says

This is the moment the oppression of opposition started and never let up since then.

True, these communist countries act like communists. Verily CNN, MSNBC gloss over these huge Human Rights denigrating acts, and focus on the one ultralunatic Alt Rightist.

>80 people die in Paris in Machine Gun massacre, and no on on CNN called the murders Islamic Extremists. But 1 crazed Alt rightist get hours of air time and called a Right Wing Extremist.

Verily, I tell you its like CNN and MSNBC are the deceptive New Bolsheviks, reporting based upon political false news/rhetoric rather than the truth.

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