Some asshole drove into a group of Anti-fa protesters

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2017 Aug 12, 1:40pm   15,987 views  161 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


protester is killed at huge supremacist rally in Charlottesville

Either this driver is so stupid that he does not understand that he has immeasurably increased sympathy for anti-fa assholes, or it was a false flag operation simply intended to stir shit up. Ugh.

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43   Rew   2017 Aug 13, 11:46pm  

FortWayne says

Liberals tried to erase history by removing statues of American heroes.

A town voted to sell a statue they no longer wished to have. Who are you to tell them they are wrong? That's the purest form of local democratic voice I can think of in the nation.

Now, if you mean hate groups planning to bring armed conflict to a state/town they don't belong to, by months of planning for armed conflict in the street, well you are right. I find that pretty vile.

In the picture, those are white supremacists trying to deface the statue of Jefferson on campus grounds. This is where you tell me they were justified because they were angry/provoked. Right? I think that's a big bunch of BS, because they don't get a say in what statues a town has in it, unless they can locally vote on that.

See the little white flag near the base? Those are snowflakes standing their ground: young, unarmed, UVA students. Many were pepper sprayed and beaten, with clubs and torches, for standing there as a counter protest to "You will not replace us, Jews will not replace us."

80% of the town voted for Clinton, and the White Nationalists planned a rally for months, brought shields, clubs, helmets, tear gas, pepper spray, an unidentified and armed militia. They did this because the left is violent? Far from it. They wanted violence. They wanted the spectacle.

There is no more alt-right as of Saturday. There are now only white supremacists. Spencer and Kessler are, straight up, Nazis. Pure and simple.

So, to the Right, looks like you have a radicalization problem. What are you going to do about it? Probably not much.

Trump should call the FBI to go after all terror groups: left, right, and muslim in leaning. Will he? Nope!

44   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 12:21am  

McMasters : "Of course it was terrorism." :)

Tick tock. I'm waiting Trump. The White Nationalists are lashing out at McMasters again online now. :) Delicious.

Most of what went on in Charlottesville wasn't anything that fell under protected speech. The charming language being used on the White Nationalist side was truly something else. The females on the anti-protest were being told that 'rape by minorities was being wished upon them that night' ... repeatedly and often. That's my word choice, you can figure out what it really was.

When a group of black men, women in scarfs, and brown men with beards, can walk down the street with slung ARs and body armor, in Charlottesville ... wake me.

Here is a "victim" of pepper spraying:

Victim in quotes because, you don't come looking for trouble, and then cry and whine when you find it. These people ... these people ... they can fuck right off.

45   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 1:00am  

Also, if you want to get a good look at what most of those so called "Anti-fa" protesters were carrying ...


(Pussy hats I don't think count as weapons these days.)

"The alt-right wasn't allowed ..." LOL
"Cops in riot gear shut down the alt-right." Because they were armed and beating people. Yeah. That happens.
"I'm here to learn about how diverse groups lead to high trust societies." An excuse for racial segregation, or people's desire to 'self segregate'. It's crap.

**Wooom.** In comes the car.

46   CBOEtrader   2017 Aug 14, 1:51am  

Dan8267 says

FortWayne says

Liberals tried to erase history by removing statues of American heroes.

Only white supremacists think that Robert Lee, the traitor who murdered countless Americans, is a hero. And no one saying to erase history. They are saying don't glorify evil. A statue of Robert Lee in America is like a statue of Adolph Hitler in Germany. It's despicable.

Furthermore, there was a legal court order to remove the statue. That makes your team criminals for attempting to stop the execution of the court order.

Dan again shows his ignorance. My university, Washington and Lee was named for President (of our university) Lee. His heroism is legendary amongst the scholars of history.

For the record W&L was ranked the top college in the south, besting duke, rice, UNC, and UVa.

47   Booger   2017 Aug 14, 6:07am  

More evidence of Soros involvement:

48   somecrappynumber   2017 Aug 14, 7:16am  

Booger says

More evidence of Soros involvement:

LOL - wrong city and wrong state, but otherwise, nice sleuthing there chief!

49   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 9:16am  

Rew says

A town voted to sell a statue they no longer wished to have

I guess the racist residents of Charlottesville also voted in their outrageously racist Vice Mayor?

50   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 9:25am  

Rew says

When a group of black men, women in scarfs, and brown men with beards, can walk down the street with slung ARs and body armor, in Charlottesville ... wake me.

1. Start censoring one type of speech, and very soon your own speech will be censored. With this type of thinking, we will end un in a government-enforced echo chamber like in Soviet Union.
2. I do not know about Charlottesville, but here in TX Black Panthers occasionally trot around armed with AR-15's . Please see this: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1029564/pg1
So it is not only white extremists but also black ones who use their right to bear arms and freedom of speech. Should they also be silenced?

51   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 9:42am  

Dan8267 says

No different than romanticizing the Nazis. The slavers of the American South were just as vile.

So no, the modern day southerner doesn't get to white wash history and raise the scumbags slavers into hero status. The public has spoken. The removal of the statue was legal. It's time the south stops glorifying its sins and started repenting for them. Until that happens, they are still the villains and they still carry the guilt. The price of forgiveness is repentance.

Problem is that if we decide to leave only symbols which have never been tainted by anything, then we will be left with nearly no symbols at all. In that respect, perhaps US flag should be banned as well, because under it treaties with American Indians were broken, Trail of tears was executed under Stars and Stripes, etc.

How is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears any better than slavery. And why should confederate monuments be removed, while flag under which Indians were marched to 30% of possibility of death is just fine? To me, it looks like a very selective implementation of historical justice.

52   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Aug 14, 9:55am  

drBu says

Problem is that if we decide to leave only symbols which have never been tainted by anything,

There's a reason to remove statues that glorify Southern Generals in a war that was about the State's rights to own slaves. 150 years later, we can finally take down the statues that celebrate those 'heroes'. The removal of those statues is a way of saying as a community that we were wrong, and we want to do what we can to acknowledge that mistake and not further aggravate old wounds. There is a reason why only a certain type of people are having a fit about this process, and it says a lot about them.

We committed all sorts of atrocities against the Indians. However, the US flag represents something else. If there is a movement to replace statues of Jackson or Custer with something else, I'd probably think it was a good idea. Removing a statue is not erasing history. It's just recognizing and celebrating different aspects of our past through public art. It doesn't have to be any more dramatic than replacing artwork in a museum, as long as the monuments are not destroyed.

53   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 10:09am  

YesYNot says

However, the US flag represents something else.

Same can be said about Southern statues. Most Southern soldiers did not own slaves and were just defending their States from Yankees. And while US flag may "represent something else", it does represent atrocities, and in some cases such as in California, genocide against American indians.

54   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 10:26am  

drBu says

1. Start censoring one type of speech, and very soon your own speech will be censored. With this type of thinking, we will end un in a government-enforced echo chamber like in Soviet Union.

When you bring guns, clubs, shields, and pepper spray, you didn't take the high road. That's not free speech and expression. Those are agitators ready to fight. The police were right to disband them after they clashed and beat people.

drBu says

Same can be said about Southern statues. Most Southern soldiers did not own slaves and were just defending their States from Yankees. And while US flag may "represent something else", it does represent atrocities, and in some cases such as in California, genocide against American indians.

America is voting to put the symbols that no longer have a strong contemporary value into museums/other non-prominent public spaces. We aren't running from our past. We are choosing not to embrace and value the darker elements anymore. It's time. It was long long ago. The victors in wars are always the dominant voice, as they should be.

55   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 10:29am  

Rew says

When you bring guns, clubs, shields, and pepper spray, you didn't take the high road. That's not free speech and expression. Those are agitators ready to fight. The police were right to disband them after they clashed and beat people.

That's also true for wearing balaclavas, bearing molotov cocktails, gas masks, bats, metal chains, aerosols, etc. I take it?

56   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 10:31am  

FortWayne says

Since you were there maybe you could give us info from the ground,... oh wait you weren't, just another left wing with an opinion based on nothing...

You can choose to remain ignorant on the formation of the rally, the leaders who organized it, the groups represented, general timelines of occurrences and major points of violence ... but it doesn't mean others, physically present or not, are choosing to do the same.

57   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 10:36am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

That's also true for wearing balaclavas, bearing molotov cocktails, gas masks, bats, metal chains, aerosols, etc. I take it?

Absolutely true. But in the contest of who was there for violence, I think you are going to find the White Supremacists were overwhelmingly those seeking conflict. It's what they were there for.

You can even be disingenuous and isolate the kid in the dodge charger as just a radicalized fringe lone wolf, not representative of the greater movement. Still won't even come close.

58   somecrappynumber   2017 Aug 14, 10:43am  

YesYNot says

Removing a statue is not erasing history. It's just recognizing and celebrating different aspects of our past through public art. It doesn't have to be any more dramatic than replacing artwork in a museum, as long as the monuments are not destroyed.

Thing is, these statues are so old they are becoming historical themselves. I saw an article that some city took a balancing approach and decided to add a plaque to the old confederate monument giving it context (the plaque explains there was a strange romanticizing of the war from 1860-1900 and here we are in 2017 looking back at how f'ed those people must have been for thinking that at the time). The city has also preserved a "whites only" lunchcounter as a living history of the Jim Crow era.

In a way, its not terribly different from a cave painting depicting some atrocity from way back. The Mexicans do not run from the history of the Aztecs and human sacrifice. Instead they embrace it as a look back at how fucked up we (their descendants) were. In 500 years when (presumably) there is no discernable race, I doubt these statutes would be so controversial. If I were to take it down, I wish we would preserve it as a testament to our screwed up past.

59   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Aug 14, 10:43am  

drBu says

Same can be said about Southern statues. Most Southern soldiers did not own slaves and were just defending their States from Yankees.

Not really. Most Southern soldiers were not generals and don't have statues. They are not being celebrated for their role in defending the right to have slaves.drBu says

And while US flag may "represent something else", it does represent atrocities, and in some cases such as in California, genocide against American indians.

Sure, in that the flag represents the country and all of our history, it represents the bad with the good. Statues of Jackson or Custer would represent our fight against the Indians. Those statues would be analogous to statues of Robert E. Lee et al. The US flag represents a whole lot more than that one particular chapter. Throwing the flag out would be throwing the baby out with the bath water. Robert E. Lee statues are the bath water.

60   FortWayne   2017 Aug 14, 10:43am  

Rew says

FortWayne says

Since you were there maybe you could give us info from the ground,... oh wait you weren't, just another left wing with an opinion based on nothing...

You can choose to remain ignorant on the formation of the rally, the leaders who organized it, the groups represented, general timelines of occurrences and major points of violence ... but it doesn't mean others, physically present or not, are choosing to do the same.

One guy did something stupid, everyone else was peacefully protesting removal of statue. Interesting how liberals blame the whole group here.
But when a muslim extremist goes on rampage... no group blame there.... yeah you guys have credibility... my ass.

61   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Aug 14, 10:47am  

somecrappynumber says

Thing is, these statues are so old they are becoming historical themselves.

That's why they should not be destroyed.

62   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 10:55am  

FortWayne says

One guy did something stupid, everyone else was peacefully protesting removal of statue. Interesting how liberals blame the whole group here.

You are so poorly informed in what happened Saturday that the statement above is almost funny.

63   Goran_K   2017 Aug 14, 10:57am  

rando says

There has never yet been a crowd armed with baseball bats and not hoping for a fight.

Exactly. I don't condone violence, but the ANTIFA/BLM crowd was begging for an altercation. These people are the real terrorist groups that should be blamed for the violence.

64   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 10:59am  

Note that the Mayor and Governor did everything possible to antagonize, and had the police standing back with minimal presence and they weren't keeping the sides away from each other.


Remember, violence and chaos is usually sought by the Party not in power.

65   FortWayne   2017 Aug 14, 11:00am  

Goran_K says

rando says

There has never yet been a crowd armed with baseball bats and not hoping for a fight.

Exactly. I don't condone violence, but the ANTIFA/BLM crowd was begging for an altercation. These people are the real terrorist groups that should be blamed for the violence.

Left does condone AntiFa violence.

66   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 11:01am  

Rew says

America is voting to put the symbols that no longer have a strong contemporary value into museums/other non-prominent public spaces. We aren't running from our past. We are choosing not to embrace and value the darker elements anymore.

If they would not have contemporary value, they would not elicit so much emotions. And US flag is a very dark element to Native Americans. Why is it treated differently from Confederate statues?

67   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 11:03am  

Rew says

The police were right to disband them after they clashed and beat people.

That is absolutely true. When they start violence, they should be arrested, no matter what political ideas they have.

68   Goran_K   2017 Aug 14, 11:04am  

FortWayne says

Left does condone AntiFa violence.

That's the problem. The leftist media does not call out ANTIFA or BLM as the terrorist groups they are which IMO only emboldens them to keep acting this way.

The funny part is that these groups actually think they could win a war against the conservative right using violence. The truth is they can't. They would lose badly and it would be quickly apparent.

69   Patrick   2017 Aug 14, 11:06am  

Rew says


Very interesting to see non-commercial video of the actual event.

70   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 11:09am  

drBu says

If they would not have contemporary value, they would not elicit so much emotions. And US flag is a very dark element to Native Americans. Why is it treated differently from Confederate statues?

Emotion doesn't equate to value.
Native Americans are a country within a country and typically do not fly the stars and stripes on their reservations.

71   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 11:10am  

Rew says

Absolutely true. But in the contest of who was there for violence, I think you are going to find the White Supremacists were overwhelmingly those seeking conflict. It's what they were there for.

It was a college campus, so naturally they were going to be lots of kids there. However, there were plenty of armed Hard Lefties with their own shields and metal "flagpoles".

One has been arrested for assaulting a Hill reporter. Apparently she looked too "Whitebread" not to be a White Supremacist.

72   Patrick   2017 Aug 14, 11:13am  

drBu says

When they start violence, they should be arrested, no matter what political ideas they have.

Absolutely in agreement here.

The right to protest is given up by using violence or even threats of violence, no matter what side.

73   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 11:14am  

drBu says

If they would not have contemporary value, they would not elicit so much emotions. And US flag is a very dark element to Native Americans. Why is it treated differently from Confederate statues?

The removal of statues, what ISIS does, is what started the whole thing.


Would be more productive to demand removal of street signs/statues commemorating Margret Sanger, who literally was a Eugenicist and said outrageous shit about Blacks.

74   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 11:19am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

It was a college campus, so naturally they were going to be lots of kids there. However, there were plenty of armed Hard Lefties with their own shields and metal "flagpoles".

One has been arrested for assaulting a Hill reporter. Apparently she looked too "Whitebread" not to be a White Supremacist.

There were some. But the violence was brought to the community itself by the White Supremacists. They planned for it and encouraged all members to come with arms. They came in force and were backed by unidentified militia carrying assault rifles. After Heather Heyer was killed, by vehicular murder, they called her a fat slut on their website.

They can claim this group, or that, wasn't really behind the wheel ... but ...


Are we going to bitch at GoDaddy for not protecting free speech? It has limits. Maybe if they added a picture of Pepe it would make it better?

75   Rew   2017 Aug 14, 11:21am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

The removal of statues, what ISIS does

"removal" or "destruction"? Robert E Lee's statue being sold, by the town, to a buyer who would put it in a museum or someplace more relevant for today, isn't exactly what ISIS is doing. Is it?

76   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 11:22am  

YesYNot says

Not really. Most Southern soldiers were not generals and don't have statues. They are not being celebrated for their role in defending the right to have slaves

Dowling has a statue for him in Houston and memorial plaque in his native Ireland (Tuam) was commissioned in 1998. He was not a general, and as far as I can tell did not own slaves, and was protecting his adopted TX from Yankees. Should his memorials be "relocated"/destroyed?

Furthermore, all of this still begs question as to why Stars and Stripes are treated differently from Confederate monuments. Indians were driven off the land, cheated (as signing treaties with them and then breaking them), starved to death, killed in death marches under Stars and Stripes and somehow this is different from anything confederate. Cheating Indians out of their resources still goes on, just read up on "Navajo coal case" where tribe was screwed over by USGov as late as 2009. Slavery does not exist and we will now fight Confederacy statues, while cheating Indians still goes on under US flag. They are not as important as other minorities, I guess.

77   Patrick   2017 Aug 14, 11:22am  

Is there a good video link of the "alt-right" protesters too?

We need more people walking around taking video so the public can get lots of unfiltered views and come to their own conclusions. The media is really terrible at being objective lately.

78   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 11:22am  

Rew says

"removal" or "destruction"? Robert E Lee's statue being sold, by the town, to a buyer who would put it in a museum or someplace more relevant for today, isn't exactly what ISIS is doing. Is it?

I said removal.

ISIS actually does sell shit they confiscate, source of their funding, just like the Sunni Militia members who switched their allegience did after March 2003.

Have you looked up the Vice Mayor Of Charlottesville, Wes Bellamy, yet?

Any city that elects such a vile, open racist has a racism problem.

Yet NPR invites him on and interviews him like a normal person, no mention of his racist tweetstorms going back years.

79   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 11:27am  

Rew says

Emotion doesn't equate to value.

Native Americans are a country within a country and typically do not fly the stars and stripes on their reservations.

"Value" in this case is difficult or impossible to define. Also, Indians have to deal with Bureau of Native Affairs that does fly the flag.

80   Ernie   2017 Aug 14, 11:28am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Any city that elects such a vile, open racist has a racism problem.

Yet NPR invites him on and interviews him like a normal person, no mention of his racist tweetstorms going back years.

As we all know, saying bad shit about white people is perfectly fine. Saying bad things about others - not so much.

81   Patrick   2017 Aug 14, 11:30am  

drBu says

Dowling has a statue for him in Houston and memorial plaque in his native Ireland (Tuam) was commissioned in 1998.

Hey, that's Killelea turf! My male-line ancestors were from right near Tuam, even have some distant relatives in Tuam to this day.

82   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 14, 11:32am  

Is his remarks about Women acceptable or not in an elected official? Keeping in mind the Trump tape, which was a private conversation and not made openly like this tweet.

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