#misc In reference to Roy Moore supporters: My wife heard this,this morning. "What does an atheists never do?" "Use the Bible to defend their crimes." ... In reference to "#" I'll start posting under pound politics,number economics,etc. Any interwebbers & social mediaist know what "@" represents? ...
Critical thinking is beyond so many,because they must follow the crowd. "I want to be a part of something rather than being independent." The crowd will DIE with you when you go the Great By & By. ...
Gird your loins! I'm coming for retardism hypocrisy.
I don't think Hey you is upset any more than I think Roy Moore actually believes in Jesus. Hey you is just playing around, and Roy Moore gets wood whenever he is jacked up on ED meds and there is a tween in the room.
My wife heard this,this morning.
"What does an atheists never do?"
"Use the Bible to defend their crimes."
In reference to "#"
I'll start posting under pound politics,number economics,etc.
Any interwebbers & social mediaist know what "@" represents?
Critical thinking is beyond so many,because they must follow the crowd.
"I want to be a part of something rather than being independent."
The crowd will DIE with you when you go the Great By & By.
Gird your loins! I'm coming for retardism hypocrisy.