Bundy Ranch opening statement in court proceedings

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2017 Nov 26, 12:11pm   4,097 views  9 comments

by WineHorror   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


"Thanks to the jurors for being here. I told you a little about myself at voir dire, but I’d like to introduce myself a little more, and tell you about my heritage and how that affects my case. (Projects a picture of his family – AND leaves it up throughout his statement!) [Note: the picture shown above.]

This is my ID! Not my driver’s license. This is who I am, a man with a family and I’ll do whatever it takes to provide for them. I want you to picture in your minds…you’re out on the land… I’ll take you to our ranch, you can see all the beauty of the land, the fresh air, sunsets and sunrises, the brush, you’re on a horse in front of the cattle – place yourself there – feel the freedom – out of the congestion of the cars – that’s how I was raised, playing in the river, we were called river-rats and that is where my life began and I hope ends.

My family has been on that land..."

Comments 1 - 9 of 9        Search these comments

1   Ceffer   2017 Nov 26, 2:34pm  

" The court wouldn’t consider states rights. They have forgotten they are servants of the people."

I bet this line resulted in sniggering and howling laughter from the lawyers and judges.
2   GNL   2017 Nov 26, 2:39pm  

What a bunch of Rightwingnut bullshit.
Get him a crying towel.

"We create government to preserve and serve us."
How does he want to pay for his big govt.?
GUILTY! of being a redistribution SOCIALIST!

Wow, you might need a checkup from the neckup.
3   GNL   2017 Nov 26, 2:39pm  

Ceffer says
" The court wouldn’t consider states rights. They have forgotten they are servants of the people."

I bet this line resulted in sniggering and howling laughter from the lawyers and judges.

Any doubt freedom is dead?
4   GNL   2017 Nov 26, 3:02pm  

To be clear, if you don't bother to read or care to understand, what this is all about...The Bundys had a right (also known as something they OWNED) to graze their cattle on that land. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this story since it, and MANY things the fed.gov does, goes against freedom and property rights or even anything you THINK you own.
5   GNL   2017 Nov 26, 3:03pm  

Will they, the Bundys, win? They probably don't stand a chance since the fed.gov wins 97% of all cases.
6   Goran_K   2017 Nov 26, 3:27pm  

If I was on that jury, I would not vote to convict.
7   JZ   2017 Nov 26, 4:51pm  

I did not track the whole thing. What's weird to me is that the Feds went after his cows in stead of directly prosecuting him.
I am a supporter of law and order under the public supported basis. I am against social paths abuse power and go against citizens and their properties under the name of law and order.

If he was guilty because he violated laws that are supported by the public, the Feds should prosecute hin stead of encroaching on his properties. This alone makes the Feds look like socialpath power abusers that are similar to mafias trying to force people out of business.
8   GNL   2017 Nov 26, 5:44pm  

JZ says
I did not track the whole thing. What's weird to me is that the Feds went after his cows in stead of directly prosecuting him.
I am a supporter of law and order under the public supported basis. I am against social paths abuse power and go against citizens and their properties under the name of law and order.

If he was guilty because he violated laws that are supported by the public, the Feds should prosecute hin stead of encroaching on his properties. This alone makes the Feds look like socialpath power abusers that are similar to mafias trying to force people out of business.

The Bundys do not own the land, they own the rights to the land which was registered in the state of NV in 1860s (or some time like that. I was a LONG time ago and the rights were exercised for generations). BLM owns 85% of NV. WTF!!

Also, please tell me (I'm not accusing you of being in disagreement with me on this btw) how raising beef to eat is not in the public's best interest.
9   anonymous   2017 Nov 26, 6:12pm  

WorkInProgress says
Wow, you might need a checkup from the neckup.

Absolutely brilliant response! You are now a lifetime patnetter.

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