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It was really good and showed that Bannon was only nationalist in Trump's admin. Basically the only MAGA guy. Everyone that's left is swamp.
Really, stop paying insurance and gamble with all of net worth because that's how much a serious accident can cost in a hospital?
that is why we were taken the Cleaners in 2012 spite having a Cadillac Insurance plan. Cleaned us out of $35,000 plus the $17K we laid out in premiums, plus Copays, Premiums and max out of pocket from Blue Cross Blue Shield. We were told one thing about max out of pocket expenses but paid $35K above and beyond that. When I called the insurance company and suggested fraud was going on. They extorted me, and told me if I did that, no Doctor would ever see us again, and it wouldn't go anywhere anyway. There is no Consumer advocacy for the Insurance consumer in Florida. So yeah, you're all just a bunch of punks pissing your money into Obama's health care folly.
This happened to you TPB ?
This happened to you TPB ?
I did not even bother reply. It's called out of pocket maximum. I am sure there a stories where insurance will not want to pay when there millions involved; that's where you fight.
anon_08dee saysThis happened to you TPB ?
Yes it did dig up old threads from 2012 for "Done!" The Liberal ass kissing fanboys here savagely abused me as I posted our experience in real time. As they saw my tale as a threat as I was saying it was a premonition to what's to come. And I was spot on, and it was those Ass Clowns lying their ass off. Tampa Bay Tribune even sent a Liberal spook to shut my discourse down, by trolling and flaming every little peep out me. I finally had to find the number for "Liar Liar Your Pants on Fire" and told their Chief Editor I was on to him.
The guy was gone the next day.
Must be a shortage of toilet paper in the stores, so they need something else to use.
This happened to you TPB ?
Yes it did dig up old threads from 2012 for "Done!" The Liberal ass kissing fanboys here savagely abused me as I posted our experience in real time
Then Obama allowed 80% of the houses that defaulted during the RE collapse to end up in Rental Investors So now as a result, a one room efficiency now rents for $1200 a month.
Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care?
Turn on Fox. It will make you feel better.
@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?
@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?
@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?
The first year of Obama care was 2013. Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care? Was your insurance bought through the exchange?
I'm calling bullshit that your insurance had anything to do with Obama care.
The results of the 2016 elections make clear to me that we remain a center right nation. I think that's cast in stone.
anon_961a0 saysThe first year of Obama care was 2013. Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care? Was your insurance bought through the exchange?
I'm calling bullshit that your insurance had anything to do with Obama care.
Bwahaha You know that's what Marcus kept saying. Now my 2012 Woes are pretty much the standard saga with the Insured when they get the bill for something they thought was covered. We all know before Obamacare you paid your copay and that was it, you're done. The only time you saw another bill was if you went out of network. Now pretty much every thing but Check ups and Sex Changes are out of network.
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Maybe trump likes this ? During his campaign, this kind of media attention was always good for him. His base was moved by the sort of "isn't it refreshing that he's not like other people in government ?"
Maybe that will still happen ? It's not like the number of people that think he's unfit for the job has much room to increase. The TPBs (and many others here that I won't name) of the world aren't going anywhere. Although Bannon's comments certainly should give a few of them pause.
Btw, if Bannon didn't say those things, then why did Trump say he's out of his mind ?
Someone aptly said, "Making America Read Again."
I wonder if this will be the biggest selling book of 2018 ?
#AmericanCulture #politics