Social effects of the bubble

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2005 Sep 21, 3:01am   52,330 views  583 comments

by SQT15   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Per Jamie's request

What kind of social impact do you think there has been by the bubble? Are people any different because of the wealth effect? What about the social impact on people who have not bought into the RE market? Do you think what we are seeing is predictable human behavior that will occur again in the next bubble?

Is there a social impact we haven't discussed yet?


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335   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 7:24am  

San Jose is tops on my list of places that would benefit from carpet bombing, Berkeley is second.


Ahhh San Hosebag, the city without a soul.

Yep. Zombie city it is.

336   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 7:43am  

What is it about San Jose that makes it this way?

I'm going to catch hell for this, but it's the people who are devoid of style and substance, the town which is ugly, filled with sprawl and just ugly, did I mention it's ugly? The gangs, the malise, the police who act like nazis, the polution, the people, the traffic, and now the ass reaming you are taking in housing. Forget it. I don't even buy gas in Santa Clara county, I'll push my car to the next county if I have to.

There might in fact be nice people in San Hosebag, I've just never met them.

337   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 7:44am  

What is it about San Jose that makes it this way? I don’t spend much time there, but when I’m there, I just want to leave.

To be fair, I heard that it is much better than 10 years ago...

Still, I do not know what went wrong there. Way too many red light runners. People look scary. Too many younguns. I think it is time to instigate a curfew for teenagers there.

Even Milpitas feels much better than San Jose.

338   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 7:45am  

To me, Milpenis and San Hosebag are the same city, same goes for Crapatino.

339   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 7:46am  

There might in fact be nice people in San Hosebag, I’ve just never met them.

I live there. But I am not so nice.

340   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 7:47am  

To me, Milpenis and San Hosebag are the same city, same goes for Crapatino.

Pretty much. But I feel less threatened in Cupertino.

341   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 7:50am  

As crappy as San Hosebag is, it's much much better than Pismo Beach. Whatever you do, don't move here, it's horrible.

342   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 7:53am  

As crappy as San Hosebag is, it’s much much better than Pismo Beach. Whatever you do, don’t move here, it’s horrible.

I have been there on my honey moon trip. I liked it. Cracked Crab has pretty good cracked crabs.

343   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 7:59am  

Yeah, it seems to me to have a very “concrete jungle” feel to it. Does the sun even shine if you’re anywhere downtown?

It is more like a concrete swamp. It gets super noisy when wind blows from the south and planes take off towards the city.

344   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 7:59am  

I have been there on my honey moon trip. I liked it. Cracked Crab has pretty good cracked crabs.

They've paved the whole area and put in a Walmart. I kid I kid, I freakin love it here, beyond beautiful. :) :)

345   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 8:10am  

5 years in Lincoln, Nebraska or Des Moines, or Bismarck

Actually it is my understanding that there are a lot of immigrants in these places, work in the meat packing industry.

346   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 8:11am  

I suppose I could be shot for saying such a thing, but doesn’t Mexico have restrictions such that an American expat can’t buy beachfront property.

Kind of, you can't exactly buy property as a non-mexican in mexico. It's held in trust by a bank.

347   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 8:11am  

See my rants about population above. This is one of my biggest gripes/concerns/pet peeves………and it’s mostly the scariest, dumbest, most financially inept that keep having kids.

Your comment is not without merit. The population mix of the world will reach problematic proportion in a few decades.

In addition to that, I would guess the population of Latinos (not lumping them in with the crowd above) will continue to explode exponentially as their religious beliefs tend to still be of the “a child is a gift from God” sentiment, especially if they are originally from Central/South America.

I see Latino as hard-working people that are generally useful members of the society.

This is a class thing, not a race thing.

348   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 8:14am  

I see Latino as hard-working people that are generally useful members of the society.

I'm 1/2 mexican, but as lazy as the day is long, must be the whitey in me ;) If you don't dig the mexi vibe, man, you're in the wrong place, this did, afterall, used to be Mexico. I love Mexico, and the latino culture in general. So warm, such good food. One thing I've never been able to understand, geographically speaking, is why back in the day, we didn't just take all of california, norte and sur, baja should be part of US california.

349   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 8:34am  

Portland’s getting there (still very white),

I lived in Porland for a year and half after undergraduate school back in '91. Couldn't stand it, got to where I made peace with myself that it was ok, but god damn dude, they are so fucking red-neck there it's amazing. They put this ballot iniative forward, measure 9, that would declare homosexuality an immoral, perverse behavior, now here's the real kicker, anyone PERCEIVED to be homosexual would be illigible for any type of public job. The fucking thing failed by 51/49. Get this, in the ballot book there were over 100 agruments against, the mayor, governor, etc all against, 3 agruments for, all quoted the bible. Time to go. I'm not homosexual, but do the math man, for every gay dude, well, there's an extra girl for me.

350   dantestein   2005 Sep 27, 2:23pm  

Why downtown San Jose'? Well... let see...

Walk to the new opera house
Walk to the Shark Tank
Walk to PF Changs (just happens to be one of my favorite)
Walk to Sonoma Chicken (my second favorite)
Walk/bike/roller blade on the new Guadalupe Trail (nice tennis courts too)
Walk to the Cinema
Walk to Starbucks
Walk to Improv
Walk to MLK Library (The best in the bay area)
Walk to Adobe (where I work)
Walk to the Vault (Awesome club)
Walk to the new city hall for a leisurely lunch
Grand Prix this summer was awesome
Hang out at the Fairmont on weekends
Something is always going on at the park, the same place where they have the annual "Christmas in the park"
Free summer time concerts and jazz festivals
Voted the safest large city in the country for god knows how many consecutive years

You know what... I'm going to stop here but I can go on forever..
You know guys, there is a reason why the condo prices and the housing prices specifically in the downtown are has doubled within last couple years. There is a reason for everything. People don't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just for kicks...

All I know is that I didn't get my condo. And NO, I will not move to 50 something lazy downtown Shallow Alto. University ave is dead and compare to downtown SJ, it looks like ghost town. But I'll give you Stanford. Much better than SJSU... but that's about it.

351   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 2:34pm  

Walk to PF Changs (just happens to be one of my favorite)
Walk to Sonoma Chicken (my second favorite)
Walk to Starbucks
Walk to Adobe

Like I said, San Hosebag has no soul. Glad you like McFood and McCoffee. Me, I prefer the steaming bean, walking to the beach, and not having a bunch of carbon copy trite bullshit formula corporate bullshit nike slave labor businesses to suck my every last dime out of me. I grew up in San Hosebag, it's a shithole, always has been, always will be. What do you get when you gilt a turd? A gold plated shit. But, experiences might vary. Enjoy.

352   SQT15   2005 Sep 27, 3:10pm  

Loved reading the posts about San Jose. For years my husband and I have referred to Milpitas as the armpit of California, I don't even want to guess what you guys would call San Jose. ;)

353   surfer-x   2005 Sep 27, 3:18pm  

Milpitas aka Milpenis.

Just an extension of San hosebag with more facist cops.

354   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 3:37pm  

You know what… I’m going to stop here but I can go on forever..

You can go on forever.

You know guys, there is a reason why the condo prices and the housing prices specifically in the downtown are has doubled within last couple years. There is a reason for everything. People don’t spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just for kicks…

Prices in the Central Valley went up even more... How about Pahrump, NV?

All I know is that I didn’t get my condo. And NO, I will not move to 50 something lazy downtown Shallow Alto. University ave is dead and compare to downtown SJ, it looks like ghost town. But I’ll give you Stanford. Much better than SJSU… but that’s about it.

It is boring in Palo Alto without the risk of mortal danger. It may be a ghost down but there are fewer ghosts of random/non-random violence.

355   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 3:40pm  

Walk to PF Changs (just happens to be one of my favorite)
Walk to Sonoma Chicken (my second favorite)
Walk to Starbucks
Walk to Adobe

I live in the same block as PF Chang's. There are way too many Gen-Y'ers around there, especially at night.

356   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 3:41pm  

Loved reading the posts about San Jose. For years my husband and I have referred to Milpitas as the armpit of California, I don’t even want to guess what you guys would call San Jose.

Gr***. Censored. :)

357   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 3:46pm  

Walk to Adobe (where I work)

Seriously, they will soon have light rail to Campbell. Would you consider there instead? Campbell gives a better vibe somehow.

You can even take light rail to mountain view, they have some pretty nice places there.

I used to live in Ciscoland aka North San Jose and I actually liked the area. It is empty at night, which is very pleasant.

358   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 3:51pm  

Phoung Nguyen, I just want you to think very carefully. San Jose by day is *very* different from San Jose by night. I moved there despite stern warning by some good friends and now...

I urge you to stay in San Jose downtown for a few nights and experience first hand.

On the other hand, San Jose does have some pretty good steaks if you are a meat-lover. (AP Stump's, The Grill, Arcadia, etc)

359   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 4:27pm  

The crime statistics for San Jose are very good actually for a large city, but there’s certainly more crime there than in most of the smaller towns in the Santa Clara/San Mateo counties.

It has certainly improved a lot. It is not only devoid of culture.

I agree, however, that downtown San Jose isn’t a fun place at night.

No, it is not a fun place at night. It is a funny place. ;)

360   brightc   2005 Sep 27, 4:46pm  

Funny, I work at Adobe, too. I don't know any "Phuong Nguyen".

In addition, the correct spelling of "Phuong" is, as you've just noticed, with the 'u' before the 'o'.

Just curious how a person could misspell his or her name :-)

361   Peter P   2005 Sep 27, 5:05pm  

Just curious how a person could misspell his or her name

It is probably an altered-ego anyway. For example, Peter P is my altered-ego, "P" stands for "Peter P". :-P

You guys have the nicest buildings in town. Adobe is a great company!

362   brightc   2005 Sep 28, 12:38am  

I'd just like to clarify that I'm not trying to pick on "Phoung". It's OK, I'm just curious.

The Adobe buildings are awesome! You're right about Adobe being a very good company. Employees are treated well, and the people are just so friendly. It's a Microsoft without the aggression and the constant shouting at one another with expletives :-) We work hard though. It's not uncommon to see people staying at work after 7 PM.

About downtown San Jose, I like to go to a few restaurants for lunch and occassionally, dinner. But it seems we still direly need places with actually good, edible food. Maybe I'm too critical, but I can only enjoy food in just about five places. Some Mediterrean restaurants (in San Pedro Square) are just outright too expensive, with average food, but I can never have the a la Taco Bell "I'm full" moment.

If you go further to near SJSU, the scenes degrades pretty fast. Old houses, suspicious-looking people... That is why in my opinion, I would rent in downtown San Jose so that I can walk to work, but having a permanent place (i.e. buying a condo) there, I would rather spend some extra money and endure the commute to live in a condo in SF instead.

363   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 3:30am  

Sunnyvale near fair oaks and reed anyone?

I have lived there for two years. It is not nearly as bad.

Paseo Plaza is not bad. It is one of the best complexes in town.

I mean, I realize that the real estate market will have to take a breather at some point, but you guys have a terrible track record of getting it right.

How long has this site been here? When did we start posting?

I guess I’m just venting because I let people like you guys talk me out of buyings years back. If I had gone with my desires, I’d have at least $500K in my pocket in equity, as most of my friends do…

You are responsible for your own actions. Is it so difficult to take responsibility? Phrases like "could have" and "would have" do not exist in my dictionary.

364   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 3:33am  

I would rent in downtown San Jose so that I can walk to work, but having a permanent place (i.e. buying a condo) there, I would rather spend some extra money and endure the commute to live in a condo in SF instead.

Very true. Honestly, I like neighborhoods like Sharon Heights in Menlo Park. However, the condos there are usually very old. I like my neighbors to be 55-75 because I know they are harmless.

365   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 5:16am  

I don’t know…..I’ve known some to be real ASSHATS!

Very true though. Do you think more educated neighborhoods will be better?

366   SQT15   2005 Sep 28, 5:24am  

Very true though. Do you think more educated neighborhoods will be better?

They're just asshats with a better vocabulary.

367   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 5:27am  

No, in those neighborhoods, the asshats regulate everything, a la HOAs, what color I can paint my house, etc.

HOA = Hitler Operatives Association?

They’re just asshats with a better vocabulary.

LOL! I will have to interrupt their speeches and consult a dictionary.

368   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 9:34am  

As far as how long this website has been around, I ran into it couple years ago (I believe). But its just not this website, everybody is/was talking about the demise of the real estate market that never materialized.

So you blame the inaccuracies made by another website on us?

I heard that Google is hiring mostly elsewhere (e.g. China) BTW.

Oh, and “would have” and “could have” is a perfectly valid statement. We have every right to blame society for our decisions and ills.

Blame if you wish.

GOMBEI anyone? Best chicken teriyaki in town.

Try Kaygetsu in Sharon Height. (www.kaygetsu.com). It is by far the best Japanese restaurant in America I have been to. Larry and Steve eat there all the time.

369   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 2:24pm  

I wished I haved shorted the market from 2000 to 2002 as well. I blamed... I blamed... I blamed no one but myself.

370   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 3:09pm  

Did society tell them to buy a house that they knew was in a floodplain? Not to be insensitive, just sayin…..

I wanted to say the same thing...

We Cali-phonians are living literally on the fault-line though.

371   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 3:15pm  

What about the mudslides? I hear they do some Van-damage too.

Yep, some homes literally crashed.

372   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 3:23pm  

Are the Sierras volcanic?

I have no idea.

Looks like civilizations love to cluster around potential disasters.

373   Peter P   2005 Sep 28, 3:53pm  

Ryland Mew looks pretty nice. Is the Feng Shui okay though? I remember it is next to the Coleman street overpass.

There are some new lofts on 2nd street, have you looked at those?

374   SQT15   2005 Sep 28, 3:54pm  

Oh, and “would have” and “could have” is a perfectly valid statement. We have every right to blame society for our decisions and ills. We are social animals that depend on society to influence our decision. That cannot be avoided. For instance, most of us here speak english (social influence), most of us wear clothes before we walk outside (social influence), most of us want to own a home that is completely paid off (social influence) … Get my drift? So anyone that claims to be solely responsible for their actions are pretty much full of it… Victims of Katrina need society’s help. They were also victims of societies inability to react (e.g. government) Money itself is a product of social influence. If everyone in this society decided to not accept money as something of value, it would become useless. In another words, I have every right to blame the society for telling me not to buy RE while the same society was taking the price to the atmospheric level which is preventing me from making the purchase. There’s nothing I can do about it, but I have every right to blame society for it.


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