New Paradigm? The Rise of Mortgage-Backed Securities

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2006 Oct 24, 7:11am   15,950 views  174 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


This is a topic that seems to come up fairly often and I think is worth exploring: Does the rise of Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs) represent a true "paradigm shift" in how risk is decoupled from mortgage originators/lenders and transferred to individual investors and taxpayers? Is this a temporary trend soon to follow unprofitable Dot.coms into the dustbin of history, or a true revolution in risk transference?

MBS/CMO goal: Privatize profits, socialize risk

We have often derided those in the REIC over the past year or so who have claimed that the unprecedented run-up in housing prices over the last 6 years was a "new paradigm", i.e., a permanent, historic shift in severing the traditional relationships between incomes, rents and RE prices. But what if there's a kernel of truth to this?

We must remember that MBS/CMOs are what have made issuing NAAVLPs and I/Os profitable, even with tiny risk premiums, because of that oh-so-critical risk-transference. Even the most toxic option-ARM is profitable to the originating lender –in fact, the fees & points (profits) are far higher on toxic loans than they are on traditional 15/30-year FRMs or amortizing ARMs. If you're a lender, why wouldn't you want to take boat-loads of risk-free (for you) money? You'd have to be crazy not to, right? Of course, there's always the possibility of repurchase agreements or class-action lawsuits if things get really bad, but, hey that's for some other guy to worry about. You're in it for the short-term profits and couldn't care less about the long view, right?

The new MBS/CMO risk transfer model has been working SO well for lenders that I fear only a complete economic meltdown (resulting from it) would deter banks from voluntarily continuing its use in the future. And, as Randy has pointed out, the current anti-regulation/pro-banking bias in government is so strong, involuntary regulations (with real enforcement) are pretty much out of the question –for now.

I believe our best hope where toxic loans are concerned is for MBS investors to begin to recognize that the underlying risk has been severely under-priced and demand greater premiums and/or risk disclosure. This should result in higher mortgage interest rates and the return of "quaint" things like full-documentation, which in turn would deter widespread use of these loans. Of course, this would require FB defaults on a massive scale, something we could expect to see beginning next year, and continuing in waves for several more years.

"Next year, a trillion dollars worth of mortgages will have their rates reset, said Dan Mudd, chief executive officer of Fannie Mae. That's a significant share of $9 trillion in mortgages outstanding, he said."
Source: Reuters

Add to that the roughly $.5 Trillion that started resetting this year, and another $1 Trillion that will start resetting in 2008, and you have approximately $2.5 Trillion in neg-ams and option-ARMs that will be resetting monthly by end of 2008. We're not talking small resets either. When you factor in a typical 1-2% "teaser" shooting up to LIBOR + 2-3% (typical mark-up for option-ARMs), PLUS the loans starting to amortize (having to start paying back principal as well as full interest), payments could shoot up 100-200% for Mr & Mrs. Howmuchamonth.

Thoughts, opinions...?


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108   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 6:28am  

As I mentioned yesterday, a friend of a friend is at youtube. He’s shopping for a helicopter.

Maybe he can supplant HeliBen and drop some of his youtube winnings in cash to help the economy along.

109   Peter P   2006 Oct 25, 6:38am  

As I mentioned yesterday, a friend of a friend is at youtube. He’s shopping for a helicopter.

How much is a new helicopter anyway? Last time I checked it costs less than half of a crappy townhouse in the Bay Area.

I have co-workers who own planes.

110   lunarpark   2006 Oct 25, 6:39am  

Water cooler conversation -

Three clerks in my office were talking about the housing market. One is buying now, one bought last year, one the year before. They all have under $100k combined income. One of them apparently has an adjustable that has gone up $1200 over the course of the loan. I keep hearing about all the "rich" people buying - but of the people I know, it's these lower income people who are jumping into the market. I do know one stock option couple who paid cash for two houses - one Santa Clara and one in Santa Cruz.

Other people I know who have bought:

2003 - San Jose, $70k income, $475k house
2004 - San Francisco $1,000,000 condo, $90k income. Bought another condo to flip at the end of 2005 - last I heard it had not sold and he was going to rent it out.
2004 - Santa Clara, $60k income, $400k house/condo?
2004- San Jose, $150k income, $600k house
2005- Santa Clara, $90k income, $550k condo

I just don't see this ending well at all.

111   Peter P   2006 Oct 25, 6:41am  

2004- San Jose, $150k income, $600k house

This should be fine with 20% down.

112   lunarpark   2006 Oct 25, 6:43am  

@ Peter P - I forgot to mention, they financed the entire amount.

113   Peter P   2006 Oct 25, 6:44am  

I forgot to mention, they financed the entire amount

They should still be fine, but only marginally. The "San Francisco $1,000,000 condo, $90k income" combination is not very good though.

114   lunarpark   2006 Oct 25, 6:47am  

I hope they will be fine, however, they have one baby and another on the way. The husband is a spender and the wife has left work to stay home and care for the child. So...

The $90k guy - oh brother. I don't even know where to begin. I've known him since high school. He's never been real bright.

115   Peter P   2006 Oct 25, 6:49am  

The husband is a spender and the wife has left work to stay home and care for the child. So…

If they still have 150K income, it should be okay. It depends on how big a spender is the husband though.

116   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 6:53am  


It's the $90k income $1m guy that scares me the most. yikes.

117   lunarpark   2006 Oct 25, 7:00am  

@skibum - Yeah, I know. Is he an anomaly in this market or...? Scary to even contemplate. I wonder if he knows Casey-

118   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 7:10am  


Yeah, you could say that. Maybe we should have said:

MBS and You!

Avoiding Peer Pressure in the New Paradigm:

That aside owning fractional shares is real popular in Oregon especially in Bend and on the coast. It strikes me that these are some of the most vulnerable holdings (after timeshares of course). If you want a window into what a failed boomertopia will look like go no further than Bend!

119   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 8:05am  


The info there is from First American RE Solutions and appears to be the research arm of First American Title. Dr. Cagan is calling for 266,000 foreclosures in the next 5 years in CA. MORE if equity declines! Just the fact that he's carrying his projection out 5 years leads me to believe that unlike DL he is not calling this month's numbers "the bottom of the trough"?

120   HARM   2006 Oct 25, 8:05am  


A 20% decline would be highly optimistic for California, Land of Eternal Appreciation. I'd consider the source here, described as "Christopher Cagan, Director of Research and Analytics at First American Real Estate Solutions". Let's face it, forecasts are like assholes, everyone's got one.

That aside, at least he's actually calling for a significant drop, which puts him way ahead of DL, LAY & Watts in terms of credibility. Plus, he's hedging his bets with that little disclaimer "if prices fall 5%, move one row down", etc.

121   HARM   2006 Oct 25, 8:06am  

DinOR & I simultaneously posted and basically said the same thing.
Great minds...?

122   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 9:52am  


I thought doctors had to be gutsy….


Not with money! Although I do know more than a few colleagues who are pretty close to being FB's. MD's are often scarily naive about money issues.

123   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 10:10am  


My mom worked for Chicago, Ticor and American Title over the years. Since almost without exception all of the data they dealt w/was empirical I'd say Dr. Cagan's credibility is in better shape than some industry shills.

124   requiem   2006 Oct 25, 10:36am  

Assuming Dr. Cagan's data is good, and that he is simply being hopeful that prices won't fall too far, we can simply slide down the rows in his disclaimer to find the appropriate numbers. He may say "X foreclosures over the next n years", but we can read that as "here's how foreclosure rates are affected by price drops".

125   OO   2006 Oct 25, 10:49am  

The opium analogy is fitting, until we get hooked on the same opium.

I am all for printing money in exchange for real goods from China, and then depreciate the hell out of their reserve, that's what I would do if I were running this country, and I had a whole country of smart and disciplined people to work with. However, that's not the reality.

The status of the world's reserve currency is something that the American ancestors fought hard to garnish. With that status, we as Americans can enjoy higher standard of living at a lower cost, if you ever lived elsewhere outside the US, you would understand that this is about the only place on earth that quality of life comes at such a cheap price, until the housing bubble forms. The whole US economy is largely based on one important assumption: cheap energy. We are able to enjoy cheap energy partially because of our reserve currency status. If we lose that, how much do you think a carton of milk will cost? How much will your amazon shipping cost be? How can people continue to live in the boonies on acres of land, especially in the northeastern corner?

The job migration to China is not worriesome in the sense that it displaces our lower-strata citizens. It is disturbing that in the longer run, once they have a monopoly of supply chain on certain goods, that's when their pricing power begins to take hold, and their knowhow leaps ahead of ours. For example, do you know that starting from 2005, almost 100% of the notebooks in the world are assembled in an industrial area just outside of Shanghai called Kunshan? Notebook assembly used to be spread across Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore, now, regardless of who you order from, all notebooks are shipped straight out of Shanghai. Grant it, they are still quite low on the food chain, but the extreme concentration of manufacturing in one base is alarming. And, it takes time to break up that clutter of supply chain vendors, even if we want to migrate certain functions to another country in search of even lower cost. They are determined to climb up the food chain, and if we continue to act stupid, they will.

Therefore, it is much better for us to crash now, while having them share the cushion of blow, than crashing later, when they have climbed high enough to help engineer our fall.

126   Peter P   2006 Oct 25, 10:49am  

For a fleeting moment, I sometimes wish for an out-and-out depression….

Sometimes I wish for the Judgement Day.

127   astrid   2006 Oct 25, 11:40am  


Huh? Option on option? Sounds like a bad deal - double the chance of getting someone screwing you out of your winnings and complicates legal recourses. I'm also pretty sure that it would qualify as gambling and securities and be subject to both state law AND the SEC. (Though I'm too lazy to actually backup this opinion with sources).


DinOR usually has a fit when I bring it up, but I really don't think there should be separate tax treatments for investment income or retirement plans (given that this pretty much drives DinOR out of business - no wonder)

I will now do some preemptive poxing on my own chosen profession, once I completely figure out what that might be.


I don't need a time machine to 1999. A time machine to last year is just fine. I'm not greedy -- two or three multistate powerball jackpots will sustain me just fine.


What worries me are the $120K-200K/yr families who bought their primary residence before 2002 and just acquired 3 or 4 "investment properties." Half of my parents' friends and associates seem to fall into this category.

I'm still having trouble processing the YouTube acquisition. My head flash back to 2001 when seniors got great job offers (then lost their jobs within months of starting).

128   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 11:52am  

Stop the Presses!

My rent (In Accordance with the Oregon Residential Landlord Act ORS 90.240 (4) (a)), has been raised from $850 to $865 a month! Outrageous! I'm challenging this! Outrageous!

That's pricing power baby!


129   Peter P   2006 Oct 25, 11:53am  

RE: bubble-proof markets

Too bad this bubble-proof-ness is already baked into the price. As a result, nothing is bubble-proof.

130   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 12:06pm  


It really wouldn't put me out of business (I also manage corporate, charitable and institutional accounts) as well. All I've ever asked for was a level playing field! With the 250/500K exemption on primary residence IT'S FORCING rank and file Americans to play the "buy all the house you can afford and then some" game! Isn't that what mortgage "planners/coaches" broadcast to their "clients"?

If we're going to say no pre-tax contributions to 401K/IRA's that's fine. While we're at it let's not only do away w/the 250/500K exemption let's not re-institute the "one time" exemption either! Just look at how lopsided things have become.

131   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 12:15pm  


I've been waiting to see how long it would take for you to cling on to the glimmer of RE bullish-ness from that cnn article. Thanks for obliging. Are you planning to use that in your next Realtor newsletter to send out to your clients?

As a counterweight, cnn/money has also published places NOT to buy, as they are "bad investment" areas because of "too much appreciation" recently:


Looks like the vast majority are CA (central valley in particular). Yes, I know, this is just cnn/money talking out of their asses. But, what the hey.

132   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 12:16pm  

BTW astrid,

I've been having trouble getting to your greencrabs blog. Have you noticed any trouble today?

133   astrid   2006 Oct 25, 12:24pm  


Unfortunately, all the blogspot blogs seem to be down right now. They did an upgrade this afternoon and the upgrade may be having trouble taking.

Sorry about that. It must be my bad karma against the preferential capital gains tax system.

134   astrid   2006 Oct 25, 12:27pm  

Confused Renter,

If you didn't bother to read the contents of the threads you posted on (which would answer your question very clearly), then what you really need is a reading tutor.

135   SP   2006 Oct 25, 12:49pm  

ConfusedRenter Says:
What are your thoughts if the Fed cuts rates back down to 4% from 5.25%?

Why don't you just ask your proctologist to pull an answer out for you?

136   SP   2006 Oct 25, 1:03pm  

RandyH - I just saw this artickle in the The Marin Independent Journal. “Home foreclosures in Marin County were up nearly 60 percent in the third quarter compared with the same period last year, Dataquick reported." SHOCKING! I was sure these homes would sell within a week for AT LEAST 100,000 over asking. Boy, was I wrong! What's worse, the artickle also said: "Marin’s foreclosure picture was still rosier than most of the other eight counties in the Bay Area, where overall foreclosures surged 89.2 percent in the third quarter."

Oh well, one mustn't wish harm or agony - so I guess I should just Enjoy the Whether. It was over 70 degrees in SF today.


137   monkeyinchief   2006 Oct 25, 1:12pm  


Any serious investor will tell you that the expected return on a illiquid investment should be at least be 3% points about a liquid investment to compensate for the risk. Even with if real estate matches stocks over the long haul (which is not possible due to residential real estate having no economic productive capacity after it is built), it's still not a good investment.

The Fed doesn't control mortgage rates, only the federal funds rate. Even without the default risk that has not be properly priced into MBS, 6% is too little return on a 30 year callable fixed investment. Mortgage rates are headed up in the long run regardless of the fed's action. The S&P 500 is up over 10% for the year. The strong stock market performance will shift investment from fixed income to equities.

138   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 1:34pm  


Keep the ConfusedRenter spoofs comin'. I enjoy the occasional chuckle.

Funny you think i’m a realtor. Can you remind me again what your background/occupation/story is?

CR, Why don't you search some of the previous threads and find out. I'm sure it's there. I'd point you to the right thread, but then again, "this blog is so enthusiastic, that by the time i turn around, i can’t find what i posted anymore."

139   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 1:46pm  


Actually the ML article said that Merrill has backed down from their original position of rate reductions starting as early as Jan. 07 to Mar. 07! Had Cornfused Realtor read further he might have noted that Credit Suisse is of the opinion that we'll be at 5.25 for quite some time. Not to knock Merrill but Credit Suisse has an equal right to their forecast.

I'll agree, even if we lowered the overnight lending rate back to 1% it would only add volatility, not salvation.

140   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 1:48pm  


Aren't 1,2,3 usually the same person?

141   DinOR   2006 Oct 25, 1:52pm  


LOL! Would it have killed you to just come out and say it? I know, I know we don't want to come off as being prejudicial to FB's!

142   Randy H   2006 Oct 25, 2:03pm  


Thanks for the enjoyable satire on a pretty rough evening. I saw the Marin surge in foreclosures too, and I'm happy to see it (and not ashamed either). Although I don't think we'll see this translate into price action for some months yet to come, but it is a promising *leading indicator*. A banker guy a was talking to over the weekend (who may or may not have known what he was talking about, but he was good enough to fool me) said that it usually takes 4-6 months for foreclosed properties to re-enter the primary housing market. It came up when I was asking about how badly banks do or don't want to assume homes, in the context of my questions about short sales, credit fraud, etc.

His quite insistent take was that banks almost never want homes, unless it's a credibility thing. I told him my complex "game theory" argument about banks needing to signal intent to other banks vis-a-vis borrowers. He laughed at me and said I was being far too generous in my assessment of most banks strategic planning. Oh well, so much for theory, lol. (Actually his first response was something about me smoking crack).

Anyway, he said the banks will usually dicker around for a couple of months trying to avoid foreclosure, putting the homeowner on this and that structured plan. Then they try short sales and some other stuff I didn't quite understand the difference from short sales. Finally, they'll foreclose. From that point forward it's a couple months to actually foreclose. He said no sooner than 60 days in CA, usually 90 in Marin. Then the bank takes another 30-60 days to sell the property to a foreclosure investor -- the guys who buy foreclosures at auctions. Sometimes they don't auction the home, but sell direct to some foreclosure investor they've worked with before, depending on the situation. Expensive homes get auctioned. Finally those guys will resell the home again to the regular homebuying public, after fixing up any damage and marketing it; or they'll transfer it to an agency they work with that buys inventory. A bunch of tax stuff is apparently involved too.

So if this guy's for real, then it'll be up to half a year before any of those foreclosures start to move prices. Ugh.

(Oh, and the rate isn't 80some% foreclosures, but an increase in the *rate* of 80some%. An increase from 2% to 3.6% is an 80% increase in the rate).

143   Randy H   2006 Oct 25, 2:08pm  


….and it is because of this that RE will not be sticky this time.

You are too much, my friend. You're continually confusing sticky with something else. You studied engineering, if I recall. So you understand continuous functions versus threshold discontinuities. Sticky just means the latter. It is ironically *necessary* for fast price movements (when the value passes through a discontinuity).

If it makes you feel better, we won't say "sticky", we'll just call it Allah Price Movements (APMs).

144   skibum   2006 Oct 25, 2:19pm  

So you understand continuous functions versus threshold discontinuities. Sticky just means the latter. It is ironically *necessary* for fast price movements (when the value passes through a discontinuity).

A more general engineering analogy is that RE prices exhibit hysteresis on the way up vs. down.

145   Randy H   2006 Oct 25, 2:19pm  


Putting your scheme into an option pricing formula will tell you exactly why your scheme won't work. The "odds" are too far to the extreme. It's not like writing a call on oil at a $90 strike with, say $70 underlying today. It's more like writing that $90 strike with $0.000001 underlying today. Remember, the tickets themselves sell for $1 in the open market, with 0% volatility. Given the odds of a winner (even counting all the minor winners), your options would be essentially worthless.

146   Randy H   2006 Oct 25, 2:22pm  


and what I believe everyone else means by it other than you

Excuse my mistake. And here I thought many others agreed with me, not the least of which *the people who coined the term "sticky" in the first place*. I will agree that there is a widely held misunderstanding.

Sticky is independent of intent. Some is buyer psychology. Some seller psychology. Some simple transactional friction and lack of liquidity.


Thanks for untangling my statement :) I did say it's a rough evening. Telecoms. Ugh.

147   SP   2006 Oct 25, 3:27pm  

ConfusedRenter Says:
I’ve found real estate to be sticky on the way down, and less sticky on the way up.

[surfer-x emulator ON]

Come to think of it, troll, your mom is the same way. But can you please get her to eat less corn? Thanks much.

[surfer-x emulator OFF]


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