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The first rule of the West is that people must be free to speak their own minds without fear of violence.
The first rule of Islam is that no one is free to speak of Mohammed's robberies, rapes, and murders without fear of violence.
Wilders, the leader of the second largest party in the Netherlands, will hold the drawing competition at his party’s parliamentary offices in The Hague.
The judges include an American cartoonist, Bosch Fawstin, the winner of a Mohammad cartoon competition that took place in Texas three years ago.
The Texas competition was attacked by two gunmen, who were taken out by security. ISIS claimed responsibility, but that claim could not be verified.
Since the announcement by Wilders, he has received numerous death threats.
“So this is what the followers of the “ideology of peace” send you when you organise something about their so called prophet,” Wilders said on Twitter.