Cosmopolitan defends photoshoot of giant land whale/woman in bikini in Times Square

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2018 Sep 21, 8:54am   2,599 views  18 comments

by lostand confused   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


Cosmopolitan's secret gay weapon to turn straight men gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments 1 - 18 of 18        Search these comments

1   Bd6r   2018 Sep 21, 9:47am  

WARNING - do NOT click on the link, you will not be able to un-see IT!!!
3   RC2006   2018 Sep 21, 10:00am  

dr6B says
WARNING - do NOT click on the link, you will not be able to un-see IT!!!

Luckily my work blocked it.
4   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2018 Sep 21, 10:02am  

Harpoon that leviathan!
5   Automan Empire   2018 Sep 21, 10:32am  

Jesus... she has curves in places that other women don't have places!

Those auxiliary fat hangers above the stock spare tire... fat women come up with crazy euphemisms for these. I heard one refer to them as "Puppies."
6   lostand confused   2018 Sep 21, 5:39pm  

willywonka says
Harpoon that leviathan!

Imagine strolling by Times square with your kids and running into this photoshoot!
7   LastMan   2018 Sep 21, 5:56pm  

Fat isn't sexy. Morbid obesity is even less so.
8   Bd6r   2018 Sep 21, 6:19pm  

LastMan says
Fat isn't sexy. Morbid obesity is even less so.

hate speech right there
9   HeadSet   2018 Sep 21, 6:24pm  

What is the point of Cosmo's "fluff" piece article? Create acceptance of the morbidly obese? I think not, more like another way to slander men for how they react:

Paraphrasing somewhat from the article:

Any negative reaction or comments is "Fat Shaming."
Any complements on what one may actually like about the woman' appearance is "objectifying."
Ignoring the woman completely is saying fat people are lesser humans not worthy of notice
10   Bd6r   2018 Sep 21, 6:26pm  

HeadSet says
Paraphrasing somewhat from the article:

Basically, all men are pigs, either because they do not like me, or because they like me, or because they ignore me as a strong and independent womyn who does not need men
11   Patrick   2018 Sep 21, 6:39pm  

Fat women are not going to like this, but they will always be perceived as ugly by men because they are distinctly less likely to bear healthy children, and men are exquisitely attuned to female fertility, though they call it "beauty".

Heavier women are less fertile. For each unit increase above a body mass index (BMI) of 25, where the “normal” weight range tops out, there’s a 3 percent drop in fertility in a given month.

That may not sound like much, but it means a woman at the bottom of the obese range – with a BMI of 30 – is 15 percent less fertile than someone of normal weight. And fertility keeps dropping from there even as other problems mount.

“It takes longer to get pregnant, there’s more pregnancy loss, more cesarean sections, more surgical complications from C-sections, and there’s double the risk of having an obese child,” said Nanette Santoro, MD, chair of the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
12   Bd6r   2018 Sep 21, 6:42pm  

Patrick says
Nanette Santoro, MD, chair of the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

This person needs to be fired NOW. What is next, claims that there are only two sexes? Next step after that is literally placing everyone in Trump's concentration camps!
13   HeadSet   2018 Sep 21, 6:48pm  

Morbid obesity is not just an appearance issue, it is a health issue. A health issue that can and should be cured for the affected individuals.

Over the years, the place I work has had it share of whales. I am talking about 400 plus pounders. It is gross. Ultra big people have a hard time with hygiene since it is difficult to wash under all those flaps of skin. When they use a restroom, they apparently end up lifting a few of these flaps to use the commode. Go into a restroom after Tubby has used it, and you will be greeted with the stench of rotting flesh from the newly exposed under flap areas. This is an unimaginable stink. A stink far worse than a sewer or skunk smell. Not just a smell you would stick your head in an elephant's ass just to get fresher air, but a smell so bad you instinctively cannot stay around.

A few of these fatties have under gone stomach stapling and similar surgeries. The result is that they lose all that blubber and actually get thin. After they get thin, they have to get skin removed. One girl who lost a couple hundred pounds subsequently had to get 50 pounds of excess skin removed. Yep, 50 pounds.

I always thought that if stomach stapling worked, then being fat was really a discipline issue. The cause of being fat was simply too much food intake. All the surgery did was stop them from overeating.
14   HeadSet   2018 Sep 21, 6:54pm  

Fat women are not going to like this

Then those fat women should be content with being ugly or lose the weight. Unlike Down's Syndrome or even baldness, a fat person can actually cure their "illness."
15   mell   2018 Sep 21, 7:16pm  

HeadSet says
Fat women are not going to like this

Then those fat women should be content with being ugly or lose the weight. Unlike Down's Syndrome or even baldness, a fat person can actually cure their "illness."

Yeah and actually I would not call that fat, overweight starts after normal weight, fat is a healthy dose of overweight, obese is a healthy dose of fat and morbidly obese is what that creature is. It's like a setting 11 on a guitar amp that goes to 10 that only spinal tap, motorhead and manowar could reach. But in a bad way.
16   HeadSet   2018 Sep 21, 7:46pm  

fat is a healthy dose of overweight

Interesting way to phrase that. Healthy, heh, heh.
17   WookieMan   2018 Sep 21, 11:00pm  

Yeah... that lady wasn't fat. Not sure the adjective for what I saw in that link, fat is being kind. As someone that has gotten overweight (not fat) in life, I just don't comprehend how that person in the photo happens. That's legit eating fast food everyday for all meals and then eating a fucking massive dinner or I guess 2nd dinner like a hobbit would.

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