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145   doik   2018 Oct 16, 12:56pm  

joshuatrio says
Sorry doik, but her level of native American blood is in the margin of error. This makes her a deranged liar which most normal people already knew. She is insane.

1/1024 is genetic SPECULATION, she is European.

Your statements are ridiculous. One can easily argue that Trump is a deranged liar, but there is absolutely no evidence to support such a statement against Warren. Nor is it at all reasonable to call her insane. No normal person would consider such a claim to be credible. Finally, being European and Native American isn't mutually exclusive.

Put simply, there is no evidence you would accept that Warren is distantly descendant from Native American. Evidence is irrelevant to people who engage in identity politics.

Ceffer says
It's fun to watch libbies gaslight equal opportunity gross fraud on the basis of the tiniest shred of dubious genetic attribution.

How am I a liberal when I
- support strong borders
- oppose welfare
- favor massive tax cuts
- favor massive spending cuts
- oppose deficit spending
- oppose immigration
- am anti-feminist
- am anti-anti-fa

I'm what Republicans used to be before the party was taken over by crazy extremists, and so is Elizabeth Warren. So now any moderate is a crazy libby to you. Can you see how this makes you the crazy one?
146   doik   2018 Oct 16, 12:59pm  

Rin says
NO ONE can be a professor at HARVARD LAW SCHOOL with a JD from RUTGERS!

You are making an assertion. You were not at the job interview. You have no idea why she was hired and who else applied. You cannot know these things.

In any case, she's been a senator long enough that she can be judged on her policies and voting record rather than by some proxy. Again, how is her ancestry relevant to her position as a senator today?
147   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 16, 1:21pm  

doik says
Put simply, there is no evidence you would accept that Warren is distantly descendant from Native American.

Her claim was that grandpa had high cheek bones and mom was discriminated against, and she was therefore enough native to check it on an application in which she knew it would help her.

Noone would give a shit if she said, "somewhere back there we all have a common ancestor."

Pretending Warren is anything besides factually wrong is insanity.

Being wrong doesnt make you a liar, but when you look at the opportunity to pull a quick one and her total lack of any evidence of Indian heritage, the evidence suggests she knew she was lying.
148   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 16, 1:23pm  

doik says
Again, how is her ancestry relevant to her position as a senator today?

Lol dude she made this political piece yesterday w intent to (now knowingly) manipulate people by pretending she is part american indian.

Normal people are just laughing at her, and at the fools who eat up her lies.
149   indc   2018 Oct 16, 1:43pm  

Rin says
doik says
Reality says
Warren committed fraud when checking that box and claimed her mother was discriminated against for being Native American.

This is a completely unfounded attack. You are grasping at straws. The fact that you would even try such an argument shows how out-of-touch with reality you are. You don't even realize how unpersuasive this argument is to anyone who isn't part of your extremist ideology.

Actually doik, it's you doesn't know reality. Sure, Liz's mom probably exaggerated stuff in terms of family lore, I mean c'mon, didn't everyone have someone in their family who embellished WWI or WWII stories for the sonic effects? Or perhaps, if you're from an even older world family, some massacre in Eastern European involving Cossacks and Turks?

But still, it doesn't change to mos...

Many of us lie when we are young to get our foot in. There is nothing wrong in it.
The problem is she does not want to own up to that mistake. Isn't asking for forgiveness easy than piling on lies?
And the reason she does not want to do that is because liberals cant accept that some people make mistakes when they are young. And they dont have to put them on cross for all simple lies.
150   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 16, 2:04pm  

doik says
I agree that anyone with a single ancestor from an ethic group, by definition, has that ethnicity as part of their genetic makeup and therefore absolutely is honest in checking the checkbox for that ethnic group whether or not they identity culturally with that group.

Unfortunately, that has palpable real world consequences, like being bragged about as a minority hire. Nor was Harvard the only time Warren used "Native American" in an application process. It was beneficial to both her and the employer.

What really should happen is no ethnicity questions should ever be asked by an employer, the government, and especially the census. Then there will be no identity warfare, ethnic special interest benefits, less gerrymandering and less divisiveness. Of course, one party in particular profits off of identity - the other does as well, but only in reaction to the pushing of special claims by the primary identitarian party. If that party didn't push, they'd have little to react to.

After for regretting in 20 years, I regret the past 30 years of post Cold War neoliberalism, which was a disaster for 60% of Americans. Much of the deficit revolves around hyper-interventionist wars from Yugoslavia to Iraq, something supported by the Media and the Majority of Both Parties. I'm glad of the shake up to Trade and Foreign Policy. For one, it reveals that punitive tariffs and not putting boots on the ground at the first sneeze won't result in WW3 and the Great Depression.
151   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 16, 2:08pm  

CBOEtrader says
Being wrong doesnt make you a liar, but when you look at the opportunity to pull a quick one and her total lack of any evidence of Indian heritage, the evidence suggests she knew she was lying.

Exactly. This isn't an "I was mistaken about my ancestry", this is "Science proves I am up to 1/1024th Native American, Orange Douchebag! Hear my War Whoop, Whitey!"
152   Goran_K   2018 Oct 16, 2:09pm  

I honestly can't believe Democrats want to argue that a person who is proven by DNA to be 99.999% white is somehow Native American.

But if they have an XY chromosome mix, they can somehow be a "woman".

I don't know if I should laugh, or cry.
153   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 16, 2:15pm  

Goran_K says
I honestly can't believe Democrats want to argue that a person who is proven by DNA to be 99.999% white is somehow Native American.

But if they have an XY chromosome mix, they can somehow be a "woman".

154   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 16, 2:21pm  

Goran_K says
I honestly can't believe Democrats want to argue that a person who is proven by DNA to be 99.999% white is somehow Native American.

Ridiculous straw man.
She never claimed she was native American.
She herself didn't know what percent of her ancestry was native Americans until the test.
All she did was believe her parents who told her she had some native American ancestry, and claimed so.

Obviously a capital crime for Trump cultists, whose leader does 10 times worse on a regular basis.
155   Ceffer   2018 Oct 16, 2:48pm  

"Indians condemned for demanding Congressional salaries because they are 0.1 percent Elizabeth Warren!"
156   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 16, 2:57pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
She never claimed she was native American.

That's the point of the question on the application.

She also claims an ancestor in the ad she produced and released this week. Yes you are correct, this is no "weddings and yoga" lie.

Heraclitusstudent says
Trump cultists, whose leader does 10 times worse on a regular basis.

Lol you too? Ok, please show us how trump has lied worse than Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren.
157   Goran_K   2018 Oct 16, 3:14pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
She never claimed she was native American.

wtf? So changing her race from "white" to "native american" at Harvard is not "claiming" to be Native American?

What will Democrats think of next? Women can have dicks? Men can have periods?

Oh wait..........

But maybe Heraclitus is right, Warren isn't trying to claim to be native, she only published a book called "Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes : Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole" and claimed to be native on Harvard promotional materials.

That's all.
158   Rin   2018 Oct 16, 3:39pm  

doik says
Rin says
NO ONE can be a professor at HARVARD LAW SCHOOL with a JD from RUTGERS!

You are making an assertion. You were not at the job interview. You have no idea why she was hired and who else applied. You cannot know these things.

Of course because I'm don't work for the dean's office, however, I do know those, who're in a position to hire assistant professors at Harvard Law and they've been pretty blunt ... Law Review (or other significant publication history) from Top Tier school, Federal Clerkships, etc, are what gets a person past the first round.

So yes, I have an idea or two about what it takes.

indc says
Many of us lie when we are young to get our foot in. There is nothing wrong in it.

Top Tier School does not include Rutgers, no matter how you stretch it.

In fact, getting a teaching post at HLS is so hard that even Harvard, Yale, or Columbia Law Review students have a tough time getting into the final rounds.
159   Rin   2018 Oct 16, 3:47pm  

Can we have Jeannie Suk, instead of Liz Warren, since she's also a minority woman but didn't fudge her background to get a teaching gig at Harvard Law?

PhD, Oxford
JD, Harvard
BA, Yale
160   Goran_K   2018 Oct 16, 4:13pm  

"Ridiculous straw man.
She never claimed she was native American.
She herself didn't know what percent of her ancestry was native Americans until the test."

161   Rin   2018 Oct 16, 4:25pm  

MegaForce says
Show White's cherry after spending a night at the Seven Dwarves' house!

Wait?! What happened to Snow White? No one ever told me this story.
163   NoYes   2018 Oct 16, 7:02pm  

Indian Giver
165   barrister   2018 Oct 17, 12:54am  

Someone - quick, ask Project Veritas or Sasha Cohen (or anyone at all) to stalk Warren and sneak off with her restaurant plates or whatever dinner ware and test those for DNA.
166   BayArea   2018 Oct 17, 2:34am  

indc says
Rin says
doik says
Reality says
Warren committed fraud when checking that box and claimed her mother was discriminated against for being Native American.

This is a completely unfounded attack. You are grasping at straws. The fact that you would even try such an argument shows how out-of-touch with reality you are. You don't even realize how unpersuasive this argument is to anyone who isn't part of your extremist ideology.

Actually doik, it's you doesn't know reality. Sure, Liz's mom probably exaggerated stuff in terms of family lore, I mean c'mon, didn't everyone have someone in their family who embellished WWI or WWII stories for the sonic effects? Or perhaps, if you're from an even older world family, some massacre in Eastern E...

This is spot on
167   WookieMan   2018 Oct 17, 4:20am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
What really should happen is no ethnicity questions should ever be asked by an employer, the government,

THIS. Don't care so much about the census though. I check the box for Native American and what's going to happen? Is an employer going to have me take a test to determine if I'm actually Native American? They do that, they'll get sued immediately.

And frankly, who gives a flying fuck if you're "Native American" in 2018.... 2018.... 2018 for christ's sake. Learn from your history, but move the fuck on. Stop feeling bad about what people did generations ago and then making those people feel important that had harm done to them. Life can suck. Deal with it.
168   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 17, 4:25am  

Vote out the D's and we may have a chance for a color-blind society.
169   lostand confused   2018 Oct 17, 5:08am  

Liawatha Pocahantas-the great white fool! I mean she would probably be one of the chicks on mauray claimimng xyz is the baby daddy and when maury proves her wrong by the DNA test saying 99.99% accuracy he is not the father-she would be arguing DNA is wrong or run off crying like she is shocked!!

170   marcus   2018 Oct 17, 6:09am  

doik says
You guys are acting like you're in a cult. Has politics become a cult? This is not good for our country.

It didn't used to be this bad.

This forum should now be called RightWingCircleJerk.net. Or perhaps TrumpCuckCircleJerk.net.

Half the threads and comments are right wingers stroking themselves, and eachother.
171   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 17, 6:15am  

This is immature Marcus. Take your adhoms somewhere else.

Perhaps if you tried to offer facts for your multiple trump is a liar assertions, youd maybe have an actual discussion and wouldnt feel your time spent here is "this bad".
172   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 7:01am  

marcus says
It didn't used to be this bad.

This forum should now be called RightWingCircleJerk.net. Or perhaps TrumpCuckCircleJerk.net.

Half the threads and comments are right wingers stroking themselves, and eachother.

Actually, it was worse, but mostly left sided with Iwog and Dan spamming the forum non-stop.

However, several of the previous Democrats (myself included), have been red pilled, and the forum has gone to the right.

The Iwog's and Dan's were butthurt immediately after the election and vanished.
173   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 7:15am  

It gets worse for Warren:

Pocahontas Descendant Calls on Warren to Apologize

"A descendant of Pocahontas, the 17th-century Powhatan princess, said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) needs to apologize for claiming to be Native America for political gain.

Appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Debbie White Dove Porreco said she was glad the Massachusetts Democrat finally took the DNA test, which she urged her to do back in May.

"It did prove that she wasn't the Cherokee Indian that she was claiming to be for so long," Porreco said on the program Tuesday. "I think she's guilty of claiming she's an American Indian but has no proof -- and then [is] using it for applications for college and for political reasons."

"She needs to... apologize to everybody for what she has done," Porreco said."

174   HeadSet   2018 Oct 17, 7:18am  

However, several of the previous Democrats (myself included), have been red pilled, and the forum has gone to the right.

Are you sure you politics have changed? You have modified ideas on issues like ecology, rights and freedoms, economics and the like? Or have you watched your fellow Democrats support Antifa tactics, obviously false claims against Kavanah, and defending the undefensible Warren as a Cherokee claims.
175   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 8:00am  

HeadSet says
Or have you watched your fellow Democrats support Antifa tactics, obviously false claims against Kavanah, and defending the undefensible Warren as a Cherokee claims.

This, and the suppression of free speech by the left.
176   Patrick   2018 Oct 17, 8:09am  

dr6B says
Whites - 0.2% Native American ancestry.
Latinos - 18% Native American ancestry (20% of population)
Blacks - 0.8% Native American ancestry


Thanks @dr6B that's a really interesting article.
177   Bd6r   2018 Oct 17, 8:25am  

joshuatrio says
Actually, it was worse, but mostly left sided with Iwog and Dan spamming the forum non-stop.

Dan was on occasions extremely interesting, and also consistent in what he said. I enjoyed reading him.
178   joshuatrio   2018 Oct 17, 8:37am  

dr6B says
Dan was on occasions extremely interesting, and also consistent in what he said. I enjoyed reading him.

Key word was "occasionally."

I started ignoring him when he tried to argue that men could legitimately be women, and women could be men. For some reason, basic biology didn't matter to him.
179   Bd6r   2018 Oct 17, 8:49am  

Patrick says

Thanks @dr6B that's a really interesting article.

Thanks. I am lately reading this type of articles to make sense of my DNA analysis results.My family lore (with ancestors on both fathers' and mothers side supposedly coming from various places in Europe), just as Ms. Warren's, turns out to be completely wrong.

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