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1   Ceffer   2018 Nov 23, 10:43am  

"I admit it, I beat the bitch to a pulp because she wouldn't STFU. I am turning myself in because I am honorable."
2   lostand confused   2018 Nov 23, 10:57am  

Ceffer says
"I admit it, I beat the bitch to a pulp because she wouldn't STFU. I am turning myself in because I am honorable."

Yes but in this case it is women beating up men. I guess men don't lay hands on a woman culture has created women who can hit a man with impunity. Men are finally reporting the abuse. back then he would have broken her arm.
3   Ceffer   2018 Nov 23, 11:02am  

Men will usually slap, bruise, or rarely, break a jaw or nose on a woman. Women more typically will shatter a man's skull with an iron skillet or attempt to castrate him with a knife or gun.
4   Bd6r   2018 Nov 23, 11:05am  

lostand confused says
back then he would have broken her arm

One of my uncles had wife who would hit him when he came home drunk (which was every second day). He would just turn his back, wife hits him on hard surface, hurts her hand, stops hitting, and starts yelling. That is the old version of dealing with domestic abuse by women. My uncle was not a soyboy who would need to hit a woman to stop her. He used to entertain himself with fistfights on streets with random individuals.
5   Ceffer   2018 Nov 23, 4:30pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Women will only resort to violence when they can't get the gift of girth.

Width and tumescence are the keys to a peaceful household.

Most of them don't understand that being arbitrarily flung over a chair and taken from behind with sanctifying balm is the greatest female tranquilizer. Feminists have brainwashed them into believing that sodomizing their whining cuck husband/boytoy with a strap on is the key to happiness.
6   lostand confused   2018 Nov 23, 4:41pm  

d6rB says
One of my uncles had wife who would hit him when he came home drunk (which was every second day). He would just turn his back, wife hits him on hard surface, hurts her hand, stops hitting, and starts yelling. That is the old version of dealing with domestic abuse by women. My uncle was not a soyboy who would need to hit a woman to stop her. He used to entertain himself with fistfights on streets with random individuals.

Women and men are equal are right? Nah, now women can and do hit men for no reason. If they ever got a good punch back-they would never do it. But no despite being equal, man can never lay a hand on a woman-despite being equal and wanting to sign up for the military and police.

Can't have it both ways. If I see a very strong man, I ain't gonna pick a fight with him-same way for women, just because a man is stronger does not mean you can keep thomping on him and expect he not hit back. Or equality does not matter anymore?

Plus now if your aunt hurts her hand hitting your uncle, there will be an army of SJW people trying to egt her to say the evil man thumped on her and that she is an abuse victim. My mom fainted once and hit her head and me and dad took her to the ER in CA. Multiple people took her aside and asked her all sorts of questions wether she was abused and gave her a number to contact if she wanted to talk in private-you know because us evil men were in the vicinity. Mind you she had no bruises, she fell and hit her head slightly, so we were worried and took her to the ER to see if she got a concussion or any thing else.

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