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I think so, but you'll have to dig through the arkives...
Is there an index maintained by NOAA or something?
An easy way to tell is check the hipster ratio for the state. If it's gone up, Austin.
I went to Austin a few times last year. Really cool city at first, and yes, they have great food. Reminded me a lot of the west coast in terms of culture/laid backness. I like how cycling friendly it appears and the fitness scene.
However, my second week there, it was apparent that it was nothing more than a wanna be Santa Cruz"ish" scene. Too many hipster/junky wanna be's and homeless people wandering the streets with nothing to do, except badge people for cash. The entitlement mentality in this city is strong.
Isn't Texass a Socialist state with all the Republican individuals & businesses on some form of govt. teat sucking?
I noticed Republicans enjoy the interstate hwy. system paid for by 49 other states.
How many Republican Socialist have held jobs paid for thru Federal tax dollars?
They want low taxes but beg for Federal funds when they can't pay their own way.
homeless people wandering the streetsComes as standard equipment with progressiveness.
Are they flocking to Texas or to Austin?
I actually like Austin. That being said, the "San Francisozation" is already in full effect. People over there actually think SF is cool.
Progressive cat ladies and purple-haired morons are annoying as hell
they'll bring what they know with them.
Sometimes prevailing culture can change people. I remember when I was in school for a couple of years in the South, a ball busting feminist from Stanford came into the scene. She wasn't bad looking, just what you would expect from the standard models of pointless aggression, self righteousness and surly, sodden, solipsistic preaching. She could not get a date if she paid for a limousine to pick the guy up to pork her.
She actually softened noticably over two years, began feminizing herself and wearing makeup. She fell in love with the area, got a job and worked there, and never wanted to return to California. Whether she ever got a boyfriend or not, I don't know.
They come in giant groups, settle in neighborhoods where everyone is like minded, and instead of trying to become American, they try to change America to their culture. It's crazy.
Looking at a red/blue map of Texas, it looks like the invasion from south of the border is the main problem.
They come in giant groups, settle in neighborhoods where everyone is like minded, and instead of trying to become American, they try to change America to their culture. It's crazy.
paint the horses rainbow
ban beer
Happening as well, now open beer containers are illegal in TX vehicles