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I would be the first to admit that about half of Trumps whatever it is ( 8 lies a day ?), are of the varietyu that any thinking person would know is a lie
Or is it YET another Trump lie?
I am so hungry that I could eat a horse.
So what I'm hearing is that I shouldn't believe what Trump says, especially if he uses a figure of speech
Troll thread and an irrelevant topic.
Do you know what it means to not blame someone? Trump said he wouldn't blame Schumer. Maybe he hasn't blamed Schumer directly but he certainly has blamed the Democrats which includes Schumer, which Trump said he would not do? Also a lie and including no figure of speech.
I'm speaking of broken promises.
You can keep calling me names but it isn't going to change my mind.
@marcus I'm doing your work for you.
The lie: (lol yes they fact checked a tweeted trump paraphrase rather than an actual trump quote)
" Trump says they bought "1,000 burgers" for Clemson. "It was piled up a mile high," he said "
The bastion of journalistic integrity can not let this lie stand unchallenged. "*FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.*"
Bravo Washpo, you finally exposed the commander in chief whose pants are on fire A MILE HIGH.