So, a bunch of people, mostly children in elementary school cornered Diane Feinstein, who I can't stand, and urged her to sign the green new deal bill. What I find sickening is the blantant use of little kids as a propaganda tool. They all had rehearsed canned guilt trip laden responses ready for her.
Senator Feinstein is doing her part for green. She is proposing soylent green made from tots and children to revivify geriatric consumers. These children will be the trial lot.
At about 1:34 the teacher/parent chick starts talking again, but she can hardly contain herself. You can hear her trying to hold her emotions back as her voice begins to crack, because she just can't deal with someone rejecting her and telling her she cant have her way and that her idea is dumb. She deeply wishes she could release it all in a huge blast of entitled, intolerant, grandchild-guilt-tripping green libbie-power rage, but she manages to hold it back, keeping her composure in front of the kids.