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They can sell small lab kits, those experiments we did back in college weren’t that sophisticated. It can be done.
You go to the lab every week for a day. Everywhere there are community colleges with chem labs as well. There could also be satellite college offices where you can pay, do lab work, have speakers, etc. Great use for abandoned malls.
As it stands now, at least in fields I am familiar with, both online courses and community colleges are worthless. May be they are OK in computer sciences, but I am not familiar with that.
* Emphasize rhetorical tests, rather than multiple choice/written work. In other words, you have to get on Skype, go to a test center, or go in person to the College Office and give a spiel about Plato, or the laws of Thermodynamics, to the professor or grad student as part of the final.
* Shorter written prose assignments.
I also think that at tender age of 18-20, and being spoiled as they are, students need to be forced to go to class and study. If left on their own devices, 98% will not learn at all. MOOC's failed miserably for that reason.
the sake of Harvard's own integrity
Furthermore, I have and will never hire anyone who has done any part of education online. How do I know that his friend did not pass exams for him?
Interestingly, if you want to know why businesses, especially Media and Marketing, are making such resounding missteps, consider that big Coasty Companies look down on people with Dairy Queen or Painting Houses as job experience during/before college. They want to see (unpaid) internships that only wealthy students can afford to take.
Meaning they end up with rich dummies with no real world experience beyond their Lefty Coastie Enclaves.
You should never hire just because they graduated anything.
I’ve seen too many graduates who can’t do shit, and they had masters even at times.
It’s strange times man, but I think degrees are meaningless these days outside med.
I have also not seen them hiring anyone who has graduated from online universities.
My students with degrees are hired well by local oil and gas industries. And we are not a lefty enclave in CA, we do have capitalism here - these companies hire those students because they will profit from employing them - apparently hiring random people off the street or hiring students form community colleges does not work. I have also not seen them hiring anyone who has graduated from online universities. At least in my field, the old way of doing things works.
also seen people who graduated High School, and couldn't do arithmetic well (i'm talking basic multiplication shit like 12x5)The main reason my late friend retired in 2000 after teaching 28 years on the community college level. He taught business and basic accounting and during the last five years of his tenure, students coming out of high school with good grades couldn't do simple computations. That made their progress in accounting impossible. If he spent extra time getting them up to speed, the semester would be over and it just got to be not worth it. When his age and years of service added up to the required number, he threw in the towel. I don't imagine things have improved in the intervening 20 years, either.
What state are you in? I'm generally interested. What coast/state are colleges you see folks from who know their stuff?
Out here, literally, too many people graduate knowing 0, literally they know nothing with their degrees. Hard to find good people. It's pathetic out here in California. Bachelors/Masters, don't matter. It's as if colleges are handing out degrees for attendance, not knowledge. I really suspect that case.
I presume that includes some professional certifications. Certifications that require a certain level of education and experience, plus successful completion of a rigorous exam.
I've also seen people who graduated High School, and couldn't do arithmetic well (i'm talking basic multiplication shit like 12x5). Something is very wrong with education out here, very expensive, and very very bad.
I see that all the time in my classesI think remediation is a huge thing in colleges today, used to be something like 40% of incoming freshmen, but may be higher by now.
I think remediation is a huge thing in colleges today,
The devious racist white man designs a system that holds back black and brown people, but yet favors Asians above white peoples. Devious.
've also seen people who graduated High School, and couldn't do arithmetic well (i'm talking basic multiplication shit like 12x5)
Does this mean I can get preforential treatment now?
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