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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   174,479 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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103990   Booger   2019 Jul 18, 11:52am  

103991   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 18, 2:01pm  

Completely made up and fabricated.

What we have is major and rampant TDS that is being promoted and spread by left wing media, and the people who live in that left wing media world. If people listen to NPR and read liberal shit, they'd think that world is about to collapse, planet has 12 years left, Trump is a dictator, socialism is good, being a faggot is the best, and the only problems worth solving are problems gays would like to solve.

This is what left wing media (ran by left wing oligarchs) are doing to their viewer/listeners. It's terrible.

Take yourself out of that propaganda, you'll do better too, both intellectually and emotionally.
103992   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 18, 2:06pm  

Left tries so hard to sell solar panels from companies they own, they are willing to bullshit everyone about planet ending in 12 years. Only stupid would fall for their lies at this point.

Tom Steyer is practically the biggest investor into "alternative energy", and he is a billionaire.
103993   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 18, 2:08pm  

Now it's time to boycott Netflix?

I think Netflix boycotted itself.

Companies that stay out of politics do fine. Those who start getting into politics, pretty much end up alienating half the America sooner or later. This was common knowledge when I was young. Business leaders these days are just not the same sort, too much easy money, they don't understand anything. And fuck, they have no competition.
Wait till there is competition, they won't be risking offending a single fucking cricket in the backyard if competition is significant.
103994   deepcgi   2019 Jul 18, 2:17pm  

USS Skate at the North Pole in 1959.

103995   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Jul 18, 4:10pm  

Border Patrol will only use them to frighten illegals, and not to toast them, so they say.
103996   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 18, 5:30pm  

Why? She doesn’t hate America like Democrats.
103997   everything   2019 Jul 18, 6:03pm  

They just keep rolling the debt over. They want the shares so they can sell later, or convert.
But personal debt, delinquency rates are probably up or steady.
Maybe all this debt is why 1 in 3 Americans have problems sleeping at night.
103999   clambo   2019 Jul 18, 11:32pm  

Netflix has peaked and now will face severe competition.

Reed Hastings must be a liberal and this is not unexpected since he lives in Santa Cruz.

I have a Roku player and dropped Netflix when I found out other free or cheaper stuff is available.

I have Xfinity as my ISP, so there is a new Xffinity channel available. I can watch free shit on 1. Vudu 2. Roku Channel 3. Pluto TV 4. Xfinity 5. Youtube

People actually upload movies to youtube.

There is ATT WatchTV that's $15 with Turner Classic Movies, Hulu which is $6 for minimal channels.

A pox on Netflix
104000   steverbeaver   2019 Jul 18, 11:51pm  

LMAO now the Obamas and co fucked up Neetflix too.
104001   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 19, 8:54am  

Hillary lost yes, still sticks around though to whine about losing...

Is she gone,yet?
104002   tovarichpeter   2019 Jul 19, 2:47pm  

Great catch. You did indeed beat me to the punch on this one.
104003   Patrick   2019 Jul 19, 7:05pm  

Perhaps this has something to do with the price plunge in Cupertino.

104004   BayArea   2019 Jul 19, 7:17pm  

Anti-Chinese rhetoric? LOL

How about the part where housing prices have gotten so fucking high, there is limited upside for buyers (Chinese or otherwise)...
104005   WillPowers   2019 Jul 20, 4:44pm  

jazz_music says
Fox faithfully trumpets the “alternative facts” of the Trump version of events
jazz_music says
Trump frequently finds inspiration for his tweets and fantasy-filled statements

First of all, I appreciate your straight forward reporting Jazz. I know I have criticized you in the past so I want to show appreciation when you're being honest. Thank you.

The article you shared is less than honest however. They interject opinion with facts: Trump may be inspired by Fox which he watches because they are more right leaning than CNN, the anti-Trump network, but are his statements "fantasy-filled"? You may agree with that, but THAT is their opinion and yours, not a statement of fact. And characterizing Fox as presenting "alternative facts" is true in one sense, but not the sense they mean it in, which is phony facts, which is their opinion again and not a statement of fact.

jazz_music says
Historically, such confrontations and escalations have often escaped the control of leaders far more talented than Trump.

HERE, they do it again. Who makes the value judgement previous leaders are more talented than Trump? History does, not NYT, or WaPo.

jazz_music says
The racial division, cultural conflict, and political polarization Trump has encouraged and intensified will be difficult to heal.

This reads more like an opinion piece than an article.
104006   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 20, 7:23pm  

Sounds better than liberal women who are just mentally ill men thinking they are women.

FLOTUS - First lady of the united sluts?
104007   Patrick   2019 Jul 20, 9:57pm  

She's here legally, and does seem to love this country.

It's the ones who are are here illegally or who hate this country who should be sent back.
104008   thankshousingbubble   2019 Jul 20, 11:14pm  

104009   Expat01   2019 Jul 21, 4:14am  

Well, she was in all likelihood a prostitute. She was given an "Einstein Visa" and proceeded to bring her family over. She was working under a student visa. Basically she is an illegal alien, but since she is white, that's okay, right.
Fuck you, Trumpturds.
104010   Onvacation   2019 Jul 21, 8:25am  

Expat01 says
Well, she was in all likelihood a prostitute.

And Trump's a pussy grabbin playboy. So?
104011   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 21, 8:38am  

CNN doesn’t have any straight guys left, so they will not be impressed.

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
She should run the White House press office and show up at press conferences, touching herself and offering the press the chance to sniff her fingers which will improve press relations immeasurably.
104012   Ceffer   2019 Jul 21, 12:38pm  

Let's see, what was I watching on Netflix with all the 'knee jerk' SJW 'not so subliminal' nouveau archetypes: program is Jessica Jones: Beautiful White Girl character has zipless fuck with 'black trainer' who is only there to fuck once and then gone. Ongoing sodden lesbian drama with female lawyer. Macho male Hispanic detective turns out to be 'married gay' with middle eastern looking 'husband (wife?)' sentimentally trying to adopt a black baby girl. Various black characters are brilliant investigators or Harvard magna cum laude laude educated. Jessica drinks like fish without consequences to promote alcohol lobby. White prostitute fucks black brilliant but conscience stricken investigator. White men are weak or pervy. Jessica's 'secretary' looks like bulldozing tranny.

Hey, is there something they are trying to tell us?
104013   Onvacation   2019 Jul 21, 2:31pm  

jazz_music says
voters who want government to do something for them

"Ask not what your country can do for you..."

A big problem with society today is entitlement.
104014   Onvacation   2019 Jul 21, 2:46pm  

jazz_music says
The easiest way to take America back to a white patriarchy is with Russia’s help.

Do you still believe Trump, not Hillary, colluded with Russia despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
104015   Onvacation   2019 Jul 21, 3:06pm  

jazz_music says
Well, that is off topic.

It was your topic!
104016   marcus   2019 Jul 21, 4:36pm  

jazz_music says
some right wing shit fountain

Haha. Right wing shit fountain. I might have to use that.
104017   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 21, 5:06pm  

jazz_music says
d6rB says
Why should Western countries accept immigration en masse?
Because it is our billionaires causing these countries to suffer while we work towards getting a more cooperative regime. While we wage neverending wars. While our economic hit men work on destabilizing those countries.

If we reshape global politics to be friendly to our capitalists then we have obligations to avoid being accessories to murders resulting from the stress we exert on these nations.


Open borders will only make shitholes out of former 1st World countries. If you want to live in a shithole why not move there instead of trying to bring it here?
104018   WillPowers   2019 Jul 21, 5:16pm  

jazz_music says
Because it is our billionaires causing these countries to suffer while we work towards getting a more cooperative regime. While we wage neverending wars. While our economic hit men work on destabilizing those countries

Absolutely right, except for one point. The solution is not to accept refugees out of white guilt, but to change the economic policies outlined in "Economic Hitman" and end the never ending war. Trump is the most peaceful president we have had in along time. I genuinely believe he wants to bring our boys home simply because he hates having to sign letters informing parents of their son's death. He doesn't like these foreign entanglements, but the generals and Lyndsey war mongering Graham talked him out of it, because they are convinced the war will come here if they don't fight it in the middle east.

Fighting Muslims we are supposed to accept in our hearts now. That is the kind of dichotomy that makes no sense.
104019   WillPowers   2019 Jul 21, 5:28pm  

Article quotes this poem:
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land

The article ignores what is really happening here. Left-wing billionare globalist: George Sorros is most likely funding groups that actively encourage South American refugees to make the journey, and these organizations certainly help them along the way by providing them with water, food, and even a place to stay.

Judicial Watch has said these migrants were mostly men seeking a better life, and not because they were persecuted in their homeland. These claims of persecution seem less likely when you consider, many of the migrants were proudly displaying the flags of their own country.
SEE: https://mojomorning.blogspot.com/2018/11/border-crises.html
104020   WillPowers   2019 Jul 21, 5:41pm  

jazz_music says

The Trump administration’s cruel “zero tolerance” approach is only the latest iteration of Prevention Through Deterrence, a policy enacted under President Bill Clinton in the 1990s that sought to funnel migrants away from cities into deadly border deserts.

All Trump did was enforce the Obama and Clinton era policies that were already in place, at a time when mass immigration is reaching epidemic proportions and the left-wing media has a cow. Obama put children in tents and built all the facilities that are in use now. This is all about demonizing Trump. Did you a give a shit about dead migrants before the Dems started virtue signaling the left-wing corrupt media started telling you to care about the poor migrants and it's all Trump's fault?

Total bullshit. The media is manipulating you man.

Even if the article uses some facts to support it's case, it is still not giving you the whole picture.
104021   RC2006   2019 Jul 21, 6:29pm  

jazz_music says
CBOEtrader says
Just when it seems jazz cant go anymore clownworld on us
This is the weakest comment of all.

Jazz you are saying unlimited immigration is ok, if we had open borders and let every poor person in our country or any country it would quickly be destroyed. Your so far left on it it's insane not even reasonable at all. You can't have a country with open borders, it's basic stuff just like the door on your house.
104022   Hircus   2019 Jul 21, 6:34pm  

jazz_music says
no one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land

This statement assumes all people are highly rational decision makers, which is very far from the truth.

In fact, these people who marched into Mexico from it's south could have claimed Asylum in Mexico, invoking their refugee status, but the moment they set foot on Mexican soil but kept marching towards the usa, they stopped being refugees and instead became economic migrants. Refugees are supposed to go to the first safe country, which is obviously Mexico, and Mexico is very safe in most places.

Mexico even offered all of the migrants Jobs, Asylum and Medical Care, but most of them said "no thanks - we want the great usa, not mexico".

So, is the water really safer than the soil of Mexico, with their gov't even offering to help them get settled w/ jobs? No - the water is not safer than the land.
104023   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 21, 6:43pm  

WillPowers says
Article quotes this poem:
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land

Nobody puts their children in a boat when it's easier to just strangle them:

"A young mother has been accused of giving birth to a healthy baby boy in a California hospital and then strangling him a day later in the maternity ward with her boyfriend.

Doctors at St. John’s Medical Center in Oxnard made every effort to revive Baby Diego on Friday over a 10-hour period before declaring him dead, The Los Angeles Times reported.

Sgt. Brandon Ordelheide said the mother, Andrea Torralba, 20, and her boyfriend, David Villa, 21, told investigators Friday morning they had suffocated Baby Diego until he was unconscious, the paper reported.

Records showed both Torralba and Villa were born in Mexico; their citizenship status was unclear.


The sergeant said Torralba told investigators she didn’t want the baby and Villa was not the father, the paper reported.

Villa's occupation was listed in online jail records as "field worker.""
104024   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 21, 7:06pm  

They had one fucking job, provide great shows and stay the fuck out of politics.

Why is that concept so foreign today in business?
104025   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 21, 7:17pm  

Just about every liberal been screaming for death to Trump and conservatives for several years now. I guess that’s just so common and mundane it doesn’t even make news.
104026   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 21, 7:18pm  

Who the liberal trannies?

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Really, since they are only 2/3rds a cunt!
104027   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 21, 7:39pm  

What’s next heyyou? Should farmers not sell to CA to boycott left wing politics?

A tomato will be 20$ a piece.
104028   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 21, 9:04pm  

I clicked. shows a message of a liberal guy whining, as usual insulting Trump as if Trump took his lunch money or something. Sounds like usual liberal whining to me.

All those mentally ill people on the left just gone off the cliff in Berkeley and other parts of California, now just it's as others say on this forum "Clown World".
104029   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 21, 9:07pm  

I need to update. Where is Netflix & others on boycotting GA. over Rep/Cons trying to grab control of women's pussies?

To be clear, abortions have nothing to do with pussies.
Abortion is baby murder.

Nazis murdered Jews, liberals murder ALL babies. Same shit, liberals are just more vicious.

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