China update

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2019 Oct 9, 9:02am   1,944 views  51 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

In the past 48 hours...

Competitors have been banned from Video Game Contests for having "Free Hong Kong" tweets
People have been thrown out of NBA preseason games for yelling "Free Hong Kong"
ESPN (Disney) silencing any and all Chinese criticism.
A Marriott Employee was fired for a pro-Tibet tweet after China complained.

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 9:49am  

Blizzard entertainment (World of Warcraft Tournament):

4   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 9, 11:12am  

Every pride month company backs China.
5   theoakman   2019 Oct 9, 12:12pm  

ESPN internal memo forbids discussion on Chinese politics


This is what a country with no free speech looks like.
6   EBGuy   2019 Oct 9, 12:29pm  

Lessons learned from the Cold War: China Edition. Peter Thiel nails it at 27:30.
7   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 2:12pm  

f you paid attention to ESPN channels yesterday, you saw the network repeatedly attempt to grapple with the story of Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey creating an international incident after tweeting and then deleting his support for pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong. You heard talking head after talking head castigate Morey for sending the tweet, speculation over whether he’d keep his job, speculation about the sincerity of his convictions, discussions about what this meant for the Rockets’ bottom line, the observation that it’s unreasonable to expect for-profit companies like the NBA to act morally, and the non-take that cowing to China is simply the cost of doing business in China.

What you didn’t hear was much discussion about what is actually happening on the ground with protestors in Hong Kong, why they’re protesting, or any other acknowledgment of China’s political situation, past or present.

This could be because Chuck Salituro, the senior news director of ESPN, sent a memo to shows mandating that any discussion of the Daryl Morey story avoid any political discussions about China and Hong Kong, and instead focus on the related basketball issues. The memo, obtained by Deadspin, explicitly discouraged any political discussion about China and Hong Kong. Multiple ESPN sources confirmed to Deadspin that network higher-ups were keeping a close eye on how the topic was discussed on ESPN’s airwaves.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 3:20pm  


NBA boycotted North Carolina over tranny bathrooms.
It silencing all dissent and throwing out spectators for anti-Chinese sloganeering.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 9, 4:34pm  

Just had our “Free Hong Kong” sign confiscated at Capitol One Arena at the Wizards game against the Guangzhou Long Lions. #FreeHongKong #NBA #Censorship pic.twitter.com/on1O4QdBUi

— Jon Schweppe (@JonSchweppe) October 9, 2019
14   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 9, 4:56pm  

This is what corporations with no balls look like.

It’s only cool to be anti Christian, anti white, or anti HK. Everything that takes balls, they don’t do. Spineless.

theoakman says
ESPN internal memo forbids discussion on Chinese politics


This is what a country with no free speech looks like.
15   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 9, 4:58pm  

As I stated every pro gay pride month liberal ran corporations. Nobody with guts.
16   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 10, 10:19am  

This is great. Bombard the Headquarters folks.

I also notice the vaunted Liberal Human Right$ group$ are nowhere to be $een.

18   EBGuy   2019 Oct 10, 12:41pm  

The man interviewing the "China is assho*e" guy is Avi Yemini. He's done work with TR.news and The Rebel, reporting in Australia, where he lives, and also traveling to Hong Kong. He was denied entry to the United States, when he fly here to interview Jim Jefferies, after being smeared by his show Comedy Central show. It does make you realize the importance of independent media as it appears that China can exert undue influence on Disney, it's subsidiaries and the NBA.
19   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Oct 10, 3:08pm  

I don't think there is much sweat poured over that one.
6rdB says
20   richwicks   2019 Oct 10, 3:20pm  

I would like to point out that Hong Kong has never been a democracy. They were under the rule of the UK, which appointed the governor through the British Monarch, the queen.

Hong Kong was used as a port for the Opium Wars of the UK, which insisted on importing opium in trade for actually useful shit, because they didn't want to actually spend, you know, real money and making addicts was profitable.

So, please stop the nonsense that Hong Kong wants democracy. They don't.

This is nothing but agitation from the Western powers. You know how I know this? Because "democracy" is (supposedly) important in Hong Kong, but not when it comes to the yellow vest movement which is still ongoing in France, which you will never read about, because the West doesn't actually believe in any democratic movement. For example: watch Brexit fail, again.

Basically I'm saying is all you cool hip cats that are "siding" for "freedumb" are pawns. You're being played. You're not thinking independently, you're being controlled. You are the same type of assholes that were out protesting when Trump had a temporary refugee ban on 7 nations, but didn't even think about it when Obama was making them into refugees in 5 of those nations, by bombing them.

Stop being stupid puppets, stupid puppets. Don't any of you actually think?
21   Bd6r   2019 Oct 10, 3:48pm  

NoCoupForYou says
This is great. Bombard the Headquarters folks.

I also notice the vaunted Liberal Human Right$ group$ are nowhere to be $een.


This is hysterical. All tweets by nbacares are followed by hundreds of replies by people pissed by their China stance.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 10, 3:51pm  

richwicks says
So, please stop the nonsense that Hong Kong wants democracy. They don't.

They don't want to be extradicted to Chinese Mainland prisons and have their organs harvested.

HK did have free speech, maybe not to the US degree but more so than Germany or Sweden today.

richwicks says
Stop being stupid puppets, stupid puppets.

Do you deny that the Chicoms don't imprison people for religious beliefs, don't harvest organs?

DO you deny that the Chicoms don't seize private property with little compensation to hand over to their cronies?

Bonus: Do you think that 25 years of (one-sided) free trade has made the Chicoms any less authoritarian?
23   richwicks   2019 Oct 10, 4:02pm  

NoCoupForYou says
richwicks says
So, please stop the nonsense that Hong Kong wants democracy. They don't.

They don't want to be extradicted to Chinese Mainland prisons and have their organs harvested.

And this is the my problem... how?

NoCoupForYou says
richwicks says
Stop being stupid puppets, stupid puppets.

Do you deny that the Chicoms don't imprison people for religious beliefs, don't harvest organs?

I don't know, I don't care. How can you trust Western media anyhow? Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet?

I'm only pointing out these protests are being encouraged by the West to agitate China.

Seriously, let's say China IS harvesting organs, shouldn't you be demanding that Western companies stop doing business in China, at all? Where was your shirt made? Your shoes? Your computer? Your chair?

NoCoupForYou says
DO you deny that the Chicoms don't seize private property with little compensation to hand over to their cronies?

Bonus: Do you think that 25 years of (one-sided) free trade has made the Chicoms any less authoritarian?

Personally, I'd be happy not to do any business with China, period. I don't think the West should have ANY trade with a communist nation. The West shouldn't have sanctions, they should simply stop doing business with them, entirely.

You can start. Go ahead.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 10, 4:17pm  

richwicks says
And this is the my problem... how?

Who said it was? Just disgusting to see a business that claims to be all gung-ho about the free speech of it's players and how kindly and humane it is, engage in silencing of GMs and Players and own Customer-Spectators over China.

Particularly after they boycotted one-sex bathrooms in North Carolina to the tune of millions of dollars. Nobody likes a thunderous hypocrite.

richwicks says

I don't know, I don't care. How can you trust Western media anyhow? Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet?

I'm only pointing out these protests are being encouraged by the West to agitate China.

Seriously, let's say China IS harvesting organs, shouldn't you be demanding that Western companies stop doing business in China, at all? Where was your shirt made? Your shoes? Your computer? Your chair?

I'd say the opposite. I'd say the media is going out of their way NOT to discuss it. The interviews last night after games, the coaches and GMs dodged the question. ESPN anchors are "being watched" to make sure they don't discuss it.

Kind of like the Yellow Vests in France, it's not good for how wonderful neoliberal free-trade and open borders is, so it's being silenced, while the Doomsday cult in London in being promoted.

I guess all these woke companies are only interested in Gay Trans rights, or really, the pockets of virtue singalling tenured government employees.

richwicks says
Personally, I'd be happy not to do any business with China, period. I don't think the West should have ANY trade with a communist nation. The West shouldn't have sanctions, they should simply stop doing business with them, entirely.
25   richwicks   2019 Oct 10, 4:36pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Just disgusting to see a business that claims to be all gung-ho about the free speech of it's players and how kindly and humane it is, engage in silencing of GMs and Players and own Customer-Spectators over China.

Particularly after they boycotted one-sex bathrooms in North Carolina to the tune of millions of dollars. Nobody likes a thunderous hypocrite

Oh I do! They're funny.

NoCoupForYou says
I guess all these woke companies are only interested in Gay Trans rights, or really, the pockets of virtue singalling tenured government employees.

I think they are interested in this:

and only interested in that. Businesses are almost always ammoral. It's the consumers of that business that determines the morals of the business.

The reality isn't that the NBA are hypocrites, it's the fans that are. Boycott or shut the F up.
26   richwicks   2019 Oct 10, 4:39pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Please stop with the logic-challenged crap that just because they never had it before doesn't mean that they don't want it.

Taiwan is just a boat ride away..

Also, don't remember any protests for "democracy" when they were under the thumb of the UK, of course, they were kind of the gateway between mainland China and the rest of the world, and they took a piece of the action during that time. Now they are on equal terms, and can't exploit the mainland.

Protests are nearly always top down. I don't believe this is a grass roots effort, just more astro-turf.
27   richwicks   2019 Oct 10, 5:00pm  

OccasionalCortex says
NOW you are starting to say shit that makes sense. Up vote for you.

I always make sense unless I'm intoxicated or just flat out not thinking properly.

Where we disagree, or rather your mistake, is that you think of governments as being well, governments. They aren't. They're just a mafia. I believe you are naive to think that the US or the West in general gives a crap about any democratic movement, especially since they spend so much time subverting them.

The underlying support of the protests is just a political move by the West. If the West really believed in democracy, they would just end all trade relationships with China - and in fact, would have never made any trade relationships with China.

If people in the West really believed in democracy they wouldn't buy anything from China, they wouldn't trade with China, in fact, they would boycott companies that do business with China. They don't.

You see, the problem isn't China's lack of democracy, it's you. You're the problem. Your neighbor is a problem. Your company is the problem. Your government is the problem. You're just virtue signalling and I'm doing the appallingly distasteful thing of pointing it out. How dare I, that's not fair is it?

Remember the calls to "Free Tibet" 20 year ago? When's the last time you saw a bumpersticker for that? Oh, it's not in vogue anymore. People are puppets and they virtue signal constantly, they have no real principles. You know what Tibet was like before China took it over? It was no utopia. You know who the Dalai Llama really is? He's the dictator of Tibet - or was - well, technically. He was just some kid that was taken from his parents when he was a baby, raised by the true rulers of the country to be a perfect puppet when he became an adult, convinced that his decisions were actually his decisions. Tibet was a religious dictatorship. "Freeing" Tibet, is returning to that!

Everything is funny, once you truly understand it and nothing is complicated, once you start viewing it as a bunch of sociopaths running everything and a bunch of lemmings following them as if they had any principles.
30   Booger   2019 Oct 10, 5:26pm  

Newer version:
31   Booger   2019 Oct 10, 5:32pm  


America Offers To Trade All Of Its Communists For Democratic Protesters In Hong Kong

Through some great negotiating on the part of Donald Trump, we've struck a deal to trade all of our country's Communists for Hong Kong's democratic protesters.

After the deal was made, the military began rounding up the Communists---who didn't complain, as they're all for an authoritarian state---and putting them in cargo planes. They were then flown across the Pacific Ocean and dropped off in Hong Kong before the democratic protesters in China were loaded up into the now-empty planes and flown back to America.

"This is the best deal, maybe ever," said Trump. "We'll get rid of some wackos on the left, my buddy Xi will be happy with his new commie followers, and we'll gain some great new citizens who will be really appreciative to me and never complain about anything. Greatest deal in the history of deals."
32   Booger   2019 Oct 10, 5:34pm  

I'm going to change my password to "Chinaisasshoe!" somewhere at some point.
34   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Oct 10, 6:10pm  

Dealing With China Isn’t Worth the Moral Cost

We thought economic growth and technology would liberate China. Instead, it corrupted us.
35   richwicks   2019 Oct 10, 6:21pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
We thought economic growth and technology would liberate China. Instead, it corrupted us.

Who is this "we"?

The US government has never worked in the interest of the citizens of the United States - they work in the interest of themselves and the banking system that enslaves us.

If "we" are the US citizens, you aren't that old. I remember back in the 1980's the Silent Generation openly complaining about trading with a communist dictatorship and buying their products. Boomers have absolutely no morals, and Generation X and Y and the Millenials were dragged along the ride. Silent Generation I develop more and more respect for every year. Boomers I couldn't possibly have less respect for. They are scum.
36   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 10, 6:45pm  

richwicks says
I remember back in the 1980's the Silent Generation openly complaining

Somebody is full of shit.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 11, 12:13pm  

"I don't understand Chinese history... but BDS ISRAEL!!!"

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