Nightmare for Father

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2019 Oct 23, 8:40am   3,016 views  33 comments

by PaisleyPattern   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


I live in Seattle, and my 15 year old daughter attends one of the top public schools in this area. Of her 10 best friends, one is trans, one is non -binary, and at least one is gay. These are all friends she made in second and third grade. My daughter, who is very intelligent, believes in the concept that her friend is a boy in a girls body. The trans ideology is very normalized in her peer culture. This is very concerning to me. I see trans people all over the place now, and they all just look strange and troubled, and the idea that they transitioned into the alternate gender is really a stretch. I feel so bad for the man in this article, I can’t imagine the anger this would bring out. Child custody laws during divorce already favored women, this is bringing it to a new level.

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1   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 23, 8:43am  

Should've paid for a private Christian school instead of that new BMW every 3 years.
2   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 23, 8:45am  

Don't do science projects with barren women. She couldn't conceive, he should have never gone the egg donor route.
4   PaisleyPattern   2019 Oct 23, 9:13am  

Liberal_in_blackface says
Should've paid for a private Christian school instead of that new BMW every 3 years.

Is that directed at me or the man in the article?
5   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 23, 9:14am  

Liberals working overtime to fuck and confuse the kids. Really fucked up people.

Maybe it’s time to shoot the fucks that promote this shit!
6   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 23, 9:33am  

Honestly I realize this shit won’t go away till parents start filing lawsuits for emotional trauma and gender disforia resulting from all this leftist bullshit in schools. Crying about it will solve nothing.
7   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 23, 9:49am  

PaisleyPattern says
Liberal_in_blackface says
Should've paid for a private Christian school instead of that new BMW every 3 years.

Is that directed at me or the man in the article?

Do you have the same problem as the man in the article?
8   PaisleyPattern   2019 Oct 23, 9:59am  

Fortwaynemobile says
Honestly I realize this shit won’t go away till parents start filing lawsuits for emotional trauma and gender disforia resulting from all this leftist bullshit in schools. Crying about it will solve nothing.

My intention was to start a discussion in which people share their insights on things like the origins of this situation, how other people have dealt with it, other ramifications of this type of situation, implications of it for the future of our society etc.
This type of a discussion isn’t whining, but it is how people share their thoughts and attempt to understand difficult situations. Your suggestion that this situation won’t go go away until it is confronted in the courts is a valid point. Your claim that this type of discussion is whining is an ignorant and unthoughtful criticism and seems to lack empathy and be motivated by a need to condescend more then any effort to be helpful understand or contribute to a healthy discussion.
9   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 23, 10:09am  

PaisleyPattern says
My intention was to start a discussion in which people share their insights on things like the origins of this situation

Origins are parent fucking their kids up for most part. Not having the right conversations with them, or worse forcing them to be a different gender. Anyone who is a parent knows that a child can be taught to be anything, and that's what they are teaching them. Children at that age don't know anything about being gay or straight, bi, or trans, that doesn't exist. They 100% listen to parents and do as they are told. There is no questioning. And that's why there is a rush to stuff them with hormones into their body, otherwise their natural hormones will grow them out of that dysphoria bullshit quickly.

That's where it comes from mostly. Some of it does come from peers and schools that forces that education onto kids, confusing the fuck out of them... again parents have to step in and teach a child that it's all bullshit and file lawsuits. But some parents are too dumb, and they let a child decide. Literally a "functioning" adult, lets a child who is still eating boogers decide on gender (which they don't even understand yet). Stupidity there is of epic proportions. Some parents think its not a danger because it is "born that way", but that's false. They don't realize it's a learned thing. Parents have to be tough and absolutely teach kids right from wrong.

I'll tell you as a parent I'll go through fire and hell if I have to to protect my children from that bullshit. And if I start losing, there is 2nd amendment that will make sure the other side loses heavily too.
10   richwicks   2019 Oct 23, 10:53am  

Liberal_in_blackface says

It's not 100% true but crazy hair -> crazy person. Following this rule has kept my life happy for the last 15 years.
11   Ceffer   2019 Oct 23, 11:20am  

Mom will be off on some other purple haired delusion, and Dad will get the hormonally, psychologically and physically butchered child to pay for.
12   RC2006   2019 Oct 23, 11:21am  


reviews on mom

Absolutely horrendous, my son had a fever so I took him here for a visit. Next thing I know she's asking my son how 2.7% of the population can make up over 40% of all billionaires!

Went in for a stummy ache, now my mom is making wear a dress like bruh.
13   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 23, 11:48am  

RC2006 says

reviews on mom

Absolutely horrendous, my son had a fever so I took him here for a visit. Next thing I know she's asking my son how 2.7% of the population can make up over 40% of all billionaires!

Went in for a stummy ache, now my mom is making wear a dress like bruh.

Holy shit, what the hell is going on in Texas? First there is that poor kid who is getting trans gendered by crazy woman against father and sons wishes. Now this. Is there some serious push by the left to fuck Texas up? Or is this a new Texas thing? I just don't see where the fuck this crazy shit train is coming from.
14   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 23, 12:00pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
I just don't see where the fuck this crazy shit train is coming from.

California, duh.
16   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Oct 23, 12:46pm  

Get on with the program people:

About 1% (quote) of the human population doesn't fit neatly into 1 of the 2 clusters, so the only solution is clearly to eliminate the 2 clusters. Regardless of biological, cultural, practical, and legal importance of these 2 clusters for 99% of the population.

Some people, when they are sitting too far from the piano, like to pull the piano toward them.

Give it 2 generations.
It's been a nice run.
17   EBGuy   2019 Oct 23, 1:05pm  

richwicks says
It's not 100% true but crazy hair -> crazy person.

After looking at Kate Vanderbluth's account, I think it's pretty clear that she is the love child of Titania McGrath and Jarvis Dupont.
18   PaisleyPattern   2019 Oct 23, 1:23pm  

I recently read a lot of articles and stories about kids, very young, around the age of three or four, adamantly claiming they are a boy or a girl when they are of the opposite sex. All of the psychologists and parents claim that the right thing to do is to listen to your child and accept them for who they are, otherwise you’ll be causing them trauma and essentially psychologically abusing them and this will lead to suicidal behavior later on. In someways I do believe in accepting your child and not being too forceful with your own projections of what they should be. However I think there are limitations to this obviously. For example when my daughter was about four, the same age these psychologists and parents are taking their children’s word that they are a boy trapped in a girl’s body, she claimed that she was a bird, and she used to walk around tweeting all the time and this went on for at least a year and she was quite serious about it and we just questioned her about it and sort of humored her because it was entertaining. Obviously she was mistaken, and I think children live in a world of make-believe up until maybe 8, 9 or 10 when they start becoming more in touch with the real world.They believe in the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, and Santa Claus etc, and no one mistakes this for a realistic observation of reality. It is amazing and ridiculous that trained professionals allow a child to claim they are a different gender than their body at age 3 and four, and decide that that child knows better than them, and start treating them as if they are somehow mystically a girl in a boys body.
I think a lot of children and adolescents go through a phase where they’re unhappy with their body in a lot of ways, whether they are too short,or have a big nose, and they feel very upset about the body that they have to live with.It seems that the concept of transgenderism has created an option for people that are upset with being a girl versus a boy at this age in their development and they are being coached along by online communities and brainwashed peers that being transgender is an explanation for this dissatisfaction and a solution.
I think there is some truth to the fact that there have always been people who didn’t identify with one gender or the other and found a way to identify themselves in another way. I think that has possibly been the norm throughout history, the difference is now the medical industry is offering these people the strange and deceptive idea that they can alter their body to become the gender that they prefer to be. The results, as everyone has seen, are fairly grotesque and don’t achieve the ends advertised. There is much about reality, and specifically our own personal physical reality that a person has to accept in order to psychologically survive, we do not get to choose the world that we are born in to or the body we are born in to. There are some practical and realistic alterations you can make to your body, such as exercising, dying your hair, braces etc. but there are limits. The people who end up getting a lot of plastic surgery when they’re older are examples of taking this too far,. At some point you need to accept things that you cannot change and this is where an adult perspective, judgment and wisdom comes into play. Allowing a three or a four-year-old to decide that they want to change their gender, and presenting to them the concept that there is realistic feasibility to this idea is very irresponsible, at minimum, and criminally deceptive and abusive at worst.Our responsibility to children is to make adult responsible decisions for them, and not humor them and facilitate their delusions.
I am really shocked that this is happening in our world and society. There are all sorts of articles online supporting this new dogma, and apparently the world health organization has now supported the concept that transgenderism is not a mental disorder, and is a biological reality.
19   WookieMan   2019 Oct 23, 1:49pm  

PaisleyPattern says
I am really shocked that this is happening in our world and society. There are all sorts of articles online supporting this new dogma, and apparently the world health organization has now supported the concept that transgenderism is not a mental disorder, and is a biological reality.

Gender confusion is a mental illness. Always will be. Anyone telling you different is probably mentally ill themselves. Fact is gender confused adults or kids end up on the end of a rope exponentially more than the general population. I'd run far, far, far away from anyone telling you it's normal and outright blacklisting anyone that allows their child to change genders.
20   mell   2019 Oct 23, 2:17pm  

It's totally normal for young kids to have phases where they toy with toys and behavior from the opposite sex but in 99.9999999999% of the cases that phase abates and it doesn't mean the kid was born into the wrong gender. These parents should be locked up for child abuse. When they're 18 the kids can do whatever they want. If you grant kids the right to change their gender and mutilate their genitalia they are sure old enough to have sex and serve in the army as well. The regressive left is sick.
21   NDrLoR   2019 Oct 23, 3:22pm  

PaisleyPattern says
I am really shocked that this is happening in our world and society. There are all sorts of articles online supporting this new dogma, and apparently the world health organization has now supported the concept that transgenderism is not a mental disorder, and is a biological reality.
There is such a thing as mass hysteria. It's what was behind the child abuse scandals of the 80's and 90's that destroyed the McMartin and Amerault families until the hysteria finally went away. No less than some of the most powerful legal minds were convinced that killer clowns from outer space had visited these places and spirited the children up to experiment on them. Social critic Dorothy Rabinowitz chronicled these cases in the Wall Street Journal at the time.
22   NDrLoR   2019 Oct 23, 3:25pm  

PaisleyPattern says
believes in the concept that her friend is a boy in a girls body.
The children are only props for their progressive parents--they don't really love them or care anything about them.
23   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 23, 3:41pm  

WookieMan says
PaisleyPattern says
I am really shocked that this is happening in our world and society. There are all sorts of articles online supporting this new dogma, and apparently the world health organization has now supported the concept that transgenderism is not a mental disorder, and is a biological reality.

Gender confusion is a mental illness. Always will be. Anyone telling you different is probably mentally ill themselves. Fact is gender confused adults or kids end up on the end of a rope exponentially more than the general population. I'd run far, far, far away from anyone telling you it's normal and outright blacklisting anyone that allows their child to change genders.

I think most people in the world agree, by a very wide margin too. However, some people in power do not, because they are the once who make the rules and pressure WHO to not label it as a "mental disorder". It's what rich fucks somewhere want, so that's what is happening. And I don't know why these narcissists want to promote this crap to kids either.
24   Y   2019 Oct 23, 3:44pm  


NDrLoR says
PaisleyPattern says
believes in the concept that her friend is a boy in a girls body.
The children are only props for their progressive parents--they don't really love them or care anything about them.
25   Y   2019 Oct 23, 3:45pm  

It pairs nicely with the abortion crowd.
The kids are the lucky ones that made it through despite the wire hanger...

BlueSardine says

NDrLoR says
PaisleyPattern says
believes in the concept that her friend is a boy in a girls body.
The children are only props for their progressive parents--they don't really love them or care anything about them.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 23, 7:40pm  

Good news:

27   PaisleyPattern   2019 Oct 23, 8:02pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Good news:

That’s awesome, there’s a petition somewhere online to protest in some way, as well.
28   socal2   2019 Oct 24, 9:14am  

Video of the 7 year old.

Can't believe a Texas jury is giving that psycho mother custody.

29   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 24, 11:02am  

Need to pass laws, and here's why.

Liberals like to compare today to utopia. When there's a law pre-existing, they have to fight to repeal it, and explain why it's not okay to disallow chemical/mechanical surgery on preteens. That's much more difficult than shouting "Free the Kids from their oppressive birth gender imposed on them by patriarchy and capitalism!"
30   RC2006   2019 Oct 24, 11:30am  

Can you imagine all the psychological damage to this kid already if he ends up gay or trans or any mental disorders for that matter he will always wonder would I have been normal if my mother just left me alone, why did she do this to me? This abuse is sick and is just as bad and might even be worse than if the kid was molested. The LGBT movement and left pushing this garbage on children will be the end them. I could also see the dad being pushed past the brink over this especially since the courts are against him.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 24, 11:36am  

She's not the bio mother... the whole thing with differing treatment to non-bio children is a known factor, but people hate to discuss the ramifications.

She had in vitro with another woman's egg but the father's sperm.
32   PaisleyPattern   2019 Oct 24, 12:32pm  

Me and my daughter met a family when we were camping a few years ago. Two grandparents, a granddaughter about eight years old, a stepmother, and her father, who stayed in the tent for the first day. On the second day a strange person appeared from the tent ,6 feet tall ,broad shoulders, pink hair, And for the first Half of that day I couldn’t figure out who this person was and how they fit into the family. eventually it turned out that was her father, her real mother lived in another city, her father had transitioned, and the other woman was his new wife or girlfriend. The grandparents were really uncomfortable with the whole thing, they were conservatives from Texas, Trying to make the best of it, not sure who they were related to actually, but the young girl was having major emotional problems and clung on to my daughter right away and tried to make her best friend and it was pretty awkward. I felt so bad for the girl, she was calling this person her dad but he was acting like a woman, the whole thing was just weird. I don’t know how the little girl was going to cope with it, everyone was trying to normalize the situation but it was pretty unnatural. To say the least. Apparently the guy was a nurse and had great healthcare so they were totally supportive and the hospital is supportive and everyone was behind him and all his surgeries and he felt totally great about it as far as I could tell.
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 24, 12:51pm  

No child at this age could possibly consent to this permanent life-altering course.

Kids this age are too young to consent to select how many chocolate chip cookies they will have for a snack.

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