by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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When even the most spendthrift person gets penalized when trying to compete in a market with jumped-up prices fueled overwhelmingly by excessive financialization? That person can't walk away. This includes autos, houses, rents, and medical care, haven't you noticed?
The company town has simply become larger, encompassing an entire nation
Home prices are too damned high because of stupid density and land use restrictions and codes that go beyond safety.
Seriously, it should be impossible to regulate square footage beyond 300 on rural properties.
"Oh, you can't build in this rural area unless it's 2000+ sq Ft even though it's the middle of nowhere and a 45-minute drive to the nearest city of over 50,000 people!" BS.
When I saw SFHs just 2-3 blocks from Disney/Anaheim Convention Center was, I immediately found California's problem. Nowhere in the nation is such a high-attraction area surrounded by SFH immediately in all directions. Which is why nowhere has California's housing problem.
Is it safe? Yep.
Is it large enough not to have the bed at least 4 feet from the toilet and oven? Yep.
Then build it.
Places like Florida get a lot of flak, but you can buy and build anything 800+ square feet pretty much anywhere without too much bullshit.
Liberal_in_blackface saysNobody is forced to live, drive, get medical care where debt is necessary to do so
Right...on Planet What The Fuck World Do You Live On?
When I saw SFHs just 2-3 blocks from Disney/Anaheim Convention Center was, I immediately found California's problem. Nowhere in the nation is such a high-attraction area surrounded by SFH immediately in all directions. Which is why nowhere has California's housing problem.
3. At least with slavery owners paid large upfront costs to acquire the slave. They had incentive to keep him healthy. Nowadays when your slave gets sick you just fire him and get another, nice!
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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