Wtf ? Are the crazy left wingers trying to make rational democrats give up on them ?

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2020 Feb 23, 12:31pm   4,783 views  37 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

I was almost ready to suppoirt Bernie until these assholes are embarrqassing me with their shameless playing of the victim card over NOTHING !

What's wrong with these SJW idiots ? I'm a life long liberal democrat ready to give up on them.



I'm not a big Chris Mathews fan, but they are trying to make something out of nothing.

It's like they actually want to insult the moderate and intelligent democrats.

They're almost as dishonest as Trump !

They could at least be honest and admit that the real (and only) reason they are pissed off about what Mathews was saying, is that Mathews thinks Bernie would lose to Trump, the noise about Nazis is an absolute lie, that I can't even imagine the stupidest sjws buying.

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17   marcus   2020 Feb 23, 7:06pm  

NoCoupForYou says
It wasn't just Matthews, but everybody in MSNBC whinging last night and everybody took it that way. YOU are the exception, and the calls you've made recently haven't been on point.

Everybody took what what way ?

I'm not making a call. I'm not trying to convince you of some probabilities or something.

marcus says
They could at least be honest and admit that the real (and only) reason they are pissed off about what Mathews was saying, is that Mathews thinks Bernie would lose to Trump, the noise about Nazis is an absolute lie, that I can't even imagine the stupidest sjws buying.
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 23, 8:09pm  

marcus says
Everybody took what what way ?

That Matthews was connecting Bernie to Hitler. I provided plenty of similar remarks that indicate PMSNBC has a clear anti-Bernie bias.

Bernie is what the Democratic Base wants. The people who actually "Person" (man?) the phones and knock on doors and register voters. Pink Haired Cat Ladies and their Soyboy Unemployed Lib Arts Majors. They think Sex doesn't exist, only Gender is important, they want Medicare for all, and they want "From each as their ability, to each as their need."

12% of the US population are "Progressive Activists" - the Far Left. They're at least a third, maybe just under half, of the Democratic Party Base. Overrepresented in Media, Academia, and Big Tech.

The people are speaking, Marcus! Heed their cries for Social Justice!
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 23, 8:27pm  

Liberals, 1965-2019: Y'know, the problem is the United States doesn't really have a Socialist party at all
Liberals, 2020: Ohmygerd! Socialism is taking over the Democratic Party! Cancel our pledge to PBS!
20   HeadSet   2020 Feb 24, 7:44am  

Not really. The comment had nothing to do with who the Nazis were. He's talking about the strategic battle of the campaign and where it stands relative to the bigger war.

You are 100% correct, Marcus. Unfortunately, just by choosing the "Nazi" battle example (could have said "Germans"), he opened himself up for deliberate mis-interpretation. You know, just like how guys like Clapper want to deliberately mis-interpret the Trump razzing "Maybe Russia can find Hillary's e-mails." as an invite for Russia to interfere in the election.
21   NDrLoR   2020 Feb 24, 8:58am  

Tenpoundbass says
But he's like a saner, more emotionally stable, more intelligent, more pragmatic, more competant version of Trump.
But not in the debate the other night.
22   Bd6r   2020 Feb 24, 10:11am  

NoCoupForYou says
12% of the US population are "Progressive Activists" - the Far Left. They're at least a third, maybe just under half, of the Democratic Party Base. Overrepresented in Media, Academia, and Big Tech.

Less %, I think. Simply the insane ones are the loudest.Luckily, they may drive away rational D's and party might split into two - bat-shit crazy SJW wing and rational ones who are defending poor wage earners.
24   Bd6r   2020 Feb 24, 10:20am  

8% - much more than I thought.

We can all blame indoctrination in education system, I think.
25   Bd6r   2020 Feb 24, 10:26am  

marcus says
He's like Trump in many ways. But he's like a saner, more emotionally stable, more intelligent, more pragmatic, more competant version of Trump.

He looked very bad in last debate when Warren attacked him. He should have owned stop-and-frisk by showing that it decreased minority deaths - and that would have been a fact-based answer which any logical person would agree with. If he would have been a real tRUMP style sociopathy olympics contender, he should have owned also the horse-faced lesbian expression. Ms. Warren - have you looked in mirror recently? Would you like some hay?
26   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 24, 10:31am  

Marcus don’t you get it? Elite wants Bloomberg. Now media manipulation starts.

Elections are about elite power grip and money. They chose Bloomberg. Even some republican channels promoting Bloomberg, it’s a giant fucking club of wealthy mother fuckers. And we the people are not part of it.

The sooner you get that, the sooner you’ll abandon party and only vote your wallet.
27   HeadSet   2020 Feb 24, 10:45am  

If he would have been a real tRUMP style sociopathy olympics contender, he should have owned also the horse-faced lesbian expression. Ms. Warren - have you looked in mirror recently? Would you like some hay?

Bloomberg could also answered: "Senator Warren, you keep neighing an whinnying about NDAs. I tell you what, I will release my NDAs right after the Senate and House releases all their NDAs."
29   Bd6r   2020 Feb 24, 1:51pm  

HeadSet says
Senator Warren, you keep neighing an whinnying about NDAs. I tell you what, I will release my NDAs right after the Senate and House releases all their NDAs

nice and true. Shows he is not good at debates, while Trump usually is.
30   Rin   2020 Feb 24, 3:33pm  

marcus says
He's talking about the strategic battle of the campaign and where it stands relative to the bigger war. .

Yes, he's trying to make Bernie look like the 'Maginot Line' defense (loser trench warfare system) against the Nazi's Panzer tank offense (see Donald Trump) where the Don overrides Bernie in one swift blow.

RC2006 says
I still can't fathom why DNC even let Bernie run as a dem in 2016 and 2020.

It's ok to allow idiots to roam. The bigger question is why is anyone with any commonsense listening to the clown? I mean if the Democratic delegates continue to vote for retards than doesn't that make 'em retarded? I mean that's the Occam's Razor of the situation.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 24, 3:45pm  

The Press has it.
The Democrats have it.
There is no cure.

You can catch them on tape soliciting murder, and they will brazenly deny it.

They will use the same lie on different people. For example, accusing Trump of being supported by Putin; then accusing Bernie of the same thing.
32   Rin   2020 Feb 24, 4:01pm  

rd6B says
he should have owned also the horse-faced lesbian expression

I like these lesbians ...

Led by their leader, Strap-On Hilly ...

33   Patrick   2020 Feb 24, 5:54pm  

rd6B says
the insane ones are the loudest.Luckily, they may drive away rational D's and party might split into two - bat-shit crazy SJW wing and rational ones who are defending poor wage earners.

I certainly hope someone founds the US Labor Party to specifically drop all the SJW bullshit and just concentrate on labor issues.
34   HeadSet   2020 Feb 24, 6:35pm  

I certainly hope someone founds the US Labor Party

American Labor Party (ALP) Platform:

Pro private sector unions while public sector unions to be outlawed
Anti illegal immigrant and for HxB rules to be strictly enforced
Employers directly penalized for any illegals hired
Tariff or boycott nations who only economic "comparative advantage" is slave labor and lax pollution laws
35   Patrick   2020 Feb 24, 7:42pm  

Sounds good to me. I'll look them up.

We probably don't hear about them because they don't get any corporate money.

Shit, they were dissolved in1956.

36   HeadSet   2020 Feb 24, 7:48pm  

Sounds good to me. I'll look them up.

I did not know American Labor Party really existed. I was just listing a proposed platform if an ALP did form.

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