by Heraclitusstudent ➕follow (8) 💰tip ignore
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Not sure about the 50%, but it's possible if the virus is really super-infectious. People have to go out and get food and bring it home, etc.
Also unclear: several sites say that the virus is spread mostly by asymptomatic people. How though? If they are not coughing, it is just about what they touch? Or does mere breathing spread it?
As of March 15 Sunday, the WHO reported 10 critical cases presently in the USA, and 69 have died so far.
I hope things settle down soon, but media and liberals are spreading panic.
Facebook people who are bleeding heart Trump haters talk about the lack of tests, scary deaths in China and Italy, and generally blame Trump for being “inept”.
I saw a news story yesterday “Another Corona virus victim has died in Santa Clara. It was a woman in her 80’s.”
After my stint in Florida, I heard about people over 80 dying of pneumonia all the time, and I also saw it kill people I knew, long before this type of viral pneumonia arrived.
The rate of increase in the US and Canada seems to have slowed in the last few days:
6 mar 100 new cases
7 mar 116 new cases 1.16 of old
8 mar 121 new cases 1.04 of old
9 mar 178 new cases 1.47 of old
10 mar 290 new cases 1.63 of old
11 mar 247 new cases 0.85 of old
12 mar 426 new cases 1.72 of old
13 mar 567 new cases 1.33 of old
14 mar 718 new cases 1.26 of old
15 mar 806 new cases 1.22 of old
Not all cases are actually sick people, rather likely to be sick and capable of spreading it.
The rate of increase in the US and Canada seems to have slowed in the last few days:
6 mar 100 new cases
7 mar 116 new cases 1.16 of old
8 mar 121 new cases 1.04 of old
9 mar 178 new cases 1.47 of old
10 mar 290 new cases 1.63 of old
11 mar 247 new cases 0.85 of old
12 mar 426 new cases 1.72 of old
13 mar 567 new cases 1.33 of old
14 mar 718 new cases 1.26 of old
15 mar 806 new cases 1.22 of old
Explain how china only has a few thousand deaths with a multi month head start on us
Patrick saysThe rate of increase in the US and Canada seems to have slowed in the last few days:
6 mar 100 new cases
7 mar 116 new cases 1.16 of old
8 mar 121 new cases 1.04 of old
9 mar 178 new cases 1.47 of old
10 mar 290 new cases 1.63 of old
11 mar 247 new cases 0.85 of old
12 mar 426 new cases 1.72 of old
13 mar 567 new cases 1.33 of old
14 mar 718 new cases 1.26 of old
15 mar 806 new cases 1.22 of old
We should all question the data from CV. the people being tested are probably the most sick. Therefore most likely many many times more people have it already.
This also means the deathrate is probably a fraction of the 2% estimate.
I'm still suggesting we wont get to 1% of average flu deaths in US. >35 dea...
No one can, unless the higher ups know the Chinese are full on completely making the data up and that this actually is a true killer. The reaction doesn't fit the numbers as you mention. The super sick get tested and most people think they have a cough and cold and just get some rest and never get tested or visit the doc.
Explain how china only has a few thousand deaths with a multi month head start on us
but I expect it to remain between 15%-30% growth til it significantly levels off from the lockdowns.
mell saysLooks like we may hit 1100 new infections today.
What's your source ?
China totally locked down a metro area of 16 million people. Only letting them out for 5 minutes a day. And the govt delivered food to them. I don't think we other wise have accurate info. That's why we need our own.
Perhaps, Marcus, if you love those policies so much, you should fly yourself to Wuhan or North Korea, and leave the rest of us alone.
Good question, Mell. I suspect the Chinese leadership may have over-estimated the effectiveness of their (or stolen from elsewhere) biological weapon. Given the percentage of "re-infections," there is reason to suspect that two or more different types/strains of virus got out of their Wuhan biological weapons lab. The most deadly type/strain that initially killed a lot of people locally may have died with the dead victims, leaving only the relatively less harmful type/strain escaping to the other cities and the rest of the world. The South Korean data is showing overall death rate lower than 0.6% . . . that's fairly close to normal flu death rate (0.1% to 1%; CDC claiming 12k to 61k flu deaths in the US each year, so averaging 36k if 0.1% would mean 36million flu sufferers every year, 1 in 10, highly unlikely, so the flu death rate has to be higher than 0.1%) and annual car accident death rate (30-50k deaths resulting from 100 mil active drivers, so 0.3-0.5%). At this point, how ex...
The reaction doesn't fit the numbers
there is reason to suspect that two or more different types/strains of virus
60m Americans got that swine flu, and we hardly even mention it anymore
Do you guys think ups, FedEx, usps, ect will stop service?
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