Let's all be honest, there's a reason Public transportation sucks, when it could be a pleasant experience

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2020 Jun 12, 12:18pm   2,902 views  97 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Nope it's not because black people run amok and can't control themselves.
But it's because Liberal policies expect and encourage them to.

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 12, 3:06pm  

Looks like a "Destroy Progress" meme
2   Kepi   2020 Jun 12, 5:20pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Nope it's not because black people run amok and can't control themselves.
But it's because Liberal policies expect and encourage them to.

I must disagree with you when you claim "it's not because black people run amok and can't control themselves."

I say, "Oh, yes, it is." "Liberal policies" don't change a damn thing.

The hominid species from the sub-Saharan region of the world (the label nigger is appropriate) is simply not human. It can interbreed with humans AND create viable offspring AND it can mimic human speech and dress. BUT, it just simply is not human (as in Homo sapiens sapiens -- Homo erectus is more like it). It is a violent, retarded, sub-human morph ape, and a great danger to society. Nothing is going to change that, and all one has to do if one does not get it already is to go out and spend some time around so called "blacks."

I would gladly look into anything that anyone could indicate to me as far as a nigger run nation, city, ANYPLACE that is not a total shit hole.

When a person thinks clearly and correctly about niggers everything falls into place. No more rationalizing. No more endless excusing and justifying and trying to explain and proposing "solutions." No more of the endless mental gymnastics.

I will use the term "The West." The West has really monkey fucked itself. Nigger coddling and inclusion. And, I am afraid, it is only going to get worse. The toothpaste is out of the tube.

I suspect the first image you included may very well have been staged (maybe things were not ever really like that). I can also say I am pretty sure the second, ghetto image was not staged. In any event, it gives me a nostalgic bit of relief looking at the first photo -- such a beautiful, human image.
3   Patrick   2020 Jun 12, 5:51pm  

I agree that one reason people are reluctant to take public transit is because of the significant possibility of being physically assaulted by black person. Cars are much safer, with a physical barrier between you and a mugger's knife or gun.

But also, there is plain old political corruption. The automobile, petroleum, and highway building industries absolutely hate public transit, and they have a lot of money to pay off "our" Congressmen to make sure that Amtrack and public transit are as shitty as possible.
4   SoTex   2020 Jun 13, 11:14am  

Kepi says
I suspect the first image you included may very well have been staged

Of course it is. The boy on the left is working on a LAPTOP. Also his mom's arm is at a crooked angle.
5   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 13, 11:28am  

Kepi says
I suspect the first image you included may very well have been staged (maybe things were not ever really like that).

About 12 years ago I posted on the original Patnet forum, it's time to bring back judicial ass beatings, to keep people civil and respectful of others.

Boy you should have seen the way I was savaged like I was some Red Neck, proposing that all White People start assaulting everyone they disagree with.

That was not what I was proposing at all. While the reality of those same people that didn't like my idea, are encouraged by the Liberal hate mob of late, that does assault everyone they disagree with philosophically and morally.

The time when that top picture was made, it was a time where Punks, Hoods and Trouble makers didn't fuck about in public like they are free to do today.
They would have gotten the shit kicked out of them, and the Police would have arrested them for disturbing the peace.

See the Ass beatings I proposed 12 years ago, would have restored society to the picture above. The Liberal Sanctioned Ass beatings the Antifa, BLM and Democrat Voters are doling out, is to further decline society as represented in the bottom picture.
6   Kepi   2020 Jun 13, 1:03pm  

Tenpoundbass says
The time when that top picture was made, it was a time where Punks, Hoods and Trouble makers didn't fuck about in public like they are free to do today. They would have gotten the shit kicked out of them, and the Police would have arrested them for disturbing the peace.

See the Ass beatings I proposed 12 years ago, would have restored society to the picture above. The Liberal Sanctioned Ass beatings the Antifa, BLM and Democrat Voters are doling out, is to further decline society as represented in the bottom picture.

Good points. Well stated. Appreciated.
7   marcus   2020 Jun 13, 1:26pm  

Tenpoundbass says
The Liberal Sanctioned Ass beatings the Antifa, BLM and Democrat Voters are doling out, is to further decline society

Kepi says
Well stated

If you say so.
8   Patrick   2020 Jun 13, 1:33pm  

Kepi says
The hominid species from the sub-Saharan region of the world (the label nigger is appropriate) is simply not human.

That's just wrong.

Black people are people, and even though inclinations and abilities clearly vary by race, ethnic group, geography, etc, we all overlap more than we differ.

The Nigerians and Hatians in America do just fine, proving it is totally possible.
9   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 13, 1:51pm  

Patrick says
Black people are people, and even though inclinations and abilities clearly vary by race, ethnic group, geography, etc, we all overlap more than we differ.

I agree one hundred percent. Back when I was in the Flooring industry. The black teens and tweens would be at home raiding the fridge, and talking, walking and looking all ghetto hood. As soon as Dad pulled in the drive, they dropped that act very quickly. I was always amazed that many of those black households are bigger hard nosed conservatives, than Hispanic or Whites ever was. That is why it has been so important for the White Liberal Hate Mob to destroy the family unit, because they know they can't keep Black families with a strong Patriarchal figure heading the household. Dad would put a foot up their punks asses for acting like the Liberal establishment demands out of them.
10   SoTex   2020 Jun 14, 1:12pm  

Neanderthals, Denisovans and Flores Man were people too!

Edit: shit, we found another one last year I hadn't heard about: Homo luzonensis

Didn't even have to use that new fangled cheap DNA sequencing this time!
11   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 14, 1:38pm  

Yup and I believe we're all related, and over the years as Modern man took shape, those uglier less desirable traits in those earlier hominids were bred out.
Giving rise to Modern man in the regions they evolved in, giving rise to Races. Two interesting things to note.
The out of Africa migration started much earlier, and Modern men left behind, didn't benefit by all of the gene mixing, as those migratory ancestors got.
I believe the other lesser hominoid species were done in by the Females promiscuity and desire to dump the chump and drop the zero and get a hero.
Now before you think I'm wrong that Homo Sapiens would have not have Bopped a Denisovian, Flroes man, Peking Man, Neandertals and the like.
There are people fucking Latex manikins right now. Some of these people if they could fuck a trained helper monkey they would.
12   marcus   2020 Jun 14, 1:47pm  

Stupid troll of a post.
13   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 14, 1:55pm  

How is it a troll post, do you have any intelligent input that disputes my claims?
Show me a society where people allowed to act out and terrorize the other passengers, that has a good public transportation?
14   Onvacation   2020 Jun 14, 2:14pm  

marcus says
Stupid troll of a post.

15   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 14, 2:19pm  

This is why we can't have Public Transportation.

16   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 14, 2:20pm  

What would the Rioters, um Peaceful protesters had done to that Billion Dollar Bullet Train Obama promised us, but never delivered?
18   marcus   2020 Jun 14, 2:51pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Show me a society where people allowed to act out and terrorize the other passengers, that has a good public transportation?

That subway photo doesn't look very terrorizing to me. It's an extreme moment. The top photo looks like some silly advertising executives imagination of the future from about 1948.

How much experience do you have using american public transportation ?

Better perhaps to admit that you have lived a very sheltered life.
19   marcus   2020 Jun 14, 3:03pm  


I used to live in Chicago. Those are all very every day normal public transportation photos. People don't want to drive downtown becasue of traffic and parking. Most people take some kind of public trans if they work in "the loop."

20   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 14, 3:19pm  

Most of those are corporate shuttles, they are all stock photos.
21   marcus   2020 Jun 14, 3:29pm  

Wrong they are the two different forms of transportation I used daily for many years. The first three are either the "L" trains or subway, both part of the Chicago Transit authority(CTA). They are a lot like your second photo, but without those two kids posing.

The last three are from "the Metra" commuter trains which is part of the regional transit authority (RTA) , which consists of several train lines from suburbs in to the city. People usually buy monthly passes, but you can buy single ride or daily tickets too. (actually CTA is a subset of RTA)

They are both very regular public trans in chicago.

marcus says
Better perhaps to admit that you have lived a very sheltered life.

You didn't answer my question. What is your experience with public transportation ?
22   marcus   2020 Jun 14, 4:15pm  

The more I think about it, that first photo may be of an actual "first class" car on a predecessor of amtrack back in the 50s. Perhaps it's England. Obviously not a commuter train.
23   alpo   2020 Jun 14, 5:09pm  

marcus says
I used to live in Chicago. Those are all very every day normal public transportation photos. People don't want to drive downtown becasue of traffic and parking. Most people take some kind of public trans if they work in "the loop."

VTA (light rail and bus), Caltrain, and BART or also very popular in SF bay area. I have used them for years. I have also used light rail in Seattle frequently - very convenient to go straight from airport to downtown. I haven't used Chicago public transportation much, except for a few times on train going and coming back from downtown chicago - that was good too.

Unfortunately, I am a non-white person, but I am quite sure it will make many white people on patrick.net more comfortable to know that there are many white people also riding public transit in SF Bay Area, Chicago, and Seattle. You all don't need to be scared. We won't eat you just like we don't eat other white people riding the public transportation.
24   Patrick   2020 Jun 14, 6:01pm  

Caltrain is pretty safe - because they have human conductors who will very quickly throw off trouble-makers, if necessary stopping the train for everyone and calling the Amtrack police, who are pretty effective. And Caltrain goes through orderly prosperous mostly white and Asian neighborhoods.

BART is dangerous because there are no humans keeping order and because it goes through Oakland, which is mostly black. Much more crime on BART. Not a coincidence.
25   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 14, 7:59pm  

Rode BART from Tenderloin Area to The Oracle once around 2004 with a group of friends. We had a good time, but even then the homeless were a problem. Went back in 2008 and didn’t notice much change. Enjoyed a round of Frisbee golf at golden gate park. Have not been back since.

But on the topic of public transportation, it is just welfare for the wealthy. It allows employers to pay less than a livable wage by forcing taxpayers to subsidize the transportation of their employees. Public transportation NEVER pays for itself.
26   Patrick   2020 Jun 14, 8:23pm  


SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — In the last three months, there have been at least three robberies on BART involving groups of teenagers.

“I think people are genuinely concerned — they are fearful about the stories that have come out about the recent attacks, the assaults, the thefts,” said Debora Allen, who is a member of the BART Board of Directors.

April 22: Forty to sixty kids boarded a train at the Coliseum stop and robbed seven passengers, beating up two;

June 28: A group of four kids assaulted a passenger and made off with a cell phone at Dublin; and

June 30: A woman on a train with about a dozen teenagers had her phone snatched by one them before the group got off at the Coliseum stop. Thankfully, a good Samaritan was on hand to retrieve the phone.

So far, BART has refused to turn over surveillance video for any of these incidents.

ALSO READ: Security Guard Foils Teens In Another BART Strong-Arm Robbery

Allen told us the agency issued an explanation for why it is being tight-lipped about the thefts.

“To release these videos would create a high level of racially insensitive commentary toward the district,” she was told. “And in addition it would create a racial bias in the riders against minorities on the trains.”
27   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 14, 8:37pm  

alpo says
my biggest worry while taking public transportation is to be accosted by some "crazy" white guy rather than being mugged or robbed by a black guy.

Based on what data?
28   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 14, 8:42pm  

Patrick says
AN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — In the last three months, there have been at least three robberies on BART involving groups of teenagers

They were not robbing, just seeking their fair share. Don’t be racist.
29   SoTex   2020 Jun 14, 9:37pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Yup and I believe we're all related

You've no idea... We're all about 1/30th cousins which is seriously inbred for a mammal. Races are BS, culture is not.

Tenpoundbass says
Females promiscuity and desire to dump the chump and drop the zero and get a hero.

True story! Also, we look the way we do because females think it's 'cute'. Also act the way we do because females are looking for 'X'.
30   SoTex   2020 Jun 14, 9:45pm  

alpo says
de in the car and bitch on internet forums as to how bad public transportation is.

Oh me me me!!! I want this job!
31   WookieMan   2020 Jun 15, 6:28am  

marcus says
The last three are from "the Metra" commuter trains which is part of the regional transit authority (RTA) , which consists of several train lines from suburbs in to the city.

Metra is fine. I still live here and will use it occasionally if going to the city to get plastered. The employees are A-holes though and they're thoroughly protected through some fucked scheme. Metra employees are employees of the rail line they operate on, not the government even though Metra is government. They work for BNSF, Pacific Northern, etc. You cannot FOIA them. It's fucked up. So those conductors have free rein to shit all over you. Found out the hard way after one of those cunts pushed my wife off a train. Took me years and cooperation with 3 other people that saw it, but finally got that basket of shit fired.

CTA is a cesspool though. North side of Red line is fine. Blue line is fine until you get west of Western Ave. on the Southern/West portion. Pink line, is somewhat newish (~18 years I think) is fine until you again, get west of Western Ave. The cars routinely smell like piss. I've had to punch a homeless fuck harassing me. My wife commuted in from Oak Park to UIC where we both went to college and I wouldn't let her rid alone at any time of the day. It simply wasn't safe for a single female to ride that part of the Blue line.

Those west side neighborhoods along 290 are absolute shit holes. I've physically worked in them in my past career. I've seen shit people wouldn't believe. I've called DCFS and Chicago building inspectors more times than I can remember. Most middle and upper class people have zero clue what the ghetto is, as they have no reason to go into one.
32   NDrLoR   2020 Jun 15, 9:09am  

Tenpoundbass says
they can't keep Black families with a strong Patriarchal figure heading the household. Dad would put a foot up their punks asses for acting like the Liberal establishment demands out of them

This photograph, taken in Jim Crow 1956, shows an affluent black family about to experience a wedding--something that is seldom seen today. That's Dad in the grey suit, a strong, patriarchal figure who is keeping his sons in line and making sure they toe the line. It will remain to be seen if the youngest of them keeps on the straight and narrow in the mid 70's when everything in society went to hell. This also shows that blacks in Jim Crow America didn't have to be victims.

33   NDrLoR   2020 Jun 15, 9:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
I know, nothing like it!
34   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 15, 11:58am  

just_dregalicious says
Tenpoundbass says
Females promiscuity and desire to dump the chump and drop the zero and get a hero.

True story! Also, we look the way we do because females think it's 'cute'. Also act the way we do because females are looking for 'X'.

The Human story is crazier than that. Humans are the only species that got a leg up by the females being attracted to the weaker males.
As we migrated out of Africa we got stronger, because the stronger species was attracted to worldly traveler, over the strong brutes in their local indigenous species. Eventually giving man both brains and brawn to out compete the local species as we encountered them. Even the women or males they might have kidnapped but didn't eat or ritually kill. They may have bred with them. Only to give birth to better looking stronger smarter kids, that over several generations. Those that were no hybrid at this point were probably ostracized and ridiculed. If not exploited to do all of the grunt dirty work, and to fight battles and beasts.
This is the millions of years of evolution people talk about that brought us to here. A few gender confused Liberals now, wants to hold every White Male alive today for the natural selection processes that has made us all who we are. My theory about the interspecific breeding replacing earlier man, and not because Homo Sapiens won every battle he fought with Homo Erectus that walked out of Africa millions of years before. It happened everywhere, not just in one region. Humans have been tribal since the beginning, they have been prejudice, and exploited others where they have conquered them. We've come a long way, they want to send us all back.
35   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 15, 11:59am  

NDrLoR says
This photograph, taken in Jim Crow 1956, shows an affluent black family about to experience a wedding--something that is seldom seen today.

That was a very rare color combination. The owner was probably one of those people who used to say. "I got my car made Custom, direct from the Factory."
Usually the Dark Blue is on top and the lighter blue is on the bottom, on those Olds Holidays.
36   Kepi   2020 Jun 15, 4:21pm  

Tenpoundbass says
We've come a long way, they want to send us all back.

This evolution stuff seems to be a part of this thread so I don't think (at least, I hope) I am hijacking the theme.

A little science stuff.

Here is a little something the scientists have come up with with respect to the theory that all of mankind comes from Africa, that niggers were the original man.
Recent discoveries have disproved the theory that man originated in Africa (although the media is reluctant to publish this).

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find.
The discovery of the creature, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco' by scientists, proves our ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid.

A fossilized tooth belonging to an ape-like creature that roamed Bulgaria 7.2 million years ago could rewrite history as we know it.
Scientists say the species, which is known only from a lower jawbone and a single tooth, may prove that modern man originated in Europe and not Africa.

But, really, it is not like we have to do anything more than just look around us to know that niggers aren't exactly on par with modern man.
37   marcus   2020 Jun 15, 4:36pm  

Wild guess - going out on a limb. Kepi voted for Trump.
38   Kepi   2020 Jun 15, 4:40pm  

A little more (or, actually, a lot more).

In 2008, Richard D. Fuerle published a work called Erectus Walks Amongst Us – The evolution of modern humans.

Below is the cover image.

The book is 588 pages long. It is THOROUGH and masterfully presented, and I think nicely readable. I present a passage from pages 234 – 235.

“To summarize, Section II provides overwhelming evidence that race is real
and that blacks are the most primitive of the major races, though only a small
proportion of the known racial differences is presented. Because research on racial
differences, except where they are medically important, has been effectively
outlawed for at least the last 50 yrs, there are no doubt thousands of other racial
differences that have not been discovered or published. In reading comparisons
between different types of animals, one is struck by the immense number of small
differences in anatomy, physiology, protein structure, and development. Surely,
there are also a large number of differences between the races.
The fact is that virtually all of the racial differences between Africans and
Eurasians are in traits that are primitive; there are few, if any, African traits that are
more modern than Eurasian traits. The evidence comes from a large variety of very
different traits, hard tissue, soft tissue, physiology, behavior, intelligence,
accomplishments, and genes. And, most importantly, all of the evidence is consistent.

It is not the case that genes are saying blacks are modern and bones are saying they
are primitive. All of the evidence is saying the same thing – they are primitive, less
evolved, and closer to our ape ancestors.
That is the source of the title of this book, not that Homo erectus is alive today
as the species that lived from nearly 2 mya until as recently as a few tens of thousand
ya, but that erectine alleles long lost by Eurasians are still active in Africans and some
aborigine populations, expressing themselves in primitive traits of body and
behavior. These traits are readily discernable at a glance, though people are
indoctrinated and warned not to notice such things and to deny them if they are
mentioned. In Fig. 16-4, 16-5, & 16-6, note the erectine features of these black athletes
(left to right): the prominent brow ridges and receding forehead of Jerry Stackhouse,
the protruding jaw of Shaquille O’Neal, and the slight saggital keel of former NBA
player Karl Malone.

Whites have romanticized primitive people as “noble savages” and, in movies
and on television, they are usually portrayed as competent, wise, and kind-hearted
towards whites. Real life data, however, does not support that portrayal. (Keeley,
1996; Wade, 2006; Lablanc, 2003). European soccer fans, who make ape-like hooting
noises and throw bananas to taunt black players may be boorish, but biologically,
they have a point. Blacks, biologically, have traits that man had hundreds of
thousands of years ago. In Figure 16-7 the horizontal length of the lines is
proportional to genetic distance; the short length of the horizontal line going to
“African” indicates that Africans have not evolved much, and the long length of the
horizontal line labeled “non-African” indicates that non-Africans have evolved a
long way away from Africans."

Edit: Oops, forgot to include the link to the book.

39   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 15, 4:55pm  

alpo says
there is hardly any "Black" person in United States who doesn't have White ancestry.

Who's eligible for reparations then?
40   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 15, 7:55pm  

Kepi all man evolved from hominids. Africans didn't leave Africa Homo erectus did, and as he moved out into Europe and then on to Asia, they evolved into the other species you see in the fossil records. Followed by another wave of the first humans to start evolving Human traits and features. These weren't Africans, and they weren't Asian or European at this point.

George W. Bush looks like a Chimpanzee
Ron Pearlman looks like a Lowland Gorilla
Don Rickles had Shaq's same profile from the side.

Cosmetically Asians and Europeans got finer features due to our evolutionary tract and interspecific partnerships we made along the way.
We did more monkey fucking than Africans did. So we got finer features.

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