Happy Columbus Day

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2010 Oct 11, 12:34pm   2,584 views  52 comments

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Lets not forget how we all got here.


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2   georgeliberte   2020 Oct 12, 7:39am  

Yes, but they were mostly peaceful sacrifices.
3   clambo   2020 Oct 12, 7:45am  

84,000, no shit? I had no idea they were that murderous.
4   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 12, 7:50am  

They fucking cancelled the air show. WTF?
5   clambo   2020 Oct 12, 8:14am  

They knew the earth wasn’t flat; they didn’t know how large it was.

Columbus vastly underestimated the distance or he just wanted to be sponsored to sail over.

He went a bit nuts in the new world, and was returned to Spain by knights sent to check out the situation.

They wanted to find a route to Asia which didn’t require having the Arabs as middlemen.

Eventually they got what they had wanted; a sea route from the Philippines to Mexico (New Spain), which galleons sailed for years.

Sometimes pirates attacked the Spanish galleons off Baja California Sur. An English pirate Miles Cavendish was one, think of him next time you look at the arches at Cabo San Lucas.

The phone book there had some English surnames, from pirates who decided to stay.
A Mexican friend of mine from there has an English descendant and surname.
9   Ceffer   2020 Oct 12, 10:37am  

Haven't they re-named it "White Privilege Indian Fucker Day" yet?
10   Patrick   2020 Oct 12, 10:45am  

God Bless Christopher Columbus, without whom we would not be here to even debate the issue.

Maybe the Chinese or Arabs would have colonized the New World if Europeans had not done it. Some Old World group certainly would have. I'm glad it was Europeans with their ideals of freedom and democracy which are still missing among the Chinese and the Arabs.

90% of the Indians would have died just the same the moment they got smallpox from the Chinese or the Arabs.
11   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Oct 12, 10:50am  

Ceffer says
Haven't they re-named it "White Privilege Indian Fucker Day" yet?

Here is the kicker about whole thing. People who were against Columbus day since the fucking 70's were actually anti immigrant groups. Because Columbus day was a celebration not just of discovery, but they believed it celebrated immigration. Those anti immigrant groups were native Americans who hated European immigrants. But you know "fuck white people" wasn't a catchy slogan in the 70's in America yet. So they decided to try another angle, by calling it "indigenous people day". That slogan is only in a few places where dumb-ass pandering politicians fall for shit like that.

To most people Columbus day is just a day of discovery of America, nothing more. It's the crazy fucks on the left who try to make it into something else. I'm sure they'd cancel fathers day too as it's "mysogeny" and cancel independence day because it celebrates "slave America". Giving in to the left an inch is never an option, they just push for another inch.
12   Ceffer   2020 Oct 12, 11:11am  

Europeans were pre-slaughtered survivors of their own diseases (herd immunities and all that). Indians were much more concerned about killing and torturing their traditional tribal enemies than they were about Europeans initially. They loved killing each other, they were not peaceful flower munchers. The accounts of what Indians did to Indians were horrific.

Euros brought horses, guns, iron weapons, and mass production of tobacco, which Indians did not necessarily regard as bad things when they got them, and at first gave them an advantage over their traditional tribal foes.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 12, 11:24am  

clambo says
84,000, no shit? I had no idea they were that murderous.

They might have the one-day slaughter record of any battle or genocide in human history, if the higher end numbers are right. They killed more people in 24 hours than the firebombing of Dresden, the battle of Kursk, peak of Prussian Blue delivery, or even the bombing of Hiroshima.
14   HeadSet   2020 Oct 12, 5:06pm  

They might have the one-day slaughter record of any battle or genocide in human history

15   Ceffer   2020 Oct 12, 5:12pm  

If only the Aztecs and Incas had the H-Bomb.
16   Dholliday126   2020 Oct 12, 5:32pm  

Why did Columbus make the journey?? He wanted to find a quicker trade route to asia because the muslims cut off Europe from the rest of the world.

So again we can safely blame Islam for murdering millions...yay!
17   Patrick   2021 Oct 11, 9:30am  

Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries of the Americas and elsewhere, and a federal holiday in the United States, which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492.

Christopher Columbus was a Genovese-born explorer who became a subject of the Hispanic Monarchy in order to lead a Spanish enterprise to cross the Atlantic Ocean in search of an alternative route to the Far East, only to land in the New World. Columbus's first voyage to the New World on the Spanish ships Santa María, Niña, and La Pinta took approximately three months. Columbus and his crew's arrival in the New World initiated the colonisation of the Americas by Spain, followed in the ensuing centuries by other European powers, as well as the transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, and technology between the New World and the Old World, an event referred to by some late 20th‐century historians as the Columbian Exchange.

Per Adam Smith, Columbus' voyage was one of the two greatest events in human history, the other being the discovery of a route to India via the Cape of Good Hope.

The benefits to the world were absolutely enormous, and we should all take a moment to thank men with huge balls like Columbus.

19   Onvacation   2023 Oct 9, 9:18am  


20   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Oct 9, 9:30am  

clambo says

They knew the earth wasn’t flat; they didn’t know how large it was.

Columbus vastly underestimated the distance or he just wanted to be sponsored to sail over.

Calculating longitude without a functioning clock can be tricky, basically coming down to observing planetary position phenomena, which, by definition happen rarely.
21   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Oct 9, 9:33am  

As I've been known to quip before: None of these "native peoples of North America" want to go back to living in the stone age.
24   Ceffer   2023 Oct 9, 11:08am  

LOL! America was explored and intermittently colonized long before Columbus. Columbus was the imperialist flag planter screaming "All Amuriku Are Belong To Me".
25   KgK one   2023 Oct 9, 11:16am  

Patrick says

That's the reason people are afraid of outsiders :)
Europeans brought diseases, killed n enslaved locals, took their land. Now people know that history n it scares them. It is impressive how Europeans took over north America n Australia
26   AD   2023 Oct 9, 11:20am  


This image is from the end of my favorite Columbus Day movie and Mel Gibson's masterpiece Apocalypto


27   Ceffer   2023 Oct 9, 12:15pm  

ad says

This image is from the end of my favorite Columbus Day movie and Mel Gibson's masterpiece Apocalypto

LOL! "We're here to help".
28   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 12:35pm  


Today we honor and celebrate one of the great visionaries and explorers in human history, Christopher Columbus. Columbus and the Spanish crown sought a cheaper, safer and less politically encumbered means to trade with the Far East than the traditional land routes. This became essential when the Muslim Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople.

... Columbus and his crews discovered and explored the Caribbean sea, mapping its geography and also documenting its tides, currents and wind patterns. They sailed and mapped out Central America. Columbus discovered the shortest land crossing that became the Panama Canal. He recognized that you could traverse it by water if you could build a canal. Not having the resources to build it, he and his men traversed it by land. They built a small settlement there where they discovered gold. Their settlement was attacked by Indian tribes and they barely escaped complete slaughter.

They put their boats back in water to escape, and sailed toward San Domingo. They discovered that some of their ships had started leaking due to a wood eating mollusk known as shipworm. He and his crew desperately bailed water until they found some islands to bring their ships to land. All of his ship repairmen were killed by the Indians, so Columbus sent a small party to San Domingo to summons a larger rescue and repair crew. They came and Columbus and his crew used their tenacity and resourceful cunning to escape death yet again. ...

Columbus and his crew survived massive ocean storms. They survived tough conditions on the open seas with diet and disease. They encountered hostile people who in some cases attacked them and nearly killed them all. They remained resolute and accomplished much on their missions. Had Columbus not set sail or had he failed, another European would have eventually succeeded, as the spirit and thirst for exploration, adventure and the upward development of European civilization was strong across all of Europe.

It is common these days to attack and caricature Christopher Columbus as a one-dimensional embodiment of pure evil. Those attacks on his character are not attacks on Columbus as much as they are attacks on European civilization ands its multi-continental diaspora. They do not aim to establish some new moral order, rather they aim to destroy our European diaspora’s moral legitimacy. It is likely that in a few short years every statue in North America that honors Christopher Columbus will be torn down. As that project has destroyed the legitimacy of the European diaspora and even of Europe peoples and our achievements, the statues honoring the Pioneers and Founding Fathers of America will be torn down too. That is an attack not just on those men, it is an attack on the civilization that they were a part of. Thus, if you are a European, it is an attack on you.

These attacks and the ensuing conquest of our nations have succeeded because we surrendered our moral authority. We lost our confidence and our ability to appreciate the astounding bravery, intelligence, imagination, technological prowess and organizational skills of our people. There is an antidote to this sorry state of affairs. We can reclaim our moral conviction and self confidence very easily. When we do we will reclaim our nations and our people’s destiny to ascend ever upward toward the transcendent; fusing the realms of the spirit and the material through curiosity, daring and action. We can reclaim it by proudly honoring Christopher Columbus, his crew, their supporters and their great collective achievements. We can reclaim that which we most need to reclaim - our healthy and good instinct to better ourselves and our people by sailing for glory. In so doing we honor ourselves and our civilization that produced him.

Today I honor and acknowledge the greatness of Christopher Columbus. I honor the greatness of European man.

I looked up the location of that statue of Columbus with an Arabic inscription. It's in Alexandria, Egypt. I admire those Arabs for being braver than San Franciscans. San Francisco tore down its statue of Columbus.
29   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 1:12pm  

The Duke of Moctezuma de Tultengo is a hereditary title of Spanish nobility held by a line of descendants of Emperor Moctezuma II, the ninth Tlatoani of Tenochtitlan. Since 1766, the title has been associated with a Grandeza de España, the highest honor accorded to Spanish nobility. The Palace of Moctezuma, located in Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Spain, is one of many palaces erected by the descendants of Moctezuma II.

So it's wrong to say that the Spanish were implacably racist against the Indians.
30   clambo   2023 Oct 9, 1:52pm  

Recall that Columbus was taken back to Spain in chains; he was evidently a bad boy in the "New World."
31   Ceffer   2023 Oct 9, 4:25pm  

Was it Columbus and his crew who brought syphilis back to Europe from screwing Indians and livestock? LOL! Another invidious rumor. Europe wiped most of the natives out with their high human density diseases, natives gave Europe the clap and tobacco. Small price to pay?
32   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 10, 1:26am  

Patrick says

So it's wrong to say that the Spanish were implacably racist against the Indians.


In fact, the Spanish Royalty was very careful to limit the abuse of Aztec and other Indian high castes. They didn't want anybody back in Europe, or the Conquistadores returning, to get any ideas about the temporary nature of "power".
33   richwicks   2023 Oct 10, 2:04am  

clambo says

Recall that Columbus was taken back to Spain in chains; he was evidently a bad boy in the "New World."

@clambo - I don't really know the story. Why did this happen? I seem to recall (probably incorrectly) this was because Columbus didn't deliver on his promises to find a new trade route to China, and the voyage was tremendously expensive. I don't think it paid off for a long time, and it certainly didn't pay off for the Spanish.
35   Patrick   2023 Oct 16, 10:23am  


The town of Johnston, Rhode Island unveiled a statue of Christopher Columbus last Monday. The unveiling was the high point of the town’s celebration of the day when Americans and Europeans commemorate and honor the Admiral of The Oceans. Johnston’s town leadership took ownership of the statue after Providence mayor Jorge Elorza unilaterally removed the statue in June, 2020, pre-empting Providence’s formal procedures for erecting or removing historical monuments.

(Statue of Christopher Columbus: Reclaimed and Raised in Johnston, Rhode Island 10/8/2023)

It is a wonderful thing that this beautiful statue was claimed by a town before it was destroyed or melted down as so many of our historical monuments have been. The mayor, townspeople and everyone involved in this act of reclamation and preservation is to be praised and commended for acting swiftly and resolutely to preserve this part our heritage.

The people of Johnston have done something more than reclaim and raise a statue. They have shown the entire American nation the path forward. When a nation or territory is conquered the first acts of the conqueror are to remove all traces of the conquered people’s statuary, art, history and customs and practices and to erect a new set of such things in their place. We cannot and we must not deny that our country is no longer ours. We must confront the bitter truth or the reality that we are a people whose country is, at best, occupied and, at worst, conquered. ...

From the depths of my soul, I thank you the great people of Johnston, Rhode Island. You have stood up for America, for Americans and the European history and ancestry of our people. A people are a nation, and a nation is a people. We must all look to Johnston and its great people and take action exactly as they have. Claiming, erecting, polishing and celebrating our historical monuments is just the first step.
40   Patrick   2024 Oct 14, 8:57am  


Happy Columbus Day! Argentine President Javier Milei released a video honoring Christopher Columbus for discovering the Americas in 1492.

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