Hindu irritants should direct their guns towards USA not Pakistan.

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2020 Nov 15, 11:23pm   1,439 views  34 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

As I said before that i do feel that Sikhs should have separate country. At teh same time religious based countries are also not very successful.
I believe that in "trillion" Hindus , Sikhs have lost their identity due to discrimination and genocide.

If Sikhs truly believe in their religion, They should have a secular nation which welcomes everyone but ensure their safety and identity.
If they try to build one on "Islamic state" model, It will totally destroy Sikhism.

By the way Sikhs are doing referendum and It is not very clear what kind of country they are envisioning. I will show more interest when I see concrete proposals.
If they want to build "Sikh-Only" nation, I will oppose it.

But this post is targeted towards "irritating Hindus" that this referendum is happening in US and done by US experts not Pakistanis.
You should blame US in future.
Also If You truly have some cajones, You should give up your US citizenship in protest and go back to India.


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12   indc   2020 Nov 16, 6:55pm  

If sikhs are so ill-treated in India why are they traveling from pakistan and afghanistan to india?
13   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 6:56pm  

I am stuck on "beef" as It is a symbol of oppression. It has nothing to do with "Cow mother" stuff. If Hindus really care about Cows they should not be loitering aimlessly on streets getting hit by traffic.
Hindus should also never be immigrating to countries voluntarily who allow beef. There are tons of Hindus in Arab countries.
The beef drama is just to suppress poor beef eating Hindus and Muslims to suppress them. It is also to kill the leather economy of poor Muslims.
14   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 6:57pm  

Sikhs from Afghanistan prefer Canada of USA, India is last choice if anything doesn't work out for them.
15   indc   2020 Nov 16, 7:48pm  

sikhguy says
I am stuck on "beef" as It is a symbol of oppression. It has nothing to do with "Cow mother" stuff. If Hindus really care about Cows they should not be loitering aimlessly on streets getting hit by traffic.
Hindus should also never be immigrating to countries voluntarily who allow beef. There are tons of Hindus in Arab countries.
The beef drama is just to suppress poor beef eating Hindus and Muslims to suppress them. It is also to kill the leather economy of poor Muslims.

Cows are not taken care in places where the "Hindus" are in minority. India is not like you think it is a huge country with people of different beliefs. And the english education made people not to respect their religion. Like I said even sikhs in India consider cows as mothers. You are mis-informed or brain washed if you think beef is the only source of protein. Chicken is the cheapest source of protien.

Stop asking hindus to leave. Even in India people are eating beef after communist beliefs. Do you say the same to muslims since people here eat pork? I think you are some stupid guy to bring such things. No intelligent person talks like that. Maybe you should stop eating it and concentrate on bring your life to better balance.
16   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 8:00pm  

Why would a Hindu migrate to country which treats their mother as meat?
There can be few explanations:
1) Cow mother drama is BS
2) Hindus in US abandoned their faith, they are technically no longer Hindu.
3) American cow is not their mother only Indian cow..Discrimination by birth.
4) Hindus have no ethics.

Take your pick. Why Muslims come to US, You can ask them.
You are forcing me to talk about Pakistan, I have no interest.It is Islamic nation and all the issues which theocracy has.
17   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 8:03pm  

I do know why Sikhs come to US. They were genocided by India and feel US is free and relatively safe country with many things common to their faith.
Nobody white,black,brown stop them from following their faith and constitution allow them to decide if they are independent of part of other faith like Hindu. They are also allow to have a peaceful referendum if they would like to be part of India or not without being brutally murdered.

Also their "human rights" protectors are honored rather than their murderers being celebrated as in India
18   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 8:29pm  

Sikhs were also generously allowed to be counted separately in census. This may strengthen their case for separation from India.
19   indc   2020 Nov 16, 9:25pm  

sikhguy says
I do know why Sikhs come to US. They were genocided by India and feel US is free and relatively safe country with many things common to their faith.
Nobody white,black,brown stop them from following their faith and constitution allow them to decide if they are independent of part of other faith like Hindu. They are also allow to have a peaceful referendum if they would like to be part of India or not without being brutally murdered.

Also their "human rights" protectors are honored rather than their murderers being celebrated as in India

I dont understand your point if sikhs were discriminated why dont they stay back in afghanistan or pakistan instead of going to India, If they face same fate in India.
20   indc   2020 Nov 16, 9:33pm  

sikhguy says
Why would a Hindu migrate to country which treats their mother as meat?
There can be few explanations:
1) Cow mother drama is BS
2) Hindus in US abandoned their faith, they are technically no longer Hindu.
3) American cow is not their mother only Indian cow..Discrimination by birth.
4) Hindus have no ethics.

Take your pick. Why Muslims come to US, You can ask them.
You are forcing me to talk about Pakistan, I have no interest.It is Islamic nation and all the issues which theocracy has.

HIndus in US dont eat beef. Why do they have to leave US or other countries. Or by your logic they should eliminate everyone who eat cow because its their mother. Until everyone on this earth stop eating cow Hindus should kill people until the last beef eater is dead.

So I think you need to get your brain checked.
21   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 10:09pm  

Hindus will kill poor Muslims for eating cows and but move to "worlds prominent beef eating" country for money or whatever.
Hindus have no pride or their "cow mother" drama is fake.

Why don't you just tell that Hindus don't give shit about "Cow mother", It is just to terrorize cow eating Hindus and Muslims.
Here is what happens to your mother everyday in INDIA:

It is bad for people. It is bad for cows ..while taking away nutrition and leather from poor people.
Hindu religion is full of stupidity and superstitions and lack any practicality.
India needs to support large population with small arable land and they have surplus "food" to feed cows stopped producing milk.

Cow is more important than poor people?
...... Or just certain castes of Hindus matter, Rest of Hindus and Muslims are inferior to even cow.
22   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 10:15pm  

Sikhs are moving to India as Afghanistan is in war. Sikhs are not moving from Pakistan as situation is equally bad in India/Pakistan.
But numbers are meager compared to Sikhs moving our of India as It is horrible place for Sikhs.

23   indc   2020 Nov 16, 10:44pm  

I know you are educated in abrahamic country and your mindset thinks as mono-lith. Logic is far from your thought process. But let me explain. All hindus are not the same. They dont even pray to same god. If you can prove that same person who kicks a cow goes around and kills a muslim or your so called lower-caste when they kill a cow. Yes you have a point but any video you share I am sure you cannot find the second one. Even if you find one in a billion we still consider it a outlier than a norm.
24   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 10:51pm  

NEW DELHI — The Indian state of Gujarat is tightening the punishment for the slaughter of cows, considered sacred in Hinduism, to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

You are saying the above laws are passed by Govt represented by tiny minority?
A guy who eats cow can go for life in prison.. How much logic does it make as Hindus claim to have lot of it?
Also you can explain using Hindu logic, where the food will come for vast number of useless cows?
Also I looked up Gujarati are large number in USA.
26   indc   2020 Nov 16, 11:01pm  

sikhguy says
Sikhs are moving to India as Afghanistan is in war. Sikhs are not moving from Pakistan as situation is equally bad in India/Pakistan.
But numbers are meager compared to Sikhs moving our of India as It is horrible place for Sikhs.


The article doesnt say only sikhs from punjab are going out of the country. And for your information sikhs are only 45% of punjab.
Now coming back to your point of afghani-sikhs, what you say is sikhs are such cowards that they rather live in a place where they are discriminated than live in war torn country where they can defend their turf. I think Dilly* something will be really disappointed.
27   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 11:05pm  

Sikhs can't defend Afghanistan or India militarily. They are tiny minority and modern states are very powerful.
Sikh as a percentage of Punjab are already going down due to genocide and out migration. I think that is Hindu plan anyway. It can only be reversed by Independent Sikh state where they can have safety and preserve their heritage.
28   indc   2020 Nov 16, 11:06pm  

sikhguy says
NEW DELHI — The Indian state of Gujarat is tightening the punishment for the slaughter of cows, considered sacred in Hinduism, to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

You are saying the above laws are passed by Govt represented by tiny minority?

Where did I say tiny minority? Gujarat is a state. Indian constitution also says cows must be protected. So India should go to war with every country in the world. Please be get better education and then comment on such topics.

Like I said if you go to India with khalisthani literature your will be killed at extreme or be jailed. In indian constituion free speech is not absoluute. If you talk about breaking the country your will jailed.
29   indc   2020 Nov 16, 11:06pm  

sikhguy says
Sikhs can't defend Afghanistan or India militarily. They are tiny minority and modern states are very powerful.
Sikh as a percentage of Punjab are already going down due to genocide and out migration. I think that is Hindu plan anyway. It can only be reversed by Independent Sikh state where they can have safety and preserve their heritage.

Where do you want to have a independent state, you will not get it from India. Are you going to ask USA?
30   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 11:07pm  

Sikhs can't live in India as they are not free to talk about their freedom. So they are leaving and advocating from outside. You are telling them to go to India and fight there and get slaughtered.

Hindu logic is just Cow logic.
31   indc   2020 Nov 16, 11:09pm  

I didnt ask sikhs to go to India. They are going to India on their own. I asked you to try it since you are so interested in khalistan. You know fight for your own freedom. And what is cow logic?
32   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 16, 11:12pm  

Ask the Khalistanis what plan they have. I am not one and not sure, But I want Sikhs to not live in brutal India.
Sikhs are not genocided by west, Why should they ask for separate country?
Also countries are made basis on international law and history, Not stupid Hindu logic. There is a reason nobody wants to have India in security council as they have nothing to contribute.

Israel was made in land they had history not some random place.
33   RC2006   2020 Dec 7, 2:54pm  

How Sikhs get around helmet laws?
34   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 7, 2:56pm  

RC2006 says
How Sikhs get around helmet laws?

By showing commitment to community and fighting wars of freedom for WW1 and WW2 in their turbans instead of helmets.

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