Bitcoin Misinformation

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2020 Nov 10, 10:01am   143,614 views  2,191 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

In my opinion, it’s a colossal pump-and-dump scheme, the likes of which the world has never seen. In a pump-and-dump game, promoters “pump” up the price of a security creating a speculative frenzy, then “dump” some of their holdings at artificially high prices. And some cryptocurrencies are pure frauds. Ernst & Young estimates that 10 percent of the money raised for initial coin offerings has been stolen.

The losers are ill-informed buyers caught up in the spiral of greed. The result is a massive transfer of wealth from ordinary families to internet promoters. And “massive” is a massive understatement — 1,500 different cryptocurrencies now register over $300 billion of “value.”


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90   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 18, 6:50am  

Onvacation says

Bankers are pouring huge amounts of cash into bitcoin in an attempt to get it out of the country before the Kraken is released!


Bankers {+ hedge funds and Nasdaq listed companies} are pouring huge amounts of cash into bitcoin since its the best performing asset available due to its traits (scarcity, decentralization and security). Retail will follow later.

Exciting times!!
91   Onvacation   2020 Nov 18, 6:59am  

G36 says
Retail will follow later.

"Here's your latte, that will be 12 satoshis plus a 10 satoshi transaction fee, 20 if you want it on the next block 10 minutes from now otherwise you will have to wait a couple of hours for a miner to accept your lower fee and verify your transaction. "
92   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 18, 7:20am  

Onvacation says
G36 says
Retail will follow later.

"Here's your latte, that will be 12 satoshis plus a 10 satoshi transaction fee, 20 if you want it on the next block 10 minutes from now otherwise you will have to wait a couple of hours for a miner to accept your lower fee and verify your transaction. "

I don't know enough about any of this to weigh-in but PayPal is now offering to facilitate Bitcoin transactions. This would seem to be a huge step toward making retail inroads.
93   Onvacation   2020 Nov 18, 7:58am  

Robert Sproul says
PayPal is now offering to facilitate Bitcoin transactions.

Does that mean they will access your "wallet" (flash drive) like they do your credit card account? What will determine bitcoin's value during the transaction? The current price? The end of day price? As we know these two values can be hundreds of dollars apart.

Does anyone buy coffee with bitcoin? Or is it just the "currency of the future"?
94   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 18, 8:02am  

Robert Sproul says
Onvacation says
G36 says
Retail will follow later.

"Here's your latte, that will be 12 satoshis plus a 10 satoshi transaction fee, 20 if you want it on the next block 10 minutes from now otherwise you will have to wait a couple of hours for a miner to accept your lower fee and verify your transaction. "

I don't know enough about any of this to weigh-in but PayPal is now offering to facilitate Bitcoin transactions. This would seem to be a huge step toward making retail inroads.

Robert, yes, and Square also invested 50M in Bitcoin.

Mass adoption has started. Bitcoin is seen as a store of value/digital gold. Institutional money is pouring in. Retail investors will follow once Bitcoin is all over the news due to all time highs.
95   Onvacation   2020 Nov 19, 11:37am  

G36 says
Bitcoin is seen as a store of value/digital gold.

96   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 19, 11:44am  

Onvacation says

G36 says

Nice pic!! see Bitcoin has intrinsic value! All you need is a hardware wallet painted in gold color and it becomes "shiny" (shiny=intrinsic value). On the wallet you can store millions of dollars in BTC. I gotta save this pic. thanks!
97   Onvacation   2020 Nov 19, 12:38pm  

G36 says
. I gotta save this pic

You'll just have bits on your hard drive.

Or you could buy a real gold colored hard drive.
98   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 19, 12:41pm  

G36 says
Bitcoin is seen as a store of value/digital gold

Hopefully their servers aren't managed by Dominion.
99   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 19, 12:44pm  

Onvacation says
G36 says
. I gotta save this pic

You'll just have bits on your hard drive.

Or you could buy a real gold colored hard drive.

exactly! Extremely valuable bits!
Bitcoin is currently trading above 17k! It's programmable money: Its scarce (only a certain amount of Bitcoin can be mined) and its decentralized!

"or you could buy a real gold colored hard drive"
Thats funny. I dont want "real" gold. I want digital gold. I dont care about shininess but I care about increasing my net worth.
100   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 19, 12:46pm  

NoCoupForYou says
G36 says
Bitcoin is seen as a store of value/digital gold

Hopefully their servers aren't managed by Dominion.

luckily, one of the key traits of Bitcoin is that its decentralized. You cant call someone and order them to shut down the network. In fact you are not able to shut down the network at all. You can - as a government - shut down exchanges and issue a tax frame for Bitcoin but you cant shut down the network.

Try calling the bitcoin CEO or their investors relations department.....doesnt exist :)
101   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 6:40am  

G36 says
Try calling the bitcoin CEO or their investors relations department.....doesnt exist :)

How do you recover your lost password?
102   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 9:31am  

Onvacation says
G36 says
Try calling the bitcoin CEO or their investors relations department.....doesnt exist :)

How do you recover your lost password?

with the recovery key of course. I am seriously concerned about your alleged Bitcoin research. You are missing the basics.
You thought the last Bitcoin will be mined in 2040. Its actually 2140.
On your comparison to Gold and FIAT you missed key traits like scarcity and decentralization.
And now you dont know how to recover a lost password? May I ask what kind of software engineer you are?
103   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 12:46pm  

G36 says
Onvacation says
G36 says
Try calling the bitcoin CEO or their investors relations department.....doesnt exist :)

How do you recover your lost password?

with the recovery key of course

How do you recover your recovery key when you lose it?
104   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 12:47pm  

G36 says
On your comparison to Gold and FIAT you missed key traits like scarcity and decentralization.

What is bitcoin valued in?
105   Bd6r   2020 Nov 20, 2:53pm  

Onvacation says
What is bitcoin valued in?

Cowrie seashells, Venezuelan Petromoneda, Rai stones, wampum?
106   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 6:48pm  

Onvacation says
G36 says
Onvacation says
G36 says
Try calling the bitcoin CEO or their investors relations department.....doesnt exist :)

How do you recover your lost password?

with the recovery key of course

How do you recover your recovery key when you lose it?

When you lose your password and recovery key and your gold watch, and your car key, and the second and third car key and the 3 house keys, then maybe its time to ask yourself if someone else should run your life. Senior living, maybe?

how come you never knew about a recovery key when researching Bitcoin? Because you never really researched it? I am actually not surprised that you dont like BITcoin as a silver coin collector that also makes a living by being a software engineer. :)
107   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 6:54pm  

Dbr6 says
Onvacation says
What is bitcoin valued in?

Cowrie seashells, Venezuelan Petromoneda, Rai stones, wampum?

Bitcoin is highly divisible.
1 Bitcoin is 100 00 000 Satoshis. Satoshis can be exchanged for many FIAT currencies or other crypto currencies.

I like that you ask questions OV. You told us you researched Bitcoin. No offense, but your research skills really suck. :D
108   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 6:58pm  

G36 says
how come you never knew about a recovery key when researching Bitcoin?

How many of those 18 and a half odd million bitcoins "mined" so far are lost forever?
109   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 7:02pm  

Onvacation says
G36 says
how come you never knew about a recovery key when researching Bitcoin?

How many of those 18 and a half odd million bitcoins "mined" so far are lost forever?

Bud, you cant just answer a question with a question. Answer one, I may answer one and so it goes :)
110   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 7:03pm  

Gold, silver, copper and pretty shells have been money forever. They are intrinsically valuable.

Dollars, and other world currencies, used to be valued in silver and gold but are now valuable only because governments say so (by fiat).

Bitcoin and other crypto "currencies" are valued in fiat.
111   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 7:05pm  

Nobody knows how many bitcoins have been lost forever.
112   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 7:07pm  

OV, how come you never knew about a recovery key when researching Bitcoin?
113   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 7:14pm  

Money is a believe system. Gold and Fiat dont have intrinsic value. "Shiny" doesnt really count for Gold, many people would say that isnt intrinsic value at all.
A 100 dollar bill has a cost to produce of 14 cents. I dont call this intrinsic value either.
Amazon stock has intrinsic value of maybe 500 dollars but trades for over 3k.
If you only look at intrinsic value in order to make investment decisions you might as well collect silver coins and invest in food and entertainment. Wait, you do! :)

Bitcoin actually has a lot of value. Sure, it trades for roughly 19k at the moment but I mean the traits (in comparison to gold and fiat). Take a look at this chart. Bet you missed this in your Bitcoin research, didnt you :)

114   Onvacation   2020 Nov 20, 9:30pm  

G36 says
invest in food and entertainment.

And tools! I was a mechanic in a former life and love to have tools No matter how many tools you collect their is always the one you need that you don't have. When all that you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Last time I counted I had 22 hammers. Sometimes you need a ballpeen other times a claw.

I love tinkering. I do all my own maintenance on my sailboat, motorcycle, and sports car. I want to buy a little hydraulic lift for my shop; I tell the wife it will pay for itself in 2000 oil changes, but she won't go for it.

Alas, there is no scarcity of tools. If we run short some new company will make more, probably in China.
115   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 20, 9:36pm  

physical gold is heavily overvalued. 9 trillion market cap. Bitcoin is a baby in comparison. Lots, lots and lots of upside ahead of us!

116   Onvacation   2020 Nov 21, 10:39am  

G36 says
Money is a believe system.

Jesus is a believe system! Bitcoin is a scam.
117   Onvacation   2020 Nov 23, 5:51am  

G36 says
Gold and Fiat dont have intrinsic value.

If you don't think gold has intrinsic value, what do you think does?
118   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 23, 7:29am  

Onvacation says
G36 says
Gold and Fiat dont have intrinsic value.

If you don't think gold has intrinsic value, what do you think does?

lots of things, stocks, my real estate, food, entertainment, medicine, tools, love, marriage, a great relationship with your neighbor.
119   Onvacation   2020 Nov 23, 7:38am  

G36 says
Onvacation says
G36 says
Gold and Fiat dont have intrinsic value.

If you don't think gold has intrinsic value, what do you think does?

lots of things, stocks, my real estate, food, entertainment, medicine, tools, love, marriage, a great relationship with your neighbor.

But not bitcoin?
120   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 23, 7:41am  

Bitcoin has great value.

right now, its trading above 18k. Citibank believes it will go to 318k a coin next year.
121   Onvacation   2020 Nov 23, 8:11am  

This thread is to counter all of the misinformation about bitcoin. If you have FOMO about crypto, go to one of the other threads.

Bitcoin is a scam.
122   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 23, 8:14am  

Onvacation says
This thread is to counter all of the misinformation about bitcoin. .

exactly. remember when you spread misinformation about Bitcoin and I corrected you?

"last bitcoin will be mined in 2040". No, its actually 100 years later. 2140.
123   Onvacation   2020 Nov 23, 10:03am  

Gold is valued in fiat. Fiat used to be valued in gold and they called it money. US paper used to be valued in silver and gold but no more.

Not only does bitcoin have no intrinsic value it costs money to maintain. It requires new money just to pay the power bill.

I will be really surprised if bitcoin, in it's current programming, lasts until 2030.
124   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 23, 10:05am  

agree, gold and a paper dollar bill have no intrinsic value. Maybe buy real estate or food if you are looking to put your money in intrinsic value. I would recommend Bitcoin. Excellent inflation hedge and best performing asset.
125   Onvacation   2020 Nov 23, 11:20am  

G36 says
remember when you spread misinformation about Bitcoin and I corrected you?

"last bitcoin will be mined in 2040". No, its actually 100 years later. 2140.

126   Onvacation   2020 Nov 23, 11:20am  

Maybe 2025
127   Bd6r   2020 Nov 23, 11:32am  

G36 says
gold and a paper dollar bill have no intrinsic value.

gold actually has a lot of industrial uses so it has inherent value at least to tune of 8%. Electronics, catalysts, some medical use, etc. If one wants a precious metal with a lot of industrial use, take a look at palladium, rhodium, or platinum.
I am kinda skeptical about crypto's because they seem to be 0's and 1's stored in Russian hackers computer, similar to fiat which is now mostly 0's and 1's stored in New York Fed's bank computer, and I do not know which of them is more crooked, probably the Fed. On the other hand, at this point State is not involved with crypto's, which is a huge plus.
128   WookieMan   2020 Nov 23, 11:55am  

Dbr6 says
On the other hand, at this point State is not involved with crypto's, which is a huge plus.

They are. I promise you. Hence one of the many reasons I won't touch the stuff. The people that think some random Asian guy made this up and government is not involved is hysterical. Don't have a claim to which government, but most the worlds governments are now involved. It's cute to think it's decentralized, but it's not. That's the downfall of it as a "currency" so to speak. This trust in it, when there's literally nothing to trust about it. Everyone is welcome to do what they like, but I think anyone would be crazy to touch the stuff outside of principled trading techniques. It's not an investment. Never will be.
129   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 23, 1:21pm  

Crypto is going to take off. Probably mind-blowing to some.

"In their “Flows & Liquidity” report, JPMorgan analysts say institutions are piling into bitcoin at a stronger pace this quarter than they were in Q3, and may have a bigger role in price movement than commodity trading advisors, or CTA."


There hasnt been a single day of us not receiving bullish news of institutional FOMO. Bitcoin transitioned from speculation to a pretty sure longer term investment asset. Exciting times ahead.

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