Best evidence of likely, actionable fraud.

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2020 Nov 16, 7:32pm   7,002 views  141 comments

by Cdon2   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

All – you may remember me, but my firm is working on an amicus (i.e. friend of the court) brief in support of POTUS. I in particular am tasked with mining "bullshit mountain" aka the internet for some actionable, provable fraud, and thought of you guys. So with that in mind, can you all direct me to what you all may have found which may be useful to the campaign?

Use your best discretion of what you think is useful, just understand that our time for filing is limited and I may give you a bit of pushback because, the threshold for fraud in elections is incredibly high. After its clear they lost, losing sides often like to allege fraud or other malfeasance, but historically, these claims are a waste of time. Also, if you allege fraud and you cannot present credible evidence of it, detailed in particulars, not only will your client lose, the attorney likely will be sanctioned, and if the pleading is egregious, the attorney will lose their license. Thus, you may have noted that while Trump's team has often claimed procedural errors in the vein of due process and equal protection, to my knowledge they have not even alleged fraud because unless you can "bring the goods" you as the attorney are putting not just your reputation, but your actual livelihood on the line.

I will take whatever you can give me, but 2 things I dont want to hear:

WE WERENT ALLOWED IN TO WATCH!!! While this is a good talking point for TV, this happens every time in every election, and proves nothing. Typically, a county allocates say 50 republican watchers, 50 democrat watchers, 10 non partisan and this is agreed upon by all months in advance. However in highly contested elections, EVERYONE and their brother descends upon one location, eventually the building gets overloaded at 2X capacity, and then the massive overflow of partisans cries foul as they believe their not being there is fraud. In other words, just because your guy cant get in doesn't mean that any partisans on your side werent there. You may have noticed that (when pressed) trump's counsel has repeatedly had to to admit there was at all times at least one republican in the room. *Caveat, if you find someone who was on the INSIDE and can claim that the number of republican watchers was less than the agreed upon amount, we may have something. * FURTHER CAVEAT, I am revising my earlier statement here. I assumed and I dismissed the early claim "I wasnt allowed in" because that turned out to be false in Philadelphia when trumps counsel admitted to the "non zero number" of R side people there. There may very well be other areas in other states where no one from the R side was there. However, it will never be proven by some random person who said, I wasnt allowed in. Just because you werent allowed in, doesnt mean that no R side parties were allowed in. It will be proven by a R election challenger or similar person who cannot certify or is willing to say in an interview "there was no one in the room from the R side".

DEAD PEOPLE VOTED!!! No matter what the MSM says, this IS fraud, but in my experience, not actionable. Often times, it is a ledger of say 15 or 20 dead people who got ballots but not necessarily an indication someone filled them out and sent them back in. Also, when these votes are filled in and returned, they often vote not just for "the other guy" but your guy as well. In other words your hoped for swing of 15 or 20 becomes 4 or 5 once you net them all out and that is not what we are looking for here. Caveat, I do want to hear of egregious roles of say 500+ dead people were sent ballots, but for anything less than this, the juice isnt really worth the squeeze.

I know this is a long shot, but as you all may know, it was the National Enquirer which broke the story of presidential candidate John Edwards love child 10 months before the MSM would address it. So please give me whatever you got and let me at least take a cursory look at it. Thanks in advance for your help!

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89   Cdon2   2020 Nov 23, 6:36pm  

Well, given the shakeup of the last 72 hours or so looks like we are regrouping a bit. Its a bit remarkable in that (when pressed by the court), not a single attorney fo POTUS has yet to plead any act of fraud or similar. If they are unwilling to plead any sort of fraud, I obviously cannot attach an amicus brief to a claim not made.

Client is now seeing to focus more on Article 14 Equal Protection claims, and (procedural) Due Process. Not exactly my forte, but there is at least plenty here to research.

In any event, I may be back in a few weeks when the dust settles, but I do want to thank those who made an effort to help the cause. Cheers.
91   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 24, 7:10am  

Great interview with Patrick Byrne, founder of Overstock.com. He has been funding a group of cyber experts for 2 years on election security.

93   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 24, 8:19am  

Former CIA agent says "we have it all" because of the NSA.
94   Patrick   2020 Nov 24, 1:08pm  

I love it, but still waiting for the hard evidence and prosecutions...
95   richwicks   2020 Nov 24, 1:16pm  

porkchopexpress says
Former CIA agent says "we have it all" because of the NSA.

Robert David Steele is nobody you should trust. He has said some crazy crap, like there's a martian base filled with children to be used by pedophiles.


So, the guy is either disinformation or a nutbag. One propaganda technique is send out some person to say obviously crazy stuff, like Judy Wood does for 9/11, and use that to discredit everybody else actually looking into something. So if I were to express doubts about the official story of 9/11, I can be easily associated with Judy Wood who is more educated than I am, almost certainly smarter, but talking complete nonsense about 9/11.
98   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 28, 7:35am  

richwicks says
porkchopexpress says
Former CIA agent says "we have it all" because of the NSA.

Robert David Steele is nobody you should trust. He has said some crazy crap, like there's a martian base filled with children to be used by pedophiles.


So, the guy is either disinformation or a nutbag. One propaganda technique is send out some person to say obviously crazy stuff, like Judy Wood does for 9/11, and use that to discredit everybody else actually looking into something. So if I were to express doubts about the official story of 9/11, I can be easily associated with Judy Wood who is more educated than I am,...
Haha, wow. That is far out there, but then again a ton of normal people believe in God and other extreme things when viewed by an objective outsider, so I don't necessarily discount everything he says. Regardless, it's good to know.
100   RC2006   2020 Nov 28, 8:14am  

porkchopexpress says
THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

Just like roaches, where ever you find 1 there are another 100 you didn't see.
101   HeadSet   2020 Nov 28, 10:08am  

porkchopexpress says

THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

This Gateway Pundit is the only place reporting this. Even a DuckDuckGo search on Dane County does not bring this up.
102   AD   2020 Nov 28, 10:19am  

Its not hard for the Democrats to conduct voting fraud in cities that have poll workers which are Democrat activists also such as Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Philadelphia. All the poll worker have to do is accept invalid mail in ballots such as not having a signature, or a signature matching what is on file, etc.

You can have enough of these social workers and Democrat activists that are paid or volunteer to engage in the voting fraud.


That is why Lindsey Graham is right to warn Republicans that this is just the start of the Democrats stealing future national elections, as well as the Georgia runoffs for Senate seats.

103   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 28, 10:23am  

Patrick says

tHaT's OnLy PeOpLe In the WiTneSs PrOteCtiOn PrOgRaM LOL Dumb Magat!
104   AD   2020 Nov 28, 10:50am  

zzyzzx says
The Republicans picked up about a dozen house seats, and defended the Senate that was 2/3 defending Republicans.

Yet he lost?

Highly unlikely.

And exit polls are a PRIMARY tool for detecting election fraud.

That is why the Dems had to steal the election without making it too obvious, such as the results are just outside the margin of error.

All I know is Bill Clinton's wife is really upset these days. Seeing what the Democrat corruption machine is capable of, she has to be wondering why they didn't go to these extremes to gift her the crown like they did Plugs Biden.
105   HeadSet   2020 Nov 28, 11:12am  

All I know is Bill Clinton's wife is really upset these days. Seeing what the Democrat corruption machine is capable of, she has to be wondering why they didn't go to these extremes to gift her the crown like they did Plugs Biden.

Likely they did not have that system in place to add enough votes for a Hillary win since they did not expect Trump to do so well against her. They learned their lesson with Hillary and thus had a ballot dump in place as insurance against Trump's popularity overcoming the rigged voting machines. Remember, no massive outbound mail-in voting under Hillary.
107   Onvacation   2020 Nov 29, 10:26am  

Watching the Sunday show.

"There may have been a little fraud but Biden will fix it for next time."
108   Ceffer   2020 Nov 29, 10:42am  

Onvacation says

"There may have been a little fraud but Biden will fix it for next time."

LOL, exactly as predicted. "She was just a little pregnant."
"There may have been some fraud, but it didn't make any difference, anyway, but the Biden Presidency will make sure it never happens again!"

'Admission of Guilt' gaslighting means the cockroaches are now scrambling under the arc light?
109   richwicks   2020 Nov 29, 10:54am  

ad says
That is why the Dems had to steal the election without making it too obvious, such as the results are just outside the margin of error.

You realize that the "news" polls were off by double digits this time? Biden was supposedly nearly 10 points ahead in all the polls and he still is BARELY limping by even with extensive voter fraud.

Exit polls stopped being accurate when George W. Bush was "re-elected" (doesn't matter, Kerry would have been just as horrible) as I recall. They stopped doing them for a while. They used to be accurate to like 2% and anything beyond that and something funny was going on.

Also, once Bush Jr. got "elected", the vote has always been 49% to 51%. The only blowout was when Obama was running against John McCain, the walking corpse. No surprise there, George W. Bush HAD lied us into a war. A dog turd could have run against McCain and get a blowout - looks like that was what Obama was in hindsight.
110   Onvacation   2020 Nov 29, 11:20am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Clearly, Judge Amy is going to be sucking Rudy's dick on the courthouse stairs on Monday, ordering Biden to be executed at dawn and Ivanka installed as EMPRESS FOR LIFE!

I'm not so sure about Ivanka, but the rest sounds good.
111   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 29, 12:45pm  

Updated Timeline

112   richwicks   2020 Nov 29, 1:03pm  

mell says
Agreed. Why on earth were they using all these rigged machines and ballots in the first place?

Why do you think?

You realize it was the George W. Bush administration that basically mandated these.

The election is MEANT to be stolen.
113   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 29, 1:06pm  

Emergency Order just entered by Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr.: “Defendants are ordered to maintain the statue quo & are temporarily enjoined from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the Court.”
114   mell   2020 Nov 29, 1:12pm  

richwicks says
mell says
Agreed. Why on earth were they using all these rigged machines and ballots in the first place?

Why do you think?

You realize it was the George W. Bush administration that basically mandated these.

The election is MEANT to be stolen.

Sure but the Trump administration and moreso the Republican state legislators should not have had this election in the first place. There would have been a lot of caterwauling but Covid would have been reason enough to postpone to force in person elections at a later time. Likely the Republican party is too compromised with Rinos.
116   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 29, 1:15pm  


DOJ shows up to PA witness's house unannounced to talk about voter fraud.
117   richwicks   2020 Nov 29, 1:19pm  

mell says
Likely the Republican party is too compromised with Rinos.

Of course it is. We really have a 1 party system, and a few independents who are ACTUALLY Republicans and ACTUALLY Democrats.

I've said it before


And this Covid-19 BULLSHIT is never ending. It's NEVER going to end
118   Patrick   2020 Nov 30, 8:53am  

richwicks says
And this Covid-19 BULLSHIT is never ending. It's NEVER going to end

Eventually we will need to physically remove our "public health" officials and lock them up. They are traitors to the people. They are working for Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, not for us.
120   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 30, 10:25am  

funny how Cdon2 disappeared after Guliani started presenting facts, and Powell filed her lawsuits.

They thought the only evidence we had, was going to be Trump supporting Waitresses and Warehouse workers, wanting to participate in the election process.
But wouldn't have the sophistication to articulate the fraud they saw.

The biggest head fake of this whole episode was the Nothing Burgers, Guliani and Powell were tossing around before the Gettysburg hearing, and the Powell suits.
The shit is hitting the fan in AZ today.

There is just no way Biden gets inaugurated after this.

Stand by and be ready Patriots, we may have to give the Commies, a Nickle tour of what makes America so fucking great!
123   Patrick   2020 Nov 30, 6:34pm  


Remember the movie “Casino?” The mafia was alone in the “count rooms” of casinos. It’s no shocker the IRS got paid very little. The mafia was the only ones allowed in the room. Everyone else got screwed.

This is the political version of casino count rooms. Except these are “vote count rooms.” And the Democrat Crime Family is the only one allowed in the room. And they can make up any number of votes they want, with no one watching.

Just like the mafia, they do all their best work in the dark, in the middle of the night, when honest people are sleeping. They steal entire states. Now they’ve stolen an entire country.

Back to my solution. We can still win. But there’s only one way for President Trump to beat them. It’s all about the Benjamins. It’s all about greed. It’s all about the carrot versus the stick. There’s no other way to win at the Supreme Court except to bring hard evidence that the election was stolen by Democrats.

The only way to get that is to bring witnesses to testify, who participated in the scam and know explicit details.

President Trump must offer $1 million each to the first 100 Democrat participants in the stealing of the election who come forward. We’ll create 100 instant Democrat millionaires for hard evidence, photos, videos and testimony that leads to a Supreme Court decision overturning this election.

Along with $1 million to each of 100 witnesses, they each also receive full DOJ immunity. But if you don’t come forward first, everyone else who participated is going to prison for life. Because the stealing of a presidency is treason.
124   Onvacation   2020 Dec 1, 9:59am  

Patrick says
going to prison for life. Because the stealing of a presidency is treason.

Life in prison is not sufficient for treason.
125   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 3, 12:49pm  

Ballot stuffing in GA caught on tape. After all other workers ordered to leave, they retrieve suitcases from under a draped counter and being feeding them into a machine, contrary to all statutes.

126   richwicks   2020 Dec 3, 1:25pm  


He's got plenty. He's passing around this around, and frankly, I never thought I'd say this either, but I agree.

127   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Dec 3, 1:30pm  

If they were doing anything illegal wouldn’t they turn off the cameras first?

How hard would that be? Or atleast loop in some video of nothing going on?
128   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 3, 1:38pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
If they were doing anything illegal wouldn’t they turn off the cameras first?


Let me ask you: How many blonde braided chicks do you think A) Would think to check B) After hours could find somebody to do it because C) They sure as shit don't have the first clue

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