Supreme Court Formally Dockets Texas Election Case Against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania And Wisconsin

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2020 Dec 8, 12:47pm   3,047 views  39 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Just twelve hours after it was filed, the US Supreme Court has officially put Texas's lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the docket, meaning the case will be heard.

The state of Pennsylvania has replied to the Texas lawsuit, arguing that it doesn't actually address Act 77 - a 2019 statute which allows voters to cast mail-in ballots for any reason.

Pennsylvania also argues that Texas doesn't articulate how 'massive disenfranchisement' of voters by tossing out the results of the election 'would accord with the Due Process Clause, which requires the counting of votes cast in reasonable reliance on existing election rules,' and that the case at hand wouldn't result in a 'circuit split' - when two or more different circuit courts of appeals might rule differently on the same legal issue (and is one of the factors the Supreme Court uses when deciding to take cases).

The state of Texas filed a lawsuit at the US Supreme Court against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds that various changes to their voting rules or procedures - either through the courts or via executive actions - violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they did not go through the legislatures.

SEE: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/texas-sues-georgia-michigan-pennsylvania-and-wisconsin-supreme-court-over-election

Comments 1 - 39 of 39        Search these comments

1   Eric Holder   2020 Dec 8, 2:24pm  

2   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 2:56pm  


I really don't think trump team has any plan.
They are wasting time of people like us who want system to be cleaned.
I think at this point probably USA is like a patient with terminal illness, No amount of medical intervention will save it.
All the main organs like FBI,CIA,courts have failed.

Learn a new term "Booth Capturing". That's how future election will be run and expect to see many strongman in congress.

Problem is Trump is being cheated, But doesn't have support of strong allies being outsider.He does have support of enthusiastic people and may be rank and file military, But using that will bring violence and he should be smart enough to not take that route.
This is end of Trump as establishment will ensure that in future never again a outsider is able to come back in.
3   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 8, 3:18pm  

It's a Dog Pile now!

4   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:19pm  

Other problem is that Trump team have made "fantastical fraud" claims.
They are very serious, But they shy away from presenting "hard fraud" in court and mostly present statistical evidence which is overwhelming and I can say with 90% chance of major fraud, But It gets tossed out.

What should have happened is that investigative agencies interview the people under oath to reach the truth, Which it seems hasn't happened due to lack of prima facie evidence or they are biased against Trump.

Problem with trump Fraud cases is that the evidence compared to high crime is very little.
They shouldn't have made noise like "release the Kraken" etc. if had no evidence.
Lot of people are going to get disappointed that they were just collecting money and establishment can postpone another challenge from outsider for few more decades.
5   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:22pm  

Tenpoundbass says
It's a Dog Pile now!

It would be hard for one state to interfere in another.
6   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 8, 3:22pm  

election2020 says

I really don't think trump team has any plan.
They are wasting time of people like us who want system to be cleaned.

That case is not a Trump team case. And also the case was refused for no reason given, and no dissent. Most likely because the Texas case, and the actual Trump case, it will be redundant. I think the Conservative Judges are going to chose their battles. The Texas one is more broad, and is not limited to just one State. If SCOTUS does this one at a time, they'll probably side with the Left on just enough States for them to win, while giving Trump a few tiny victories.

A case encompassing all of the contested States is a better use of their time.
7   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:24pm  

Tenpoundbass says
election2020 says

I really don't think trump team has any plan.
They are wasting time of people like us who want system to be cleaned.

That case is not a Trump team case. And also the case was refused for no reason given, and no dissent. Most likely because the Texas case, and the actual Trump case, it will be redundant. I think the Conservative Judges are going to chose their battles. The Texas one is more broad, and is not limited to just one State. If SCOTUS does this one at a time, they'll probably side with the Left on just enough States for them to win, while giving Trump a few tiny victories.

A case encompassing all of the contested States is a better use of their time.

We will see when it happens. Meanwhile Trump supports are piling up losses.
In the end liberals and conservatives need to join hands to cleanup this mess.

Proud boys and ANTIFA battles help nobody.
8   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 8, 3:24pm  

election2020 says
It would be hard for one state to interfere in another.

If those States are rubber stamping ballots, disenfranchising the voters in those other States, damn right they have a case.

And it's not just one State, 9 have already joined, and several others intend to follow suit.
9   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:26pm  

Tenpoundbass says
election2020 says
It would be hard for one state to interfere in another.

If those States are rubber stamping ballots, disenfranchising the voters in those other States, damn right they have a case.

And it's not just one State, 9 have already joined, and several others intend to follow suit.

You have to prove that the states did wrong themselves.
Requires majority of their state representatives to be on board.

Trump's tall claims are not meeting wit reality. Why not frauds being investigated? Why are they fighting battle for rules and statistics only?
10   Ceffer   2020 Dec 8, 3:27pm  

You don't need to be a legal genius to understand that governors, election boards, state judges et alia. are simply not permitted to overturn constitutions and legislatures to enact fiat election law and engage in election fraud at their will.

The 'whomever' bogey men went methodically and expensively around the country to corrupt these people, and they succeeded.
11   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:28pm  

Ceffer says
You don't need to be a legal genius to understand that governors, election boards, state judges et alia. are simply not permitted to overturn constitutions and legislatures to engage in election fraud at their will.

The 'whomever' bogey men went methodically and expensively around the country to corrupt these people, and they succeeded.

Yes. But you can still catch people in act or interrogate them.. which is not happening.
It is just a political show now. Biden in president.

At this point all of us especially the people who want to see system cleaned should admit defeat.May be some otehr opportunity will come in next few years before China takes over everyone and then people wake up.

Unfortunate part is that Biden is incompetent. He is going to make everything worse and free up US to be looted by China and globalists. We have tough times ahead.

One thing Trump can do is go as Martyr, Which he won't as he has privileged life and different tastes.
12   Eric Holder   2020 Dec 8, 3:34pm  

election2020 says
You have to prove that the states did wrong themselves.

What's there to prove if they don't even deny that certain rules which are supposed to be changed by legislature only were changed by executive branch? It's not even being disputed. They just say "it had to be done because covid".
13   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:36pm  

Eric Holder says
election2020 says
You have to prove that the states did wrong themselves.

What's there to prove if they don't even deny that certain rules which are supposed to be changed by legislature only were changed by executive branch? It's not even being disputed. They just say "it had to be done because covid".

COVID is the con job created to do exactly what we see.
Trump and republicans should have filed cases to supreme court then even if denied.
To give credit to trump, He knew this will happen.. But most of GOP also want him gone so not much he could do.

Now it is too late..
14   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 3:42pm  


I am really not sure what is the point of filing these cases.
Everyone already knows that fraud occurred including the judges.

All Govt machinery wants Trump gone , So How can he succeed?
The funny but sad part is some people feel that Trump did great service by exposing the corruption.
Let me tell you, It will make corruption even wide spread as everyone will accept that it is present everywhere and no repercussions for participating in it.
US citizens were complicit of elites rigging otehr nations and now they themselves are in same position.
15   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 8, 4:01pm  

election2020 says
Problem is Trump is being cheated, But doesn't have support of strong allies being outsider.He does have support of enthusiastic people and may be rank and file military, But using that will bring violence and he should be smart enough to not take that route.

Lincoln hanged hundreds and seized fake newspapers and their publishers and imprisoned them in military prisons.

Let justice be done or the heavens fall. Better to get it over with fast, than 20 years of corrupt DNC-CCP control.

16   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 4:04pm  

Are citizens or Trump ready for that?
He couldn't even get FBI to investigate.
17   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 8, 4:08pm  

election2020 says
Are citizens or Trump ready for that?
He couldn't even get FBI to investigate.

Insurgency Act from the birth of the Republic + Cold War empowering legislation. He can do "Quite a Lot" before time runs out, like seizing all the Dominion Servers and putting people in federal prison. Even military tribunals.
18   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 4:10pm  

He is not able to save even "fraud data".
He seems to have no supporters in Government. Probably burned too many bridges.

Nobody seem to care that they should preserve data to verify.
19   GlocknLoad   2020 Dec 8, 4:13pm  

election2020 says
US citizens were complicit of elites rigging otehr nations and now they themselves are in same position.

This sentence is degrading to the American people. No citizen voted for rigging other nations elections. CIA, FBI or whoever did these things over the last several decades are soley responsible. It is obvious America is not what I ever believed it to be. I have been as naive as most Americans for most of my life. Coming to the realization, over the last 20 years, that my country is no better than any other is sad. The whole world is a battle between good and evil.
20   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 4:13pm  

GlocknLoad says
election2020 says
US citizens were complicit of elites rigging otehr nations and now they themselves are in same position.

This sentence is degrading to the American people. No citizen voted for rigging other nations elections. CIA, FBI or whoever did these things over the last several decades are soley responsible. It is obvious America is not what I ever believed it to be. I have been as naive as most Americans for most of my life. Coming to the realization, over the last 20 years, that my country is no better than any other is sad. The whole world is a battle between good and evil.

Ok i take it back.
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 8, 4:16pm  

election2020 says
Other problem is that Trump team have made "fantastical fraud" claims.

Remember when he accused the Obama Admin of spying on his campaign? And CNN, MSNBC, Nevertrumpers, the DNCCCP, etc mocked and laughed? He was 100% right.
22   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 4:18pm  

NoCoupForYou says
election2020 says
Other problem is that Trump team have made "fantastical fraud" claims.

Remember when he accused the Obama Admin of spying on his campaign? And CNN, MSNBC, Nevertrumpers, the DNCCCP, etc mocked and laughed? He was 100% right.

He is under attack.he should have "proof" for all his fraud claims with some people arrested.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 8, 4:19pm  

election2020 says
He is under attack.he should have "proof" for all his fraud claims with some people arrested.

A DOJ lawyer already convicted for lying on a warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign.

24   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 4:21pm  

NoCoupForYou says
election2020 says
He is under attack.he should have "proof" for all his fraud claims with some people arrested.

A DOJ lawyer already convicted for lying on a warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign.

proof for election "fraud" claims.
He only has limited time. Fraud is easy way to win election dispute rather than fighting on constitutionality.
Let me tell you if Democrat would have been at same place, He would have gotten much favorable hearing from judges.
The "fraud" happened in front of 300M+ Americans and nobody could do anything. This is not democracy.
25   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 4:38pm  


May be too early to declare Trump's case dead.
26   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 8, 4:57pm  

election2020 says
Requires majority of their state representatives to be on board.

Trump's tall claims are not meeting wit reality. Why not frauds being investigated? Why are they fighting battle for rules and statistics only?

They are on board.
And the fraud is being investigated, it's being played out in front of the whole world. Trump wants Civil and Legal resolution with the 2020 election, he doesn't want to have to use the DOJ, DOF, or FBI to call the election for what it was. But they will be doing their jobs, soon enough. After Trump's legal team makes the case, that the States violated everyone's Constitutional rights, creating a compromised Election result by baring and strong arming Poll watchers. It was systematic widespread disenfranchisement.
Here's three Amendments that they clearly violated of every American voter that voted. They robbed us of our votes, and robbed us of a fair election, to observe and verify. Now the legal smart asses are trying to play cute. They'll look even cuter hanging by their fucking necks in the Military tribunals.

SECTION 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United
States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens
of the United States and the State wherein they reside. No
State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;
nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

SECTION 1. The right of citizens of the United States to
vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States
or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account
of sex.
* *
27   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 5:04pm  

Tenpoundbass says
election2020 says
Requires majority of their state representatives to be on board.

Trump's tall claims are not meeting wit reality. Why not frauds being investigated? Why are they fighting battle for rules and statistics only?

They are on board.
And the fraud is being investigated, it's being played out in front of the whole world. Trump wants Civil and Legal resolution with the 2020 election, he doesn't want to have to use the DOJ, DOF, or FBI to call the election for what it was. But they will be doing their jobs, soon enough. After Trump's legal team makes the case, that the States violated everyone's Constitutional rights, creating a compromised Election result by baring and strong arming Poll watchers. It was systematic widespread disenfranchisement.
Here's three Amendments that they clearly violated of every American voter that voted. They robbed us of our votes, and robbed u...

OK bud. Hope you are right , But i will believe when i see it.
Because if you are not "right" then we are banana republic. If president can be defrauded then anyone can.
28   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 8, 5:18pm  

TrumpingTits says
Yes they can. Because the Electors Clause doesn't cover voters.

Nobody but nobody can abuse and bar people from being a lawful poll watcher. What they did was unethical, and if it's unethical on the surface, then it's fraud underneath it all.

Look this is the year, that our elections get cleaned up. I've been saying for the last two years. What ever Trump was going to do with the Durham and Barr investigations. Wasn't going to matter, that if he allowed corruption to flourish in our Election system. Then they would eventually rig the elections get all Democrats in, and undo everything he's done. Just as easily as he's undone Obama. 2018 was an eye opener, and it looked like Trump wasn't interested in fixing it. I thought that was Odd.

It now appears he used the election to clean it up. Let them lie cheat and steal, then just call them out on it. And just because nobody never has, doesn't mean nobody never will.
The shit is going down this election. Breath deep and relax, America's future elections are going to be great.
29   mell   2020 Dec 8, 6:41pm  

They should just have the state legislature send their own Trump electors. Perfectly constitutional. Only thing needed are ballz
30   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 7:58pm  

TrumpingTits says
mell says
They should just have the state legislature send their own Trump electors. Perfectly constitutional. Only thing needed are ballz.

Yes/no. There is this little matter that some are not in session nor will return until it is too late. Electors meet in the Electoral College on Dec 14.

Governors can not be blamed for not calling them back early via emergency session. They are not required to do any such thing.

Remember: It is the legislatures themselves who determined how long they would be out of session. That they did so in what would obviously be a contested election shows who is responsible for them not being in session to do what you propose. Some ballz.

The fraud has happened 100%. On legal votes Trump won landslide.
The spikes with communist style voting ratios in multiple states coinciding with hanky panky on site and at short window during night has 1 in trillion chance of coincidence.
All other reliable parameters like swing counties, minority vote etc. all point to fraud also.

So whosoever sent funds were defending democracy and not stupid.
Question is how effectively Trump team proves it in court.. I see they failing miserably from distance.
31   richwicks   2020 Dec 8, 8:03pm  

election2020 says
Unfortunate part is that Biden is incompetent. He is going to make everything worse and free up US to be looted by China and globalists.

Do you honestly think that Biden will have any control over policy, whatsoever? He will make speeches and to try to justify any insane thing he's told to push through. This has been our presidents since 2000.
32   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 8:06pm  

richwicks says
election2020 says
Unfortunate part is that Biden is incompetent. He is going to make everything worse and free up US to be looted by China and globalists.

Do you honestly think that Biden will have any control over policy, whatsoever? He will make speeches and to try to justify any insane thing he's told to push through. This has been our presidents since 2000.

I think "cold war" against CCP should be declared.
They are really bad to humanity(including Chinese people).

I don't mind atheist,liberal,conservatives.. Godless communists and fascists are worse.
33   richwicks   2020 Dec 8, 8:24pm  

You know who we need?

Joseph McCarthy.

Goodness, I never thought I'd ever say that.
34   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Dec 8, 8:31pm  

Pennsylvania response is basicalky... we are afraid BLM will come back and say things to us, we much prefer to live under communist boot under these circumstances.
35   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 8, 8:31pm  

We all are Joseph McCarthys on internet.
China short of total media shutdown will have hard time controlling the narrative now.
Mainstream media reputation is so bad that even a random nobody individual on twitter can change the narrative more than them.

if anyone have "traffic monitoring account" can anyone check how "gateway pundit" compares with main stream media and growth over last few months?
I heard the site is run by few, This will show people's hunger with knowing the truth about election hidden by media.
As more people believes that "fraud" has happened , They look more for confirmation bias.

36   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Dec 8, 9:42pm  

Okay, skimmed this. May have missed it but if anyone hasn't pointed it out: They've only accepted the 'docket', they have not yet agreed to hearing a case. RE: Supremes
37   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Dec 8, 9:45pm  

election2020 says
Yes. But you can still catch people in act or interrogate them.. which is not happening.
It is just a political show now. Biden in president.

@election2020 Rehab is for quitters!!
38   CBOEtrader   2020 Dec 8, 9:46pm  

election2020 says
Meanwhile Trump supports are piling up losses.

39   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Dec 8, 9:50pm  

CBOEtrader says

Yeah, I expanded it for context.

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