GET OVER IT: It is fucking over, kiddies!

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2020 Dec 11, 8:30pm   2,689 views  63 comments

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-- Beginning of Rant --

Stop your whining like a bunch of Libtards. Stop all your posts with the most ridiculous logic I have ever heard (like all the lamest of lame excuses peddled as to justifying Texas had ANY standing to bitch about how the Electors in another state are chosen).


Why: Because the Electoral College meets and votes on Monday, kiddies.

That means that thereafter the issue becomes one involving Congress, not the courts. After the EC meets and votes, only Congress in a special joint session chaired by Pence in early January can vote up or down on a state's ballots from the EC. SCOTUS has no say in that. Nor can or will it void any State's EC ballots, either.

The level of denial I've seen here on Patrick.net about all this reminds me of Shrillary supporters back in December of 2016. It is sad .It's embarrassing. It's what Libtards do.

No, seriously. This is EXACTLY what those pussies do.

And for those of you who think I am being an asshole: Too damn bad. You deserve the spanking I am giving you. Take some fucking time to learn a bit about the law and the Constitution as it actually is, not how you dream of it being and insisting that others buy your bullshit about it. <--- THAT is what I meant by what Libtards do.

That means learning what the hell 'STANDING' means in law. It is very, very simple concept, really. That means learning about WHO ACTUALLY ELECTS POTUS and VPOTUS. That is in the Constitution and very clearly spelled out. That means learning when election laws concerning voters apply and do not. That one is a bit more convoluted but can be understood with some study.

Either way, stop being a Libtard.

-- End of Rant --

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23   Dholliday126   2020 Dec 12, 8:15am  

Notice how you see all the Hunter stuff now. LOL, Biden chose a hardleft VP to try to appease that faction of the democratic party. Now they and the hard left media, et al are going to come after Biden HARD to get rid of him and install queen puppet Kamala.

Swalwell and Fienstein are toast too. The left will now eat their own until only the hardcore progressives are left. Thats when the party will destroy itself and the right comes into power for a generation.
24   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 12, 8:18am  

Dholliday126 says
Notice how you see all the Hunter stuff now. LOL, Biden chose a hardleft VP to try to appease that faction of the democratic party. Now they and the hard left media, et al are going to come after Biden HARD to get rid of him and install queen puppet Kamala.

Swalwell and Fienstein are toast too. The left will now eat their own until only the hardcore progressives are left. The when the party will destroy itself and the right comes into power for a generation.

Too optimistic.
Hard left don’t believe in elections.
You can look at Venezuela .
26   GreaterNYCDude   2020 Dec 12, 8:38am  

election2020 says
Once lost republic will never be back

I respectfully disagree with your premise that the republic is lost. In my view we still are not too far gone.
27   porkchopXpress   2020 Dec 12, 8:45am  

Winners don't roll over and give up...only losers do that. Remind me to never go to battle with any of you pussies who are crying in your pillow.

This Texas judgement may actually work in our favor because it has built credibility with the Left that they're not uber partisan. So when all of these other lawsuits do have standing and make it to SCOTUS, a favorable decision will seem more legit. This is far from over and Dec 14th don't mean shit when there's so many legal battles going on.

The EO report hasn't even been delivered yet and we all know it'll show foreign interference because Sidney has evidence of it.
28   WookieMan   2020 Dec 12, 8:50am  

Dholliday126 says
Thats when the party will destroy itself and the right comes into power for a generation.

That's the weird part about all this that I think a lot of people are missing. The Dem party is in shambles. An election was won by cheating and most Americans know this which includes House and Senate members. So there's no mandate from the public to get left/dem priorities enacted. They have vastly differing opinions within their own party on a pretty epic scale.

In all honesty, I don't think Biden will get the rubber stamp in the House after losing seats WHILE cheating. House members that narrowly won will have to be careful or they're out in 2022. He'll get stuff passed, but I don't think he gets any major legislation. Just pork barrel, under the radar bull shit. He's a lame duck out the gate.

The big concerns would be SCOTUS if there's a random conservative judge that dies. Or if a liberal judge dies or retires early and he lowers the average age for that cohort. Wars obviously as I think that played a major role in him getting elected. Trump wasn't bomby enough and the MIC needs to eat and sell more bombs/missiles/guns. Finally not Biden himself, but I'm gravely fearful of media censorship and banning. `Already is happening with Time magazine making Biden/Harris PERSON of the year... lol. Can't even get their own cover correct and they don't need to.

Either way, much of what he can actually do doesn't affect me much. I'm aged out for a draft and my kids are two young if he somehow lives through 2 terms for a draft. Letting Trump tax cuts expire and Biden tax raises might actually help me in a blue state with the SALT cap of $10k.

As wrap this comment up, and the more I think about it, the media is the biggest concern. They have always manipulated, but Trump becoming POTUS has made them realize that they can shift everything. We should be fighting the media more than anything. Attacking them every chance we get. People I know very well have been brainwashed by what they read and intake from the media. It literally has changed them as a person to the point I really don't know them. It's sad, scary and spot on Orwellian.
29   Booger   2020 Dec 12, 9:07am  

Since SCOTUS says the Constitution doesn't matter anymore, Texas, Missouri and the other plaintiff states should just each send 1776 electors. Seeing as cheating in national elections doesn't cause injury to the other states.
30   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 12, 9:10am  

I am not sure why you guys are debating about what people think.
CCP selects our president.

2017, Joe Biden was declared president-elect by them.

Hunter Biden requested in 2017 that keys be made for his new "office mates," listing his father, President-elect Joe Biden, Jill Biden and his uncle, Jim Biden, for space he planned to share with an "emissary" for a chairman of a Chinese energy company, according to an email obtained by Fox News.

........................... SEE THE PLANNING.........
Joe Biden is running shadow government since then.
Left is blaming "Trump will run shadow government"... Always remember what left blame you for, they are already doing.
By the way "Green deal/masks/vegan crap/PETA/ACLU...." all are tricks to weaken US for CCP.

CCP only like to select ones who can easily claim dementia.

Extending the logic "Left blames you for things they are doing"... I would like to introduce you to our new "election fraudster" SomekindofFakeTits.
31   ignoreme   2020 Dec 12, 10:32am  

TrumpingTits says
Because of the rules Congress operates in its joint session to approve the electoral ballots, they won't be dumping any. Dem's hold a de-facto veto over that.

Thus it is totally over on Dec 14.

Funny, I can’t find December 14 in the constitution. And if there were constitutional violations and / or massive fraud I don’t see any limits in the constitution to the powers of the Supreme Court to remedy the issue.

December 14 is just a procedural date. The Supreme Court could just throw out electors from the states that screwed things up and make them revote. Nobody gets to 270? Good news, the constitution covers that. There is no crisis.

Now, do I think any of this is likely? No. Most likely we’ll be sucking Chinese cock for 4 years with Biden.

However, I don’t think it’s over for the USA. Personally I can’t wait until we’re back in Syria and still at 6% unemployment 3 years from now. People will look back on Trump fondly. I think long term it’s over for the deep state. They’ve been unmasked.

The next populist candidate is going to have a much easier time because of Trump. Of course they’ll say he’s racist and is going to start WW3. Then we can just point out how great Trump was and of terrible Biden is. Long term I’m not worried about voter fraud. Without the mail in ballot fraud there’s no way Trump would have lost, and we can’t have covid every 4 years.
32   richwicks   2020 Dec 12, 10:48am  

ignoreme says
Without the mail in ballot fraud there’s no way Trump would have lost, and we can’t have covid every 4 years.

Are you sure? That's about how frequently BLM shows up.

Where's BLM now? I guess it's fine to murder black people for no reason again or something.
33   WookieMan   2020 Dec 12, 11:07am  

richwicks says
Are you sure? That's about how frequently BLM shows up.

Where's BLM now? I guess it's find to murder black people for no reason again or something.

The hypocrisy of the whole movement in something Hollywood couldn't even dream up. https://heyjackass.com

More blacks kill each other across the country than have likely died from Rona AND police killings combined. Most young people too. The left likes to focus on micro minority issues is how I'd describe it. They look for something that has an impact on 2% of the people and within that minority only 20% actually care about it and yet the media blows it up. BLM is this. Most blacks WANT more policing.

It's white leftist that think policing in the problem and completely ignore the break down of the family structure in black communities. Hopefully the black community is waking up and starting to see that their "side"is a fraud after this election and what Trump at least tried to do. I'm hopeful but pessimistic that will happen though. Media runs the show.
34   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Dec 12, 11:16am  

January 6 is the hard deadline. Wednesday might mean nothing.

But it’s clear everyone too afraid to get involved.
35   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 12, 11:36am  

the DNI’s report due on December 18 (45 days from the 2020 election) could even include the Bidens:
36   Onvacation   2020 Dec 12, 12:01pm  

GreaterNYCDudeIsLookingForAJob says
I'd prefer 1. If you want to change the system its eaiset done from the inside. Get involved. Register for a political party that suits your fancy. Run for local office. Volunteer for a campaign.

Create an anti-Antifa club.

There is lots we can do. But we will probably do nothing as we have too much to lose. If a civil war really did break out I am in the wrong neighborhood of the wrong state.
37   Onvacation   2020 Dec 12, 12:02pm  

You can get fired, or worse, for being an open conservative or republican in certain parts of the country.
38   Onvacation   2020 Dec 12, 12:04pm  

election2020 says
Looks like you don’t know how communism work and take hold.
Read some history. Communists don’t need elections.
Once lost republic will never be back and CCP will make sure of it. You can go with Falun guys to try some elections in China.

It's time for Japan and Taiwan to get them some nuclear missiles for self defense.
39   Onvacation   2020 Dec 12, 12:06pm  

Dholliday126 says
Notice how you see all the Hunter stuff now. LOL, Biden chose a hardleft VP to try to appease that faction of the democratic party. Now they and the hard left media, et al are going to come after Biden HARD to get rid of him and install queen puppet Kamala.

Swalwell and Fienstein are toast too. The left will now eat their own until only the hardcore progressives are left. Thats when the party will destroy itself and the right comes into power for a generation.

Brilliant analysis! The downside is the time and pain it takes to get there. The upside is that we've started down that road.
40   Onvacation   2020 Dec 12, 12:22pm  

WookieMan says
Trump wasn't bomby enough and the MIC needs to eat and sell more bombs/missiles/guns.

I have to replace the flares on my boat every couple years per coast guard regulation. You got to shoot that stuff off or it goes bad.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 12, 1:38pm  

Courts can set aside ANY fruits of Fraud at any time.
42   Bd6r   2020 Dec 12, 2:07pm  

WookieMan says
Time magazine making Biden/Harris PERSON of the year
43   WookieMan   2020 Dec 12, 3:05pm  

Dbr6 says

Legit question. Does anyone even read Time? It's 2020. Who gives a flying fuck what their editors think. I haven't bought a magazine or subscribed to one in over a decade now. Pre-covid I haven't see one in a waiting room of any business either (doctors, etc) for that same amount of time. How are they still a publication?
44   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 12, 3:24pm  

Time may be owned by China or oligarch for propaganda purpose.
Publish something silly and sell it as legitimate on internet.

This thread indicates it still have influence.
45   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 13, 3:18pm  

TrumpingTits says

EC meets TOMORROW, not Tuesday.

That means it is DEFINITELY over.

I look forward to the embarrassment and the Constitutional Crises when John Ratcliffe releases his report.
46   richwicks   2020 Dec 13, 3:24pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I look forward to the embarrassment and the Constitutional Crises when John Ratcliffe releases his report.

I have a hard time believing anybody in Federal government isn't corrupt. I'm not holding my breath. If there is a "constitutional crisis", Trump is going to have to do something that looks like a purge under Stalin to get it done, using the military.
47   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 13, 3:55pm  

We never had a President with a Voter Mandate to "Drain the Swamp". That alone coupled with Trump's EO is enough.

Now I do admit, it is a bit silly to hinge all of this on another G. W. Bush appointee. But I have hope Ratcliffe has some dignity. And isn't another Swamp asshole sending Trump down a dead end, to run out the clock.
48   Tenpoundbass   2020 Dec 13, 3:59pm  

At the end of the day, this is what it boils down to. And shit is going to get deadly and bloody if they try Install a Communist regime without a full inspection of the ballots.
The Courts think they are giving Trump the Business. They are championing their purge is what in the fuck they are doing, by denying due process, with such disregard for our Constitution.. NO Tickey No fucking Laundry! PERIOD! And we don't give a fuck how Chris Wallace feels about it.

49   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Dec 13, 4:10pm  

This week is gonna be so exciting. Tomorrow don't matter for shit.

How many armies has Nancy Pelosi or Roberts?
50   Ceffer   2020 Dec 13, 4:13pm  

Does anybody have an Elector Ouija Board in working condition?
51   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 13, 4:26pm  

Tenpoundbass says
At the end of the day, this is what it boils down to. And shit is going to get deadly and bloody if they try Install a Communist regime without a full inspection of the ballots.
The Courts think they are giving Trump the Business. They are championing their purge is what in the fuck they are doing, by denying due process, with such disregard for our Constitution.. NO Tickey No fucking Laundry! PERIOD! And we don't give a fuck how Chris Wallace feels about it.


Don’t stress out guys.
Trump has defeated communism.
I am sure tons of Democrats are also secretly hoping for this iron curtain to fall... Nobody likes to be blackmailed.

All you have to compare is lives of Chinese vs Americans..
Americans will never choose Chinese lifestyle.
Facebook/Twitter/google and all commie tech is going down and getting replaced with free market solutions.... @patrick and you listening?
52   SoTex   2020 Dec 14, 7:52pm  

I'm moving my post from T-N-A to here:

TT said, tits have more standing....

just_passing_through says
Wasn't bogus. Supremes just pussed out. The supremes were setup to be the trail court in disputes between states and this was a valid dispute.

At least according to these lawyers:
53   SoTex   2020 Dec 14, 7:53pm  

Next one:

TrumpingTits says
just_passing_through says
Wasn't bogus. Supremes just pussed out. .

No it wasn't a valid dispute. However one state chooses its Electors does not effect how another does. Period.

Only if PA's process somehow messed with Texas' process in choosing its Electors would there be a case. Texas didn't even try to argue that.

Who cares what a bunch of so-called lawyers posting bullshit have to say about it? If they are lawyers they should be disbarred if you ask me.

just_passing_through says
The supremes were setup to be the trail court in disputes between states and this was a valid dispute.

No dispute.
54   SoTex   2020 Dec 14, 7:59pm  

Yeah, I shouldn't have messed that thread up. I can't delete the others..

FWIW, those 2 lawyers have pretty much shit on all of the stuff TT might have shit on up until this point, they're pretty good / seem good. Mark Levin sure thinks the supremes pussed out as well.

Narrowed down:

States once agreed: Yes, we'll do what this constitution thingy says. Yes, we agree. This is required for the union. If we don't it'll be the single event that turns the supremes into a trial court. Supremes have the option to farm that out into (thing I can't remember)

Some states didn't do this. Therefore standing.

But I'm no lawyer so... Hell, I even told my dad last night I think Stacey Abrams broke the law with her 150K new registrations for the Georgia runoff. That the law says only people who voted in original can vote in the runoff. But what do I know. I think I just heard that on here...
55   SoTex   2020 Dec 14, 8:17pm  

TrumpingTits says
EXACTLY. You win the kewpie doll!

Reminds me I need to order some more kewpie... Just bought a bunch of bubba burgers.
56   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 14, 8:31pm  

TrumpingTits says
just_passing_through says
Some states didn't do this. Therefore standing.

No. That isn't how standing works.

"Yes, we'll do what this constitution thingy says Yes, we agree. This is required for the union. Some states didn't do this. Therefore standing"

No. First, show me in the fucking Constitution where it says that POTUS is to be elected in a fraud-free election by voters. Show me. Hell, show me where it shows that elections are required determine who the Electors are at all...then get to the 'fraud free part'.

Good luck with that!

Show me where Texas was impaired to exercise how its Electors are chosen. Show me where PA interfered in the process that Texas set up to that and its implementation.

And no...no state has the right to have things go 'their way' in another state's selection process (no matter what it is). Things 'not going your way' does co...

This thing is bigger than SCOTUS. Judges are already threatened to reveal their "Honey/Money traps" + threaten their family members as per some reports.
I think defence forces will take care of this coup.
57   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 14, 8:36pm  

Surrender, Otherwise you are all_the_lefty_abuses
59   WookieMan   2020 Dec 15, 3:15am  

just_passing_through says
TrumpingTits says
EXACTLY. You win the kewpie doll!

Reminds me I need to order some more kewpie... Just bought a bunch of bubba burgers.

I've got two kewpie tubes currently. Love that stuff. I love the onion bubba burgers, but have been making my own lately. Takes time, but massive $$$ savings (~50-60% vs. bubba) and feels/tastes fresher as I know there's additional processing of those things. My kids are picky eaters, but eat burgers like their life depended on it. And I like grilling. My kids are twigs and not fat, so don't feel too bad about the 2-3 time a week burger consumption. lol.

I'm gonna start toying around with grinding my own chuck and other meats for burgers with the KitchenAid. Want to toy around with smash burgers indoors on the skillet as it's getting cold AF here. God I hate winter. Less sunlight is my biggest beef...

Good election thread... lol. Sorry.
60   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jan 9, 5:45pm  

Fucking Pence choked last minute.
61   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 9, 5:45pm  

"Unity" was just a way of saying "Good Doggy" while slowing walking back to the car to get the .30-06 for Old Yeller.

What we're seeing now, instead of a slow cut off, isolation, and unpersoning bit-by-bit, is panic. And that panic must have a cause - exactly what who can say.
62   Onvacation   2021 Aug 15, 1:31pm  

MisdemeanorRebel says
What we're seeing now, instead of a slow cut off, isolation, and unpersoning bit-by-bit, is panic. And that panic must have a cause - exactly what who can say.

They trying to kill our kids and we're finding out.

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