BOOOM! Bitcoin at new all time high! Merry Christmas

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2020 Dec 16, 6:06am   13,555 views  188 comments

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bawahahahhahaahah. Merry Christmas to our haters, DF's and perma-crypto-bears!

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20   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 11:22am  

You also still never addressed the chart I posted. Just childish banter. From December 2017 to now, which chart would you pick if you put $50k in and held?

We all know the answer, but you won't. Very telling.
21   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 11:31am  

looks like our haters are sour grapes today since we have new all time highs! Didnt DF tell us it will go to zero? hahaha
22   AD   2020 Dec 16, 11:34am  

G36 says
Ad, sorry, I think you missed what I said. Happy to repeat:

I wouldnt want to spend a single Satoshi on it! I want to hold that digital gold since it appreciates in price! Dont spend your precious Bitcoins!


Not only I ask how secure are bitcoin from being stolen but how liquid is it ? How easy it is to cash out bitcoin or use bitcoin in order to buy groceries, gasoline, healthcare, etc. ?

23   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 11:43am  

G36 says
tell us it will go to zero?

Links? Not sure the benefit of lying on your end. I've got nothing to lose.

I want people to make money. So if you did, great. I'd still have sold at $18k if I was holding from a lower position than you were, so I'd still be good. A gain isn't a gain until it's realized. So pound your chest all day. But until you've sold something for more than you bought it for, no one really cares all that much. Just more pumping on a site you visit for 2 days and disappear for 5. I get the game ;)
24   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 12:08pm  

ad says
G36 says

Not only I ask how secure are bitcoin from being stolen but how liquid is it ? How easy it is to cash out bitcoin or use bitcoin in order to buy groceries, gasoline, healthcare, etc. ?


security: If you hold your private keys (hardware wallet/not leaving it on exchanges), then it cant be stolen virtually. Obviously, someone could break into your house and steal the hardware wallet. They would then need to know your passwords in order to access it.
In the meantime you can recover your coins with the recovery seed. I keep my hardware wallets in a secure place and the recovery seeds in a different place.

how easy it is to cash out: I dont know how many different ways I can tell you this. I have no interest in spending my precious Bitcoins as they have been increasing in price tremendously since November when I bought two. Why would I want to spend them today if they are worth more next month?
To answer your question though: As long as you have done your KYC (know your customer) requirements you can sell to USD instantly 24/7 and move from the exchange to your bank account. You can do that on all the US listed crypto exchanges as long as you met the KYC requirements.
The exchanges need to follow federal law and make sure trades in USD or withdrawals in USD are done by people that provided their social, address, birthdate etc.
25   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 12:10pm  

WookieMan says
G36 says
tell us it will go to zero?


yep, this should be added as a funny comment on DF's list.

"is worthless"
"no x axis"......DF is too dumb to open up the source thats listed on the chart. I guess he really is too fuckin dumb to get that the x axis is the timeline.
"Wait, wait, wait. I thought it was 9,000,000%. Is it 17,918.98% or 9,000,000%?"
"Basic index funds have outperformed BTC"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
"an unregulated market"
"Nuclear EMP goes off"
"Would have sold everything at 18k"
"I am good with 9%"
"Bitcoin is not backed by anything"
"artificial scarcity"
"I only care about 6 figure gains"
"wake up at 6am and your money is all gone"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
26   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 1:54pm  

Bitcoin continues to pump!!! @haters, its not me....I havent bought today....dont blame the pump on me. ROFL

27   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 1:56pm  

G36 says
WookieMan says
G36 says
tell us it will go to zero?


yep, this should be added as a funny comment

Links or you're a liar. I'll keep waiting.
28   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 3:04pm  

maybe DF thinks something going to zero and it being worthless isnt the same?

Wouldnt be his first contradiction....see below!

"I dont trade. Its a losers game"
"I'd actually consider trading BTC"
"Fuck no on holding though"
"I would have sold everything at 18k"

So, You dont own it but would have sold at 18k. You dont trade but consider trading it but trading is a losers game.

Folks, I say he earned his name DF! Maybe he's like Biden and he doesnt know where he is or what he says?

This one is good too: "8k by the end of the year" muahahahahahahahahahah, hey DF, you got until Dec 31.....today is the 16th!

29   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 3:06pm  

dang, there are actually a lot of Bitcoin threads here and our DF is a veteran in making predictions....

check this out!!

holy cow....we wont run out of stupid/wrong/funny comments by DF anytime soon!! You just have to go back to some of these older threads! He actually predicted 1k-2.5k Bitcoin! bawahahahahahahahah, no wonder he's so mad at us for celebrating new all time highs at 21k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 5:02pm  

G36 says
going to zero and it being worthless isnt the same?

Exactly. Never said it was going to zero. That's a number in case you forgot. lol. Fail. Keep up eunuch.
31   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 5:33pm  

yeah, DF, the thing is, you are wrong either way. Instead of it being worthless it hit 21k today! Dec 16th, a day to remember!
Guessing your retarded prediction of it going to 8k by year end is not going to pan out, huh? Not to mention your 1k-2.5k prediction. ROFL!
Well, you can still hope for the next couple of weeks. Haha
33   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 5:51pm  

still going :)

Looks like its going the wrong way, huh DF? (he predicted 8k by year end)
34   AD   2020 Dec 16, 5:58pm  

G36 says
how easy it is to cash out: I dont know how many different ways I can tell you this. I have no interest in spending my precious Bitcoins as they have been increasing in price tremendously since November when I bought two. Why would I want to spend them today if they are worth more next month?

I asked you how much liquidity is there or how easy it is to cash out of Bitcoin. Answer the question, boy.

If not, then please fuck yourself and stop being a soy boy or bitch for Bitcoin.

35   EBGuy   2020 Dec 16, 6:18pm  

ad says
I asked you how much liquidity is there or how easy it is to cash out of Bitcoin. Answer the question, boy.

You can use the Cash App from Square to buy Bitcoin. Looks like fees are a little less than 2%. What's in your wallet?
36   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 6:18pm  

Is AD a ret*** too?

Is he too dumb to read?

"To answer your question though: As long as you have done your KYC (know your customer) requirements you can sell to USD instantly 24/7 and move from the exchange to your bank account. You can do that on all the US listed crypto exchanges as long as you met the KYC requirements.
The exchanges need to follow federal law and make sure trades in USD or withdrawals in USD are done by people that provided their social, address, birthdate etc."
37   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 6:26pm  

AD, you are using your smart phone or laptop to write stupid comments, right? If so, you can try the following:

Do you have 10 extra bucks or do you need that for pot/food?
Sign up with robinhood, paypal or coinbase and buy and sell crypto for fun (10 bucks). 24/7 market. You will see how freakin easy it is to buy crypto with fiat and sell/convert back to fiat and move to you bank account. Even DF should be able to accomplish that. Although, I am not sure.
38   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 6:34pm  

And btw, nobody needs you clowns....for every dumbF here is there is one institution that pours in 50M USD into Bitcoin. Onvacation and DF have been bitching about BTC for years apparently and havent managed to accumulate a single Bitcoin. F.ing pathetic.
Dont count on those losers.... count on Square, Paypal, Microstrategies, German banks, life insurances, hedge funds, Grayscale to go in big.
39   AD   2020 Dec 16, 6:43pm  

EBGuy says

You can use the Cash App from Square to buy Bitcoin. Looks like fees are a little less than 2%. What's in your wallet?

Okay, can you sell Bitcoin and convert to US dollars using Square ? How easy is that compared to buying Bitcoin ?
40   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 6:46pm  

ad says
EBGuy says

You can use the Cash App from Square to buy Bitcoin. Looks like fees are a little less than 2%. What's in your wallet?

Okay, can you sell Bitcoin and convert to US dollars using Square ? How easy is that compared to buying Bitcoin ?

DUUUUDE, you F**** I*****, buying crypto is freakin easy. Can you read and understand????

"Sign up with robinhood, paypal or coinbase and buy and sell crypto for fun (10 bucks). 24/7 market. You will see how freakin easy it is to buy crypto with fiat and sell/convert back to fiat and move to you bank account. "

41   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 7:01pm  

22k incoming?

42   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 7:06pm  


43   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 7:48pm  

G36 says
bitching about BTC for years apparently and havent managed to accumulate a single Bitcoin.

One BTC. Lol. You're cute. If that's what you aspire for, you do you. I'll have to check as the value changes for my investments, but I'm over 80 "coins" at current value of BTC in the USD. Enjoy your $5-10k returns this year to pay rent. I play with bigger numbers. lol. Can't make this shit up. Jesus. As if BTC or stocks are the only way to make USD. Wake up buddy... errrr.... troll. New name same user. lol.
44   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 7:51pm  

sure DF, show your screenshots or GTFO, here is mine.....46% in 1-2Month....try to pull that off

Beginning of November:


In reality, you have a big mouth and contradict yourself but cant afford a single bitcoin....Thats exactly the reason why you bitch from the sidelines about Bitcoin.....since years! :)
45   AD   2020 Dec 16, 8:36pm  

G36 says

DUUUUDE, you F**** I*****, buying crypto is freakin easy. Can you read and understand????

Stop being a dense dumb fuck. I asked how easy is it to sell Bitcoin and convert to US dollars. You intentionally refuse to answer the question.

46   Cash   2020 Dec 16, 8:42pm  

ad says
I asked how easy is it to sell Bitcoin and convert to US dollars.

Its way easy no different then selling a stock on the exchange. If you have your crypto in cold storage it takes an extra step of putting it back on an exchange before you can sell it.
It also takes a small bit more time on ramping crypto back on the exchange because it will need validated by the public ledger before you can cash the coins.
47   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 8:44pm  

G36 says
show your screenshots or GTFO, here is mine.....46% in 1-2Month....try to pull that off

I literally made over $30k last month. You can't read and don't answer questions, so not sure the point in posting a screen shot. I've told you in the past I don't dox myself with screen shots that are real (reading). I'm not stupid and am not dishonest to post fake screen shots. If you were honest and want to keep posting "real" screen shots, get a time and date on there. No one believes you on this site. Maybe cash.
48   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Dec 16, 8:50pm  

You guys arguing with him crack me up.

It's his thread. If he wants to crow on it, well, it's his thread.

I am skeptical, I remember hearing the same cheerleading about Enron and AOL. But then also, TSLA. Maybe it really is different this time.
49   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 9:10pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
You guys arguing with him crack me up.

I'm not arguing. That's the fun part. Just pointing out god awful and dangerous financial advice.

B.A.C.A.H. says
It's his thread. If he wants to crow on it, well, it's his thread.

Eh. The guy doesn't answer questions. Has changed usernames after the last failure of predictions on his end. If collectively we want this to become a penny stock pump and dump forum, then I'm out. Otherwise I'll fight the crap until then. I think Patnet is better than that.

Look at Headset's post where 10# and others are helping him with a project. I don't need to hear about someone's $100 "investment" in a fake coin, by creating a 4th thread in 2 weeks and commenting the same thing in all of them. Drags down other subjects and is annoying forum behavior. They know what they're doing. I bite, only because I think the topic/investment is toxic.
50   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 9:48pm  

I cant keep up adding DF's retarded comments to his list lol

"I dont trade. Its a losers game"
"I'd actually consider trading BTC"
"Fuck no on holding though"
"8k by year end"
"its going to land in the 1000-2500 range"
"is worthless"
"no x axis"......DF is too dumb to open up the source thats listed on the chart. I guess he really is too fuckin dumb to get that the x axis is the timeline.
"Wait, wait, wait. I thought it was 9,000,000%. Is it 17,918.98% or 9,000,000%?"
"Basic index funds have outperformed BTC"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
"an unregulated market"
"Nuclear EMP goes off"
"Would have sold everything at 18k"
"I am good with 9%"
"Bitcoin is not backed by anything"
"artificial scarcity"
"I only care about 6 figure gains"
"wake up at 6am and your money is all gone"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
51   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 9:51pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
You guys arguing with him crack me up.

DF (wookie) really thought Bitcoin will go to 1k according to his posts. Hilarious! A DF who has posted for years BS about Bitcoin has to sit in front of his screen watching Bitcoin hitting all time highs. Are you surprised DF's pissed and tries to troll? I am not. It just makes me happy seeing his anger. And DF's list of retarded comments grows.

52   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 9:55pm  

This would have been such a great entry point in 2018, but DF thought it would go to 1k.....
Instead of bitching on the sidelines about Bitcoin he should have just bough .....dumb F.
Now he cant afford a single Bitcoin anymore.

Haha, DF!
53   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 10:01pm  

G36 says
Bitcoin will go to 1k according to his posts


G36 says
has posted for years BS about Bitcoin now has to sit in front of his screen watching it hit all time highs

Link? Posting for years? Cute part is it's just barely above ATH's from Dec. 2017. BTC has been a paperweight for the last 3 years while I made money. Unless you'll admit you're trading it and not investing. The two are different. Trading you could have made a lot, you didn't. Methinks you're an "investor" and have been holding onto the BTC paperweight the last 3 years and are finally getting excited. You bought in during the last FOMO period. You're scared. It's okay.

Surprised you haven't ignored me by now. Let's give it a few weeks. lol. It will happen. Then a username change.
54   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 10:01pm  

ad says
G36 says

DUUUUDE, you F**** I*****, buying crypto is freakin easy. Can you read and understand????

I asked how easy is it to sell Bitcoin and convert to US dollars. You intentionally refuse to answer the question.


Nope, I am happy to answer the question a million times. Its super easy.
We can even schedule a zoom meeting and i can show you how to download an app, sign up and buy. I can train you to do limit buys, market buys, sell orders etc. All basic stuff....just like buying a stock. The difference is, you can buy/sell 24/7 with crypto. I know. You will keep trolling and I am happy to respond :)


are great, user friendly apps to buy and sell/convert to USD.
55   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 16, 10:03pm  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Bitcoin will go to 1k according to his posts


G36 says
has posted for years BS about Bitcoin now has to sit in front of his screen watching it hit all time highs

Link? Posting for years? .

yep, no problem.
We know by now that you dont know what you posted yesterday. Its all nonsense. You remind me of a Biden speech.

"I dont trade. Its a losers game"
"I'd actually consider trading BTC"
"Fuck no on holding though"
"8k by year end"
"its going to land in the 1000-2500 range"
"is worthless"
"no x axis"......DF is too dumb to open up the source thats listed on the chart. I guess he really is too fuckin dumb to get that the x axis is the timeline.
"Wait, wait, wait. I thought it was 9,000,000%. Is it 17,918.98% or 9,000,000%?"
"Basic index funds have outperformed BTC"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
"an unregulated market"
"Nuclear EMP goes off"
"Would have sold everything at 18k"
"I am good with 9%"
"Bitcoin is not backed by anything"
"artificial scarcity"
"I only care about 6 figure gains"
"wake up at 6am and your money is all gone"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
56   WookieMan   2020 Dec 16, 10:19pm  

G36 says

It's official, you can't read and/or understand. The prediction was based on BTC hitting a price point. Did it hit $5k (USD)? You understand that if it didn't hit $5k, then the prediction of $1-2.5k isn't the actual prediction, right? $5k was the floor and if it went beyond it, it was going way beyond it.

It stayed above $5k. So my prediction doesn't matter because it never hit that number. You clearly don't understand trading. If it dropped below $5k then you'd be correct. You're not as usual. Keep trying. Never said it was going to $1-2.5K range UNLESS it dropped below $5k. READING.

Any other good links? lol.
57   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 8:02am  

So many years of posting BS about Bitcoin and hoping for it to drop to 1k just to see it hit new all time highs.....23k now.....classic, DF, classic!
58   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 8:33am  

This one is for DF and onvacation....hahaha

59   Cash   2020 Dec 17, 8:46am  

Im likely going flat on my $XRP @ .675/.6925+/- and wait for the discounted items to hit the shelf. If I dive out near the high (?) diving back in
on a break of, is not a big deal if needed.

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