BOOOM! Bitcoin at new all time high! Merry Christmas

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2020 Dec 16, 6:06am   13,541 views  188 comments

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bawahahahhahaahah. Merry Christmas to our haters, DF's and perma-crypto-bears!

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73   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 4:01pm  

EBGuy says
Trying to figure out what's going on right now.
Is this a VHS / Betamax moment?

Its the start of a massive Bull run......Bitcoin and crypto holders should have a fun 2021 while DF and onvacation will continue to bitch from the sidelines. Yesterday was a bad day for them :) :)
74   WookieMan   2020 Dec 17, 5:08pm  

G36 says
Yep, up >40%, probably keep holding until end of next year.

Did you sell any BTC? Ever. Yes or no? You haven't made anything if the answer is no.
75   richwicks   2020 Dec 17, 5:26pm  

G36 says

bawahahahhahaahah. Merry Christmas to our haters, DF's and perma-crypto-bears!


I'd still never touch it. Sometimes I wish I could embrace the sociopath in me, which is right there - but no. This is clearly a ponzi scheme that will ultimately defraud the most innocent.

No telling how high it will go, but I can tell you straight out, this isn't a currency and never will be or can be and it will ultimately be worthless, but no idea when that will come. It has no function for exchange.

But I bear you no ill will, but this is beneath me.
76   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 5:56pm  

richwicks says
">G36 says

bawahahahhahaahah. Merry Christmas to our haters, DF's and perma-crypto-bears!


I'd still never touch it. Sometimes I wish I could embrace the sociopath in me, which is right there - but no. This is clearly a ponzi scheme that will ultimately defraud the most innocent.

this isn't a currency and never will be or can be

"defraud the most innocent" You must be joking.
You mean when someone buys Bitcoin at say 25k and sells for 23K because the price went down temporarily and they panic-sold then you call this "defraud the most innocent"?
77   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 5:56pm  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Yep, up >40%, probably keep holding until end of next year.

Did you sell any BTC? Ever. Yes or no? You haven't made anything if the answer is no.

Yep, I am up >40%. Will continue to hold and update you, DF.
78   richwicks   2020 Dec 17, 6:47pm  

G36 says
You mean when someone buys Bitcoin at say 25k and sells for 23K because the price went down temporarily and they panic-sold then you call this "defraud the most innocent"?

I mean it's entirely a speculative trade. There was a time where this was outlawed in our nation.

At the end of this will be a large number of people holding the bag. Bitcoin is not usable as a currency. The transaction time is too long, and it is ridiculously expensive. It's purely a speculative "investment" - the only thing you are depending on is the next sucker. It's not a currency, it's not easily tradable. It's like a stock for a company that produces nothing, and costs a small fortunate to move from one owner to another.

It's an entirely non-productive "investment". It's farts and rainbows. It's the ultimate example of decadence. Tulip bulbs were at least physical. This is entirely intangible numerals in an algorithm you don't understand created by an entirely unknown person. How do you expect this to end? You're never going to be buying gas with it, or groceries or pizza. You are entirely depending on somebody else stupider than you to buy it, nobody will ever trade for it.

I'm sure there are people dumber than you, that's an infinite well. I'm just saying bitcoin isn't and can never be a currency. I don't take advantage of people stupider than I am. Produce worth, and if you can't do that, what the fuck good are you in this world? People investing in this, they're just sellouts. Don't you have any value yourself?
79   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Dec 17, 7:46pm  

This thread is so hilarious.

Why you guys argue with a FanBoy? What's the point?
80   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 7:48pm  

81   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 17, 7:51pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
This thread is so hilarious.

Why you guys argue with a FanBoy? What's the point?

Answer: They are freakin pissed or in shock.

>oncavation is in total shock and cant get himself to come back here at the moment
>and DF (wookie) is pretty pissed about Bitcoin hitting new all time highs.....he has made several predictions that all have failed ("its going to land in the 1k range")

So, the point is, these clowns cant take it that Bitcoin is trading above old ATH's :)
82   richwicks   2020 Dec 18, 12:48am  

G36 says
Richwicks, I agree to disagree. With mass adoption by institutions its becoming another asset class and less speculative as it has been.

No, you've never disagreed with me. Bitcoin is not a usable currency. You never address this fact, and it is a fact. Transaction times are interminably long. This is a fundamental limitation. This makes it utterly useless as a currency so it's only a speculative trade. It doesn't fulfill the the most basic function it was created for.

There is no telling what greater fool there may be, but it will never be a currency unless there is a very fundamental change in technology. I have a computer that costs $35 that can do nuclear bomb simulation in a reasonable amount of time. It's unlikely I, and several hundred thousand people, will ever have such a machine that can validate the blockchain in 2 seconds so you can do a transaction at a grocery store.

It's a tulip, it's just a question when you get the last poor bastard purchasing it as a currency, before it's recognized as what it is - a tulip. It's a complete scam, but there's no telling how many poor fucks get dragged into it before it's recognized as one.

G36 says
You are just pissed that you didnt invest in Bitcoin...

Oh good lord. I'm pissed off people are so stupid but I still won't take advantage of them - you will. I'm pissed off that you're so morally depraved that you are trying to draw people into pushing up the price. I view this as extremely immoral of you, that you're a morally bankrupt person. I view you as a conman, that has been conned into a scam trying to draw other people into the scam. Are you legitimately stupid or are you just evil? Either way, how can I not be disgusted with you?

I hope bitcoin goes to unimaginable values for you, but I view this as simply taking advantage of the naive. Naive people can make money by taking advantage of naive people, but it produces no actual value, no actual advancement in society. I simply view this as destructive. It's the same reason I won't invest in Facebook or Google or Amazon.

To be honest, I'm disgusted by the lack of morality and uselessness of people. Produce something. Make society better. I view bitcoin as Amway squared.
83   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 2:51am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
This thread is so hilarious.

Why you guys argue with a FanBoy? What's the point?

I'm not arguing. Let's just put it that way ;)

You are correct that it is comical though. lol.
84   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 7:58am  

WookieMan says
B.A.C.A.H. says
This thread is so hilarious.

Why you guys argue with a FanBoy? What's the point?

You are correct that it is comical though. lol.

Agreed! DF def had the dumbest and funniest comments.

"it will land in the 1k range"
"would have sold everything at 18k"

just to mention a couple.
85   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 7:58am  

so what do you invest in? Dont tell me food, entertainment and silver coins like onvacation. lol
Do you have a retirement fund (like a 401k) and are you sure you have no tech stocks in there?
86   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 8:34am  

G36 says
so what do you invest in?

Why don't YOU answer a question? Many have been asked. Almost none have been answered. Wonder why??
87   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 8:42am  

Th night shift must be over. Sry DF, I dont think Bitcoin will go back to 1k by this year :)
88   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 8:43am  

Cash says
Onvacation says
It's not foolish to not buy bitcoin

I do agree with that statement, however what makes a fool is someone speaking about a subject like they are an authoritarian when they in fact have zero real world knowledge about the subject. lmhao


its just clowns that hate that Bitcoin hit ATH's. Instead of buying Bitcoin they bitched about it for years. Typical sore losers that talk a big game online but haven't provided a single screenshot.
89   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 9:03am  

G36 says
so what do you invest in? Dont tell me food, entertainment and silver coins like onvacation. lol
Do you have a retirement fund (like a 401k) and are you sure you have no tech stocks in there?

let us know when you are ready. Take your time!
90   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 9:31am  

G36 says
Typical sore losers that talk a big game online but haven't provided a single screenshot.

You don't understand that you're the sore loser. Most of us come here to banter about real world things. Have discussions. Maybe learn something new. Maybe debate a bit. All you do is bitch at people that don't invest in BTC. You're blind to your flaws. Which will ultimately result in predictable fashion for most crypto "investors #liars."

Maybe understand that people here have done well and likely better than you. Maybe they haven't. All without BTC in their life. You pumping it does nothing. You're super sensitive about this "solid investment" but it's time to move on. If it's so great, stop defending something that is so great. lol. It should be obvious. It doesn't need you.

The good thing is most here are smarter than you. I just worry about a similar idiot as you that stumbles upon this forum and sees your trash. Until you understand that you are the butt of the joke, you'll never learn. You're being played. You haven't sold a thing and haven't gained anything. Cash I think has. You no. But keep trying. I've got all day and night. lol. I don't need to defend my great "investment" 12 hours a day on an anonymous forum.
91   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Dec 18, 9:34am  

G36 says
its just clowns that hate that Bitcoin hit ATH's. Instead of buying Bitcoin they bitched about it for years. Typical sore loser

It's one thing to share facts and ideas, especially when folks disagree. That's a healthy adult discussion.

It's quite another to do name calling, gloating, being snarkey, ha ha ha ha proved you wrong. That's a childish trump like behavior.

There's a lot of policy from his administration I agreed with. He ruined it all with his sociopathic behavior.
92   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 9:50am  

Cash says
B.A.C.A.H. says
It's one thing to share facts and ideas, especially when folks disagree. That's a healthy adult discussion.

I agree, their is room for both sides of the conversation to make improvements....

I agree. DF should really dial it back. He has not the slightest idea about Bitcoin and was wrong for so many years now. Its just a laughing stock at this point. I suggest he shuts up and GTFO. The clown expected Bitcoin to go to 1k and is now a sore loser because it hit new ATH's. Fool.
93   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 19, 8:33am  

At least two are upset about this (wookie/OV).....sry :)
94   WookieMan   2020 Dec 19, 8:52am  

G36 says
Cash says
B.A.C.A.H. says
It's one thing to share facts and ideas, especially when folks disagree. That's a healthy adult discussion.

I agree, their is room for both sides of the conversation to make improvements....

I agree. DF should really dial it back. He has not the slightest idea about Bitcoin and was wrong for so many years now. Its just a laughing stock at this point. I suggest he shuts up and GTFO. The clown expected Bitcoin to go to 1k and is now a sore loser because it hit new ATH's. Fool.

Lol. I have nothing to do with the discussion at hand that you quoted, yet you bring me into it. I don't think you understand what Bacah is saying. 6 of your 7 sentences were about me. Why? I stand by my statements. I never stated BTC to 1K by December 19th. I said if it hits a certain price, it could fall. It was an opinion. Still could. Yet you keep getting into this childish banter and I admittedly go down the rabbit hole with you.

Thing is, you don't want to have a conversation. You never have. Enjoy the xmas bump and you probably should take some gains. You don't hold BTC though, so it doesn't matter. I know this because I mention you and it's a 3 comment rant on 4 different threads, all on the same topic. Triggered much? Gotta prove your prowess with google charts of the price? Maybe have a conversation. You couldn't under your old username and ignored me, but now you're all tough when the price temporarily spikes and you won't sell again.
95   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 19, 9:01am  

I knew he would get upset with Bitcoin hitting 24k.

96   WookieMan   2020 Dec 19, 9:12am  

G36 says
I knew he would get upset with Bitcoin hitting 24k.


I give zero shits about the price. I have opinions on what it is and where it could go. I've not given dates and therefore haven't been wrong. Only time was a price that could trigger it lower and that's all you mention. Almost every single one of your comments is about someone else. Move on dude. Super childish. You haven't sold (or own) any BTC and just attack other users. You haven't made a penny. It's laughable really.
97   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 19, 9:15am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
I knew he would get upset with Bitcoin hitting 24k.


I give zero shits about the price.

haha, yeah, Mr. walking contradiction

98   WookieMan   2020 Dec 19, 9:55am  

Cash says
There's ole wookie boy and his sidekick OV paying the price for not buying crypto

Nah. I invest in my business, assets and family that are outperforming BTC. Sorry, too many accounts to screen shot and am not dumb enough to dox myself. You wouldn't understand. It's almost like you guys don't understand that you can make money other ways? Lots of money.

It's fine if you want BTC/crypto to be your niche, but it's a strange hill to die on and not diversify. You can make more other ways. Tax free too ;). But keep chasing the get rich quick scheme. I honestly hope you guys make a fuck ton of money. I'm sincerely not being condescending or sarcastic. I've said it before on this forum, I want everyone to make money. At the end of the day someone will have to lose some though. I just hope it's not you guys.
99   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Dec 19, 10:45am  

WookieMan says
I don't think you understand what Bacah is saying

some people are blinded by their narcissism (like trump is).
100   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 19, 10:48am  

Cash says
After a rest next target 30-32k ;) take it to the bank. And BTW BTC won't be the big winner by a very long shot.... lmhao

I added to my XRP position.
101   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 19, 10:54am  

WookieMan says
Cash says
There's ole wookie boy and his sidekick OV paying the price for not buying crypto

Nah. I invest in my business, assets and family that are outperforming BTC. Sorry, too many accounts to screen shot

our big mouth, fake big shot and walking contradition told us he bought 100 shares of .......drum roll......LUV......thats less than 5k.
He told us he only cares about 6 figure gains. Guessing he's going have to wait a few decades....


He's all BS talk, nothing behind it.
102   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 19, 2:32pm  

And usually when he says something he contradicts himself in the next post.
103   WookieMan   2020 Dec 20, 5:51am  

G36 says
He told us he only cares about 6 figure gains

Quote where I said 6 figure gains in one single investment. I hold more than just LUV buddy. lol. That comment was a poke at you being excited at a childish gain from BTC. Basically you're like the 8 year old that got $5 from a sidewalk lemonade sale.

Cash says
He did say he was a cuck and his wife makes all the money, fact.

Nah, just smarter than you. Work smarter not harder. Never have said the wife makes more than me either buddy. Just said she makes a lot. My marriage is a better investment by a long shot than BTC. Financially and in happiness. Enjoy your right hand and spreadsheets though. lol.
104   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 20, 12:55pm  

Cash says
G36 says
And usually when he says something he contradicts himself in the next post.

He is a troll logs off so he can read my post. I blocked the DF'r. When they have 5 or more ignores by their name there is a reason...

Yeah, he's a waste of time. I have fun screenshotting his BS and spreading it.....and he gets triggered every time and shows his anger. Funny that the reason they get so upset is Bitcoin trading at all time highs! Sad life?
105   WookieMan   2020 Dec 20, 10:16pm  

Cash says
G36 says
And usually when he says something he contradicts himself in the next post.

He is a troll logs off so he can read my post. I blocked the DF'r. When they have 5 or more ignores by their name there is a reason...

Huh? I don't log off.

Reason I have 6 ignores is people are too soft to hear differing opinions, and not back up there own by answering honest questions. They run from them. "Meh all time highs, ahhhhhhh." Good answer. The fact is Crypto junkies cannot answer the questions. Resort to name calling because they don't understand what they're doing. Every naysayer here has always said you can make money. But some get insecure when someone questions that there could be potential loses, with legitimate points on the flaws of crypto. Why is that?
106   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 21, 6:45am  

People ignore him because he is full of shit.

wookie doesnt own a single bitcoin but posts his crap on bitcoin threads since years. That alone is pathetic. The self proclaimed big shot talks about "playing with bigger numbers". Of course we wont ever see a screenshot but he tells us he owns 100 shares of southwest. (LUV) ....thats less than 5k. 5 fucking k.

wahhabahahahahahah, he also said, he only cares about six figure gains!

Good luck DF! maybe in a few decades you will have doubled your tiny investments. Wookie is the laughing stock.....
107   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 22, 6:58am  

like clockwork

108   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 22, 12:45pm  

And more hedge funds are buying Bitcoin. For every hater on this site there is one hedge funds that pours in millions and millions of dollars into Bitcoin :) Nice


"Anthony Scaramucci's hedge fund has bought $25 million in Bitcoin. Scaramucci said that the recent push of institutional investment into Bitcoin influenced his decision."
109   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 22, 12:55pm  

I forgot.... not just hedge funds, but also insurance companies, banks, Nasdaq listed companies are investing millions into digital gold. Maybe even Tesla!
110   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 23, 11:03am  


"JPMorgan Predicts $600 Billion Bitcoin Demand
The Bank said that even 1% of asset allocation by large financial companies would result in $0.6 trillion BTC demand."

"He added that BTC is expected to take advantage of massive outflows from Gold ETFs. “The bitcoin flow outlook for the medium to longer-term looks positive as we anticipate that the contrasting institutional flow picture over the previous two months with inflows into the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust and outflows from Gold ETFs would become a structural trend."

111   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 24, 10:40am  

dumb money has still not even entered the market. we are still early :)

112   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 25, 10:17am  


We dont need traditional banks anymore. Bitcoin is leading the bank chart (market capitalization). Bitcoin is your own private bank.

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