I can't believe that PTB just stood by and let them do the same fraud over. The idea that they are giving them enough rope to hang themselves doesn't compute any more, they need to be hung.
If Georgia New State Of Venezuela is this deep into banana republic corruption, coming at them obvious in the headlights, and a POTUS watching on the sidelines, and a population already furious at its politicians to boot, what hope is there?
After taking California, the PRI has now taken Congress.
If you are not a party member or party supporter in good standing, you will be aced out of good jobs, colleges, or public office.
PRI already controls: Major Networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN Public Networks like PBS and Educational TV FBI CIA Justice Department YouTube Twitter Wikipedia
And now that the PRI has gotten away with vote fraud, they will not lose another significant election. Note already that no court would even hear a case against vote fraud. Mail-out voting and "Dominion" machines are here to stay. Also. when the PRI finishes stacking the courts, any lawsuit against any PRI activities will dismissed and never even heard.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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