What I Saw on January 6th in Washington, DC

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2021 Jan 14, 12:14pm   562 views  5 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

What I Saw on January 6th in Washington, DC

The morning began with a hearty breakfast at a Crystal City diner. I don’t typically eat before noon, but my friend and I knew it was going to be a long day on our feet. At about 9:15am we Uber-ed straight from the diner to the Washington Monument and began looking for a decent place to observe the proceedings. Already by 9:35 there was no real chance of making it anywhere close to the stage, near The Ellipse, though we tried. The crowd was already immense, and we were at first caught in a crush of humanity so dense that we could barely move in any direction. We retreated back to the Washington Monument lawn.


It’s no secret to anyone who has followed my writings these past years, that my early #NeverTrump stance evolved into an ambivalent, issue-by-issue #GoodTrump or #BadTrump, as deserved. My recent endorsement of his 2020 run came for two reasons:

First – the Bolshevik Democratic Party machine is now a fully-realized, openly neo-Marxist organization, and they must be stopped. Also, no other 3rd party had a chance in hell.

Second – the wishful thinking that Trump — for all his faults, (and maybe because of them), would finally be exposing and bringing down the Deep State.


Unlike myself, many of those present obviously came prepared for such a confrontation. From protective eye goggles to full gas masks. Tactical helmets to protective vests. Some even wearing full body armor. In fact, after pouring over the video footage and seeing dozens of people in body armor, helmets, and gas masks, my mind woke to the reality — beyond any shadow of a doubt — that Trump didn’t incite this violence when he encouraged rally supporters to “walk down to the Capitol” after his speech. This assault was planned well in advance. The frontline attackers didn’t even hear his speech. How could they? You’d have to accept the proposition that after hearing Trump tell them to move to the Capitol, they suddenly ran home through almost a million people, geared up, and got back to the Capitol before Trump even finished his rambling 70-minute talk? I’d left the rally long before the speech concluded, and when I arrived on scene, the scrum line was already fully engaged. I’ve seen video reports that “protestors” were arriving at the Capitol building as early as 8:00 a.m., and that the outer barricades were breached as early as 9:30.

(“Breached,” or “opened” by Capitol Police, themselves, is for another discussion.)

I’ve spent many sleepless hours combing through all my videos. I am fully prepared to tell you that my original “eyewitness” assessment was tainted by my virgin riot observer’s adrenaline-of-the-moment. The crowd gathered on the level where the violent attacks were taking place was overwhelmingly, 90-95%, flag-waiving Trump supporters, but the hyper-violent, small minority were all-too-apparently prepared for exactly the type of non-lethal agitation we’ve witnessed in dozens of American cities during much of the latter part of 2020. Pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets, and concussion grenades . . . no problem. Even more telling were the fully-armored professional “press” photographers — using very expensive gear — also already on the scene before Trump’s speech was over. Some even had official-looking press “credentials.” Point being, they were ALREADY THERE and geared-up well in advance of Trump’s alleged marching orders.


... One lady is wearing a full-body American flag/Trump jumpsuit, with what looks like a laboratory-grade or hazmat crew face mask. It makes no sense to my mind, at all. Except that there is a handbook for this type of deception, and the concept of “false flag” has never been more literally on display than this day.


At 2:03 a loudspeaker begins to roll a dystopian prerecorded message warning that anyone remaining in the area was now subject to arrest, and that “riot control agents and impact weapons” were going to be employed. The number of flash grenades launched into the crowd began increasing, and serious heavies from the Metropolitan Police arrived and began taking the fight to the middle of the crowd. This was now the heaviest sequence of violence of the day. People were getting hurt.

Then . . . inexplicably . . . at 2:15 p.m., the staircase under the scaffolding became a free flowing mass of human beings moving upwards, unimpeded. The violence on my level stopped, and everyone began moving toward the stairs. I decided to join in the flow.

At 2:17 p.m. I emerged on the next upper terrace, outside — which is the main floor level of the Capital Building itself. People are coming up by the scores, (and then by the hundreds), exuberant at the sight of 10s-of-thousands of protestors on the streets below. People were cheering, smiling, taking selfies, waving flags . . . and the police are now standing off to the side, no longer interfering with the crowd’s passage through an open door directly into the Capitol Building. Armed police officers are idly chatting amongst themselves, completely ignoring the crowd, having obviously been given orders to “stand down.”

Again, totally surreal. It’s like a switch was thrown between the lower and upper levels. Chaos and anger below, and celebration above.

Why? What was going on? In another published video, (not of my own), there is a door that is seen to be opened by police officers themselves, with a line-up of more than 20 Capital Police standing off to the side, offering no resistance to the incoming crowd. One of the protestors is heard saying, “They’re going to lock us in!” Not an unwarranted suspicion in such a surreal moment.

Why did they let them in?

Make no mistake: The building which represents the seat of power to the most powerful country in the world was now being occupied by an UNARMED group of mostly passive and curious participants, who’d only been witnesses to a scene that was played out before them by a very small group of both leftist and right wing militant forces, (also unarmed), against an ever-growing police presence that had the weaponry to stop that entire charade in a matter of seconds.

Charade. Theater. Things are not as they seem. And things are not remotely close to the narrative being cast by the mainstream media since late Wednesday afternoon . . . and I have the video to prove it.


Despite all I saw that day, my pragmatic patriotism remains intact, no matter what conflicts I might have in my own mind during the processing of everything I experienced. There’s still “the world I want, vs. the world in which I actually live,” but it’s becoming much more difficult to keep emotions in check — yea, pragmatic — when we see the accelerated elimination of our civil rights. They eviscerated the 1st Amendment during COVID lockdowns. No gatherings, no church, no bars, no water-cooler chat at work. Then, they began to delete our posts on social media that questioned the narrative of the disease as presented by government. Yes, government leftists and Big Tech’s technocratic cartel began silencing voices with fact-checker warnings, content blocks, reach throttling, suspensions, and deplatforming.

Hypocritical mayors, governors, and other bureaucrats — by the hundreds — have been caught on video engaging in activities which they strictly forbade us to do because of COVID-19. Indoor dining, travel, family holiday celebrations, hair salon visits, and far too many others to recount.

With our own eyes we saw vote counting suspended in Georgia because of an alleged water pipe break. After all GOP poll watchers were cleared, suitcases full of ballots were retrieved from under tables and added to the tally. Now, if we but mention that which we’ve seen with our own eyes, we are being accused of instigating the violence that occurred in DC last Wednesday. They are comparing our speech to that of shouting “FIRE” in a crowed theater. Well, I’ve got news for you. If there IS fire in the theater, I’m going to scream f-ing “FIRE!”

We’re frustrated. We’re mad as hell. We’ve been pointing out the “slippery slope” more in the last ten months than in the rest of our lifetimes, combined. Now, suddenly, after the election and January 6th, the slippery slope is a greased, triple black diamond ice slope. Liberty is in free fall.

But . . . does that justify the violence on Wednesday?

The violence and property destruction was not a protected 1st amendment activity — as was often and hypocritically argued by the left during the 2020 BLM riots. Some will argue it was inspired and justified by other Founding Father quotes. A fair debate, but certainly not a valid legal argument. The rally itself, the march to Capitol Hill, the peaceful assembly by 100s-of-thousands was absolutely protected by the 1st Amendment — stolen election, or not. Yet, the MSM, politicians on both sides of the aisle, Big Tech, and now many other crony corporatists are allowing no distinction between the 99.9% of those who did nothing but wave flags, chant “USA,” and sing the National Anthem, and the less than 1/10th of one percent who engaged in varying levels of violence, destruction, and looting.

Remember the phrase “mostly peaceful protest,” after streets full of buildings had been burned and looted. Okay . . . I’ll both concede the math and the accurate use of the word, “mostly.” I do believe that most of the BLM protestors did not participate in criminal behavior. That said, not a single one of those post-George Floyd “mostly peaceful” protests came anywhere near the size of the Stop the Steal rally, last Wednesday. I was there and have it all on video. I can tell you that those doing violence and causing mayhem were a fractionally smaller number than in any BLM rally in 2020. Therefore . . . if we’re going to be consistent, fair, and throw off all garments of hypocrisy . . . the January 6th protest in DC was a MORE “mostly peaceful” protest — by the MATH — than any of the other protests so deemed by the MSM in 2020.



My final conclusions, assessments, and predictions?

Sure. Why not.

The video I posted on the evening of the 6th contained an observation that later needed some modification after reviewing my videos. I’d said that most of the violence I saw was coming from Trump supporters, though Antifa was certainly in the crowd. That observation still holds true . . . mostly . . . but I am now prepared to amplify my suggestions of the levels of culpability, from both sides. I don’t care if you like it, or not, but I’m only going to tell the truth of what I saw.

First of all, there were a significant number of “god and guns” American militia members who came ready and willing to knock heads and push boundaries. They came without their guns . . . this time. Their god . . . I’m not so sure about. Many did come with full body armor, radios, organization, pre-meditation, and planning. Like it or not, they were there.

There were a significant number of retired American servicemen also getting involved in the mayhem. Whether that was by design, or they just caught up in the moment, I saw veterans of all ages giving it and taking it on the barricade lines. Even some really older guys, wearing parts of their old uniforms taking direct shots of pepper spray and police batons.

There were also far too many “formerly” peaceful protestors who were drawn into the frontlines of the scrum by the carnival barkers or agent provocateurs of the very visible Antifa presence. Antifa were there in much greater numbers, and had far more impact than I first realized, but they were still far outnumbered by the Trump supporters who either planned for confrontation or were simply caught up in the moment.

Let’s be perfectly clear. This was a planned event. Reports state that early groups of people were staging up at the Capitol as early as 8 a.m. One Congresswomen tweeted that she saw large number of protestors out her window by 9:30 a.m. Trump did not take the stage down at The Ellipse until 11:57 a.m., and didn’t finished his speech until 1:11 p.m. Long before Trump concluded, the initial breaching of outer barricades had begun. Some were deliberately pushed over by antagonists who arrived early, but we’ve also seen video of one Capitol policewoman open a gate and enthusiastically wave protestors up to the next level.

Depending upon your location at the rally, the walk to the Capitol could be anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes at normal pace. When I arrived at the reflection pool it was obvious the battle was fully engaged on that side of the building. I was there videoing at 1:19 p.m.

This was not spontaneous. This was not the result of incitement by Trump or Giuliani. The players in this spectacle were already geared-up, suited up, and had taken on their assigned roles long before Trump even hit the stage. Antifa had their megaphones, gas masks, shields, and medics already positioned. The militia guys, many of whom were outfitted in top-of-the-line tactical gear, were there in equal number. Professional and amateur camera crews were also there, already suited up for frontline “war zone” coverage.

Who planned this? Were the good ole boy militias in cahoots with Antifa? Was this a military psyop? Were the Capitol Police working with either or both sides? Did Trump’s team orchestrate this? The Dems?

Let me ask you a question:

Whose image was most damaged by this event?

Another one:

Whose voices are now being silenced following this event?

If your answers were, “Those on the American right,” you’d be correct. So unless this was a feint within a feint, (aka: 9-D Trump chess move), by intention or luck, the incoming Democratic juggernaut won the day in a walkover.


I just know what I saw. I saw bad people doing bad things. I saw good people doing bad things. I saw good people doing good things — trying to stop others from getting hurt or breaking stuff. I also saw and videoed some things I can’t yet share. I’ve been advised not to . . . for my own protection.


Because I was told not to trust anyone right now.

In the first WUSA Channel 9 interview, I was asked if I supported what I saw. I said, “Yes. 100%.” Not the senseless violence and death, but the spirit of resistance against an oppressive state . . . even if misplaced and misapplied on that day. Their camera placement had me framed with the Capitol dome, behind. I turned my head, pointed over my shoulder and said to the reporter, “There’s a darkness in that building, and what happened today may have just been a test run. The next time they may return far better prepared — a Million Gun March, of sorts — and if they come back in the same numbers, there’s no way they can be stopped. We may have heard the first shot, today.”

She responded, “Literally.”

They didn’t use that exchange on the 11 O’clock News.


Comments 1 - 5 of 5        Search these comments

1   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 14, 1:35pm  

@Patrick and everybody: This is a helluva account.

Thanks Eric.
2   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 14, 6:17pm  

I've saved it as a pdf just in case it gets wiped out.
3   PeopleUnited   2021 Jan 14, 7:16pm  

Appreciate the real story. What passes for news these days is just propaganda
They don’t even try to report actual events as they truly occurred with all the nuances. They media just look for a way to spin an image or sound bite into 5 minutes of hate against the villain of the day.

What is completely lost since the media and swamp creatures stole the momentum, is that hundreds of thousands of people came to Washington to support their candidate. An expression of hope that Congress might listen to their pleas for justice and accountability with regards to election irregularities and violations of laws.

That hope is now all but gone. So what America needs now is to send a clear message that this stolen election will have consequences. The peaceful way to demonstrate this is to defund all companies, cities and states that are complicit in the steal.

If you bank at a major national bank, close your accounts and move them to a local credit union or small bank, if you shop at a mega store, find local businesses or smaller online businesses whose owners are patriotic to get your goods, same for entertainment, clothing, find a way to vote with your money and simultaneously defund those who seek to enslave us.

The harder things to do are to change employment if you work for a woke company, change your zip code if liberals run the government in your current location, move to a red state if possible, and perhaps the hardest thing of all, sell any assets in woke/Chicom dealing companies like Apple, Google, Amazon who are selling us out, why give them your money and power to screw over your own people?
4   Patrick   2021 Jan 14, 8:44pm  

Thanks Eric, this is amazing stuff and I urge everyone to personally save a copy of the original post from https://thepragmaticconstitutionalist.com/2021/01/what-i-saw-on-january-6th-in-washington-dc/
5   Patrick   2021 Jan 14, 8:46pm  

Yes, I saw two Confederate flags amongst the thousands of others. Which have I seen most often in MSM coverage since Wednesday? (One guess.) I even heard an NPR lead story line in which the anchor said the Capitol had been assaulted by “white supremacists” waving all manner of “racist flags and signs.”

Way to go, NPR. True to form, focusing on the smallest minority of fringe wing-nuts, they never seem to notice all the communist flags and hammer & sickle imagery flaunted at BLM marches or Antifa riots.

NPR sucks donkey dicks. Never again will I allow it to be on in my presence.

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