Though I'm not in "the know" about this discussion, I'm giving election2020 his props because unlike a lot of responders to this, he's not hung up on the whole Mogul as some Persian scum.
No, he's actually read my posts and realized that they're descended from barbaric Turkmen, Timur's lineage, and adopted a lot of Persian court and linguistic customs to appear to be civilized as oppose to barbarians to the rest of the world.
And thus, he's now calling 'em Turkic scum because he's realized the veracity of that statement.
And likewise, while he's not completely in accordance with my concept that perhaps Sikhism, is a sort of post-ancient Persian Buddhism, residing on the border between two ancient nation-states, at least he's aware of the fact that Sikhs, as a whole, have a different p.o.v than the mainstay Hindu-India where the Sikhs try to assimilate and mend nationalities and differences than in putting 'em into separated castes.
And yes, that is the 'spirit' (or essence) of the ancient, pre-Islamic /Zoroastrian Persian Empire where ppl like the eastern Medes & the northwestern Persians could assimilate and form one nationality instead of simply killing each other over differences. So with that in mind, I believe that Sikhs have the best of the old Persia in them as a group.
The Zo's in Mumbai, however, have lost that spirit and thus, are a bunch of bigots living within India but rejecting ppl around them as 'Non-Zo'.
In conclusion, if the ppl of Azerbaijan, Iran, and Afghanistan could collectively reject Islam then you'll see an amazing civilization re-emerging on this earth.
Surely unlikely, but at least we can hope.
Those ppl know that Arabia is not their ancestry and thus, have every intrinsic motivation to reject its claim to their culture.
Any proof of them being raped in temple or you pull it out of your as*.
Cow dung brain Hindoooo, The proof was in link. Nuns and Priests not marrying have proven to be problematic for Christians.
Southern India's devadasi system, which 'dedicates' girls to a life of sex work in the name of religion, continues despite being made illegal in 1988
Nope, in the article he was just conflating 2 points. There were people who were taking girls to sex trade in name of making them devdasi. And there were devadasis at their volition. There was no proof priests were trading girls for sex. Like we know in patnet people on left are good at making fake narratives.
Like you said in another comment if people are talking about caste we should not give any value to what they are saying. And you can be called McSikhi because you bring the same points that christian missionaries and some here in patnet before you showed up here. Dont worry you and your ilk will slowly disappear once India shows her true potential. Your pop justin trudeau had to ask cow piss drinker and cow dung brain filled modi for vaccine. HAHAHA .
Any proof of them being raped in temple or you pull it out of your as*.
Cow dung brain Hindoooo, The proof was in link. Nuns and Priests not marrying have proven to be problematic for Christians.
Southern India's devadasi system, which 'dedicates' girls to a life of sex work in the name of religion, continues despite being made illegal in 1988
Nope, in the article he was just conflating 2 points. There were people who were taking girls to sex trade in name of making them devdasi. And there were devadasis at their volition. There was no proof priests were trading girls for sex. Like we know in patnet people on left are good at making fake narratives.
Like you said in another comment if people are talking ...
Sikhs are based on Khalsa. If Christian or Muslim or Sanatan have same universal welfare and fighting against tyrant traits ,He/She is Khalsa.
Hindoooo or Nazi or other tyrants can never be Khalsa.
Priests who treat human beings as untouchable are raping woman. How do Devdasi become pregnant?..artificial insemination?
Sikhs welcome everyone but are unique.Hindooo have captured Bharat and when it is freed by Khalsa the Hindoo criminals will be put on pikes as Khalsa always do.
In conclusion, if the ppl of Azerbaijan, Iran, and Afghanistan could collectively reject Islam then you'll see an amazing civilization re-emerging on this earth.
Surely unlikely, but at least we can hope.
I hope Iran reverts to Zoroastrianism It is a fine old religion, and not dead yet. They could do it.
Sikhs do have influence from soft Islam, The Sufis. Sikh Gurus loved Sufis like Mian Mir and Sheikh Freed. I am not sure of Zoroastrian of whatever influence these peaceful souls had. Can You shed some. Light?
I hope Iran reverts to Zoroastrianism It is a fine old religion, and not dead yet. They could do it.
Another interesting one is Bahai faith. I know quite a few Iranians who are Bahai's, and seems this particular religion (so far) is more tolerant than most others, including Christians.
I hope Iran reverts to Zoroastrianism It is a fine old religion, and not dead yet. They could do it.
Another interesting one is Bahai faith. I know quite a few Iranians who are Bahai's, and seems this particular religion (so far) is more tolerant than most others, including Christians.
Any religion which is just starting will show its tolerant. Even christians were peaceful in the beginning, once power got to their head and started the evil behavior.
Justin trudeau just admitted India handled the farmers protests the right way. Where will you khalisthani go now. commifornia. HAHAHA
What Jatt Trudeue says don’t matter to Khalsa It never mattered to Khalsa. Khalistani and Hindooo are joined by Hip and supported by CCP to break India. Both teams are doing good on hatred .
Khalsa will ensure victory for Bhartis and especially farmers. Hindoo will be handed to Khalsa for serving justice. Khalsitni are useful idiots and will be spared life.
Khalsa will fight for Bharat and Hindoo traitor cult will totally destroyed. Hindoooo is once and always traitor DNA created by Turkic thugs to do treason to Bhartis.
I hope Iran reverts to Zoroastrianism It is a fine old religion, and not dead yet. They could do it.
Another interesting one is Bahai faith. I know quite a few Iranians who are Bahai's, and seems this particular religion (so far) is more tolerant than most others, including Christians.
Any religion which is just starting will show its tolerant. Even christians were peaceful in the beginning, once power got to their head and started the evil behavior.
Hindooo is not religion, It is a traitor cult created by Turkic thugs to enslave Bhartis. Hindooo is meant to be slavish to power, characterless , Spread discrimination and superstition and above all treasonous to people. Being traitor and coward is hallmark of Hindoooo.
Any religion which is just starting will show its tolerant. Even christians were peaceful in the beginning, once power got to their head and started the evil behavior.
Even Islam started out as a religion of peace. Then they lost a few battles and said "Fuck that, kill all the non-believers!"
Muslims like to quote Mohammed's "peaceful" verses in the Koran, but they always fail to mention that those verses were all from the earliest days, before Muslims turned genocidal against all non-Muslims.
Any religion which is just starting will show its tolerant. Even christians were peaceful in the beginning, once power got to their head and started the evil behavior.
Even Islam started out as a religion of peace. Then they lost a few battles and said "Fuck that, kill all the non-believers!"
Muslims like to quote Mohammed's "peaceful" verses in the Koran, but they always fail to mention that those verses were all from the earliest days, before Muslims turned genocidal against all non-Muslims.
Completely agree. Even vedas mention many wars in them. But what happens after they mature will show the strength in that religion. Islam is still not there yet.
I don't care what a paid globalist from IMF says. Unlike You we are real farmers and not Hindooo Thugs hell bound on selling country to CCP due to traitor blood.
Only dirty Hindoo with only two occupations "Trading and treason" will tell whats right for farmers. All these people in millions OF ACTUAL FARMERS are stupid. Hindoo on pikes.
Even Islam started out as a religion of peace. Then they lost a few battles and said "Fuck that, kill all the non-believers!"
Muslims like to quote Mohammed's "peaceful" verses in the Koran, but they always fail to mention that those verses were all from the earliest days, before Muslims turned genocidal against all non-Muslims.
All of that had already occurred in Saudi Arabia, before Abu Bakr emerged as the supreme Caliphate.
And thus, the Koran is little more than the narrative of the adventures of Mo and his buddies bludgeoning the other Saudi Arabians who didn't accept his religion.
Upon Mo's death, Abu Bakr, General Khalid Ibn Walid, and Umar (the 2nd Caliphate) took to the road, attacking both Persia and Byzantine and defeating both of them up to at least the perimeter areas around Anatolia which was rocky and harder to cross.
FYI, it wasn't called Saudi Arabia but it's the same territory with the same basic barbarians.
attacking both Persia and Byzantine and defeating both of them
I've read that the only reason they were able to do that is that the Byzantines and Persians were badly damaged by fighting each other so long and taxing their people harshly to support those wars.
So the Muslims could just march in, promise the poor that their taxes would be only 2.5% of their wealth (which was about zero anyway), and the poor converted in large numbers and fought against their own elites.
Sorry to say it, but I think that kind of thing could ultimately happen in the US if the elite keeps fucking over the masses by outsourcing their jobs to China and importing slews of illegals to drive down wages.
I've read that the only reason they were able to do that is that the Byzantines and Persians were badly damaged by fighting each other so long and taxing their people harshly to support those wars.
The plague of Justinian, which occurred nearly a century before the Islamic invasion, basically destroyed the reach of the Byzantine Empire so that in effect, that last border conflict with the Persians was the equivalent of WWI where the world's last two major empires had a final showdown which resulted in the decimation of their defenses to the south. And just like after WWI, none of the major European empires were ever the same.
I think that kind of thing could ultimately happen in the US if the elite keeps fucking over the masses by outsourcing their jobs to China and importing slews of illegals to drive down wages
If the US sticks to the "Spanish vs English" thing it'll be ok, however, if they let Islam build a successful beachhead stateside, then it's curtain call.
Realize, it only takes some 15% Muslim for a society to become immobilized by the power of Imams and their most ardent followers.
Muslims make up 8.3% of the population of France, totaling 5.4 million
France is probably fucked forever.
As of this time period, Muslims make up some 3% of Quebec's population and thus, only "New France" (a.k.a old name for Quebec), assuming that other religions hold their ground, may be the only France left in the future.
I agree that the Wahhabis are far worse than other sects of Islam.
But that is because they teach true Islam, exactly as Mohammed taught it, and following Mohammed's personal example of extreme intolerance and violence.
And ISIS is pretty much the same thing as Wahhabism. True Islam. Rape of captive women, beheading of those who do not submit to their absolute rule.
M A Khan, in his book ?Islamic Jihad - A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery?, talks at length about the real and violent history of the Sufis and here are some excerpts from this book.
Rape/Riot/Discrimination and cruelty based Hindooo cult will always be against(like Wahhabi) anything peaceful or humanity based like Sikhi & Sufi.
Baba Fareed and Mian Meer and other Sufis are as peaceful as it gets and highly respected in Sikhi.(Also Bharti saints, Who Hindooo dirty system says are not worthy of studying/writing like Kabir as per their stupid Turkic thug DNA). Peace doesn't mean cowardliness like "rape/riot of innocents" by Hindoo cult and when Invader come then preach "Ahimsa".(Another name for being coward).
Recently, Harsimrat Kaur @HarsimratBadal_ claimed in parliament that Guru Tegh Bahadur protected the religion of Hindus despite of being a Non-Hindu. And Hindus owe a huge favor to others.
In this thread, I will show that Guru Tegh Bahadur was every inch a Hindu!
Recently, Harsimrat Kaur @HarsimratBadal_ claimed in parliament that Guru Tegh Bahadur protected the religion of Hindus despite of being a Non-Hindu. And Hindus owe a huge favor to others.
In this thread, I will show that Guru Tegh Bahadur was every inch a Hindu!
Bhardwaj must be biggest joke. He should better investigate that Hindooo means slave/Thug and He most likely have Turkic DNA as his ancestors may have offered their woman to invaders for saving own skin. Sikhs are just 2% , But Hindoooo is so dirty and insecure that they want to claim Sikh history.
Reason: Because All Hindooo history is CRAFTED by invaders to be slave(Hindoo meaning), Raping Gods to put them to shame and cowardice. The Hindoooo should just reject Dirty cult and become Khalsa. Ask that Idiot Bhardwaj to do so, But He won't as in that case Khalsa won't be Hindooo.... His purpose is to display his Turkic thug DNA and slither in hatred.
There is no logical reason for Hindooo to immigrate to west as they have Hindooo land and think it is great. They have clogged all Visa channels including H1B in US. They were crying for many years that US doesn't give them green cards and then fly Indian flag(For what?.. Typical Turkic thug DNA) Sikhs on the other hand have every reason to immigrate due to oppression and filthy Hindooo cult rule of incompetence they hate.
Hindoo mother fuckers instigating near Sikh homes in Canada.If a hot head Sikh take down few , cowards will cry and start genociding Sikhs in India as that is their whole plan.. true to their rape/riot cult.
Sikhs fight is with Indian government and Hindooo system ... What are these minions who ran away from Dirty Hindooo land begging for visas flying flags have to do other then creating paid disturbance and build case for Sikh genocide in India. Either get lost or fly Canadain flags.
Always remember Hindoooo is rape/riot cowards of world.They are curse on earth.
Kudos to lady for stating the obvious. Hindoo was created by turkic thugs to "divide and rule" Bhartis. It justifies rape/riot as these were good tools in hands of invaders.
Kudos to lady for stating the obvious. Hindoo was created by turkic thugs to "divide and rule" Bhartis. It justifies rape/riot as these were good tools in hands of invaders.
Maybe India should try it once then. Get rid of all the abrahamics: Muslims, christians, Mcsikhi.
>>Maybe India should try it once then. Get rid of all the abrahamics: Muslims, christians, Mcsikhi. Rape/Riot & discrimination based Hindoo cult can't think better.They are already trying to oppress or throw out minorities.
@patrick No!! Hindoo was created by Muslim invaders. Hindoo(Thief in Persian) is a proxy group to oppress Bhartis. Prior to that there was 'Sanatan Dharm" and other indigenous variants.
Hindoo enslaved the "Bhartis" and made them untouchables/Sudras in their own country. The lower two are indigenous people. The upper three either had "Turkic thug blood" or the traitors of Bhartis who joined Muslims to oppress own people.
Sikhs composed of people from all 5 groups and who opposed the Hindoo cult of discrimination. Sikh Gurus uplifted all to equal status.
It was. But these Khalistha** want to regurgitate what ever missionaries thought them.
He always brings up caste. It is a portugese term which needs a triangle and super imposed on hindu system. India has those 4 jati-varna system. But it is not represented as a triangle. It represents brahmins(learned ones) as head of supreme God. Kshatriyas(kings/dfenders) as hands/shoulders, vaishyas(merchant class) as stomach and Shudras as legs. And untouchables as he says are out-casts. They are not hindus as they do not believe in hindu gods and scriptures. I guess most of the users here will be untouchables since they do not believe in hindu scriptures. :)
Man, Hindooo cult "cow dungers" are so predictable. Now making people "untouchable" and "forcing them to pick your poop" is missionaries fault.(Although missionaries are annoying for their proselytize crap)
This is also recommended by Christian and Sikhs(before even their existence). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Under the rule of the Peshwas in the Maratha country,The Untouchable was not allowed to use the public streets if a Hindu was coming along, lest he should pollute the Hindu by his shadow. The Untouchable was required to have a black thread either on his wrist or around his neck, as a sign or a mark to prevent the Hindus from getting themselves polluted by his touch by mistake. In Poona, the capital of the Peshwa, the Untouchable was required to carry, strung from his waist, a broom to sweep away from behind himself the dust he trod on, lest a Hindu walking on the same dust should be polluted. In Poona, the Untouchable was required to carry an earthen pot hung around his neck wherever he went—for holding his spit, lest his spit falling on the earth should pollute a Hindu who might unknowingly happen to tread on it.”
Untouchable was required to carry an earthen pot hung around his neck wherever he went—for holding his spit, lest his spit falling on the earth should pollute a Hindu who might unknowingly happen to tread on it.
Two Things, One of the name for God achutham, Someone who cannot be touched. Untouchable. What are you doing now, putting on mask and maintaning 6ft social distancing. Are you also treating others as untouchables? Untouchables are asked to do that because they carried germs based on work they did and they were immune to but others were not. Some people might have gone overboard with it. But the rules were made with what they knew at that time.
Untouchable was required to carry an earthen pot hung around his neck wherever he went—for holding his spit, lest his spit falling on the earth should pollute a Hindu who might unknowingly happen to tread on it.
Two Things, One of the name for God achutham, Someone who cannot be touched. Untouchable. What are you doing now, putting on mask and maintaning 6ft social distancing. Are you also treating others as untouchables? Untouchables are asked to do that because they carried germs based on work they did and they were immune to but others were not. Some people might have gone overboard with it. But the rules were made with what they knew at that time.
So You will never touch bathroom cleaners. As a Sikh I will be damned if I treat human like this.(Some Sikhs do have this Hindoooo crap carried over, But They are just turbaned Hindooo).
Hindoo is dirty discriminatory cult. Your nonsense is of no value. All the superstitions always favor the upper caste like Dominion machines in this election to democrats.
I will not touch bathroom cleaners when they are cleaning. I will not touch anyone when I am cleaning bathroom. Wanted to answer you. That is not discrimination that is common sense. People in previous centuries did not have anti-bacterial or anti-viral solutions so they took that precaution. I can guess people without brain do not understand it. And that is a sardar joke :)
And coming to your caste complaint. here is a tweet explaining how missionaries and westerners(not just white people their brown slaves too) distort hindu scripture that you so like to quote.
And if you say that is only 1 example. The person says if you want to check if the rice is cooked you can check 1 morsel.
@indc So I get it that your or your family members will never clean toilets. This is below your Dirty discriminatory cruel Hindoooo superiority caste... This profession is only for disposable untouchables or shudras. Such a joker!.. Turkic cheating DNA with no concept of hard work. (The poor Bharti touch the poop and other germs of Dirty Hindooo, But They should stay away from their poop handlers... Hindooo have no shame or ethics).
Now missionaries conversion technique using fear/greed to convert is disgusting and I am no spokesman for this filthy practice .. so don’t ask me to defend.
Hindoooo is dirty discriminatory cult and created caste system to keep Bharti under the control of Turkic thugs and some Hindooo as middle management to spread superstition and terror. Christianity has nothing to do with it oppression of Bhartis by dirty Hindoooo.
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No, he's actually read my posts and realized that they're descended from barbaric Turkmen, Timur's lineage, and adopted a lot of Persian court and linguistic customs to appear to be civilized as oppose to barbarians to the rest of the world.
And thus, he's now calling 'em Turkic scum because he's realized the veracity of that statement.
And likewise, while he's not completely in accordance with my concept that perhaps Sikhism, is a sort of post-ancient Persian Buddhism, residing on the border between two ancient nation-states, at least he's aware of the fact that Sikhs, as a whole, have a different p.o.v than the mainstay Hindu-India where the Sikhs try to assimilate and mend nationalities and differences than in putting 'em into separated castes.
And yes, that is the 'spirit' (or essence) of the ancient, pre-Islamic /Zoroastrian Persian Empire where ppl like the eastern Medes & the northwestern Persians could assimilate and form one nationality instead of simply killing each other over differences. So with that in mind, I believe that Sikhs have the best of the old Persia in them as a group.
The Zo's in Mumbai, however, have lost that spirit and thus, are a bunch of bigots living within India but rejecting ppl around them as 'Non-Zo'.
Surely unlikely, but at least we can hope.
Those ppl know that Arabia is not their ancestry and thus, have every intrinsic motivation to reject its claim to their culture.
Nope, in the article he was just conflating 2 points. There were people who were taking girls to sex trade in name of making them devdasi. And there were devadasis at their volition. There was no proof priests were trading girls for sex. Like we know in patnet people on left are good at making fake narratives.
Like you said in another comment if people are talking about caste we should not give any value to what they are saying. And you can be called McSikhi because you bring the same points that christian missionaries and some here in patnet before you showed up here. Dont worry you and your ilk will slowly disappear once India shows her true potential. Your pop justin trudeau had to ask cow piss drinker and cow dung brain filled modi for vaccine. HAHAHA
Sikhs are based on Khalsa.
If Christian or Muslim or Sanatan have same universal welfare and fighting against tyrant traits ,He/She is Khalsa.
Hindoooo or Nazi or other tyrants can never be Khalsa.
Priests who treat human beings as untouchable are raping woman. How do Devdasi become pregnant?..artificial insemination?
Sikhs welcome everyone but are unique.Hindooo have captured Bharat and when it is freed by Khalsa the Hindoo criminals will be put on pikes as Khalsa always do.
Hindooo is rape/riot cult.
I hope Iran reverts to Zoroastrianism It is a fine old religion, and not dead yet. They could do it.
Sikhs do have influence from soft Islam, The Sufis.
Sikh Gurus loved Sufis like Mian Mir and Sheikh Freed. I am not sure of Zoroastrian of whatever influence these peaceful souls had.
Can You shed some. Light?
Turkic Blood Muslims are hell bound to destroy the legacy.
Another interesting one is Bahai faith. I know quite a few Iranians who are Bahai's, and seems this particular religion (so far) is more tolerant than most others, including Christians.
Any religion which is just starting will show its tolerant. Even christians were peaceful in the beginning, once power got to their head and started the evil behavior.
What Jatt Trudeue says don’t matter to Khalsa
It never mattered to Khalsa.
Khalistani and Hindooo are joined by Hip and supported by CCP to break India. Both teams are doing good on hatred .
Khalsa will ensure victory for Bhartis and especially farmers.
Hindoo will be handed to Khalsa for serving justice.
Khalsitni are useful idiots and will be spared life.
Trudeau making sure CCP is trained well to defeat Khalsa army on heights.Harjit Sajjan Canadian defense minister is Khalistani and want to see India defeated militarily by China.
Khalsa want to defeat Dirty Hindooo cult , But want to keep Bharat United by removing Traitor Hindoooo cancer.
Khalistani are trying best to make Khalsa not fight Chinese.
Khalsa will fight for Bharat and Hindoo traitor cult will totally destroyed.
Hindoooo is once and always traitor DNA created by Turkic thugs to do treason to Bhartis.
Hindooo is not religion, It is a traitor cult created by Turkic thugs to enslave Bhartis.
Hindooo is meant to be slavish to power, characterless , Spread discrimination and superstition and above all treasonous to people.
Being traitor and coward is hallmark of Hindoooo.
Dirty Hindoooo slaves
RSS, Hindu Mahasabha were 'subservient' to British masters: Nagpur varsity VC told
Even Islam started out as a religion of peace. Then they lost a few battles and said "Fuck that, kill all the non-believers!"
Muslims like to quote Mohammed's "peaceful" verses in the Koran, but they always fail to mention that those verses were all from the earliest days, before Muslims turned genocidal against all non-Muslims.
You can check the replies to his tweet.
Completely agree. Even vedas mention many wars in them. But what happens after they mature will show the strength in that religion. Islam is still not there yet.
I don't care what a paid globalist from IMF says.
Unlike You we are real farmers and not Hindooo Thugs hell bound on selling country to CCP due to traitor blood.
Hindoo thugs just want to steal from farmers for their CCP masters.
Farmers were duped of more than Rs 20 crore in 15 to 20 districts after the new farm laws came into being, said Mandi Board Employees and Officers Association.
Only dirty Hindoo with only two occupations "Trading and treason" will tell whats right for farmers. All these people in millions OF ACTUAL FARMERS are stupid.
Hindoo on pikes.
All of that had already occurred in Saudi Arabia, before Abu Bakr emerged as the supreme Caliphate.
And thus, the Koran is little more than the narrative of the adventures of Mo and his buddies bludgeoning the other Saudi Arabians who didn't accept his religion.
Upon Mo's death, Abu Bakr, General Khalid Ibn Walid, and Umar (the 2nd Caliphate) took to the road, attacking both Persia and Byzantine and defeating both of them up to at least the perimeter areas around Anatolia which was rocky and harder to cross.
FYI, it wasn't called Saudi Arabia but it's the same territory with the same basic barbarians.
I've read that the only reason they were able to do that is that the Byzantines and Persians were badly damaged by fighting each other so long and taxing their people harshly to support those wars.
So the Muslims could just march in, promise the poor that their taxes would be only 2.5% of their wealth (which was about zero anyway), and the poor converted in large numbers and fought against their own elites.
Sorry to say it, but I think that kind of thing could ultimately happen in the US if the elite keeps fucking over the masses by outsourcing their jobs to China and importing slews of illegals to drive down wages.
The plague of Justinian, which occurred nearly a century before the Islamic invasion, basically destroyed the reach of the Byzantine Empire so that in effect, that last border conflict with the Persians was the equivalent of WWI where the world's last two major empires had a final showdown which resulted in the decimation of their defenses to the south. And just like after WWI, none of the major European empires were ever the same.
Patrick says
If the US sticks to the "Spanish vs English" thing it'll be ok, however, if they let Islam build a successful beachhead stateside, then it's curtain call.
Realize, it only takes some 15% Muslim for a society to become immobilized by the power of Imams and their most ardent followers.
France is probably fucked forever.
As of this time period, Muslims make up some 3% of Quebec's population and thus, only "New France" (a.k.a old name for Quebec), assuming that other religions hold their ground, may be the only France left in the future.
FYI, I'm studying French so I have no issues with a France speaking semi-republic/province north of me.
J'aime baiser beaucoup de Quebecoise!
Muslim needs to chose between Sufis
and Wahabis.
Wahabi cult is very toxic.
In the end the world needs "Khalsa", The "rule of the pure and just and tolerant and freedom lover".
But that is because they teach true Islam, exactly as Mohammed taught it, and following Mohammed's personal example of extreme intolerance and violence.
And ISIS is pretty much the same thing as Wahhabism. True Islam. Rape of captive women, beheading of those who do not submit to their absolute rule.
M A Khan, in his book ?Islamic Jihad - A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery?, talks at length about the real and violent history of the Sufis and here are some excerpts from this book.
Baba Fareed and Mian Meer and other Sufis are as peaceful as it gets and highly respected in Sikhi.(Also Bharti saints, Who Hindooo dirty system says are not worthy of studying/writing like Kabir as per their stupid Turkic thug DNA).
Peace doesn't mean cowardliness like "rape/riot of innocents" by Hindoo cult and when Invader come then preach "Ahimsa".(Another name for being coward).
Recently, Harsimrat Kaur @HarsimratBadal_
claimed in parliament that Guru Tegh Bahadur protected the religion of Hindus despite of being a Non-Hindu. And Hindus owe a huge favor to others.
In this thread, I will show that Guru Tegh Bahadur was every inch a Hindu!
Started threatening indian origin canadian citizens. Just like muslims do.
Bhardwaj must be biggest joke.
He should better investigate that Hindooo means slave/Thug and He most likely have Turkic DNA as his ancestors may have offered their woman to invaders for saving own skin.
Sikhs are just 2% , But Hindoooo is so dirty and insecure that they want to claim Sikh history.
Because All Hindooo history is CRAFTED by invaders to be slave(Hindoo meaning), Raping Gods to put them to shame and cowardice.
The Hindoooo should just reject Dirty cult and become Khalsa. Ask that Idiot Bhardwaj to do so, But He won't as in that case Khalsa won't be Hindooo.... His purpose is to display his Turkic thug DNA and slither in hatred.
There is no logical reason for Hindooo to immigrate to west as they have Hindooo land and think it is great.
They have clogged all Visa channels including H1B in US.
They were crying for many years that US doesn't give them green cards and then fly Indian flag(For what?.. Typical Turkic thug DNA)
Sikhs on the other hand have every reason to immigrate due to oppression and filthy Hindooo cult rule of incompetence they hate.
Rape/Riot Hindooo are instigating on behalf of their dirty government and must be expelled from west. There is no place for Hindooo cult in west.
Hindoo mother fuckers instigating near Sikh homes in Canada.If a hot head Sikh take down few , cowards will cry and start genociding Sikhs in India as that is their whole plan.. true to their rape/riot cult.
Sikhs fight is with Indian government and Hindooo system ... What are these minions who ran away from Dirty Hindooo land begging for visas flying flags have to do other then creating paid disturbance and build case for Sikh genocide in India. Either get lost or fly Canadain flags.
Always remember Hindoooo is rape/riot cowards of world.They are curse on earth.
Hindoo was created by turkic thugs to "divide and rule" Bhartis. It justifies rape/riot as these were good tools in hands of invaders.
Maybe India should try it once then. Get rid of all the abrahamics: Muslims, christians, Mcsikhi.
Rape/Riot & discrimination based Hindoo cult can't think better.They are already trying to oppress or throw out minorities.
Modi is selling everything to cronies and who are transferring wealth to London/Swiss banks.
Hindooo have no source of income left and Country is ready to collapse and splinter like USSR.
Only think which is delaying collapse is "Stealing of Amercian jobs in IT".
Traitor Modi and his traitor Hindoo ilk are ready to leave for some secure island, whereas Hindooo commoners can east/drink cow waste.
No!! Hindoo was created by Muslim invaders.
Hindoo(Thief in Persian) is a proxy group to oppress Bhartis.
Prior to that there was 'Sanatan Dharm" and other indigenous variants.
Hindoo enslaved the "Bhartis" and made them untouchables/Sudras in their own country.
The lower two are indigenous people.
The upper three either had "Turkic thug blood" or the traitors of Bhartis who joined Muslims to oppress own people.
Sikhs composed of people from all 5 groups and who opposed the Hindoo cult of discrimination. Sikh Gurus uplifted all to equal status.
It was. But these Khalistha** want to regurgitate what ever missionaries thought them.
He always brings up caste. It is a portugese term which needs a triangle and super imposed on hindu system. India has those 4 jati-varna system. But it is not represented as a triangle. It represents brahmins(learned ones) as head of supreme God. Kshatriyas(kings/dfenders) as hands/shoulders, vaishyas(merchant class) as stomach and Shudras as legs. And untouchables as he says are out-casts. They are not hindus as they do not believe in hindu gods and scriptures. I guess most of the users here will be untouchables since they do not believe in hindu scriptures. :)
Man, Hindooo cult "cow dungers" are so predictable.
Now making people "untouchable" and "forcing them to pick your poop" is missionaries fault.(Although missionaries are annoying for their proselytize crap)
This is also recommended by Christian and Sikhs(before even their existence).
“Under the rule of the Peshwas in the Maratha country,The Untouchable was not allowed to use the public streets if a Hindu was coming along, lest he should pollute the Hindu by his shadow. The Untouchable was required to have a black thread either on his wrist or around his neck, as a sign or a mark to prevent the Hindus from getting themselves polluted by his touch by mistake. In Poona, the capital of the Peshwa, the Untouchable was required to carry, strung from his waist, a broom to sweep away from behind himself the dust he trod on, lest a Hindu walking on the same dust should be polluted. In Poona, the Untouchable was required to carry an earthen pot hung around his neck wherever he went—for holding his spit, lest his spit falling on the earth should pollute a Hindu who might unknowingly happen to tread on it.”
Two Things,
One of the name for God achutham, Someone who cannot be touched. Untouchable.
What are you doing now, putting on mask and maintaning 6ft social distancing. Are you also treating others as untouchables?
Untouchables are asked to do that because they carried germs based on work they did and they were immune to but others were not. Some people might have gone overboard with it. But the rules were made with what they knew at that time.
So You will never touch bathroom cleaners.
As a Sikh I will be damned if I treat human like this.(Some Sikhs do have this Hindoooo crap carried over, But They are just turbaned Hindooo).
Hindoo is dirty discriminatory cult. Your nonsense is of no value.
All the superstitions always favor the upper caste like Dominion machines in this election to democrats.
Meanwhile Khalsa teaching unity and freedom of religion.
I will not touch bathroom cleaners when they are cleaning. I will not touch anyone when I am cleaning bathroom. Wanted to answer you. That is not discrimination that is common sense. People in previous centuries did not have anti-bacterial or anti-viral solutions so they took that precaution. I can guess people without brain do not understand it. And that is a sardar joke :)
And coming to your caste complaint. here is a tweet explaining how missionaries and westerners(not just white people their brown slaves too) distort hindu scripture that you so like to quote.
And if you say that is only 1 example. The person says if you want to check if the rice is cooked you can check 1 morsel.
So I get it that your or your family members will never clean toilets.
This is below your Dirty discriminatory cruel Hindoooo superiority caste... This profession is only for disposable untouchables or shudras.
Such a joker!.. Turkic cheating DNA with no concept of hard work.
(The poor Bharti touch the poop and other germs of Dirty Hindooo, But They should stay away from their poop handlers... Hindooo have no shame or ethics).
Now missionaries conversion technique using fear/greed to convert is disgusting and I am no spokesman for this filthy practice .. so don’t ask me to defend.
Hindoooo is dirty discriminatory cult and created caste system to keep Bharti under the control of Turkic thugs and some Hindooo as middle management to spread superstition and terror.
Christianity has nothing to do with it oppression of Bhartis by dirty Hindoooo.
Traitor Chandu is good example of dirty backstabbing Hindooo. Traitor blood.
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