Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,515 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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2064   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 4:24am  

PeopleUnited says
Can’t these covvviid test be faked? If someone can get a faek ID why aren’t people seeking faek results to allow them to faek out the gestapo for unrestricted travel?

I made fake test results for our trip to St John in October. We did actually get tested and were negative, but I wasn't going to risk it. I had a backup up plan. My fake results would have worked 100%.

We stopped in San Juan, PR and it was required there. Show them a piece of paper and you're on your way. St. Thomas was national guard checking it and the guy said this is basically a fucking joke. He didn't even look at our "required" paperwork. It was contact tracing to know where we were staying. Not an islander either, so wasn't some island time thing. National Guard.

Problem with Canada is the required quarantine you have to pay for. And then you still have to stay at home after you've cleared that hurdle. Not sure how they're doing it, but I guess it's strictly enforced. Either an app if you have a smartphone or they legit stop by your house frequently.
2065   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 4:33am  

Patrick says
Maybe they will have a centralized database they will query, but there are ways around that too.

They'd have to create that first. Too many small hospitals and labs for that to realistically happen at this moment. My experience proving negative tests has been a piece of paper. There are thousands of hospitals and labs and the person verifying it will have no clue.

Unless it's a barcode to scan, these are barely above minimum wage employees. Faking it will be easy. I forgot an edible in my chest pocket of my shirt and they asked me to pull it out (broken foot, so no metal detector.... body scanner). I pull it out, look at it and just said it was a vitamin gummy. I then popped it before the flight, put my headphones on and was high as a kite. Boom.

They need to bring beer back on Southwest though. My biggest f'ing beef with them right now. They can give you water, but not a beer? I'm traveling for leisure and 70% of the time I won't touch a steering wheel of a car. Let me get my party on. I'm not an ass hole either if I get tipsy. I hate the drunks that ruin it for the people that can keep it under control.
2067   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 5:06am  

zzyzzx says
Biden Says Americans Will Need to Wear Masks Through at Least 2022

I think you know this, hence your comment. Masks are here to stay. At least in urban centers. They're not going away. It's going to be a requirement at mass gatherings for them to open back up, probably forever.

This is why I'll never again live in a place with more than 10k people unless it's an island in the Caribbean. Get away from cities and do so fast. Working remotely is now acceptable.
2068   zzyzzx   2021 Feb 12, 6:59am  

This is what was supposed to happen with the masks in the first place and they are just disappointed it hasn't killed enough people, so now they want you to wear two.

2070   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 7:47am  

I've said it, FL has done the best job even though it cost me a beach vacation last spring. Was in Tampa area 3 weeks ago, Anna Maria Island. Only mask wearing was from the front door to table. And airport of course. Beach was crowded. So were restaurants. Couldn't get into some.

Per capita they also likely have the most vulnerable population. AZ might beat it. I'm sure NY and CA have higher overall numbers, but per capita, FL has done amazing with the geezers.

We'll see. We have a few FL people so they can give feedback on their governor. Not sure if he's POTUS material from what I've witnessed, but I'd be shocked if Desantis doesn't run in 2024. As a Republican you need FL. Places like NY, CA, IL, NJ, etc are a lost cause anyway. So makes sense he'd run and have Covid success as a leader as a selling point. I just don't know him much. Probably should.
2071   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 12, 8:44am  

Onvacation says
Patrick says
They are just fucking up life for everyone else with their selfish and objectively crazy paranoia about a rather weak disease.

It's criminal that we punish children so that we MIGHT add a little time to an old person's life.
Old people are definitely overrated.
2072   Booger   2021 Feb 12, 4:38pm  

zzyzzx says

Biden Says Americans Will Need to Wear Masks Through at Least 2022

Yeah, Democrats need the mask mandate through mid terms so that they can do the cheat by mail then too.
2076   Onvacation   2021 Feb 13, 6:50pm  

Fuck the new normal.
2077   Onvacation   2021 Feb 13, 6:51pm  

Unless some new variants of the cold come along.
2080   Onvacation   2021 Feb 13, 10:09pm  

2082   HeadSet   2021 Feb 14, 5:12pm  

"Your papers, they are not in order."
2083   Patrick   2021 Feb 14, 8:53pm  

HeadSet says
"Your papers, they are not in order."


Soon we will have fascism here too.

NOT under Trump, but under Biden.

As expected, they accused Trump of being what they actually are.
2086   Booger   2021 Feb 15, 5:37am  

Organized resistance:
2087   Patrick   2021 Feb 15, 11:19am  

Booger says
Organized resistance:

OMG I love this so much!

I'm going to make a post with this video.
2088   Ceffer   2021 Feb 15, 11:23am  

Wow. that is Trader Joe's Santa Cruz. I never would have thought that Santa Cruz would have sensible civil disobedience protesters. Most around SC are so eager to swallow the hobnail boot of communism down their throats.

Fuck the KommieKunts and their mask humiliation!
2090   Patrick   2021 Feb 15, 11:39am  

Ceffer says
Fuck the KommieKunts and their mask humiliation!

Please, help arrange such things where you are.

And consider walking around with a sign even if it's embarrassing. It is taking a stand!

There are ZERO cases of casual outdoor transmission, worldwide.
"Worldwide, scientists have not documented ANY instances of outdoor transmission unless people were in close conversation"
"Covid Absolutism" - NY Times, Feb 12, 2021
Outdoor masks are MASK PSYCHOSIS, Hygiene Theater, designed to spread fear.
Masks spread bacterial and fungal pneumonia.
Take off the mask! Be human! Smile at strangers once again!
Join me, take up your own sign!

2091   mell   2021 Feb 15, 11:40am  

Look how these people turn hysteric. It's one thing to calmly explain that these are management orders and they're sorry for the inconvenience but to break out into hysteric tizzies and losing control over your arms and legs over a controversy over a cold virus is a pathological leftoid degenerative disorder.
2092   WookieMan   2021 Feb 15, 12:26pm  

mell says
It's one thing to calmly explain that these are management orders and they're sorry for the inconvenience but to break out into hysteric tizzies and losing control over your arms and legs over a controversy over a cold virus is a pathological leftoid degenerative disorder.

That's the beauty of protests like this. What is the difference between the mask and social distancing? Nothing, they didn't care besides not seeing a mask on your face. But wearing a mask makes not social distancing safe? You've put them in a bind if they have a problem and get close to you. They've lost all leverage about having an issue with no mask. Get the fuck away from me. If you get to break a rule of propaganda by not social distancing, I'm well within my right to not wear a mask. Fair trade off.
2094   Patrick   2021 Feb 18, 10:02am  

This is just the beginning.

They have already taken away our freedom of movement and freedom of association.

Freedom of speech is de facto also greatly reduced by tech oligopoly censorship.

So now you have to let the government pierce your skin and inject something unknowable and unwanted to keep your job?
2095   Booger   2021 Feb 18, 4:55pm  

Independent testing shows positive Covid tests are really just the flu:
2096   Eric Holder   2021 Feb 18, 5:02pm  

Booger says
Independent testing shows positive Covid tests are really just the flu:

2098   Onvacation   2021 Feb 18, 7:10pm  

A cry for help!
2099   Tenpoundbass   2021 Feb 18, 8:22pm  

The same people who brought us this, are making us wear a mask, for no reason at all. Other than the China CCP has an ax to grid against Trump supporters.
At least the masks make sense, I under stand why. What I don't understand, is why in the fuck are we still using Wind Power, when it's been proven over a decade ago to be spotty, unreliable, a detriment to birds, and to the quality of life those living around it.

2101   WookieMan   2021 Feb 22, 4:09pm  

Onvacation says
A cry for help!

I don't know man, I'm not buying it. That appeared to be an acting job. I'm not taking the fucking "vaccine", but I also don't want to get in the mud with these other masker type fucks and faking shit. No mask is fine and now 2 are recommended. She's also overweight and it's not inconceivable that she has underlying health conditions. I do a line of blow with high BP and I'm dead or in bad shape as well. Cocaine was a product at one point...

Again, I won't take it, but overall health is the biggest factor in any of this. Getting covid. Getting the vaccine. She didn't looking healthy anyway. Don't eat cake and ice cream every night and you'll likely be just fine. There's a reason inner city blacks are dying at a higher rate. The Democrat diet.
2103   mell   2021 Feb 23, 9:49pm  

zzyzzx says

When they're right, they're right!

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