ZERO documented cases of Wuhan Virus transmission outdoors. Outdoor masks are INSANE PARANOIA

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2021 Feb 13, 1:20pm   534 views  17 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

From NY Times, in spite of the fact that they are completely off the end of the woketard scale:


Prohibiting outdoor activity is unlikely to reduce the spread of the virus, nor is urging people always to wear a mask outdoors.

Worldwide, scientists have not documented any instances of outdoor transmission unless people were in close conversation, Dr. Muge Cevik, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, told me. “The small number of cases where outdoor transmission might have occurred,” she wrote on Twitter, “were associated with close interactions, particularly extended duration, or settings where people mixed indoors alongside an outdoor setting.” ...

A student walking across campus — let alone a masked student — presents little risk to another student who remains at least six feet away. The same goes for joggers in your neighborhood.

The story is similar for deep cleaning. “Scientists increasingly say that there is little to no evidence that contaminated surfaces can spread the virus,” my colleagues Mike Ives and Apoorva Mandavilli have written. The one surface that is important to wash, frequently and vigorously, is the human hand. ...

So why not take every possible precaution at all times?
The short answer is: because we are human. ...

Human beings are social creatures who crave connection and pleasure and who cannot minimize danger at all times.

Despite the risks, we eat carbs, drink wine, go sledding and even ride in automobiles. We enjoy taking outdoor walks and drinking a cup of coffee on a public bench. Many people who exercise find it difficult to do so in a mask. “It feels a bit like suffocating,” Shannon Palus wrote in Slate. ...

“People do not have unlimited energy, so we should ask them to be vigilant where it matters most,” Cevik has written. ...

Banning college students from outdoor walks won’t make them stay inside their dorm rooms for weeks on end. But it probably will increase the chances that they surreptitiously gather indoors. ...

“Rules that are really more about showing that you’re doing something versus doing something that’s actually effective” are counterproductive, Marcus told my colleague Ian Prasad Philbrick. “Trust is the currency of public health.”

The that fuck Fauci who stands to make billions on ineffective and probably harmful "vaccines" has already squandered public trust in health officials. He should be in jail for life.

We have corruption here on an intergalactic scale.

Comments 1 - 17 of 17        Search these comments

1   Onvacation   2021 Feb 13, 1:37pm  

Patrick says
Many people who exercise find it difficult to do so in a mask. “It feels a bit like suffocating,” Shannon Palus wrote in Slate. ...

It's because she is. Restrict oxygen, concentrate co2, and give mold a dark wet place to grow. I think it's a plot to give as many people as possible bacterial pneumonia and blame it on the flu (cold).
2   WookieMan   2021 Feb 13, 2:02pm  

Patrick says
He should be in jail for life.

(redacted) Didn't he fuck up AIDS too? Like I've said, my biggest beef with Trump. They found his soft spot. What we've learned though is that EVERY department in the federal government is suspect if not completely corrupt. Hopefully the next POTUS (not Biden) learned from this.
3   WookieMan   2021 Feb 13, 2:05pm  

Oh, and indoor masks are paranoia as well. They're useless and likely more harmful. They're to prevent you from sneezing shit out of your mouth with a cut open human during surgery. Never were they intended to stop a virus. It's a joke. A lie. No doctor before this walked in with a mask on for a routine visit. Why is that knowing you might have the flu?

Maybe they're being censored, but the medical community needs to grow a fucking pair and stop this bull shit.
4   Patrick   2021 Feb 13, 2:47pm  

WookieMan says
the medical community needs to grow a fucking pair and stop this bull shit


They are pussified beyond belief, most of them refusing to stand up for truth for fear of the AMA taking away their license.
5   Patrick   2021 Feb 13, 2:50pm  

WookieMan says

Sorry about that @Wookieman but they will use every bit of slander they can against sites like this so I have to edit out comments that could be misinterpreted as a call for violence.

We have seen what they did to Trump. We cannot expect fairness from Bezos/Biden/China or their Democrat lapdogs.
6   WookieMan   2021 Feb 13, 3:19pm  

Patrick says
WookieMan says

Sorry about that @Wookieman but they will use every bit of slander they can against sites like this so I have to edit out comments that could be misinterpreted as a call for violence.

We have seen what they did to Trump. We cannot expect fairness from Bezos/Biden/China or their Democrat lapdogs.

I don't care. Don't or can't they still hang people for treason though? That's what he did. Firing squad probably went too far I guess. My bad.

As evidenced by my comments here I'm not super thrilled with Covid and the response. I'm at a loss of how you hold these people accountable. When a POTUS I liked did nothing it bothers me.
7   Patrick   2021 Feb 13, 3:23pm  

I agree. One of Trump's major failures was failing to fire Fraudci.

I know people try to get this site shut down, since they have tried several times already. I just don't want to hand them any ammo.
8   Patrick   2021 Feb 15, 10:58am  

OK, I'm going to make a big fucking sign and walk around outdoors with it:

There are ZERO cases of casual outdoor transmission, worldwide.
"Worldwide, scientists have not documented ANY instances of outdoor transmission unless people were in close conversation"
"Covid Absolutism" - NY Times, Feb 12, 2021
Outdoor masks are MASK PSYCHOSIS, Hygiene Theater, designed to spread fear.
Masks spread bacterial and fungal pneumonia.
Take off the mask! Be human! Smile at strangers once again!
Join me, take up your own sign!

Advice on the content?
9   PeopleUnited   2021 Feb 15, 11:12am  

WookieMan says
Oh, and indoor masks are paranoia as well. They're useless and likely more harmful. They're to prevent you from sneezing shit out of your mouth with a cut open human during surgery. Never were they intended to stop a virus. It's a joke. A lie. No doctor before this walked in with a mask on for a routine visit. Why is that knowing you might have the flu?

Maybe they're being censored, but the medical community needs to grow a fucking pair and stop this bull shit.

10   Patrick   2021 Feb 15, 11:18am  

Onvacation says
Patrick says
Many people who exercise find it difficult to do so in a mask. “It feels a bit like suffocating,” Shannon Palus wrote in Slate. ...

It's because she is. Restrict oxygen, concentrate co2, and give mold a dark wet place to grow. I think it's a plot to give as many people as possible bacterial pneumonia and blame it on the flu (cold).

@Onvacation I think you are right.
11   Ceffer   2021 Feb 15, 11:30am  

Just because it's zero probability doesn't mean it isn't potentially dangerous.
12   Patrick   2021 Feb 15, 11:36am  


It's far more dangerous to walk across any street than to walk around without a mask outdoors. Do you never cross any streets?
13   RWSGFY   2021 Feb 15, 11:56am  

14   Ceffer   2021 Feb 15, 12:27pm  

The purpose of the Democrat Color Revolution is to humiliate and debase the population, and to force everybody into degrading conformities. Their success isn't what they do for the people, it is how much suffering they can gloat over. Lies and suffering are their lingua franca.

Whether one believes in religion or not, the Dems are proceeding like Satanists bent on destroying the country.
15   Patrick   2021 Feb 15, 3:50pm  

Ceffer says
and to force everybody into degrading conformities

For example, to force everyone into degrading masks!
16   EBGuy   2021 Feb 15, 4:15pm  

From our favorite biologists, Professors in exile Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying.
Follow the science... Except with masks (from Livestream #66)
17   Patrick   2021 Sep 30, 1:57pm  


this is a real picture of the daughter of longtime gatopal™ @justinhart. it was taken by her mother. on a playground. where the swings were not available for children “cuz covid.”

and we let this stand.

this has been obscene. we were supposed to be the adults and instead act3ed like terrified children hiding under a wubbie in a thunderstorm desperate to feel like we we “doing something” to assuage the wet pants atavistic terrors inculcated by a cynical set of panic pushers about a problem that was never a real danger to our kids.

we did this. not covid. us. you.

maybe we didn’t pass the rules and block the hoops, but we let them do it. and besides some bitter muttering, what did we do? who spoke out and stood up?

give it some real thought before you let the next one of these stand. bullies are not placated by appeasement. they are encouraged to sink to yet lower depths of nastiness.

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