by TechBrosWon ➕follow (1) 💰tip ignore
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sikhs running amok in canada.
Started threatening indian origin canadian citizens. Just like muslims do.
Kudos to lady for stating the obvious.
Hindoo was created by turkic thugs to "divide and rule" Bhartis. It justifies rape/riot as these were good tools in hands of invaders.
India was once entirely Hindu, no?
India was once entirely Hindu, no?
Untouchable was required to carry an earthen pot hung around his neck wherever he went—for holding his spit, lest his spit falling on the earth should pollute a Hindu who might unknowingly happen to tread on it.
election2020 saysUntouchable was required to carry an earthen pot hung around his neck wherever he went—for holding his spit, lest his spit falling on the earth should pollute a Hindu who might unknowingly happen to tread on it.
Two Things,
One of the name for God achutham, Someone who cannot be touched. Untouchable.
What are you doing now, putting on mask and maintaning 6ft social distancing. Are you also treating others as untouchables?
Untouchables are asked to do that because they carried germs based on work they did and they were immune to but others were not. Some people might have gone overboard with it. But the rules were made with what they knew at that time.
So You will never touch bathroom cleaners.
India was once entirely Hindu, no?
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