Good summary of Biden presidency

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2021 May 13, 1:13pm   42,937 views  587 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Well, that didn’t take long. Less than four months into the Biden-Harris deep-state maladministration and we have roaring inflation, the most disastrous jobs report in recent memory, rising unemployment, spiking gas prices, an imploding stock market, devastating cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and a janus-faced crisis on our Southern border in which tens of thousands of disease-ridden illegal migrants are huddled into cages while thousands more fan out across the fruited plain taking jobs from Americans even as they infect us with COVID. Quick work, Joe!

And of course that is just the tip of the proverbial North Atlantic iceberg into which His Senileness is steering the ship of state. When Donald Trump left office, the economy was rebounding, millions of doses of the COVID vaccines he had brought into being in record time were being distributed — and peace was breaking out all over the Middle East. The so-called Abraham Accords precipitated the impossible: comity among various Arab nations and Israel. All that is in tatters now as Hamas bombards Jerusalem nightly. Meanwhile sanctions on Iran, the world’s largest exporter of terrorism, are being dropped or pared back and the theocratic, anti-Semitic backwater is charging ahead with its plans to build a nuclear arsenal. China rudely lectures our secretary of state while pushing forward with the militarization of the South China Sea, oppression of the Uighurs and theft of our intellectual property.

More than a hundred retired flag officers — decorated admirals and generals — have issued a public letter questioning the Venerable One’s mental fitness and raising questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Too late, chaps! You had your chance. Even as the audit in Arizona raises red flags, the media-industrial complex, echoed by yapping chihuahuas like Liz ‘I-used-to-be-a-congresswoman’ Cheney, covers their collective ears and shouts that anyone questioning the election is guilty of perpetrating The Big Lie™, hoping thereby to get their opponents branded as ‘domestic extremists’ by an out-of-control FBI and CIA.

What is clear now, a hundred-odd days into to this steaming pile of ordure, is that the Marxist-inspired apparatchiks behind the Biden wheeze are working overtime not only to dismantle all the many achievements of the Trump administration but also to poison the wellsprings of our economy and our freedom.

It’s only mid-May 2021. In a matter of weeks, and with 60-odd executive orders behind him, Biden has largely unraveled all that Trump accomplished and more. This is the reality: Biden has set us on a collision course with tyranny and immiseration at home and armed conflict abroad.

He has denominated his political opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and directed the FBI to harass and arrest them. He has done everything in his considerable power to surrender the country to the woke mob. Meanwhile, the rest of the world isn’t standing still. Look for a kinetic incident with Russia, China or Iran soon. It’s coming to a theater near you by the end of this summer — and I do not mean a movie theater. Enjoying the Biden-Harris administration so far? There’s a lot more where that came from. Expect the velocity of our declivity to increase — the gauge is set to move from ‘gradually’ to ‘suddenly’ now — and there will be plenty of shock and awe when it does.

Is this alarmist? Maybe, but that is appropriate when the situation is alarming.

Expect also to hear many people quoting the poet Delmore Schwartz: ‘Even paranoids have enemies.’

Meanwhile, as Americans line up for their suddenly expensive gasoline and realize that that house their were going to build is suddenly out of reach, they will also find their pay check has been whittled away by higher taxes as well as circumscribed buying power due to inflation. All the pundits told them that voting for Joe Biden was a vote to restore ‘normality’. Too late they learned that it was a way to put Vladimir Lenin in office. ‘The way to crush the bourgeoisie,’ Lenin observed a long time ago, ‘is to crush them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.’

But look on the bright side: at least Joe Biden doesn’t tweet mean things about Jim Acosta or Stacey Abrams.

Wow, that's even more negative than I would have put it, but I can't say it's wrong.

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99   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 5:13pm  

ThreeBays says
It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

It's pretty damn rare that POTUS elections run into the morning of the next day, unheard of that any candidate comes back from a 5-10% deficit at 11PM with most of the vote in, and never that it happens in multiple states. Then you add the fact that turnout from some cities like Philly, are not repeated in non-swing states in cities similar in composition.

It can't be a difference in local "Get out the Vote" Campaign efficiency, because COVID. No massive door knocking campaigns going on.

And all the outliers are IN swing states to begin with.

Let's also consider this: Counting went on under series of bizarre circumstances (ie telling press to go home as counting is stopping, but it didn't) for THREE DAYS, during which the Media urged the Public to be patient, reports of irregularities were ignored, 3AM vote drops in open boxes by strange cars when no one is around, no remarks about the unusual results trickling in re: Bellwethers, strange decreases in third party vote totals (Voting is additive, nothing should ever be subtracted during a live count), etc.

The moment Biden was outside the margin of mandatory recount Friday Morning, all of sudden it went from "Patience and Calm" to "WHELP! Voting's Over. No more questions. Anybody who has questions is a treasonous flat Earther. Biden is King!"
100   Patrick   2021 May 18, 5:38pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
The moment Biden was outside the margin of mandatory recount Friday Morning, all of sudden it went from "Patience and Calm" to "WHELP! Voting's Over. No more questions. Anybody who has questions is a treasonous flat Earther. Biden is King!"

Right, and the almost tremulous panicky voice of Facebook, Twitter, and Google declaring that THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY THAT ANY ELECTION FRAUD OCCURRED.

Over and over and over.

101   Patrick   2021 May 18, 6:02pm  

ThreeBays says
Slight question yes.

Lol, slight. OK, better than 100% denial of screamingly obvious reality.

ThreeBays says
anger about incumbent Trump

Definite mass mental illness there, relentlessly promoted by the media to keep that half trillion in annual Chinese imports flowing.

102   Patrick   2021 May 18, 6:56pm  

ThreeBays says
Patrick says
Definite mass mental illness there, relentlessly promoted by the media to keep that half trillion in annual Chinese imports flowing.

Sure thing. There's also 50 million brain washed republicans that believe the election was stolen, primarily based on Trump's word, Fox News, Tucker Carlson, etc.

No, people are very skeptical based on observable statistical impossibilities.

You yourself had a little hint of enlightenment for a moment there.

I hope one day you'll escape your own mental prison of fear and hate. Trump is no danger to you or the country. He managed to do a lot of good in spite of hysterical opposition paid for by our owners.
103   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 7:04pm  

ThreeBays says
What do more engaged voters that dislike trump do to the statistics?

There weren't 20 million plus that voted for Biden over Hillary 4 years prior AND an additional 10 million for Trump. Also the county and precinct level data is out of whack in certain areas it's obvious.

I'm in the youngish crowd and hang with people as young as 25- 30 frequently. No one liked Biden, especially younger men. I'm in a blue state. Anecdotal information matters at some point as much as you likely hate that. There's also math which can't be wrong unless is was fudged. It was fudged.

In your above post you're also making the assumption that however they polled or gathered the data was done honestly. Or was it part of a narrative to keep you believing? If Fox News lies (I don't watch) then sure as shit smelling NBC or some other network is. Question everything. But questioning the questioners won't get you anywhere. You need to open your eyes dude.
104   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 7:12pm  

ThreeBays says

Take it to court if you have something.

I do have something.

Thousands of votes from colleges that were closed for residency for months. Students had not been assigned dorms, nor keys for their mailboxes. How did they register, request ballot, or mail ballots in from an address they never had?

They MIGHT have voted from home - perhaps in another state, town, county, nearby apartment - but there's no way they voted from their campus and no possible way these votes are valid. At a bare minimum, it demands an investigation.
105   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 7:15pm  

Patrick says

Right, and the almost tremulous panicky voice of Facebook, Twitter, and Google declaring that THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY THAT ANY ELECTION FRAUD OCCURRED.

Over and over and over.


I don't recall the Press, or MySpace screaming "NO ELECTION FRAUD IS POSSIBLE" in 2004-2005 with all the Diebold claims.

If anything, the media entertained them with an open mind and did puff pieces on bipartisan efforts to return to paper ballots.
106   mell   2021 May 18, 7:20pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
ThreeBays says

Take it to court if you have something.

I do have something.

Thousands of votes from colleges that were closed for residency for months. Students had not been assigned dorms, nor keys for their mailboxes. How did they register, request ballot, or mail ballots in from an address they never had?

They MIGHT have voted from home - perhaps in another state, town, county, nearby apartment - but there's no way they voted from their campus and no possible way these votes are valid. At a bare minimum, it demands an investigation.

Another gullible argument is take it to court. The courts do not examine it, they are primed and preprogrammed, i.e. instructed to reject everything with "no standing" which is a fucking disgrace since they have enough "standing" to prosecute every fucking taxpayer for obstruction of their windshield, a blown out lightbulb or rolling a stop sign. The courts never said there was no fraud because they never took any cases, they dismissed almost all of them with "nada standing!"
107   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 7:34pm  

ThreeBays says
Where did you find that thousands voted from their dorms? Students can choose where they want to vote from... I'd imagine they mostly would've voted from their home state.

Wow. Let me try this again.

The students HAD to have been at home, they COULDNT have voted from their college, because the College's dorms were closed and had been for months. They were closed before and after September. Students would have never been assigned a 2020-2021 school year dorm. And thus, no mailbox keys or addresses for mail ballots.

And if they weren't in their dorms, they were home several counties or states away.

Then how did thousands of votes come from the COLLEGE address, then?
108   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 7:51pm  

ThreeBays says
I'd imagine they mostly would've voted from their home state.

They can vote in both states. There is no mechanism to track that. Voting is run by individual states. If I had 10 vacation homes in different states, I could vote in all and no one would know.

ThreeBays says
Anecdotally 9 out of 10 people I know dislike Trump, and 10 out of 10 got vaccinated. Anecdotes can only take us so far as far as arguing about other states or the whole country.

That's your bubble. You're discussing something with someone that knows a thousand people across 4-5 states in my region. This ain't 10 people. You're also not making a comparison. The lesser of two evils argument. 9 out of 10 disliked Trump, but 10 out of 10 wouldn't have voted for Biden because they hated him.

I don't like Trump and I'd say that in person. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over Biden. It's how he got elected in 2016. People talking trash and then voting for him. Caught Hillary off guard and she lost.

You have to understand that much of what you read is either half assed work or flat out lies. There's little to no actual journalism anymore. Probably never was. If you don't accept that, you'll continue to be brainwashed. Listen to the words. It's a coordinated effort. You think Isreal hitting an AP building was an accident? Media lies. When Jews do that you might want to start paying attention. They're not happy with the new puppet running things.
109   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 9:39pm  

ThreeBays says

My question is where did you hear that? What's the evidence?

And you do realize that many colleges had open dorms right?

ALL colleges in PA were locked down and prohibited from opening by PA State law months before, still in effect on Voting Day.

Keep trying to dodge Occam's Razor.
110   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 9:42pm  

ThreeBays says
WookieMan says
You're discussing something with someone that knows a thousand people across 4-5 states in my region.

Your anecdotal facts seem to change every time you put them forward. Lots of polls disagree with your 10/10 hate Biden assertion. I know you'll just say your anecdote is more accurate than multiple polls lol.

Illinois, like many other blue states, has blue metros surrounded by a lot of red counties.

You're not listening. 9 out of 10 can hate Trump. 10 out of 10 hated Hillary more and wouldn't vote for her. Do you not understand what I'm saying?

Trump won by being caught saying he grabs women by the pussy. Yeah, that guy won. Biden got his legs rubbed down by little boys and hiding in a basement for months. Maybe we're a country of pedophiles and I'm not noticing it. Biden is/was so unpopular that combined with the math, cheating was involved. The fact you can't have a nuanced view is rather strange given the circumstances.
111   Onvacation   2021 May 18, 9:48pm  

ThreeBays says
The audit ninjas in Arizona walked back their claim today. "Oops, sorry the data wasn't deleted". Is it still unhinged to not believe it?

There is a big difference between the "... the data wasn't deleted", and "the data was deleted but we recovered it".

Why are you being disingenuous?
112   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 9:51pm  

ThreeBays says
Illinois, like many other blue states, has blue metros surrounded by a lot of red counties.

I go to many states. My wife's territories are WI and IL. Company also has MO, IA, MN, AL and a couple other states we visit to assist other sales people. If you're just out in CA, you have zero clue how the rest of the country works and thinks. Shit, half of us have already done a days work before you guys even wake up.

You CA guys, especially those that don't travel, really have no clue. You live in a bubble. You then push that bubble on the rest of the country as the most populous state. We don't want it. We outnumber you. We have more land and resources. It's why the electoral college was brilliant.

Get out of CA and see what the rest of your country thinks. You'd be surprised.
113   Onvacation   2021 May 18, 9:52pm  

Luckily, they didn't "bleachbit" it
114   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 10:14pm  

ThreeBays says

Believing in coordinated mass fraud in 5 swing states to explain Trumps loss is precisely against Occam's Razor.

How many elections had this level of mail in voting, with rules altered months prior to the election by Executive Officers of various states?

How many elections had voting machines connected to the internet?

Why did some Black Cities like Detroit and Philly have massive turnout, but others did not, and the Black Vote overall was lower than 2008?

That there was the largest turnout in any election since 1900, in the middle of a pandemic?

But when you look at WHERE the turnout was, many places were average, swing or non-swing states. But key places, dark blue places totally dominated by a Blue machine, turnout was astronomical. Can't be get out the vote efforts - door knocking didn't happen in a Pandemic. Yet in equivalent deep dark blue urban areas in non-swing states, no such massive turnout increase was found.

All this aside, you still haven't explained how thousands of students voted from several shut down university campuses where residency was prohibited for months before during and after the election.
115   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 10:56pm  

ThreeBays says
"the data is intact and they'd been looking the wrong way".

What does that mean? The data should be on an SSD that a 5th grader could open and analyze. This isn't complicated at all. Yet you quote government that's in charge of this stuff that cannot do something as simple as finding data? Looking the wrong way? The fuck?
116   AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 11:11pm  

ThreeBays says
You still haven't told us which campuses, and which votes were mailed from those closed campuses. Have a list? Where's this allegation from?

I posted the locations and # of votes in question already:

The source is the Pennsylvania Voting System itself.

ThreeBays says
First you said all colleges were ordered shut by the state. Now you say "several shut down university campuses".

The point is that the campuses were shut down, if the second time I failed to mention "on state authority" does not nullify their status as closed for residency the second time I mentioned it.

You're still not addressing how a shut down campus (by the state! in case you think that's relevant) with no residential students has a mechanism for students that aren't residing there to have an current address on campus to register, receive ballots, and vote from.
118   Onvacation   2021 May 19, 6:13am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
You're still not addressing

Don't hold your breath.
119   richwicks   2021 May 19, 6:49am  

ThreeBays says
There's a lot of Trump supporters around here so I'm sure my perspective will land on deaf ears, but I think the GOP is screwing themselves out of the next election by going all-in on Trump.

I think you're incorrect on that.

What do you think the GOP should push forward? Liz Cheney - that neocon warmonger whore? How about Jeb Bush, another neocon warmonger cunt?

The reason Trump was elected is that he criticized the Iraq War - he's the ONLY presidential candidate that has and George W. Bush fucking lied us into that war.

So, if the GOP is going to keep pushing these chickenhawk warmonger assholes - the party can just goddamned die as far as I'm concerned.

Furthermore, if Trump had run on the Democratic ticket, I would have voted for him, I would have supported him, and I would have been perfectly happy with him - although Fox and Newsmax would have been dumping on him the entire time and so would have most "conservative" sheeple.

First president in 40 goddamned fucking years that didn't start a new, fucking war and if the "liberal left" is too fucking stupid to appreciate that, they can go straight hell, and I hope they do.
120   PeopleUnited   2021 May 19, 6:55am  

richwicks says
First president in 40 goddamned fucking years that didn't start a new, fucking war

This is huge. So huge as to basically dwarf any mistakes made in other areas. Though his executive order on bumpstocks (which was overturned by the courts) was definitely a really bad mistake.
121   Onvacation   2021 May 19, 7:15am  

ThreeBays says

Believing in coordinated mass fraud in 5 swing states to explain Trumps loss is precisely against Occam's Razor.

Can you at least admit that there are some people trying to thwart America's audit?

You never did tell us why you voted for Biden.
122   AmericanKulak   2021 May 19, 7:37am  

Patrick says

Russia! Russia! Trump is a Stooge of Russia!

A few months into Presidency, Biden allows Nord Stream 2 that will bring Russia billions in hard currency, something Trump stopped.

Not a peep.

Everything out of their mouths is bullshit.
123   Onvacation   2021 May 19, 7:40am  

ThreeBays says
No dude, it's the partisan company doing the audit that fucked up, had trouble finding the data after they made a copy of the partition and blabbed that it was deleted, then the county office told them they're fucking lying... the database is right there and readable, and then the auditors were like "oh yeah never mind we found how to read it".


Or did you just make that up?
124   Onvacation   2021 May 19, 7:42am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
A few months into Presidency, Biden allows Nord Stream 2 that will bring Russia billions in hard currency, something Trump stopped.

Pipelines for thee but not for we. What?
125   richwicks   2021 May 19, 2:28pm  

ThreeBays says
Believing in coordinated mass fraud in 5 swing states to explain Trumps loss is precisely against Occam's Razor.

People often refer to Occam's Razor, not understanding what Occam's Razor actually states.

Occam's Razor states that the explanation with the least number of assumptions is most probably correct. It does not state the simplest explanation is probably correct.

If you have an explanation with no assumptions, that MUST be correct.
126   AmericanKulak   2021 May 19, 2:40pm  

Here is your very representative list of the Working Group on Extremism.

I just realized this group is for the US. Based on the names, I thought it was for Dubai or Mumbai.
127   Ceffer   2021 May 19, 4:34pm  

At least they are consistent. Every disgraced, misdirected extortion and shake down NGO combined with Deep (Shallow) State Gestapos. What more could the progressive heart desire?
128   clambo   2021 May 19, 4:36pm  

Of course the November 3 election was stolen.
It not surprising that the people who are in government on many levels disliked Trump.
The FBI spied on his campaign in 2016.
States illegally changed to mail voting (although CDC said voting in person was safe).
Judges are generally more liberal than voters.

I voted in California; two Democrats had possession of my ballot before it was actually cast (if it was).
1. Mexican postman
2. Mexican in the County building. A Democrat decided if my ballot looked genuine.

The reason for mail voting was to facilitate fraud, not to protect the public health.
129   AmericanKulak   2021 May 19, 5:07pm  

Ah yes, the Blue Wave Fantasy.

"If only those boomfucks* would die off already"
* includes, astoundingly, all 15-20 years of GenX and occasionally early 80s GenY

All youth generations lean Democrat. So did Boomfucks once upon time, now they are the #1 anti-Left demographic. Don't count your chickens until they hatch.

130   richwicks   2021 May 19, 6:16pm  

ThreeBays says
richwicks says
If you have an explanation with no assumptions, that MUST be correct.

Once again, assuming some big steal is why Trump lost is incorrect. Believing the big lie requires assuming that multiple state elections were rigged,

I live in a nation that I know:

1) lied us into a war in Iraq over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program
2) lied to us why they bombed Libya (Qaddafi was NOT about to cause a humanitarian crisis - but the US left Libya in one)
3) lied to us into a war in Syria (Assad isn't gassing his own people, Bana al-Abed is propaganda)
4) lied about Ukraine having a revolution (they had a US led coup)
5) lied for 4 years about "Russian Collusion"
6) had the intelligence agencies support ALL those lies.

We just had a "color revolution" in the United States.

This is why we have, supposedly, the most popular presidential candidate in history (by percentage of the population), and won the least number of counties ever (by percentage of the counties), who nobody respects, nobody listens to and everybody hates.

This it the White House's official youtube page:


Click around some videos and try to find any video of the most popular presidential candidate in history that has a net positive like/dislike ratio.

Of course we had a coup. It's no big deal, Biden is just a meat puppet president taking orders from the intelligence agencies and the MIC - that is what Obama and George W. Bush were doing - and what Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and John Kerry, and Al Gore would have done if they were elected - didn't matter to them which puppet was "president".

The only difference would have been would have been what lies they told you for why we were started a war - and the distractions produced to keep "duh left" and "duh right" at each other's throats. They don't give a shit about abortion rights, transgendered bathrooms, school prayer, or critical race theory - these are just distractions for the sheeple to fight over. They are only distractions.

You underestimate the difficulty in a coup d'état thinking "it could never happen here!" - the only reason it can happen here, is because you believe it's impossible for it to happen here. The people of Guatemala (Operation PBSuccess) and Iran (Operation Ajax) also thought "it couldn't possibly happen here". You've never read about how those were done, I have. This nation has obviously had a coup.

Before it just didn't matter who was elected because the candidates were essentially the same from the point of view of the power structures. If Al Gore were president in 2000, the US still would have gone to war with Iraq, but over humanitarian reasons, not weapons of mass destruction. When we have a democrat as president any war is started for "humanitarian reasons" - Bosnia, Syria, or Libya - but when we have a republican president it's to "protect the nation" - Desert Storm, Iraq War, and Afghanistan War.

And sometimes they don't even bother to make excuses at all, like Yemen and Somalia.

All that needed to be done to promote Biden to the presidency, is have a bunch of fake ballots created or machines incorrectly record votes. Poll workers don't have to know - and it doesn't matter if statistical deviation is blown out of the water, because most people don't even remember what a standard deviation is or what it means when you are more than 2 sigma out of the norm even if it happens multiple times.

We had a coup. It's obvious, but nothing to worry about. In 2024, if all goes well, a Neocon meat puppet republican will be the republican "nominee". It, and I'm using the pronoun purposely, will be essentially identical to Biden, because just like Biden, it's just a meat puppet - not a president - not even really human, it's a thinktank. I think our last president MAY have been Reagan, or maybe George H. Bush - I suspect George H. Bush set up this system to overthrow the Republic - after all Prescott Bush was rumored to have attempted to do that under FDR and George H. was former director of the CIA, the Cocaine Importation Agency.

It's been this way for 30 years, more than 1/2 my life. Republic has been dead for a good long time. Doesn't matter who you vote for unless you are really concerned about transgendered bathrooms more than you are about starting a new fucking, worthless, never-ending war that will leave your children in poverty and bankrupt everybody in the nation.
131   Patrick   2021 May 19, 7:13pm  


Join us and you'll be happier.

Conservatives are consistently happier than liberals.

All of the Trump supporters I've met have been good happy people.

Most of the liberals I meet are quite bitter about something or other.

Leave the dark side, come to the light side.

PS It's not necessary to personally like Trump, only to be pro-America and against cheap Chinese imports and cheap labor imports.
132   richwicks   2021 May 19, 7:18pm  

Patrick says
Conservatives are consistently happier than liberals.

That's a poor argument. Ignorance is happiness.

It's not, it's just ignorance. Don't encourage it.

I'm not saying liberals are right, because they aren't, I'm saying that conservatives aren't right either - but they tend to embrace ignorance. I asked you once Patrick - are you religious? I'm not. I know it's a very personal question, I don't expect an answer, but religion is a sort of ignorance, or more-so, giving up. It will be a few more years before I give up, and maybe, a full lifetime.
133   Patrick   2021 May 19, 7:28pm  

I don't think conservatives are happier because they're ignorant.

I think it's because they are solidly based in reality and know what's important in life.
134   richwicks   2021 May 19, 7:44pm  

Patrick says
I don't think conservatives are happier because they're ignorant.

I think it's because they are solidly based in reality and know what's important in life.

I'll get that question out of you yet and it's only for my personal interest. I won't share it. Let's meet up again if you like, same deal, my treat.

I remain a sort of a child, the only thing important to life to me, still, is knowledge. It's an incredible mystery to me even though I though evolutionary psychology answered all the questions at one time, and perhaps did. It's perhaps impossible for a machine to understand itself.
135   mell   2021 May 19, 9:34pm  

ThreeBays says
Patrick says

Join us and you'll be happier.

Conservatives are consistently happier than liberals.

All of the Trump supporters I've met have been good happy people.

Most of the liberals I meet are quite bitter about something or other.

Leave the dark side, come to the light side.

PS It's not necessary to personally like Trump, only to be pro-America and against cheap Chinese imports and cheap labor imports.

Oh, well I'm fairly happy but thanks. I have my blessings with a family, three lovely kids, a home, ability to travel and work internationally.

Conservatives do tend to be happier on average. So do Hispanics. It has to do with family connections and community, as well as whether you're in our out of the rat race.

In many countries I'd be a conservative. I like conservatives. I just don't like the mix of values that makes...

Sounds a bit like limousine liberalism. If you truly cared about carbon footprint you wouldn't travel for work and for fun. Of course it's stupid to deprive oneself of travel since globull warming is a cult, but if you advocate for others to have a shot at your relatively free and privileged lifestyle then you can't support most leftoid policies which greatly limit mobility. Under Trump mobility was highest among the low and middle wage earners wgo saw the highest organic pay increases (not stimmy checks).
136   Patrick   2021 May 19, 9:46pm  


Sorry, complaints about Trump worship fall flat after the Obamessiah era
137   richwicks   2021 May 20, 9:56am  

ThreeBays says
richwicks says
Click around some videos and try to find any video of the most popular presidential candidate in history that has a net positive like/dislike ratio.

Wow, 5K votes on a video... nobody cares.

Which is rather odd for the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history - don't you think?

That's not the least bit odd to you - that in a country of 330,000,000 people, only 5K people bother to tune in, and out of that, 4K are people just signing in to register disgust?

You don't find it the least bit odd, that 5,000/330,000,000 = 0.00151515% care enough to even pay minimal attention to the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history?

I think it's odd. But I'm not playing dumb, I think you are. We had a coup, it's not been the first, and it won't be the last. It's imperative to the people that actually own this country to have a completely, compliant, meat puppet as president and they need useful idiots to support them.
138   Onvacation   2021 May 20, 10:00am  

ThreeBays says
there's not a single whistleblower

Willfully ignorant, shill, or troll.

You never did tell us why you voted for Biden?

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