Why are 22 members of Navy SEAL Team 6 dead shortly after their unit killed Osama bin Laden?

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2021 May 30, 12:21pm   1,071 views  4 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Michael Savage wants answers:

In July, as WND reported, the father of one of the SEALs told Savage in a radio interview he believed the U.S. government sent his son and his colleagues to their deaths.

After Vice President Joe Biden revealed that SEAL Team 6 carried out the operation that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, Strange said the members of his son’s team gave startling indications to their families they were about to meet their demise.

Charles Strange, the father of slain SEAL Michael Strange, told Savage that in June 2011, on at least three separate occasions his son grabbed him by the bicep and announced that he had prepared his will.

The bewildered father finally was able to find out what it all meant.

Michael Strange, his father recalled, said: “Something’s going on with the team. Somebody’s leaking things out. Something’s going on.”

Savage, reacting with emotion, asked: “Your son knew he was being sent to his death?”

“They knew,” Strange replied. “They knew something was up. Every one of them.”

“How could we lose more men in one mission than in the entire history of the Navy SEALS, and no one has been held accountable for it?” he asked.
Savage had further questions:

“Who put them in an old slow-flying helicopter in a combat zone?”
“Why didn’t they break them up into fast-strike helicopters?”

Among their many suspicions, the families question the sudden replacement of seven Afghan commandos on board the helicopter just before takeoff. The seven who died in the attack are not the seven listed in the flight manifest. The families say that to this day, they don’t know the identities of the dead Afghans.

Strange noted that the chopper’s black box was never recovered and doubts the explanation that it was washed away in a flash flood.

SEE: https://www.truthandaction.org/michael-savage-seal-team-6-assassinated-executed/

MORE from the History Channel:

When U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden, who was 54, the U.S. government’s explanations for why it didn’t bury him in the ground were a little inconsistent. News articles quoted American officials both on and off the record who said that the U.S. didn’t want him to have a physical grave because it might become a shrine, but also because an unnamed country had declined to accept his body. Articles speculated that the country was Saudi Arabia, where bin Laden was born.

Muslim leaders and scholars had varying opinions on the appropriateness of burying him at sea. Some argued that sea burials should only happen when a person dies at sea; otherwise, the body should be buried in the ground with the head pointed toward Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad. Others argued that Islam is a practical religion that makes allowances for special circumstances, and that the sea burial was permissible given bin Laden’s notoriety and the concerns about his grave becoming a shrine.
Although the funeral service for bin Laden took place aboard a large Navy aircraft carrier with thousands of crew members, only a small group of people were present. Fewer than a dozen of the leaders on the Carl Vinson knew that the burial was even happening, according to military emails the Department of Defense released in 2012 in response to a Freedom of Information lawsuit.

Obama Decided Not to Release Photos

The decision not to release images—as well as the attempt to give bin Laden an Islamic burial—was in stark contrast to the United States’ handling of the deaths of Saddam Hussein’s two sons in 2003. After U.S. forces killed Uday and Qusay Hussein, they released graphic photos of the men’s bodies. They also embalmed the bodies, which goes against Islamic custom; left them unburied for over a week; and allowed news outlets to photograph them.

SEE: https://www.history.com/news/osama-bin-laden-body-burial-ocean

The fact they didn’t release photos or have an autopsy to determine and show the world they had indeed killed Bin Laden is more than a little suspicious. It is outright obvious this was a cover up and if you don’t see that, you are fooling yourself.

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1   Ceffer   2021 May 30, 1:10pm  

"Make sure they don't live to tell the truth." Assassinating the assassins and patsys is old school. Whatever they did was for malignant show. Look at the pictures of Obama and IHLlary 'following' the action, says it all. Twarn't Osama? Who would be surprised, Osama was probably already dead from his various diseases.

Wasn't there a joke about IHLlary, Obama and Soros enter a bar?
3   WillPowers   2021 May 30, 3:27pm  

Ceffer says
Osama was probably already dead from his various diseases already.

Maybe, or perhaps he's living comfortable on the Bush ranch. After 911, Bin Laden family members were rushed out of the country ASAP on a plane, when no one else was allowed to fly. Nobody wanted to question the Bin Laden family about the whereabouts of Osama. Al-Jazeera was able to receive news of him after 911, but the CIA couldn't find him?


SEE: https://www.foxnews.com/story/bin-laden-claims-responsibility-for-9-11

How many of the SEALS killed in that helicopter crash were involved in the Bin Laden mission?

Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite unit as the Navy SEALs who killed former Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, U.S. officials said Saturday. It was the deadliest single loss for American forces in the decade-old war against the Taliban.

One current and one former U.S. official said that the dead included 25 Navy SEALs from SEAL Team Six, the unit that carried out the raid in Pakistan in May that killed bin Laden. They were being flown by a crew of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because families are still being notified.

So most of them, at least the ones that feared for their lives, not the ones who were willing to spread misleading propaganda, in my opinion.

SOURCE: https://www.foxnews.com/world/helicopter-crash-in-afghanistan-reportedly-kills-members-of-seal-team-6
4   WillPowers   2021 May 31, 1:35am  

ThreeBays says
No, zero. Same unit but none of the people from the Bin Laden mission were in the chopper.

FROM the article ThreeBays referenced:

Conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories started almost immediately.

An Afghan official, speaking anonymously a few days after the attack, speculated that the Taliban had laid a trap, that they had purposely put out false information about a meeting involving the Taliban commander.

Some news stories reported that investigators couldn’t find the helicopter’s “black box,” referring to the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. The helicopter crashed into a creek bed and a flash flood shortly afterward washed away some parts of the wreckage.


The conspiracy theories didn’t bother Lee at first. He was too busy. But over time, they became more disturbing, including one that suggested the Taliban had been tipped off by someone inside the Afghan government as revenge for bin Laden’s killing.

WHAT A LOT OF NOTHING. Totally dodges the POINT, making it about the black box instead the most glaring bit of evidence, the fact they DUMPED THE BODY AT SEA. No autopsy, no pictures, no real evidence Bid Laden was actually killed.

The Dallas Daily News is deflection, propaganda.

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