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As The Daily Wire has reported, most women get little to no jail time even though the men they accused could have spent the rest of their lives in prison if they were wrongly convicted (which happens). Just last week, a woman who falsely accused a man she knew of sexual assault and repeatedly lied to police received just 50 hours of community service.
After serving her prison sentence, which will likely end up being less than 21 months, Stagner will spend the next three years on supervised release. She also had to pay a $100 special assessment.
China allows three children in major policy shift
Best quote from above:
"Women don't care about your struggles. They sit at the finish line to pick the winners"
You know how poisonous animals have very bright colors in nature as a warning to stay away?
It's good her hair is that color too, to indicate to men that this thing is poisonous.
She doesn't even want to bother shaving her legs for a date.
Why be #5 or #6 on her list? After herself, the kids, and baby daddy?
Woman who accused Desantis of "Cooking" COVID Numbers had affair with 21-year old student, wrote a 342-page book about their sex life, got pregnant by him, harassed him constantly, and presented her husband with a baby daughter she admits was the Students. He of course, looks like an ultimate Soyboy.
She was convicted of violating a restraining order and fired from the School she worked at.
Includes Pics/Texts.
The Senate Armed Services Committee just voted to force America's daughters to register for the draft
The Senate Armed Services Committee just voted to force America's daughters to register for the draft
WORLD—After a century of hard-fought battles for equal rights, the feminist movement has finally achieved its ultimate goal of obliterating women's sports, relabeling mothers "birthing persons," and getting women drafted into the military.
"We are so proud of what we have achieved," said Mandy Chandrilla, a biological man who now identifies as a female feminist. "Women were so oppressed, and we realized there was really no way around it, so we just rendered the term 'woman' meaningless and effectively eliminated women as a meaningful category of human altogether. Hooray for feminism!"
Chandrilla then shotgunned a beer and crushed the can on her head in celebration.
The clergy have long had the reputation of not being very mascu-line. The mainline, liberal Protestant minister in the early twentieth century had a reputation for being soft and working best with wom-en. This reputation provided fuel for fundamentalists, who denounced liberals as “little infidel preacherettes”6 in sermons with such titles as “She-Men, or How to Become Sissies.”7 But all clergy were open to at-tack, all had to face the “popular stereotype that men of the cloth4
Armies of Womenwere neither male nor female.”8 The clergy were seen as exempt from mas-culine trials and agonies; they were part of the safe world of women. As one layman put it, “life is a football game, with the men fighting it out on the grid-iron, while the minister is up in the grandstand, explaining it to the ladies.”9In nineteenth-century New England, ministers of the most im-portant churches were “hesitant promulgators of female virtues in an era of militant masculinity.”10 But the dominant churches of nineteenth-century New England had long been feminized. Not only was the pro-portion of women in the churches extremely high, both the milieu and the ministers of the church were far more feminine than masculine. Businessmen disdained the clergy as “people halfway between men and women.”11 Ministers found the most congenial environment, not in businesses, political clubs, or saloons, but “in the Sunday school, the parlor, the library, among women and those who flattered and resembled them.”12 Moreover, they were typically recruited from the ranks of weak, sickly boys with indoor tastes who stayed at home with their mothers and came to identify with the feminine world of religion. The popular mind often joined “the idea of ill health with the clerical image.”13 In the vision of Unitarian minister Charles Fenton (1796-1842), playing Sunday school children have replaced stern Pilgrim Fathers and “adult politics have succumbed to infantile piety, Ecclesia to a nursery. Mascu-linity is vanquished in the congregation and, even more significantly, in the pulpit.”1
Perhaps you’ve heard: the American birth rate has cratered below replacement in the last decade, alongside many countries in East Asia and Europe. American women are bearing an average of 1.7 children, compared with the replacement rate of 2.1, and, crucially, the desired fertility rate of around 2.5. American women are marrying later, delaying childbearing and sometimes forgoing it altogether, not always by their own design.
... women, supposedly freed by feminism to follow their bliss, still aren’t getting what they want from their lives.
All men should change their driver’s license to identify as a woman for lower insurance premiums.
All men should change their driver’s license to identify as a woman for lower insurance premiums.
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE