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Mark my words... if the GOP takes controll of congress in 2022 they will demand tax returns from key Democrats.
Frankly I think all elected officials should have thier tax returns as part of the public record
Trump will simply buy the DOJ and fire everyone in it.
Mark my words... if the GOP takes controll of congress in 2022 they will demand tax returns from key Democrats.
Mark my words... if the GOP takes controll of congress in 2022 they will demand tax returns from key Democrats. Turnabout out is fair play.
Frankly I think all elected officials should have thier tax returns as part of the public record. But if we did that there would be fewer politicians.
The concerning thing here is if congressional subcommittee can demand IRS records from an individual without a court order, they can in theory come after you or I next. What ever became of the separation of powers? When does it end?
If I'm going to live in a banana republic I might as well move to one and have better weather and lower taxes.