Defund the FBI

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2021 Aug 3, 1:18pm   121,149 views  796 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

If there was ever an organization desperately in need of defunding, it's the FBI.

They have become a tool of state oppression of citizens, like the old East German Stasi. They actively incite crime to get people to commit it in order to then "catch" them and justify their budget.


But for BLM, they studiously look the other way and never prosecute...

The best way we can defend ourselves is to cut off their funding. We need to make a national movement out of this.

Local police deserve our funding and support, but the FBI deserves defunding and hard prison time for its upper management.


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1   🎂 FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Aug 3, 1:26pm  

they are big government assholes manipulating and abusing the public, not working for us. fucking assholes! just sick of how corrupt our government, drunk on power, has become.
2   REpro   2021 Aug 3, 1:49pm  

FBI is useless, outdated, dissolve it.
Better form Corruption Bureau of Investigation. That's what we need now.
3   Waitup   2021 Aug 3, 6:14pm  

What about CIA so US can start minding its own business for once?
4   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 6:36pm  

Sure, but I'd prefer to have freedom at home, first.
6   richwicks   2021 Aug 8, 10:43pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
they are big government assholes manipulating and abusing the public, not working for us. fucking assholes! just sick of how corrupt our government, drunk on power, has become.

Hmm, how I felt 20 years ago, when I was 30...

Welcome to my world.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Aug 9, 1:09pm  

Out of the three letter agencies, I actually don't have the FBI at the top for defunding. I'd start with DHS, and anything that falls under DHS. So TSA, ICE, border patrol, and customs. Not saying no border patrol, just turn it back over to the states like it used to be.

After that I'd go NSA. Because privacy is THAT important to our freedom. Then probably ATF, then CIA, then FBI.

But who am I kidding, if I had to start somewhere it would definitely be IRS.
8   Patrick   2021 Aug 9, 1:24pm  

Sure, it's debatable, but they are all bad, all tools of oppression.
9   richwicks   2021 Aug 10, 12:54pm  

NuttBoxer says
Out of the three letter agencies, I actually don't have the FBI at the top for defunding. I'd start with DHS, and anything that falls under DHS. So TSA, ICE, border patrol, and customs. Not saying no border patrol, just turn it back over to the states like it used to be.

After that I'd go NSA. Because privacy is THAT important to our freedom. Then probably ATF, then CIA, then FBI.

But who am I kidding, if I had to start somewhere it would definitely be IRS.

I think there is going to have to be a technological solution to dealing with the NSA.

I do what is called Design Verification sometimes, and am doing this now. I worked on the XBox system ages ago. The reason this is relevant, is we have the technology NOW to entirely eliminate viruses. This is not to say that you couldn't still build a virus, but it would detectable on any system running one.

On the XBox and PlayStation there an enormous effort made to prevent "unauthorized" games from running on a system. This is because each company takes a cut of every game that is sold, and they need this money to subsidize the cost of the game console - at least initially. Every console is sold below cost initially, they are beasts of machines.

"Authorized games" are digitally signed. Basically, they need permission to run on the systems. You can do the same thing with Windows or Linux and have a list of authorized signers. There's was (is?) only one for XBox. There's no reason to restrict to just one, make it 1000. You can then allow the user to determine which signatures are valid. Got a rogue program running all the time?

Now why isn't this done? My hypothesis is the government doesn't want it done.

Why is email still sent unencrypted? Why are telephone calls unencrypted? They are digitized, they are sent as packets, they can be encrypted. Encryption is pretty easy today.

Basically, some brave asshole has to start making encrypted everything. No viruses + encrypted packets == security.

I could send encrypted data from my phone, but if my phone is compromised, NSA can pick up what I type on it, and what I say into it, without my knowledge. It can record the decrypted packets and text sent to me as well. So, encryption isn't the key, the ability to prevent unauthorized software from running is key.
10   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Aug 10, 1:17pm  

If you're the one who installs all SW, and buys all HW, then you wouldn't have an issue. Buy from manufacturers who don't install backdoors, or buy only open source and audit the code. Or don't use technology except when essential. Give up a little convenience to regain privacy. You could also populate the SW or HW with garbage data.

The problem I see with signing is the same with https certs. It creates an avenue for centralization, which invariably leads to corruption.
11   HeadSet   2021 Aug 10, 3:18pm  

richwicks says
"Authorized games" are digitally signed. Basically, they need permission to run on the systems.

Or maybe have the OS on a chip, like the old Commodore 64. Updating the OS means a new chip or something similar to a reflashed EPROM. Even though you may prevent an outside program from running on your computer, the data still must be in an accessible and rewritable disk or SSD. Would it be possible for a vandal to access just your data from the outside, and thus do damage without having to run a local program? That is, access your data file location and encrypt it with software running externally?
12   richwicks   2021 Aug 10, 3:39pm  

HeadSet says
Or maybe have the OS on a chip, like the old Commodore 64. Updating the OS means a new chip or something similar to a reflashed EPROM

You can essentially do this now, using a flashed USB drive. All versions of Linux (that I know of anyhow) will boot directly off from a USB stick. Turn off the machine and all the data you entered, is gone on next reboot. The disk image is compressed and mounted read only - no possibility of an infection with that, but every reboot, you're back to a clean machine.

HeadSet says
Would it be possible for a vandal to access just your data from the outside, and thus do damage without having to run a local program?

Depends on what software you're running.

There were viruses back in the 1980s. They would infect disks. Their only purpose was to duplicate themselves and piss off people. So if you didn't have the write protect on your disk, your disk could be infected with the virus to pass it on, and often it made your game or whatever, unusable. They often over-wrote the boot sector.

They worked by infecting a disk once you inserted it. I caught a couple on my Amiga back in the day.

Which reminds me, it took me like a month to get, but I finally got all the WorkBench and KickStart Roms from a torrent. Damned they are hard to get now. Used to be trivial. I owe somebody those. I have him in my email, he's on here too.

HeadSet says
That is, access your data file location and encrypt it with software running externally?

As long as you can run arbitrary code that has direct access to the storage, you can do practically anything.

Once I get onto a computer, regardless of what computer it is, it's possible to access EVERYTHING. Security is basically for the user's benefit, and doesn't protect against malicious users. I.E. if you are on my linux box, you CAN access everything on my box, if you know what you're doing.

It's impossible to protect data, because the OS is too complicated and buggy, and the chip is as well. You can always grab data off a machine, once you're logged into it. But, it's possible with OS and hardware to prevent arbitrary programs from running. I.E. prevent a user from being able to compile then run a program.

It would make it impossible to run self-modifying code, but nobody does that crazy shit anymore. That was for 313T3 H@K3R5 back in the day. (elite hackers). Because of caches, doing self modifying code is not even practical to do today.
13   🎂 FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Aug 10, 5:04pm  

richwicks says
FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
they are big government assholes manipulating and abusing the public, not working for us. fucking assholes! just sick of how corrupt our government, drunk on power, has become.

Hmm, how I felt 20 years ago, when I was 30...

Welcome to my world.

At which age do you just say "fuck it" and start making lists?
14   richwicks   2021 Aug 10, 9:22pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
richwicks says
FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
they are big government assholes manipulating and abusing the public, not working for us. fucking assholes! just sick of how corrupt our government, drunk on power, has become.

Hmm, how I felt 20 years ago, when I was 30...

Welcome to my world.

At which age do you just say "fuck it" and start making lists?

Lists? Of whom?

Of people to take out? It's pointless. You'd have to find the head of the snake, and what we see are all middle-men. Nancy Pelosi, Biden, Bill Barr, Robert Mueller, etc, they are just bought off puppets. When they drop dead, even in office, nothing will change. The people who are presented as our leaders and "rulers" aren't. It's banking families, basically mafias/criminal syndicates. I have SOME idea who they are, but I'm not certain - and also, I just don't have it in me to be a murderer.
15   HeadSet   2021 Aug 11, 6:55am  

richwicks says
I just don't have it in me to be a murderer.

Ah, and that is the rub. That is the real source of the "Mafia" style power. They are willing to kill while their victims are not. In the mobster's mind, being unwilling to kill is just cowardness. That is, a person is afraid to kill because he is afraid of being killed himself.

Besides, I have observed that threshold of "don't have it in me to be a murderer" is rather low. I say that because I know plenty of people who have killed the enemy. These are normal honest men living normal lives, who normally would not hurt a sole (although one did kill a burglar who attacked him while robbing his house, killing the burglar with his bare hands. But that guy was a hardened Vietnam vet). During the 1st Gulf war, I had friends who flew F-111s and dropped lots of ordinance, heard from a tank driver describing the shots he fired and the T-72s he blew up, and saw a video of a helicopter gunner mowing down Iraqi soldiers. These were all young men who were just average college or high school kids just a few years prior.
16   Onvacation   2021 Aug 11, 8:55am  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
I just don't have it in me to be a murderer.

Ah, and that is the rub. That is the real source of the "Mafia" style power. They are willing to kill while their victims are not. In the mobster's mind, being unwilling to kill is just cowardness. That is, a person is afraid to kill because he is afraid of being killed himself.

It's not about fear of being killed, at least for me. It is about humanity. I don't want to kill others in cold blood. In the heat of battle I would have no problem killing someone trying to kill me. Unfortunately we don't know, exactly, who is trying to kill us.
18   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 15, 3:55pm  

Patrick says
FBI has gone full Stasi.

19   Patrick   2021 Aug 29, 5:15pm  


FBI Allegedly Funded White Supremacist Publisher: Court Documents
By Ken Silva August 29, 2021

The FBI allegedly paid a publisher of white supremacist literature more than $144,000 over 16-plus years to serve as a confidential informant, according to recent filings in an ongoing domestic extremism case.
21   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 30, 4:28am  

Patrick says

FBI Allegedly Funded White Supremacist Publisher: Court Documents
By Ken Silva August 29, 2021

The FBI allegedly paid a publisher of white supremacist literature more than $144,000 over 16-plus years to serve as a confidential informant, according to recent filings in an ongoing domestic extremism case.

Nominal to Profile and, for the FBI, in the Pipe Five by Five.
22   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 30, 6:47am  

The Hooverfags also hid the fact they paid the Informant ~$20k/year for a decade, on top of getting him out of a firearm violation (removing serial number), when they filed the case against him.

"Oh, uh, we 'forgot' to mention that."

23   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 10:10am  


U.S.—The CIA has issued a terror alert warning as radical extremists are reportedly holding their weekly meetings in their underground meeting locations across the country this very moment.

According to the government intelligence agency, the extremists gather, chant together in unison, and then hear a speaker who radicalizes them to live normal, productive lives, take responsibility for their own actions, and love one another. The bizarre cult then sprinkles water on babies (though some splinter groups dunk), and even eats flesh and drinks blood. There are also stale donuts and bad coffee.

"Despite our best efforts to dismantle these organizations, they are still meeting every Sunday," said CIA officer Grant Woodley. "This could undermine all the work we're trying to do to establish a more inclusive, woke new world order. We would just go in and take them down, but there's a loophole in the First Amendment that apparently stops us. We're working on getting that changed, though."

"The best thing you can do is alert us if you see a van with a happy, healthy nuclear family pulling up to a building that has a 'T' on it -- the 'T' is for 'terrorist,' we think -- so we can look into it further. If you see something, say something."
24   Patrick   2021 Sep 5, 10:43pm  


Top FBI Official in Charge of Crimes Against Children Arrested for Sex Crimes Against Children
26   Patrick   2021 Oct 4, 11:24am  


Yet, as the investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks unfolded, accusations from major U.S. newspapers soon emerged that the FBI was deliberately sabotaging the probe to protect the Anthrax attacker and that the CIA and U.S. military intelligence had refused to cooperate with the investigation. The FBI did not officially close their investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks, nicknamed “Amerithrax,” until 2010 and aspects of that investigation still remain classified. ...

From its earliest moments, the FBI’s “Amerithrax” investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks was clearly botched, sabotaged and even farcical. For instance, the letter sent to Dr. Ayaad Assaad would obviously have been a clear starting point for any honest investigation, as whoever wrote it had obvious foreknowledge of the attacks, connections to USAMRIID and was attempting to frame someone else for a crime that – at the time it was sent – had yet to be committed. Yet, The Hartford Courant noted in late 2001 that “the FBI is not tracking the source of the anonymous letter, despite its curious timing, coming a matter of days before the existence of anthrax-laced mail became known.” Why would the FBI not be interested in who wrote that letter, when it presents a clear lead on someone who, at the very least, knew a bioterrorism attack would soon take place and that the attacker’s profile would fit that of Assaad (i.e. Muslim and a former USAMRIID scientist).

In addition, in the early days of the investigation on October 12, 2001 – just one week after the attacks had claimed their first victim, the FBI called the University of Iowa and demanded that they destroy their entire database on the Ames strain of anthrax, the strain that would later be revealed to have been the very strain used in the attacks.

Both the FBI and the university officially claimed that the database’s destruction was ordered in order to prevent its potential use by terrorists in the future and was thus a “precaution,” despite greatly hampering the capacity of the investigation to determine the origins of the anthrax used in the attacks. Dr. Francis Boyle, an American law professor who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, later asserted that the FBI’s decision to order the destruction of the Ames strain database was an “obstruction of justice, a federal crime,” adding that “…That collection should have been preserved and protected as evidence. That’s the DNA, the fingerprints right there.”
32   Patrick   2021 Oct 13, 10:19am  


WASHINGTON, D.C.—The FBI has assured the nation that they will get back to figuring out why that guy shot 411 people in Las Vegas four years ago once they're finished investigating parent-teacher school board meetings across the country.

"Something more pressing than investigating the worst mass shooting in our nation's history has come up: parents concerned about what their kids are learning in school," said FBI agent Lars Conner as he donned a MAGA hat and sunglasses to infiltrate a parent-teacher meeting. "This is our top priority right now. Trying to figure out why a rando totally went rogue and fired thousands of rounds out a hotel window on concertgoers back in 2017 has to go on the backburner, for now."

"What do you want us to do, just let parents have opinions unchecked? Not on my watch. We've gotta take these terrorists down."

Indeed, sources within the FBI have confirmed that the FBI's most-wanted list is entirely parents at this point, from Cindy in Ohio to Amy in Wisconsin.

At publishing time, the FBI had announced they will also "circle back" to BLM rioters, Antifa protesters, and Hunter Biden "after we've made sure these parents can't hurt school board members with their mean words anymore."
33   🎂 FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Oct 13, 10:57am  

Patrick says

All this shit happens because those faggots in charge are peddling their curriculum from which they make a lot of money. Schools and districts pay a lot for curriculum. So when parents complain, government connected faggots are using force of govenrment to squash any complaints.

It's pretty clear this is just abuse of our kids. All this fucking CRT, all these fucking covid tests, all these abortion peddlers and trans peddlers in schools... it's corruption. Someone making money, someone collecting bribes for choosing that business to be the provider. It's fucked up, really fucked up. Because they target children now for profit at expense of children, willfully hurting children.
36   richwicks   2021 Nov 9, 1:39am  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
It's fucked up, really fucked up. Because they target children now for profit at expense of children, willfully hurting children.

Here's a question - if public education's purpose is to educate, why aren't the books available for download and online? Taxpayers are paying for the books anyhow.

When I was a kid, they were moving from whole word to phonics for spelling and reading. It switched back after I graduated, and I've heard it's gone back to phonics. It's just to make money. It's always been this way.
37   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 9, 1:44am  

The real dirty secret is that Indian, Chinese, and Russians are all still using little-updated from 19th Century original, black and white, fine print, 200 page books to teach math from algebra to MV Calculus.

Educators prefer indoctrination to education, anyway. There's little virtue-signaling highs gotten from hammering geometric proofs in Johnny's brain.
40   Patrick   2021 Nov 23, 7:32pm  


Re: “Can the FBI Be Salvaged?”

“I have a more basic question: ‘Which section of the Constitution authorizes a FBI?’ Could it be that James Madison was not paying attention when the subject of a FBI came up, or it was never even mentioned by our Founding Fathers? Police powers were rightly left to the states. Even the group that pushed a FBI on the Republic called it the ‘Federal Bureau of Investigation’ and not the ‘Federal Bureau of Police Powers.’ Even it realized police powers rest with the states.” —Wyoming

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