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Anybody remember the "covid ship" in the Navy? Whatever happened to that?
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One of the papers said 120 people have been vaxed with Comirnaty. Comirnaty doesn't even exist yet, correct?
More than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems: Report
There were 54 persons aged 25-39 included in the tally and 44 persons aged 40 and over
Author of the article:Anthony Furey
Publishing date:Sep 03, 2021
Andrew Dice Clay with Bells Palsey:
You didn't hear about Bell's Palsy very often, now it's all over the place.
A 35-year-old woman in Portland died Friday of COVID-19 while on the waiting list for a last-resort treatment. Heather Greeley showed only minor symptoms during the first week of her infection, according to her fiancee Tyler Birkes, who also tested positive. When Greeley first had trouble breathing, Birkes took her to the ER in mid-August, but doctors did not admit her because she did not show any signs of pneumonia. Two days later, however, she could barely breathe at all, and Birkes rushed her back to the hospital. He said, “I got her in there, she was sitting in the wheelchair and they were admitting her and I rubbed her shoulders and I kissed her on the top of her head and told her I loved her and that’s the last time I saw her.”
Ongoing list of notable people who died or had serious problems after vaxx.
–TurnToGodNow [S] 16 points 11 days ago +16 / -0
List of notable public people such as media personalities, musicians, news reporters, national athletes, and models who have died or been seriously injured by the vaccine.
Hank Aaron dead shortly after vaccination. https://www.republicworld.com/sports-news/other-sports/hank-aaron-death-mlb-legend-shockingly-passes-away-weeks-after-taking-covid-19-vaccine.html
Boxer Marvelous Marvin dead shortly after vaccination. https://www.republicworld.com/sports-news/other-sports/did-marvin-hagler-die-from-the-vaccine-what-vaccine-did-marvin-hagler-take.html
BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, dead shortly after vaccination . https://odysee.com/@Covid-19_Vaccine_Injuries:2/BBC-Presenter-Dead-At-44-After-Taking-Vaccine:4?
Midwin Charles, CNN / MSNBC legal analyst dead shortly after vaccination. https://sandrarose.com/2021/04/midwin-charles-who-died-after-getting-vaccine-had-preexisting-conditions/
Detroit news anchor dead shortly after vaccination. https://nypost.com/2021/02/18/former-news-anchor-dead-one-day-after-receiving-covid-19-vaccine/
DMX dead shortly after vaccination, from a heart attack. We now know how bad these are for the heart and blood. https://www.ibtimes.sg/dmx-got-heart-attack-after-taking-covid-19-vaccine-rappers-family-clarifies-56705
British model Stephanie Dubois dead of rare blood clot after AZ shot https://www.the-sun.com/news/us-news/2952234/model-dies-after-oxford-vaccine/
Super model Erin Willerton suffers three strokes and blood clot after vaccine. She denies it is because of the vaccine.
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Eric Clapton had serious reaction that paralyzed his hands. He explains further in this video. https://odysee.com/@holyfaithmedia:d/ericclaptonvaccine:b
Ben Stein had serious reaction that sounds like a near death experience. He explains further in this video. https://odysee.com/@WeAreAmerica:f/Ben-Stein-Issues-WARNING-About-The-Covid-Vaccine:4?
Jimmy Dore had a serious reaction and is experiencing ongoing health issues. He explains further in this video. https://odysee.com/@NoNewAbnormal:4/OIkNffatbOuzOZGd:f?src=open
Inter Milan soccer player dead afterall get vaccinated https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/o38t1m/notable_people_who_have_had_very_bad_reactions_or/h2bcdrx?utm_source=patrick.net&utm_medium=patrick.net&context=3&utm_campaign=patrick.net
Kate Prince's son rushed to hospital after vaccine reaction https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/13970539/katie-price-son-harvey-hospital-reaction-covid-vaccine/
Chelsea Handler goes deaf in one ear following vaccination https://www.newswars.com/comedian-chelsea-handler-goes-deaf-in-one-ear-after-moderna-vaccine/
(Possible) Larry King's son said he was making a recovery from COVID and his doctor was going to give him the vaccine before he left hospital. He died a few days after.
Tiffany Dover collapsed on live television and does not show her face again after her vaccination day. We now know dizziness and fainting is a side effect of the vaccine. https://open.lbry.com/Tiffany-Dover-Faints-After-Getting-The-Covid-19-Vaccination:7dfe2564a50acee4b6301ed3a4a357f7d8bfab53 https://nofakenews.net/2020/12/20/tennessee-nurse-tiffany-pontes-dover-a-public-relations-disaster-of-epic-proportions/
Indian comedian and "health ambassador" Vivek dies shortly after vaccination https://theprint.in/health/actors-death-fuels-vaccine-hesitancy-in-tamil-nadu-amid-covid-surge-misinformation-adds-fire/655102/
Danish soccer player Christian Erickson collapses with heart failure during his first game after getting vaccinated. https://citizenfreepress.com/column-2/danish-soccer-star-collapses-nearly-dies-during-game-received-the-pfizer-vaccine-12-days-ago/
Three soccer players so far have mysteriously collapsed on field with health issues this year. https://odysee.com/@hugotalks:8/ANOTHER-FOOTBALLER-COLLAPSES-Hugo-Talks--lockdown2:2
Jesse Jackson took the vaccine in January and was hospitalized the same month https://resistthemainstream.org/vaccinated-rev-jesse-jackson-and-his-wife-jacqueline-have-been-hospitalized/
Bob Odenkirk had a heart attack a few months after recieveing the vaccine: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/bob-odenkirk-better-call-saul-heart-attack-1234989892/ https://twitter.com/mrbobodenkirk/status/1383484911101693952/photo/1
23 year old Irish Soccer player Roy Butler dead of brain bleed days after vaccination https://thecovidblog.com/2021/08/23/roy-butler-23-year-old-irish-soccer-football-player-suffers-massive-brain-bleed-dead-four-days-after-experimental-johnson-johnson-viral-vector-dna-injection/
33 year old New Zealand actor Francis Mossman dead 15 days after Pfizer mRNA injection https://thecovidblog.com/2021/08/23/francis-mossman-33-year-old-new-zealand-actor-dead-15-days-after-experimental-pfizer-mrna-injection/
42 year old New Zealand hip hop artist Louie Knux dead less than a month after second Pfizer mRNA injection https://thecovidblog.com/2021/08/23/louie-knuxx-42-year-old-new-zealand-hip-hop-artist-mocks-lockdown-protesters-dead-28-days-after-second-pfizer-mrna-injection/
Australia MP, Victor Dominello, get's Bells Palsy on live TV after pushing vaccination.
https://thecovidblog.com/2021/08/23/victor-dominello-australian-mp-diagnosed-with-bells-palsy-after-viewers-notice-droopy-eye-during-presser-but-hell-still-get-second-astrazeneca-injection/#comment-5395 https://odysee.com/@photoviapop:8/bellspalsy:1
Brave heart actor, Michael Mitchell, dead 6 days after Pfizer booster at 65 years old. https://thecovidblog.com/2021/08/03/michael-mitchell-65-year-old-braveheart-actor-receives-both-sinovac-injections-then-third-pfizer-booster-shot-dead-six-days-later/
18 year old Italian volleyball player, David Bristot dead 28 days after Pfizer. https://thecovidblog.com/2021/07/20/davide-bristot-18-year-old-italian-volleyball-player-dead-27-days-after-first-pfizer-mrna-shot/
BBC reporter Dom Busby develops brain tumor and dies less than 4 months after Astrazeneca shot https://thecovidblog.com/2021/06/12/dom-busby-53-year-old-bbc-sports-reporter-develops-brain-tumor-dead-11-weeks-after-experimental-astrazeneca-shot/
Australian filmmaker Peter Spann dead two months after AstraZeneca https://thecovidblog.com/2021/06/08/peter-spann-54-year-old-australian-filmmaker-dead-two-months-after-first-experimental-astrazeneca-shot/
British model, Stephanie DuBois dead 1 days after AstraZeneca
Olympic Archer from Malaysia dead 10 days after Pfizer shot. 27 years old. https://thecovidblog.com/2021/05/25/haziq-kamaruddin-27-year-old-malaysian-olympic-archer-develops-blood-clots-dead-10-days-after-second-pfizer-mrna-shot/
Bollywood music producer, Raam Laxman, dead 6 days after AstraZeneca https://thecovidblog.com/2021/05/25/india-78-year-old-bollywood-music-composer-raam-laxman-aka-vijay-patil-dead-six-days-after-second-covishield-astrazeneca-shot/
(likely vaxxed, need to confirm) Mark Hoppus of Blink 182 diagnosed with blood cancer this year now undergoing chemo. Here is Mark allegedly "celebrating" the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. https://www.iheart.com/content/2020-12-16-mark-hoppus-celebrates-covid-19-vaccine-in-the-most-blink-182-way-ever/ And announcing his diagnosis https://pagesix.com/2021/06/23/blink-182s-mark-hoppus-announces-he-has-cancer/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3ZLX1swZPM
Reporter in Australia, Denham Hitchcock, hospitalized with heart inflammation (myocarditis) https://www.infowars.com/posts/reporter-hospitalized-after-pfizer-jab-caused-heart-inflammation-still-urges-australians-to-get-vaccinated/
Comedian Trevor Moore dies of alleged "accident" a few months after injection AND showing signs of tremors a week before his death. Tremors are a frequent vaccine side effect https://conspiracies.win/p/12jvuIV84v/trevor-moore-left-the-comedian-w/c/ https://mobile.twitter.com/itrevormoore/status/1382427776355995651 https://mobile.twitter.com/itrevormoore/status/1392928655022575618
Two West Indies cricket players collapse on the field days after vaccination https://odysee.com/@hugotalks:8/2-JABBED-CRICKET-Players-Collapse-Within-Minutes-Of-Each-Other:8
Host of "Young, Female, and Opinionated" podcast suffers blood clot days after vaccination. News media + doctors blame COVID. Maisy Evans, 17, from UK. https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/18848411.gwent-teens-young-female-opinionated-podcast-proving-popular/ http://uatu.newsquestdigital.co.uk/click2.php?f=18848411&t=19543986&r=0&s=127&p=1&v=a&n=6
Pro soccer player Pedro Obiang hospitalized with myocarditis after vaccination https://thecovidworld.com/pedro-obiang-29-year-old-professional-footballer-suffers-myocarditis-after-covid-19-vaccine/
Indian Actor Sidharth Sukla dead at 40 of a heart attack after vaccination https://nypost.com/2021/09/02/sidharth-shukla-reality-tv-and-instagram-star-dead-at-40/ https://archive.is/NNDyp
Indian Director Raj Kashul dead of a heart attack 51 https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2021/06/30/raj-kaushal-age/
Another soccer player collapses on the field with a heart attack. FA Youth Cup. Boston United https://brandnewtube.com/watch/another-footballer-collapses-on-pitch-with-heart-attack-hugo-talks-lockdown_bnfnSZ3u3Sb74F2.html
(Disease Enhancement?) Athlete Oscar De La Hoya in hospital after vaccination and allegedly getting COVID.
https://www.dailynews.com/2021/09/03/oscar-de-la-hoya-hospitalized-with-covid-scuttling-la-comeback-fight/ https://gab.com/disclosetv/posts/106870143772944032
CDC declares: "Anything that occurs at a rate of 40 percent or less is now designated as 'extremely rare'."
Another of my wife's friends whose son came down with pulmonary lung clots and leg thrombosis post jab, came through it OK after anti-coagulants so far.Do know which jab he took?
I sure wish nobody got this, but the celebrity fuck ups are the ones that will get the public's attention. Of course, everything is called 'Covid', the garbage kitchen sink appellation of all conditions proximate to the jab, whereas he probably blew his immune system to hell with the vaccine and has 'induced AIDS-like syndrome'.
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