6 pro health choice advocates dead of Wuhan flu in recent weeks?

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2021 Sep 6, 11:05am   2,007 views  19 comments

by PeopleUnited   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

At least six radio hosts and high-profile anti-mask and anti-vaccine advocates have died from COVID-19 in recent weeks.
The men are radio hosts Dick Farrel, Phil Valentine, and Marc Bernier, as well as former CIA officer Robert David Steele, anti-masker Caleb Wallace, and conservative leader Pressley Stutts.


Could it be the virus naturally infected and killed these men or do we dare ask if they get Epsteined with a lethal dose of the Virus delivered by some black ops assassins?

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1   Ceffer   2021 Sep 6, 11:12am  

Way back we said Covid would be used as a cover for political assassinations. Ricin poisoning is perfect as a 'Covid' fake death because it mimics flu type lung disease for a few days and is nearly untraceable post mortem. Ricin poisoning is also irreversible.

Even with some co morbidity, the chances of fake Covid death or whatever it is they claim is Covid are quite low, like one in 200 in older people.
2   mell   2021 Sep 6, 12:05pm  

Look at the overall mortality, if there's no excess than something is fishy. This is just cherrypicked bs which you can easily do on both sides.
3   mell   2021 Sep 6, 12:09pm  

Ceffer says
Way back we said Covid would be used as a cover for political assassinations. Ricin poisoning is perfect as a 'Covid' fake death because it mimics flu type lung disease for a few days and is nearly untraceable post mortem. Ricin poisoning is also irreversible.

Even with some co morbidity, the chances of fake Covid death or whatever it is they claim is Covid are quite low, like one in 200 in older people.

I think a lot of these fatal cases contract something else on the way which is unfortunately a common occurrence with hospitalizations and has been for decades now. I know of several close cases where friends/family almost died from a picked-up co-infection, being in very good health before but they had to go for some routine surgery etc. but they just have to magically test +ive for !covid! within a month and it's another !covid! death.
4   Tenpoundbass   2021 Sep 6, 12:20pm  

PeopleUnited says
Could it be the virus naturally infected and killed these men or do we dare ask if they get Epsteined with a lethal dose of the Virus delivered by some black ops assassins?

Am I still the only one asking just how the Virus proliferated on queue from Fauci, to isolated Islands in the remote Pacific and rural areas, that haven't had anyone visit or leave in over 10 years? Yet they were included in the stats, less than 2 moths into Stop the spread. I honestly believe the organizers of this pandemic watched too many Zombie movies for their own good. But even the path the "Science" of the invisible enemy, has evolved and morphed as the narrative plot changes to always benefit the house.
Or it's possible the virus has and continues to be seeded, either by areal spray, or someone walking through crowds spritzing unsuspecting people with it. Especially at locations the media provisioned in advance as a Super Spreader event.
5   richwicks   2021 Sep 6, 12:22pm  

PeopleUnited says
At least six radio hosts and high-profile anti-mask and anti-vaccine advocates have died from COVID-19 in recent weeks.
The men are ... as well as former CIA officer Robert David Steele

Steele is dead? Good, he was a misinformation agent. Either he's actually dead, or he's just been retired.

This is the same man that claimed that Mars hosted a colony of children for use by pedophiles.
6   Ceffer   2021 Sep 6, 12:22pm  

Well, in the religious Covid indoctrination, people still talk about Covid as if it's real rather than a hypothetical based on a fake, jacked up test. Routine elaborate genetic tests for 'real Covid' just don't happen outside of some privileged lab somewhere. They at best are spot tests used and then usually lied about anyway as inference.

So what are people dying of? Poisoning? Opportunistic infections after having their immune systems blown by 'vaccines'? Some combination? It's the fog of war.

There is no respiratory illness in history that has behaved the way they claim Covid has behaved, with 'mutations' leading to greater severity, and several resurgences and post spikes. It's all a lie. Mutations are expected in these viruses, and usually occur as part of the attenuation and harm reduction profile on the path to herd immunity rather than ramped up severity.

It started as a psyops, and it continues as a psyops.

Salines could be distributed by the black hats as much as by the white hats, intermingled with the real jabs, to limit the morbidity while still conducting the experiment.

Remember, the goal is to remove human rights, impose passports and to acclimate the population to passively receive whatever injections the Globalists want to impose for whatever purposes, not a short term imposition of morbidities. The morbidities are just the short term costs of war.
7   porkchopXpress   2021 Sep 6, 12:25pm  

8   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 6, 7:33pm  

mell says
Ceffer says
Way back we said Covid would be used as a cover for political assassinations. Ricin poisoning is perfect as a 'Covid' fake death because it mimics flu type lung disease for a few days and is nearly untraceable post mortem. Ricin poisoning is also irreversible.

Even with some co morbidity, the chances of fake Covid death or whatever it is they claim is Covid are quite low, like one in 200 in older people.

I think a lot of these fatal cases contract something else on the way which is unfortunately a common occurrence with hospitalizations and has been for decades now. I know of several close cases where friends/family almost died from a picked-up co-infection, being in very good health before but they had to go for some routine surgery etc. but they just have to magically test +ive for !covid! within a month and it's another !covid! death.

Yes, it’s possible that the “Long COVID” people talk about is actually side effects from the medical procedures people are subjected to while in the hospital or outpatient rather than effects of the virus itself. And how many “COVID deaths” are actually just a result of bad medicine? Probably a considerable amount.
9   GNL   2021 Sep 6, 8:44pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Or it's possible the virus has and continues to be seeded, either by areal spray, or someone walking through crowds spritzing unsuspecting people with it.

I've thought about this also. If it is happening, terrifying.
10   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 6, 11:00pm  

Ceffer says
So what are people dying of? Poisoning? Opportunistic infections after having their immune systems blown by 'vaccines'? Some combination? It's the fog of war.

The people in the article are reported unvaxxed. Obviously their deaths are used as propaganda to promote he vaxx. But I posted the article because I believe that we need to include this information in our knowledge base and attempt to understand what their deaths mean, if anything. It has to be statistically unlikely that three prominent antivaxxers end up dead of COVID in a matter of weeks. In this case the number is 6!
11   Blue   2021 Sep 7, 12:13am  

PeopleUnited says
And how many “COVID deaths” are actually just a result of bad medicine? Probably a considerable amount.

I know people who lost family members (>50s) after admitted into hospitals including few left and died in days/weeks back in India few months back. I heard that 'doctors' were trying all sort of things like antibiotics and steroids every few hours every day. I suspect the quantities and deadly combinations cocktails might kill their victims. I even heard a case they do not released dead-body until payed the sky-high bills.

People are so confused and start believing a free "herbal medicine" in some cases. One snake oil vs another.
I know one person who (female in 30s) took it and got Covid a month later and recovered on 3rd day!

Hope the profit seeking big pharma and political corruption will end soon to liberate humanity.
12   richwicks   2021 Sep 7, 1:44am  

Blue says
Hope the profit seeking big pharma and political corruption will end soon to liberate humanity.

Here's the awful truth:

You have the tiny minority of wolves that want to control all the animals, the sheep push around everybody else and are mindlessly directed by the wolves, and there's that segment (which is larger in numbers than the wolves, but smaller in numbers than the sheep) that just want to be left alone.

Being a wolf is too morally abhorrent, being a sheep, is too pathetic.
13   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 7, 5:33am  

There are also sheep dogs, so called white hats who actively seek to protect the sheep from the wolves.
14   Robert Sproul   2021 Sep 7, 8:00am  

PeopleUnited says
a result of bad medicine?

Medical "errors" ARE the third leading cause of death according to this Johns Hopkins study:

Early in the "pandemic" young, ostensibly healthy, Doctors across the globe were quickly succumbing to Covid. My understanding is they were getting tremendous "inoculums" of the virus, intubating or otherwise caring for very sick patients. If you get a huge initial infective dose of virus, millions instead of dozens of bugs, your immune system can't respond quickly enough and you are overwhelmed. Anyway it does seem like they could use this as a kill tool, somehow delivering a dose of virus that could kill a horse.....wait a minute.....
15   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Sep 7, 8:28am  

PeopleUnited says
Could it be the virus naturally infected and killed these men or do we dare ask if they get Epsteined with a lethal dose of the Virus delivered by some black ops assassins?

The only truly lethal form of this disease is spread by the shots. As the number of people taking them has proliferated, it's possible they came into contact with it that way. It's been known since the beginning that the hospital protocols are wrong, and ventilators should not be used. I know in at least one case(for the above names) the hospital basically knocked the guy out, then hooked him up to die.

But I also wouldn't rule out darts with the "vaccine", especially if the deaths are very close together, and there isn't obvious contact with recently "vaxxed" people to explain it.
16   mell   2021 Sep 7, 9:27am  

PeopleUnited says
mell says
Ceffer says
Way back we said Covid would be used as a cover for political assassinations. Ricin poisoning is perfect as a 'Covid' fake death because it mimics flu type lung disease for a few days and is nearly untraceable post mortem. Ricin poisoning is also irreversible.

Even with some co morbidity, the chances of fake Covid death or whatever it is they claim is Covid are quite low, like one in 200 in older people.

I think a lot of these fatal cases contract something else on the way which is unfortunately a common occurrence with hospitalizations and has been for decades now. I know of several close cases where friends/family almost died from a picked-up co-infection, being in very good health before but they had to go for some routine surgery etc. but they just have to magically test +ive for !covid! withi...

Actually long covid is total bullshit made up fear porn. EVERY infection has a small chance to cause either irreparable damage or reparable damage that lasts for quite a while, from weeks to years. That is not new, it could be mono (ebv), q fever, the flu, anything. people using the term long covid should be publicly caned, the correct term is post-viral-fatigue syndrome, not a great term and sort of a misnomer, but still 1000 times better than bullshit 'long-covid'.
17   richwicks   2021 Sep 7, 9:30am  

PeopleUnited says
There are also sheep dogs, so called white hats who actively seek to protect the sheep from the wolves.

It's counter productive at this point.

I have to listen to people who think that the unvaccinated are spreading a virus now. I have heard people actually say that. So, I ask them "if the vaccine is effective, you're immune aren't you?" If the answer is:

YES) Then it doesn't matter if I actually get ill or not, you're immune
NO) Then it doesn't matter, you can still spread the disease and you're placing evolutionary pressure on the pathogen since you're vaccinated, and I'm not.

I am so goddamned sick of people who are supposedly intelligent, thoughtful people, not being intelligent or thoughtful and I'm tired of trying to make them think even at a rudimentary level.
18   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 7, 1:27pm  

mell says
people using the term long covid should be publicly caned, the correct term is post-viral-fatigue syndrome, not a great term and sort of a misnomer, but still 1000 times better than bullshit 'long-covid'.

I heard an ad on the radio this morning from some government agency looking for people who are being discriminated against by their employer as a result of their long lasting Covid related disabilities. The government is awash in Covid relief funds and using them to spread Fear and disinformation in new and creative ways. I can’t believe people are actually losing their jobs for refusing Vaxx, and government is spending money to help flu survivors instead.
19   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 7, 1:29pm  

richwicks says
I have to listen to people who think that the unvaccinated are spreading a virus now. I have heard people actually say that. So, I ask them "if the vaccine is effective, you're immune aren't you?" If the answer is:

YES) Then it doesn't matter if I actually get ill or not, you're immune
NO) Then it doesn't matter, you can still spread the disease and you're placing evolutionary pressure on the pathogen since you're vaccinated, and I'm not.

Don’t forget, the reason you HAVE to be vaccinated is because children cannot, and elderly don’t get full protection because the vaxx doesn’t make them illicit an immune response. Those are the arguments that the black hats make.

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